Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Heima - A truly beautiful movie.

Super High Me - Some funny parts and some political parts but overall a mediocre movie.

King Corn - Michael Moore needs to watch and take some film making notes on how to make a non-preachy documentary starting from the source.

Never Back Down - Cheesetastic martial arts movie for the cell phone generation. NBD is a bad movie that rips off every similar movie in the last 30 years but with that said I didn't hate it and I had fun watching it.
Vantage Point 2/5

This movie was incredibly disappointing. One of the major plot twists is actually spoiled in the trailer and the other one comes out of nowhere and has literally no back story behind it. It just kinda happens and then it is over.

However, since I paid nothing to watch it and I really had nothing better to do, it was OK while it lasted.
The Other Boleyn Girl - Need mor heaving bosoms. It was okay I guess. From what I've heard it isn't very historically accurate so that's a bummer. However, it did make me want to be a king.
[quote name='spoo']
Never Back Down - Cheesetastic martial arts movie for the cell phone generation. NBD is a bad movie that rips off every similar movie in the last 30 years but with that said I didn't hate it and I had fun watching it.[/QUOTE]
I enjoyed that movie way too much. It reminded me of the good old days of JCVD (Jean Claude Van Damme) when it was okay to like cheese. It was like the Fast and Furious of this generations new found trend - MMA.
Well I watched No Country for Old Men, and I have to say this movie is epic. I would truly recommend it to anyone here. Javier Bardem is one sick dude in this movie, man, its good enough for a repeat watch.
Chaos Theory

A very oddly-paced "dramatic comedy" with Ryan Reynolds and Emily Mortimer. The plot required a level of suspension of disbelief that I don't think I'm capable of mustering up, but there was something I sort of liked about it.

Perhaps it was Sarah Chalke's sexy drunken lingerie seduction scene?
Forgot that I watched The Devil's Experiment (one of the Guinea Pig movies) last night with the missus, then we watched the MST3K version of The Incredible Melting Man tonight.
Doomsday - It's one of those movies you have to watch with friends and make fun of it to really enjoy it. Also some of the scoring was stolen right out of john murphy's score for 28 weeks later.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Happiness of the Katakuris

Still one of the funniest musicals ever.[/quote]

absolutely. this movie is definitely worth your time.
[quote name='Foo228']Juno

So...why was this movie raved after? I thought it was awful.

imo: the female lead should've been someone else[/QUOTE]

I love Ellen Page.

And speaking of which I watched Smart People last night. I'd give it about a 6.5-7/10

It is, just as the title says, a smart comedy. I was expecting a little more out of it as it was made by the producers of sideways, but anyone that enjoyed that movie or those styles of movies should at least enjoy this movie. Some really good acting. Actors play the roles very well just not much story wise.
Tropic Thunder (7/10) - I can't say I enjoyed Jack Black in any of his recent films, Tropic Thunder is the exception. Jack Black plays an actor who is addicted to drugs but once they are on their own he is out of his drugs and faces withdrawl. Obviously Robert Downey Jr is amazing like usual and makes the whole "playing a black guy" classic. I dont think anyone else could have done his role..its that good.

What more movies need to do like Tropic Thunder, Pixar Films, & Grindhouse are shorts before the movie. Tropic Thunder does one for each of the stars in the film and each are hysterical. Satan's Alley FTW.

"I'm a lead farmer, mother fucker!"
Stepbrothers - The initially funny joke of Will Farrell and John C. Reilly being man-children gets old about halfway through the movie. Although their "Boats and Hoes" song had me in tears. Well worth the $0 I spent to see it.
Knocked Up ended up growing on me, surprisingly.

As for Ellen Page, I think it was the random "slang" terms she used that got to me. Don`t have any complaints about Michael Cera though.
Tropic Thunder is...nothing special.
the intros and black robert downey jr. were the best parts...imho

Go see Pineapple Express, again.
[quote name='Foo228']Knocked Up ended up growing on me, surprisingly.

As for Ellen Page, I think it was the random "slang" terms she used that got to me. Don`t have any complaints about Michael Cera though.[/quote]

Did you mean Juno?

Anyhow Pineapple Express was great.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']The Beyond

That movie sucks so much dick. :lol:
[quote name='Brak']That movie sucks so much dick. :lol:[/quote]

False statement. I was looking for an awesomely gorey movie, and got exactly what I wanted.
Hiraki Sawa's Elsewhere and Spotter.

Both were very strange shorts. They seem like they're more meant to be visual art than anything.
The sound of jets in Spotter was immensely soothing though; I almost fell asleep because of them, and the short is less than 10 minutes long. :lol:
[quote name='spoo']Smart People - It wasn't nearly as cleaver as it should have been but great acting for a mediocre script. It was just ok.[/quote]

Did you mean clever?

A cleaver is a great big knife. ;)
Following 5/5

This was Christopher Nolan's first theatrical film and only done with $6,000 and a cast of amateur actors. However you really couldn't tell this unless you read about it on IMDB. The setting and cinematography made this an excellent Neo-Noir film.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Did you mean Juno?

Anyhow Pineapple Express was great.[/quote]

Nope lol. For some reason, my brother rented the 2 comedies that dealt with pregnancies in the past year. Saw Juno first, nothing seemed believable (or even funny) about it...then there was Knocked Up which at first I didn't like but when they grew out of the whole "pregnancy" thing, and started to develop seemingly individual characters. Oh yea, and there was no Ellen Page. :hot:
I was completely shocked that I actually really liked Stepbrothers! I very rarely like Will Farrell movies, but ended up getting dragged to this one by some (guy) friends. I found it (other than "the" drum scene and the dog poo scene) extremely hilarious and was in tears with the ways they were avoiding their house getting sold! Altogether, a great experience.

Am going to go see Tropic Thunder this weekend and hope it turns out to be as good or better than expected!! :)
[quote name='Liquid 2']Primer

Really good, but really confusing. Definitely needs rewatching so I can understand what the hell was going on. :lol:[/quote]

Is that the little indie about the guys who build a time machine inside a self-storage unit? If so, it definitely requires multiple viewings. The audio commentary is really interesting, too...sort of a crash course on how to make a super-low-budget sci-fi movie. Good stuff.
Saw Mirrors tonight with some friends. I knew nothing about it going in.

I really disliked it. Some of the "gruesome" or "scary" parts I couldn't help but chuckle. Didn't really care for the premise. And I hated the ending too.
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Simpsons Movie. Hadn't seen it yet. I don't watch many movies, see. But it somehow ended up in my house, so I popped it in today.

Overwhelmingly mediocre.
The Hills Have Eyes - Saw this one awhile ago but sorta forgot what it was about. The beginning part of the film went on a bit too long for my taste but it finishes well. I am pretty young so this is probably the oldest film I seen on the big screen ('77). It holds up very well, the print visually looked great, audio was a bit tinny for my taste but then again it could be because I haven't seen an old film in a large theater. I am sure the dvd w/ remastered audio is a must watch.

Deadly Spawn - Fun film. Gets a little dull with a few longer then needed dialog scenes but great kills and good specials effects for '83. It has a few memorable moments with the younger kid standing in the basement for 10minutes straight, the girl comes over to study and gets attacked, gf gets head bitten off and thrown out the second story window, and the vegetarian party scene. Worth your time if you can find a copy.
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