Ted Kennedy Dead

I'm rather unsurprised, actually.

Both in that it happened and that it didn't take any more than the OP for the internet to turn someone into a hateful, classless waste of a human being.
Errraaaahhhhh... I have gone to that big lake in tha skyyyy.... erraahhhh... mary joe here I come.... eraah..
[quote name='wildcpac']Mary Jo can rest in peace now.[/QUOTE]

Its just sad that our justice system is so corrupt that it took this long for him to get his.
[quote name='musha666']Its just sad that our justice system is so corrupt that it took this long for him to get his.[/QUOTE]

ASSUMING he was guilty of killing that woman, how is it him getting his from dieing from cancer?
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']ASSUMING he was guilty of killing that woman, how is it him getting his from dieing from cancer?[/QUOTE]

Because God punished him by taking him home when he reached the exact age of mean life expectancy of a US citizen.
Since everyone else is making jokes (certainly your right) I'll just be the one to say Rest in Peace, Ted.

Say what you want about his personal life, but there was no greater advocate for the average American citizen than Ted Kennedy. He was called to serve and did so his entire professional life. I know its cliche to say, but you've got to understand how much he means to people from Massachusetts (where I lived most of my life). He was our guy, and he'll be sorely missed. When I called my mother to tell her this morning she broke down, if that gives you an idea about how much he meant to people from our state, and how much he did for us.
So did Ted ever get that rule changed back to his advantage to keep a democrat in his position when he passed....you know, the rule he had changed in 2004 in case Kerry won the presidency?

And bvharris. I'm not sure how much of an advocate for the common man he could have been, but then again I didn't closely follow his career. I DO know he went through life with lots of advantages of birth that very very few people EVER get. It's hard to believe that someone can understand "the common man" when they have never been one.

RIP Mr Kennedy. It seems Camelot has finally crumbled.
[quote name='jousley']I'm not sure how much of an advocate for the common man he could have been, but then again I didn't closely follow his career. I DO know he went through life with lots of advantages of birth that very very few people EVER get. It's hard to believe that someone can understand "the common man" when they have never been one.[/QUOTE]

Would you say the same thing about his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver who just passed away a few weeks ago herself?
[quote name='jousley']So did Ted ever get that rule changed back to his advantage to keep a democrat in his position when he passed....you know, the rule he had changed in 2004 in case Kerry won the presidency?

And bvharris. I'm not sure how much of an advocate for the common man he could have been, but then again I didn't closely follow his career. I DO know he went through life with lots of advantages of birth that very very few people EVER get. It's hard to believe that someone can understand "the common man" when they have never been one.

RIP Mr Kennedy. It seems Camelot has finally crumbled.[/QUOTE]

To your question: No, that just came out last week so the law was not changed. There will be a special election in a few months.

Obviously you're correct that he was born into privilege that few of us know, much like both of his older brothers. You can't choose the station you're born into, but all three chose to serve their country even if they didn't have to. I think its pretty myopic to say that someone is incapable of empathy just because they are not a "common man". Having had the privilege to meet Senator Kennedy on several occasions during the last 20 years, I can say from personal experience that he was a kind and gracious man, and definitely someone who "got it".
RIP Ted, hopefully you are with your brothers now.

When someone dies if you got nothing nice or respectful to say, then don't say anything at all. When Novak died I bit my tongue because at death at least the person is at peace finally. Class it up people.
Lets be honest. The guy WAS a douche bag. He grew a heart at some point and did start to believe in a few things that in priciple would better peoples lives. I don't agree with his means to get there but now he is gone. His legacy will be some form of healthcare reform and people will remember that not the other.

As far as the rest goes .... None of us are in a possition to judge him.... from the current king douche bag :)
thats a bummer.

he was a great example of why we need term limits in the congress. and i especially like how pelosi is already exploiting his death to push health care reform forward.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']When Novak died I bit my tongue...Class it up people.[/QUOTE]

The first thing I thought of this morning, even before I started to read the inevitable internet hatred.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']thats a bummer.

he was a great example of why we need term limits in the congress. and i especially like how pelosi is already exploiting his death to push health care reform forward.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with your statement on term limits. I mean, how many people voted for Ted because of his last name? Pelosi is a piece of crap. You can always tell when she is lying or being self serving her lips are moving.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']thats a bummer.

he was a great example of why we need term limits in the congress. and i especially like how pelosi is already exploiting his death to push health care reform forward.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']pelosi is already exploiting his death to push health care reform forward.[/QUOTE]

Do you think Kennedy would have had it any other way? This was the last part of his legacy. It's sensible.
Totally forgot his real name was Edward (even voted for the guy) when did Ted = Edward?

