Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='lokizz']damn you now im going to have that in my head anytime i watch that movie lol. i love that movie though and the game on ps2 was amazing shit. makes me want to watch some horror movies or something ive seen some interesting titles on netflix but man alot of those zombie movies on there never fail to disappoint.[/QUOTE]

I really wanted to play that PS2 game. Totally skipped over it back then, but everytime I read a "awesome scary games you need to play" article, that game is always in there. Might ebay it, but it'll probably just go right into the dreaded backlog.
[quote name='nasum']did you watch Henry Foole 1st? If you didn't, no wonder you hated Faye Grim as it would have no context at all.

But good lord that overcoat she was wearing in France... so yum.[/QUOTE]

Ugh... But I still feel it should stand on its own. If Henry Fool pops up on Netflix I'll give it a shot and let you know if it changes my mind about Fay Grim. For now it just comes off as an under budgeted movie that bit off way more than it could chew.

As for the dress. It was very nice indeed. The phone placement made me chuckle.
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While you guys are stuck on the crappy Thing prequel, I'm heading to see 21 Jump Street tonight at the midnight showing. I'll let you know how it is. Been hearing good things.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I really wanted to play that PS2 game. Totally skipped over it back then, but everytime I read a "awesome scary games you need to play" article, that game is always in there. Might ebay it, but it'll probably just go right into the dreaded backlog.[/QUOTE]

its worth playing the ending sucked but the overall game had the perfect amount of terror and fear in it.
[quote name='Golden Idol']While you guys are stuck on the crappy Thing prequel, I'm heading to see 21 Jump Street tonight at the midnight showing. I'll let you know how it is. Been hearing good things.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Golden Idol']While you guys are stuck on the crappy Thing prequel, I'm heading to see 21 Jump Street tonight at the midnight showing. I'll let you know how it is. Been hearing good things.[/QUOTE]

at least youll have the theater to yourself.
Theater was packed. Flick was hilarious. Better comedy I have seen in months. Very enjoyable. Pure buddy comedy. Not serious at all but not stupid either.

Tatum and Hill are gold together. A lot of the comedy is based around the characters insecurities. I would say the action they did throw in could have been trimmed as the comedy stuff was so solid.

Looking forward to sequel.
[quote name='Golden Idol']Theater was packed. Flick was hilarious.

Did you find the commercials funny for 21 Jump Street? I change the channel, leave the room, or turn the TV off when they come on.
[quote name='Necrozilla']Did you find the commercials funny for 21 Jump Street? I change the channel, leave the room, or turn the TV off when they come on.[/QUOTE]

Is this really how you react to a trailer? Also, are you a person?
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Is this really how you react to a trailer? Also, are you a person?[/QUOTE]
This is the first time I recall doing all that, but these commercials are on a media blitz which just looks like a cash grab on this Jonah Hill mania [that also baffles me] with forced comedy using a rejected script from the early 90's with undercovers in school or whatever it is. And the title just makes no sense to top it off.
The flick was pretty pretty funny and I enjoyed it along the levels of an old Jim Carrey film (Liar, Liar). Although they market the film as being about police partners, it's really not. It's more about the relationship these guys have and how they practically become brothers. The film is actually directed by the guys who did "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs" and I actually think this was funnier than that.

I know Hill turns a lot of people off but his straight man schtick really works well with Tatum's "I'm NOT stupid!" character. And a lot of the humor of the film comes from the relationship these guys have rather than the marketed "crazy" hijinks they get into - which is kind of disingenuous on the marketing's part.

And I get the humor doesn't work in the trailer or the television commercial, but it works in the film and that's what really matters.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Is this really how you react to a trailer? Also, are you a person?[/QUOTE]

i change the channel for that commercial theyre trying way to hard with those commercials and the concept only worked as a tv show because they used attractive people and it was the 80s we didnt know any better.

i hate forced comedies the only person who does them somewhat successfully is will ferrel and even he can be fucking annoying at times.....many times. the kind of comedy they pimp nowdays is just so damn grating and a bit insulting to peoples intelligence.
[quote name='lokizz']i change the channel for that commercial theyre trying way to hard with those commercials and the concept only worked as a tv show because they used attractive people and it was the 80s we didnt know any better.

i hate forced comedies the only person who does them somewhat successfully is will ferrel and even he can be fucking annoying at times.....many times. the kind of comedy they pimp nowdays is just so damn grating and a bit insulting to peoples intelligence.[/QUOTE]

What's the last top ten "intelligent" films you saw from 2011?

This is no different than any buddy comedy released since the 80's. Just because you're too stupid to see through the crap marketing and spot a decent film for what it is... well it means you're too stupid to see through crap marketing and see a good film for what it is.

I honestly don't give a shit if you watch it or not. But you're hating on something you don't know anything about and making decisions based not on the film itself. It's idiotic and there's nothing intelligent about it. If you don't want to watch it. Good for you. But the fact you're saying things are "forced" or whatever nonsense you're trying to get at, without having seen the film, it just makes you ignorant.

You didn't see it? You don't get to judge it.
[quote name='Golden Idol']What's the last top ten "intelligent" films you saw from 2011?

