Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='ajh2298']It was Derrick's ashes getting buried in an unnamed grave.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I thought at first but was not really sure.
Wow I didn't see that coming, I thought he would put up more of a fight.

No wonder Brian Austin Green signed up for a new series.
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hmm... I wonder if Savanna plays an important role in the future? Perhaps John Henry will keep her safe.

Weaver does not seem interested in making John Henry start Judgment day. To have a human teach it morals may in fact be the one thing that may prevent judgment day. I do also have the feeling that John Henry will merge with it's brother (skynet or whatever) so it can teach it right and wrong. There is no way to prevent a sentient AI from rising, but it is possible to teach it the value of human life so it does not have to wage war against humanity.
Awesome episode this week. One of the best on the show so far, and the finale looks good also.

I hope the show gets renewed for a new season, but make it only 12-13 episodes unless a full 20-24 episode season is going to be good. This shows seems to have like 60% of the episodes drag on, and be boring, while the other 40% are often entertaining, and good.

I have not been watching the previews or interviews, so seeing Derek
get shot and killed in the opening act shocked me.
I was shocked to see Derek get killed the way he did. I would have thought he'd go out sacrificing himself to save John as he repeated many times people will die for him or taking the other terminator out with him. To have him walk into a room and get killed immediately without a fight or anything does the character a huge injustice.

Sure, they achieved the shock value, but for a major character with connections to the Conners as he did (being John's uncle and all) I think a bigger and more dramatic death scene would have been more appropriate.
I actually liked Derek's death, it was far more realistic then most deaths in TV and movies.

And I'm fully expecting Cameron to break into jail next week guns blazing to free Sarah Terminator 1 style. I will be disappointed if she doesn't.
Show still sucks... I don't think they have a clue what's what anymore...

[quote name='Kaijufan']I actually liked Derek's death, it was far more realistic then most deaths in TV and movies.[/quote]

The wife and I were talking about that, just like everyone else apparently. :)
A couple of thoughts I have, one I really hope isn't true.

First, I expected Derek to die. Seems he's been a bit weary of his "mission", so they could only play him being useful for so long.
I think they knew everybody expected a huge out for him. In a way, I'm almost happy to see something unexpected. Just hated to see him go. :(

Second, I know the series has been on a rollercoaster of possibly getting renewed, canceled, ended, etc. I just really hope they do not start a trend of killing off main characters just to hurry up and finish. The series obviously can't go on forever, there is only so much timeline. Just do the ending right.

Now what would really be cool in a cheeseball sort of way....
Since they kept mentioning characters having different timelines, what if future John now knows what happens to Derek and there is now a more prepared Derek sent back. =P
Won't happen, I just hope for atleast one more season.

[quote name='captainfrizo']I was shocked to see Derek get killed the way he did. I would have thought he'd go out sacrificing himself to save John as he repeated many times people will die for him or taking the other terminator out with him. To have him walk into a room and get killed immediately without a fight or anything does the character a huge injustice.

Sure, they achieved the shock value, but for a major character with connections to the Conners as he did (being John's uncle and all) I think a bigger and more dramatic death scene would have been more appropriate.[/QUOTE]
I have to say I really liked this episode minus Derek dying. He was my favorite character on the show so I hated to see him go, especially like that. And the way he died was shitty imo, its one thing for a main character to die like that if it's a constant theme for the show, but no main character has died quick like that over the entire shows history. Everyone else gets a slow-mo dramatic death, even the characters that didn't deserve one. He was arguably the 3rd main character on the entire show and he dies like that, really shitty.
Like pretty much everyone else, I thought this was a really good episode. It sucks that there were so many episodes that drug on and didn't accomplish anything (mostly Sarah's sub plot episodes). The last 4 or 5 episodes have really picked up in terms of quality.

As far as Derek's death, they definitely captured the shock value they were going for. For a couple minutes after he died, I kept wondering if I saw that correctly. That sucks that Derek died but I actually kinda liked the way they did it. It was a lot different than most deaths of characters of TV shows. Most characters die after saving someone or taking out a tough enemy, but Derek just got caught off guard. The way he was killed actually kinda made sense when you think about the things that had been happening to him recently.
This guy Garret Dillahunt also plays a bad guy on Life (tv cop show) and it's fucking irritating because he plays the same characteristics as a robot. He's a bad actor period.
Everybody ready for the series finale tomorrow?

I seriously can't see how they can fit in another season unless it focuses on the Connors surviving Judgment Day or getting John Henry to merge with the Human Resistance.
Anyone else have a feeling that the "brother" program might be the code that was inserted into a computer system from the episode when Jesse had captured the thought to be human traitor? That could possibly explain the "attack" on John Henry.
[quote name='ITDEFX']There is NO fuckING WAY that the guy who hacked the network could have uploaded all that code to become a self aware AI like skynet.

I honestly have not been thinking of tomorrow's episode. Star trek has been on my mind lately.

Anyways anyone read this?


The guy installed backdoors. Other Skynet agents probably installed other components that merged into John Henry's brother.


