Tales of the Abyss 3DS on clearance ($19.98) at Target!


Just went to my local Target to pick up MLB the show for vita an spotted Tales of the Abyss on the clearance rack for $19.98! Instantly grabbed an purchased. Posted a pic to show the game with the tag. I think I read this is a limited release and may not get a 2nd printing I am not sure.

**YMMV!** is what I am being told

Nah, it got a second printing OP. I sold one for $60 right beforehand, too! MWAHAHAHA

Although I wouldn't mind having a copy for myself. The only reason I sold mine was because I knew i wouldn't play it at the time, haha.
[quote name='Chinese_cuisine']Ymmv went to two targets in the bay area (A St. And bayfair) both retail price[/QUOTE]

Made sure to add that to the post.
Nice price. I know my Target would never clearance that shit because they are stingy bastards. Although it's a great game and defiantly worth the $20, or even $40 they want for it.
remember one day the item can be on sale and the next not..

Fossil fighters champions was on sale at our target
then boom they took them all off the shelf and stuck them back behind the plastic video game boxes and tossed the 29.99 price back on them
[quote name='mindatlarge']if you already own this for ps2 is it also worth getting on the 3DS?[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't unless you're REALLY into the series, or the game itself. If you've played it before, there isn't much of an update graphics wise.. or in any other department really. I never played it on PS2, so it was nice to get it on a handheld, otherwise not much of a reason.

Also, there are frame rate issues and the 3D isn't much to gawk at either.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']I have yet to even see this game in (any) store.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat. I was going to try and get this as a part of Target's B2G1 sale a few weeks back but both of my local stores didn't have it. Went looking at a couple Best Buy's afterwards to give it a shot with some credit I had, and neither of them even had it.
[quote name='Potatoeman']I wouldn't unless you're REALLY into the series, or the game itself. If you've played it before, there isn't much of an update graphics wise.. or in any other department really. I never played it on PS2, so it was nice to get it on a handheld, otherwise not much of a reason.

Also, there are frame rate issues and the 3D isn't much to gawk at either.[/QUOTE]

I might be wrong here but I remember the PS2 version's load times were horrible. I read that for the 3DS load times takes literally half a second. But I could be wrong. I never finished playing it and will definitely pick it up if I see it on sale.
Perhaps the OP's Target's markdown team was ahead of the usual markdown schedule. I'll check my local bullseye this week and keep an eye for this deal.
bread's done