Also out of curousity I turned on cons. radio and it literally took less then 5 seconds for the Chapaquitic (sp?) joke.
[quote name='homeland']Also out of curousity I turned on cons. radio and it literally took less then 5 seconds for the Chapaquitic (sp?) joke.[/QUOTE]

No need to go to the gutter when they've never left there.
[quote name='mykevermin']The first thing I thought of this morning, even before I started to read the inevitable internet hatred.[/QUOTE]

Yes, divine justice musings for dead conservatives are so much more good-natured and well deserved.

The justice in Ted's case is having to live a long life as a drunken murderer, obligated to prolonging the Kennedy legacy knowing full well he wasn't fit to stand in his brothers' shadow. Death was, no doubt, a relief for him.
[quote name='bmulligan']Yes, divine justice musings for dead conservatives are so much more good-natured and well deserved.

The justice in Ted's case is having to live a long life as a drunken murderer, obligated to prolonging the Kennedy legacy knowing full well he wasn't fit to stand in his brothers' shadow. Death was, no doubt, a relief for him.[/QUOTE]

My point was that I kept my thoughts on Novak to myself. I'm going to leave it at that, lest I sink to the classless, shameless, deplorable depths of the rest of you.
[quote name='mykevermin']Do you think Kennedy would have had it any other way? This was the last part of his legacy. It's sensible.[/QUOTE]

no. i fully expect his name to be thrown around regarding health care over the next few months. but youd think she could wait 24 hours before brining up passing the bill for him.
[quote name='jousley']I have to agree with your statement on term limits. I mean, how many people voted for Ted because of his last name?[/QUOTE]

I voted for him several times, and his name had nothing to do with it. He was one of the most important voices of the 20th century in the Senate. Trying to diminish his legacy or his influence (whether you agree with his politics or not) is silly.

[quote name='bmulligan']The justice in Ted's case is having to live a long life as a drunken murderer, obligated to prolonging the Kennedy legacy knowing full well he wasn't fit to stand in his brothers' shadow. Death was, no doubt, a relief for him.[/QUOTE]

The idiocy of that statement stands on its own without comment.
Oh, get off it, Ramstoria. It's going to be another round of feigned and inaccurate conservative outrage to rally around a beloved and deceased colleague for the purpose of accomplishing something politically.

It will be another "Wellstone Memorial."

But you know what? Neither Kennedy nor Wellstone would have it any other way. So your moral outrage is off the mark, because they are obliging what they would have wanted.
So everyone bagging on Kennedy right now will be making the same comments about Laura Bush when she dies too, right? She killed a man, after all. Murderous whore of a woman.
Rest in peace Ted.

Expected internet reaction is expected.
RIP dude. Regardless of what happened on Chappaquiddick so many years ago, he was an excellent Senator and will be greatly missed. We need more people like him in the Senate, unfortunately it seems we keep getting more and more useless twits than people who actually care to try to make a difference.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']So everyone bagging on Kennedy right now will be making the same comments about Laura Bush when she dies too, right? She killed a man, after all. Murderous whore of a woman.[/QUOTE]

When was that murderer Laura Bush a whore?
[quote name='mykevermin']Would you say the same thing about his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver who just passed away a few weeks ago herself?[/QUOTE]
If she was in a government position to make laws that effected me and was trying to shove this health care "reform" down my throat....yeah..I probably would.
So you clearly start your day with your conclusions, and wrap your perception of the world around the decisions you've already made.

You clearly have no idea what she did in her life, do you?
[quote name='perdition(troy']She was a prolife democrat who founded the special olympics. wahoo.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you, that sounds awful.

