Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Really? You think pacific rim sucked? Give me back your weaboo card.

There I just tore it up now sell your copy of hastuna miku and get $10 back from gamestop

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Riddick isn't a reboot.

Pitch Black was good I thought

Warm Bodies - Awesome movie and cool story. 4/5

Olympus Has Fallen - Meh, it's alright. 2/5

Kick ass 2 - throwaway entertainment. Certainly not as bad as the reviews made it out to be.

Great Gatsby - couldn't get into it, mainly in part due to the hip-hop. It may be a shallow reason but it killed any sort of immersion I had in the film.

I'll probably see The Grandmaster today or tomorrow.

Why are there so many IP Man movies though? It's getting kind of ridiculous at this point.

The only ones that matter involve Donnie Yen,

Trigun: Badlands Rumble - 3/5 - It would have been better had it no just been an extended episode of the show that just looks prettier. Besides that, everything was top notch. I'd like to see the series remade in this style.

Oh cool had no idea there are trigun movies. I hated how the anime series ended which is totally unlike the manga.
FUNi released it a while back. You can get the DVD version dirt cheap. FYE has them marked down to $7.50 and often gives it away with anime purchase.

Bad thing about the dub is that Johnny Young Bosch is the only returning cast member. Everyone else is voices by FUNi regulars.
Dawg you know me too well. I just ''bought'' the movie with the dual audio option so I can laugh at how shitty american voices sound and then switch to japanese

FUNi released it a while back. You can get the DVD version dirt cheap. FYE has them marked down to $7.50 and often gives it away with anime purchase.

Bad thing about the dub is that Johnny Young Bosch is the only returning cast member. Everyone else is voices by FUNi regulars.
I had no idea bosch was the voice of vash until I wiki'd the badlands movie

You're Next and The World's End were tons of fun. The theater I saw You're Next in hardly had any people, which was lame.

I blame anyone who didn't go see it while it was in theaters.
This is true but people either weren't familiar with Dredd or remembered the terrible first attempt and avoided it. I didn't even go (though I only make about 2-4 theater trips a year)

I bought the blu-ray after watching it, and I think the home video money was strong enough, with the star kern to do more, will help get a sequel made.
Surviving Progress - 9/10

I gotta stop watching documentaries... #ugh

Lost some of it's focus in parts, but not new info for me.

Ha. That's if there will be more. Urban seems really into it so there's a chance.
I'd be down for sure.
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I'd def see it in theatre. I didn't see it in theatres cause I was just so unsure about a reboot since the first and taking the helmet off. I'm going out tomorrow and buying the Blu-Ray it was that good. Besides, Netflix was being stupid and kept going back and forth between HD. 

I have seen a few movies lately.

The Hangover Part 3 - Not bad but I think they ran out of ideas.

Star Trek Into Darkness - Very good and works well with 3D. I really like Karl Urban as Khan!

Iron Man 3 - A good ending to the trilogy. I will miss RDJ as Tony Stark. 

Now You See Me - Good but a little confusing at times. It makes me feel that I should watch this one again.

Pacific Rim - Big ass robots fighting sea creatures me likey!! It was cool seeing Jax from Sons of Anarchy in a major role. I felt he did well with the material. The cameo by Ron Perlman was also priceless. Not to mention Charlie from Always Sunny was his usual amusing self.

Next I plan to watch Man of Steel. 

I have seen a few movies lately.

The Hangover Part 3 - Not bad but I think they ran out of ideas.

Star Trek Into Darkness - Very good and works well with 3D. I really like Karl Urban as !

Iron Man 3 - A good ending to the trilogy. I will miss RDJ as Tony Stark.

Now You See Me - Good but a little confusing at times. It makes me feel that I should watch this one again.

Pacific Rim - Big ass robots fighting sea creatures me likey!! It was cool seeing Jax from Sons of Anarchy in a major role. I felt he did well with the material. The cameo by Ron Perlman was also priceless. Not to mention Charlie from Always Sunny was his usual amusing self.

Next I plan to watch Man of Steel.
Karl Urban was Dr 'Bones' McCoy, Cumberbatch was the villain you mentioned (might be considered a spoiler)

RDJ will still be Iron Man in the Avengers movie. But I hope they just stop with the Iron Man movie now. I thought the third was a good ending to the trilogy.
Not anytime soon though. With phase 3 I think they have some films filled in, so no iron man there and once they get past that they have Daredevil, Blade and I think Ghostrider back now.

I would like them to have R rated films in the MCU with the darker characters that don't need to cross over with Avengers. Instead they could do 2 man crossovers than team films like Daredevil/Punisher.

Not anytime soon though. With phase 3 I think they have some films filled in, so no iron man there and once they get past that they have Daredevil, Blade and I think Ghostrider back now.

I would like them to have R rated films in the MCU with the darker characters that don't need to cross over with Avengers. Instead they could do 2 man crossovers than team films like Daredevil/Punisher.
I don't expect any R-rated MCU movies at all.
Watched Felon last night with my wife and we both loved it. It starred Val Kilmer, Stephen Dorff and Sam Shepherd and was basically about a man who went to jail for killing someone that broke into his house. The jail guards wind up being totally crooked as they basically schedule fights between the inmates. Think Shawshank redemption mixed with UFC, lol. I thought it was going to suck and it wound up being one of the better films I have seen in some time. What's amazing, beyond the fact that Stephen Dorff was in it and it was good, is the fact that it was a straight to DVD film. It was probably the best straight to video movie I have seen yet. 

bread's done