This is no different than any buddy comedy released since the 80's. Just because you're too stupid to see through the crap marketing and spot a decent film for what it is... well it means you're too stupid to see through crap marketing and see a good film for what it is.

I honestly don't give a shit if you watch it or not. But you're hating on something you don't know anything about and making decisions based not on the film itself. It's idiotic and there's nothing intelligent about it. If you don't want to watch it. Good for you. But the fact you're saying things are "forced" or whatever nonsense you're trying to get at, without having seen the film, it just makes you ignorant.

You didn't see it? You don't get to judge it.[/QUOTE]

ive seen enough movies to know easily whether I ( see what I said there I) will like it or not the film looks dumb as shit and Id never waste my time on it. I also get turned off by hollywood going out of their way to force feed actors and actresses down our throats one hit and then youre bombarded by an onslaught of films with this guy or girl in them and both channing tatum and that goofy guy are in that club.

ill get back to you on the 2011 list but first id need to ask do they need to have been released in 2011 or just films ive seen in 2011 period? i dont like alot of the stuff that comes out in america but i do love foreign films so once youve let me know what the criteria is ill set you up with my list.

and please dont compare this shit film with other buddy comedies youre gonna tell me this movie compares with lethal weapon, or 48 hours or dragnet? cmon man.........
[quote name='lokizz']ive seen enough movies to know easily whether I ( see what I said there I) will like it or not the film looks dumb as shit and Id never waste my time on it. I also get turned off by hollywood going out of their way to force feed actors and actresses down our throats one hit and then youre bombarded by an onslaught of films with this guy or girl in them and both channing tatum and that goofy guy are in that club.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this 100% if those two morons weren't in the movie I would gladly go see it. I can't stand being force fed shitty actor(s) because they were in one successful movie. Jonah Hill annoys the hell out of me so I could care less about any movie starring him. Honestly he ruined Get Him to the Greek and Moneyball for me. I don't blame the actors, I say make all the money you can while you can, but rather the studios. I guess also the stupid audiences who will go see a shitty movie because someone is in it. It can go the other way for people like me who avoid certain movies because of certain actors. Oh well in the end I think our opinions are of very little consequence.

Back on topic I saw John Carter today and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Its a shame that I don't think they will get make any sequels. The Lorax was much better than I expected as well and I would recommend it, especially if you have kids.

Young Adult was a great movie and I was totally surprised as I knew nothing about before we rented it.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Is this really how you react to a trailer? Also, are you a person?[/QUOTE]

I do the same thing. Oddly enough most recently for the same actor, switched to the news during commercial breaks everytime that COD commercial came on.

I guess when it comes to comedy, I have different tastes. Any episode of The Wire (far from a comedy) made me laugh more than a year worth of supposed "blockbuster" comedies. Then again, I'm a miserable fuck, so to make me laugh you have to hide your comedy in some depressing shit. Schindler's List, where that kid hid from the Nazis in the bottom of an outhouse: CLASSIC!
[quote name='lokizz']ive seen enough movies to know easily whether I ( see what I said there I) will like it or not the film looks dumb as shit and Id never waste my time on it. I also get turned off by hollywood going out of their way to force feed actors and actresses down our throats one hit and then youre bombarded by an onslaught of films with this guy or girl in them and both channing tatum and that goofy guy are in that club.

ill get back to you on the 2011 list but first id need to ask do they need to have been released in 2011 or just films ive seen in 2011 period? i dont like alot of the stuff that comes out in america but i do love foreign films so once youve let me know what the criteria is ill set you up with my list.

and please dont compare this shit film with other buddy comedies youre gonna tell me this movie compares with lethal weapon, or 48 hours or dragnet? cmon man.........[/QUOTE]

I watch foreign stuff as well. Not the point although you're clearly hiding behind it.

Can I compare it to Lethal Weapon, 48 Hours, or Dragnet? Yes.

Can you? No.

Why not? Because you haven't seen it.

About not liking the actors though. That's a fair opinion. That said, it's only a slight tier below Dragnet. It's not a bad film.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I do the same thing. Oddly enough most recently for the same actor, switched to the news during commercial breaks everytime that COD commercial came on.

I guess when it comes to comedy, I have different tastes. Any episode of The Wire (far from a comedy) made me laugh more than a year worth of supposed "blockbuster" comedies. Then again, I'm a miserable fuck, so to make me laugh you have to hide your comedy in some depressing shit. Schindler's List, where that kid hid from the Nazis in the bottom of an outhouse: CLASSIC![/QUOTE]

we saw that in school and when those kids told him " get out theres not enough room" i couldnt help but laugh hell everyone did even the teacher. i think they nicknamed it the bottomless booboo pit.
Project X - For what it is, I really liked it. There really is no script outside of a huge, "oh shit" moment heavy party. Got quite a few good laughs out of it.
Hey guys.

This Thursday I'm going to throw up a $100 Fandango Gift Code up here for you guys to use towards a movie for the weekend. First come, first serve.

