Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Hard Boiled - just got the new 2-disc special edition and this movie still has one of the best action scenes in movie history.
Saw The Simpsons Movie, Live Free or Die Hard, and Smoking Aces this weekend.

Nothing too highbrow but all were entertaining, in their own right.
I'd give The Simpsons Movie 7 or 8 out of 10. It was good, but the joke per minute ratio was pretty low compared to an episode of the TV show. It actually felt like the plot of a half-hour episode stretched over 1.5 hours. So the pacing was a little off. But when the jokes hit home, they were great. And it was entertaining overall.

I suspect they'll do better with the sequel, when there's less "Look! It's the Simpsons! On a movie screen! Look what we can do!" and more of the trademark humor that has sustained the show for a decade and a half.

Also, you will never in your life see more Korean names in a credit scroll outside Korea. Wow.
The Dead Girl - 6.5/10 - Decent movie, not too exciting, but kept my interest

Zodiac - 7/10 - Interesting movie. I enjoyed the movie, jsut about 40 minutes too long.
I actually finally got around to watching all the Harry Potter movies and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable they were.

Zodiac was also much better than I thought it would be, then I realized why. Fincher directed it.
Watched Disturbia, actually quite good. I was expecting a shitty Rear Window ripoff. Although, nothing could be better than the original.
The Untouchables (Blu-Ray). A decent movie brought down by a mind-numbingly awful score. Are all of Brian DePalma's movies like that (Scarface also comes to mind)?

Sean Connery's acting was excellent. Same with DeNiro, though after seeing this, I've finally (late to the party, I know) gathered the feeling that DeNiro only knows how to act one role - the foul-mouthed tough guy with a short fuse.
[quote name='mykevermin']The Untouchables (Blu-Ray). A decent movie brought down by a mind-numbingly awful score. Are all of Brian DePalma's movies like that (Scarface also comes to mind)?

Sean Connery's acting was excellent. Same with DeNiro, though after seeing this, I've finally (late to the party, I know) gathered the feeling that DeNiro only knows how to act one role - the foul-mouthed tough guy with a short fuse.[/quote]

I quite enjoyed him(De Niro) in a less type-casted role in The Good Sheperd, though I think he did a bad job of casting it. Decent film but Damon and Jolie just don't work for me.

its a really good movie. kinda reminds me of Chad Vader a little since the setting is mostly inside the grocery store.
Stuck in a hotel room last night and The Inside Man was on HBO...inspired mostly by Maklershed's sig, I decided to watch. Loved it.

[quote name='Mex25']The Lookout[/quote]
So freakin' good...I wish more people saw it.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an amazing actor. If you haven't seen them, rent Brick and Mysterious Skin.
Memories of Murder.
Awesome korean movie. Based on a true story about a serial killer in Korea who is still yet to be found.
Went to see Sunshine last night, I thought it was pretty good, one of the better Sci-Fi films I've seen recently.

8 out of 10 I reckon.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Rescue Dawn

Holy crap, I loved it, awesome movie[/quote]
Saw it on Sunday. It must take a unique psyche to watch your town get bombed into dust as a child and think, "Wow! I want to do that!" Also, I wonder if Christian Bale's breakthrough role in "Empire of the Sun" had anything to do with his casting here. The monologue he delivers in the camp about being able to see the eyes of the American pilot almost seemed to be a moment by moment description of the scene in "Empire..." when the American pilots are bombing the Japanese internment camp and one of them opens up his canopy and is waving at Christian Bale's character. Eerie.

Steve Zahn's character's fate surprised me, but then I would expect nothing less from Herzog. Also, did you find it a little disingenous that his buddies were able to just fly him back to the carrier with no repurcussions? Do you think the CIA just threw up their hands and said, "Oh well. He's gone. Guess we won't interrogate him. Those wacky Navy boys!"

Incidentally, Werner Herzog was obviously very taken with this story, because he also made a documentary about Dieter Dengler in 1998 called "Little Dieter Needs to Fly." I've moved it to the top of my Netflix queue. I'm really curious about what parts of "Rescue Dawn" were based on reality and what was fictionalized. Also would like to know what happened to some of the other characters.
Sunshine - pretty damn good movie until the third act
which turns into an everyday slasher in space movie
Bourne Ultimatum - being a huge fan of the first two movies, I felt a bit let down. It's still very enjoyable, but I prefer the first two of the series.
Hot Rod - freaking funny. If you like the SNL digital shorts or have seen Awesometown, you will love Hot Rod.
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and larry

Sure, it was FILLED with sterotypes, and I thought it was sucky after reading reviews, but it was kinda funny
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