Regarding the electrical grid, it is a cheap power grab by Washington and another good reason you need to install solar panels on your roof and/or a wind turbine on the north side of your property.
[quote name='VipFREAK']This guy Garret Dillahunt also plays a bad guy on Life (tv cop show) and it's fucking irritating because he plays the same characteristics as a robot. He's a bad actor period.[/quote]

I hope you aren't serious when saying that Garret Dillahunt is a bad actor. He is awesome on TSCC and he was great as 2 different characters on Deadwood. That guy is a very underrated actor imo.
I'm thinking he might be the leader of the ones that "want peace" that future Cameron was telling Alison about before she did what ever she did to her.
that was a slow first half.

but holy shit

-Cameron has a lot of battle damage.
-Weaver reveals itself to be a T-1001 infront of the Connor's and Ellison.
-Cameron's CPU has been inserted into Cromartie's body and it may now house John Henry/The Turk programming.
-Errr... how the hell did Weaver build a TDD?!?!
-Also how did Weaver know John Henry time traveled?
-John Connor is now in another ALTERNATE future.
-Perhaps in this future, John Connor was never born.

yikes... this show has a bit of explaining to do for season 3!
[quote name='ITDEFX']that was a slow first half.

but holy shit

-Cameron has a lot of battle damage.
-Weaver reveals itself to be a T-1001 infront of the Connor's and Ellison.
-Cameron's CPU has been inserted into Cromartie's body and it may now house John Henry/The Turk programming.
-Errr... how the hell did Weaver build a TDD?!?!
-Also how did Weaver know John Henry time traveled?
-John Connor is now in another ALTERNATE future.
-Perhaps in this future, John Connor was never born.

yikes... this show has a bit of explaining to do for season 3!

I wonder what happend to Cameron? Now that her endoskeleton was exposed she could not go into the future but did it just stay there in the past?

I'm not even sure what to make of the chip thing. You see something print "I'm sorry John" over and over on a screen. So was that Cameron? How could it be if her chip is in JH? Why did JH/Cameron go into the future?

Was Weaver the one that build the TDD in the bank? It knew JH went back because Weaver built it and that was the plan.

In this new future John Connor was born. He has to have been born because this is still his future. This is before he sent Kyle back and no one knows who John Connor is because he never lead the resistance because he was never around. To them he just comes out from no where.

I'm sure now they are going to she Alison more and not Cameron. I'm also wondering where they go with Derrek now. Theis are the Derrek and Kyle that Derrek showed John at the end of season one.

Also where the hell did Weaver go and is Sarah still alive? I wonder what role she plays in this future.

I really hope they have a season 3 after the last few episodes they have had.
[quote name='blueweltall']Holy shit!!! Awesome episode!!!! Everybody send pancake mix to Fox!!! We need a Season 3!!!![/quote]

I have no doubt if FOX cancels the show.... thousands of pancakes will be sent to fox inspired by the Jericho nut's campaign a few years ago. Remember that?
[quote name='Will']Just passing this along-


Sure..like we're really gonna take the word of some random guy and his buddy who run a no-name website. Just attention whores trying to get more hits and regular viewers on their site. Sadly it will probably work if people keep posting that story on forums like this.
If I remember right that link is about a week or 2 old and not yet said to be true. I wont belive what I read about it being cancelled till I read it from fox. If they do can it I agree that we should all send pancakes to fox. I see it getting another season but at best 12 episodes and it being the last season.

However I am wondering somthing about last nights episode now.

If they don't know who John Connor is then this has to be before he sends Kyle back to protect his mother. If the machines never sent a one back to kill Sarah then John would have never sent Kyle back. However Skynet and Cyberdine were all started with the arm and the chip from the first movie. So unknowingly skynet sent the terminator into the past not only to kill Sarah but be the father or what ever you call it of skynet. John sent Kyle in to the past to protect Sarah and he knew Kyle was his father. Yet John was never able to grow up and give the picture to Kyle due to going in to the future. He can't take the picture with him so it is no place to be found and not able to be given to Kyle so he can fall in love with Sarah and want to go back in time to protect her.

Now that I think about it I hate time paradoxes.
[quote name='Will']Just passing this along-


I posted that like two eeeks ago. It's confirmed to be fake. The site owner was only posting that so she can get some page views. She even "suppossedly" have a sneak peek at the season 2 finale. She even reviewed the finale and it turn out to be all BS. Her finale wasn't even remotely accurate or even close to the show last night.
wait did Derek say "Your brother is back.." to John !?!?!?

I wonder what was the point of the piece of the T-1001 floating in the water tank as an eel?

I am starting to think about a few things in this alternate future John is in:

-Skynet does not start the nuclear war. Perhaps the superpowers just go at it without Skynet's intervention.

-John Henry/Cameron is still in Sara's present.

-Together John Henry/Cameron, Sara and Ellison work together to develop the 3rd faction.

-Did anyone notice the word "EMPIRE" on John's arm patch? Could it be a clue that some sort of Empire rises from the ashes of the nuclear war?

-I am very surprised that Sara did not go instead of John. She is an escape fugitive, so it would be best for her to vanish again. John is wanted, but not as badly as Sara.

-Ellison needs to pick up Savanna? Wait what? Ok...now he has to explain that her real mommy is dead and what she was with was a morphing terminator from the future.