And for the record, Kennedy has been too sick for much of the last year to shove anything down anyone's throat. Seems conservative vitriol about health care reform is probably best directed elsewhere on the day after the man passed away.
People, please keep your minds straight here. He may have been a murderer, but he was also a Kennedy! Thus, he deserves worship and anyone who objects is a filthy conservative.
[quote name='bvharris']And for the record, Kennedy has been too sick for much of the last year to shove anything down anyone's throat. Seems conservative vitriol about health care reform is probably best directed elsewhere on the day after the man passed away.[/QUOTE]

Though you are ok with his death being used by liberal spin doctor Pelosi as a pro-health care reform platform? Why should his death be used like that? He was in no danger of having to be pigeon-holed into a generalized health care system...
[quote name='jousley']Though you are ok with his death being used by liberal spin doctor Pelosi as a pro-health care reform platform? Why should his death be used like that? He was in no danger of having to be pigeon-holed into a generalized health care system...[/QUOTE]

Hey, look. An opinion based on someone who didn't hear or read Pelosi's actual comments. And God help us if you actually did hear her comments, for the intellect required to come to the above conclusion from Pelosi's comments is the same intellect that thinks Play-Doh is a nutritious, delicious snack.

Pelosi's comments refer to his legacy and what he would have liked to have done, and any comments suggesting Pelosi argues that Kennedy's illness or death are due to the health care system have no basis in fact whatsoever.

Much like the rest of your awful ideology.

Go back to my comments on Wellstone above. If you think that the direction of the Democrat party in reacting to Kennedy's death is as deplorable as their reaction to Wellstone's death, then that's your fault. Because you clearly lack an informed understanding about the life and interests of Kennedy and Wellstone. But we picked up on that when all you could do was criticize the family he was born into, and not anything in his life's work, to claim that he could not empathize with the common man.
[quote name='jousley']Though you are ok with his death being used by liberal spin doctor Pelosi as a pro-health care reform platform? Why should his death be used like that? He was in no danger of having to be pigeon-holed into a generalized health care system...[/QUOTE]

If you can point out where I said I was okay with that, I will happily cede your point. I'll be waiting.

And for the record, it is what he would have wanted. That much should be obvious to anyone who has half a brain and has heard the man speak.

[quote name='spoo']It is now a little safer to drive in Massachusetts and D.C. now.[/QUOTE]

As much as this was a stupid, cheap joke I'd just like to add that the two drivers licences I've had in my life are Massachusetts and DC, and so I can say from personal experience that the drivers in both are maniacs Kennedy or no Kennedy.
[quote name='bvharris']

As much as this was a stupid, cheap joke I'd just like to add that the two drivers licences I've had in my life are Massachusetts and DC, and so I can say from personal experience that the drivers in both are maniacs Kennedy or no Kennedy.[/QUOTE]
That is driving everywhere. I remember looking through my Dad's National Lampoon magazines when I was a teenager and laughing hard at this ad:
Marked as a spoiler to give respect anyone that doesn't want to see it.
[quote name='mykevermin']My point was that I kept my thoughts on Novak to myself. I'm going to leave it at that, lest I sink to the classless, shameless, deplorable depths of the rest of you.[/QUOTE]

Am i the only one offended by this? He just continues to flame and troll his agenda with comments like this that have nothing to do with the topic. Why doesn't a mod do everyone a favor and just ban this clown.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']RIP Ted, hopefully you are with your brothers now.

When someone dies if you got nothing nice or respectful to say, then don't say anything at all. When Novak died I bit my tongue because at death at least the person is at peace finally. Class it up people.[/QUOTE]

Kennedy spent his life fighting for equal rights, beginning with the Civil Rights Act in the sixties and continuing until he passed away. I daresay that, even if his political meanings don't match yours, he deserves a modicum of your respect just for that.

Rest in peace, Mr. Kennedy.
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[quote name='jousley']I'm not sure how much of an advocate for the common man he could have been, but then again I didn't closely follow his career.[/QUOTE]

Yet you feel that makes you eminently qualified to have an opinion about it. Go fig.

[quote name='bmulligan']The justice in Ted's case is having to live a long life as a drunken murderer, obligated to prolonging the Kennedy legacy knowing full well he wasn't fit to stand in his brothers' shadow.[/QUOTE]

Drunk? Yes. Murderer? No. It's actually a legal term, and if you're not going to use it correctly, don't use it.

[quote name='kram']Am i the only one offended by this? He just continues to flame and troll his agenda with comments like this that have nothing to do with the topic. Why doesn't a mod do everyone a favor and just ban this clown.[/QUOTE]

The very first comment is a flame and a troll -- where are your offended sensibilities about that? You really need to get the prescription on your "troll" glasses updated.
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