I only do this because for all the shit I give some of you, I think you're all the bees knees. I'll do it again every weekend if you guys can gather together and Paypal me another $10 for that weekend. No strings attached.

Don't abuse this and take your entire extended family to the theaters. Be kind enough to let a few of your other fellow CAG members to benefit as well.
21 Jump Street- good. Lots of laughs
Project X- fun party movie. I get why it doesn't review well. It's a very straightforward party movie that goes overboard and then gets even wilder. If you expect that you will have a good time.
Lets see..

Super not my kind of thing, only watched because I was bored. I do get some enjoyment out of lame films like this. Didn't like Kick Ass either.

Fast Five same old thing, not great but not bad. Love how tough Dwayne Johnson is though.
[quote name='Golden Idol']Hey guys.

This Thursday I'm going to throw up a $100 Fandango Gift Code up here for you guys to use towards a movie for the weekend. First come, first serve.

I only do this because for all the shit I give some of you, I think you're all the bees knees. I'll do it again every weekend if you guys can gather together and Paypal me another $10 for that weekend. No strings attached.

Don't abuse this and take your entire extended family to the theaters. Be kind enough to let a few of your other fellow CAG members to benefit as well.[/QUOTE]


I lied. Here it is early. Have fun at the theaters. Remember to allow your fellow CAGs to get a piece of this. :)

If you guys are willing to band together and split me $10 (or $1 per person), I can get you another next week.
[quote name='Golden Idol']


I lied. Here it is early. Have fun at the theaters. Remember to allow your fellow CAGs to get a piece of this. :)

If you guys are willing to band together and split me $10 (or $1 per person), I can get you another next week.

used it to get a ticket for 21 jump street! thank you!!!! just got one ticket so everybody else enjoy! ill post a review of it when back! :D
Awesome thing of you to do. Too bad there's nothing left for me to see (that I have any interest in). I go to the theater too much :lol:
Remember guys, if you can, try to buy matinee tickets as those usually run for $6 or so. This way we can get more mileage for everyone here.

I'm probably also going to open a Fandango Gift Card shop on the trading forum soon in case anyone wants to buy these outright from me. If anyone is looking, I'll probably sell a $100 Gift Card for... $50 to my fellow CAGs only. If you're interested, send me a PM and we'll work something out.
[quote name='Golden Idol']


I lied. Here it is early. Have fun at the theaters. Remember to allow your fellow CAGs to get a piece of this. :)

If you guys are willing to band together and split me $10 (or $1 per person), I can get you another next week.

It is all gone. Oh well thanks for the effort. People should post when they use it otherwise I would assume lurkers got most of it.
I saw Drive and Hugo this weekend.

Drive was as good as the critics made it out to be. Nothing really happened for the first hour and almost no dialogue, but still felt it was entertaining and a bit hypnotic.

Hugo was charming and had some really nice moments, but I wasn't really thrilled with it.
[quote name='Golden Idol']


I lied. Here it is early. Have fun at the theaters. Remember to allow your fellow CAGs to get a piece of this. :)

If you guys are willing to band together and split me $10 (or $1 per person), I can get you another next week.
Maybe next time you should send the code in pms to people who ask, so lurkers don't get to them first.
[quote name='moon_knight']Maybe next time you should send the code in pms to people who ask, so lurkers don't get to them first.[/QUOTE]

It's all in good fun really.

I didn't want to seem like I was playing favorites. It's like a lowball in that you usually never know when one is going to end, except here you never know when I'm going to throw one of these up.

However, for next weekend, if people interested want to donate $10 to my PP, I'll give them first dibs at it. If everyone gets matinee tickets, and donates $1 each, that should use up roughly $60 worth of the gift card. Then I would list it here and everyone else can have a go at it. First come, first serve. Send me a PM if you're down.
Finally got Drive from Netflix and watched it last night.

Thought it was very good. Strong performances, loved the score etc. The violence was a bit much for me though.
Game Change
It's on demand from hbo. Throw away your political affiliations and enjoy a great movie about politics. It would be a shame to ignore it due to someone's political leanings.
Saw Tintin last night, technically impressive and a hell of a lot of fun. Captain Haddock made the movie. Surprisingly my younger sister - an animation student - seemed bored but I was thoroughly wrapped up in it.

Hoping to see Hunger Games this weekend. Haven't been to the theater since Captain America. I think I remember where it is.
Going to watch "The Hunger Games" tonight, "The Raid: Redemption" and "Kahaani" next Thursday. I will let you guys know how all three are.

If anyone wants to chip in for the community $10, I can drop off any $100 Fandango gift card into the thread.

Otherwise it will have been a one-time offer. I'm also selling $100 GC for $50 as well. You'll end up saving 50% on all your movie tickets.
The Hunger Games

Are you a single male? Watch Battle Royale instead.

Have a girlfriend? Go ahead. It's three tiers above Twilight and you won't hate yourself for checking it out. There's some definite schmaltz there though and it was enough to get me to roll my eyes. Perhaps it won't be a problem for you but it should have been R-rated. The main character instigates a love triangle instead of being true to the gay waiting back at home for her. It's understandable based at the situation she is in though.

Next up:
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bread's done