A few theories about season 3.

-Most of the season will take place in the future.
-The leader of the 3rd faction will be revealed...and it might not be John Henry/Cameron.
-There will be a massive investigation by that other Agent from the finale into what happened at the building.
-Ellison may be wanted for questioning.
-Mr. Murch will try to investigate what the hell happened down there too and find clues to what happened.

wow...really need to continue the story. please fox give it a 3rd season. My guess is that they will let Salvation decide (based on the BO results) wither or not people are still interested in the terminator series.
There's something i don't understand about time travel and the T-1000 series. It's just liquid metal, so even the skin, hair, muscle etc. is technically metal. How are they able to time travel at all?
[quote name='JolietJake']There's something i don't understand about time travel and the T-1000 series. It's just liquid metal, so even the skin, hair, muscle etc. is technically metal. How are they able to time travel at all?[/quote]

I read somewhere that the T-1000 series can generate some sort of bio-field that can "fool" the TDD.
[quote name='sendme']If I remember right that link is about a week or 2 old and not yet said to be true. I wont belive what I read about it being cancelled till I read it from fox. If they do can it I agree that we should all send pancakes to fox. I see it getting another season but at best 12 episodes and it being the last season.[/quote]

You're right, it's the same link from about 2 weeks ago. It's even the same story about the guys taking the tour. If they're just going to troll for hits they could at least not be so lazy about it.

[quote name='sendme']Now that I think about it I hate time paradoxes.[/quote]

Paradoxi? Paradoxen?
[quote name='ITDEFX']wait did Derek say "Your brother is back.." to John !?!?!?

I wonder what was the point of the piece of the T-1001 floating in the water tank as an eel?

I am starting to think about a few things in this alternate future John is in:

-Skynet does not start the nuclear war. Perhaps the superpowers just go at it without Skynet's intervention.

-John Henry/Cameron is still in Sara's present.

-Together John Henry/Cameron, Sara and Ellison work together to develop the 3rd faction.

-Did anyone notice the word "EMPIRE" on John's arm patch? Could it be a clue that some sort of Empire rises from the ashes of the nuclear war?

-I am very surprised that Sara did not go instead of John. She is an escape fugitive, so it would be best for her to vanish again. John is wanted, but not as badly as Sara.

-Ellison needs to pick up Savanna? Wait what? Ok...now he has to explain that her real mommy is dead and what she was with was a morphing terminator from the future.

A few theories about season 3.

-Most of the season will take place in the future.
-The leader of the 3rd faction will be revealed...and it might not be John Henry/Cameron.
-There will be a massive investigation by that other Agent from the finale into what happened at the building.
-Ellison may be wanted for questioning.
-Mr. Murch will try to investigate what the hell happened down there too and find clues to what happened.

wow...really need to continue the story. please fox give it a 3rd season. My guess is that they will let Salvation decide (based on the BO results) wither or not people are still interested in the terminator series.[/QUOTE]

Derek says "my brother is back..."

I was wondering the same thing about the eel. Maybe it was so Weaver could watch her/it's office at all times? It does seem odd that they would do that and it not have some point to it.

As for the future I think Skynet did start the nuclear war. Nothing other then Ellison and Sarah were around to stop it and we don't know what they did from that day John left till the time he came back.

How hand JH/Cameron still be in Sarah and Ellison's present time? Weaver said they went into the future. Cameron's body and the turk are still in their time.

I didn't notice the arm patch but went to hulu and it says umpire. In this future the resistance is not the resistance we know to have been lead by John Connor. He was never around when the war started. However Ellison Savanna and Sarah were so maybe they started something. However then Derek would know of John.

Atleast we know Weaver is behind the ones that want peace. I'm going to guess that Savanna is the leader of the new group.

[quote name='neocisco']You're right, it's the same link from about 2 weeks ago. It's even the same story about the guys taking the tour. If they're just going to troll for hits they could at least not be so lazy about it.

Paradoxi? Paradoxen?[/QUOTE]

paradox what ever.
I'm guessing the turk is now mobile. Maybe JH downloaded all the information into Cameron chip. I think Cameron Chip is more advance than the T-888 chip. So the Turk is probably pointless now since all the data was downloaded into Cameron chip.

Anybody like the trailer for Terminator Salvation? It looks way different from any Terminator movie so far.

I can't wait!!!
anyone found it strange/funny with that topless cameron scene with John? Ok John reach under my breast plate and tell me what you feel.... it's cold...ok then it's working.... WHAT'S WORKING!?!??!!?
Anyways you could tell John wanted to kiss her.
I thought the same thing was going to happen. I'm guessing by it being cold the nuclear reactor in her is working correctly. Atleast the cooler for it is. They really need a season 3 now. Sucks they gave them 22 episodes this season and not 12 or so.
[quote name='JolietJake']I bet he ends up boning Allison in the future.[/quote]

John: Cameron how did you??...

Allison: Cameron who?!?!?
[quote name='JolietJake']Why would she even wear underwear? Robo modesty?[/quote]

Seriously they lost a lot of money when they gave it to the Tarkara Corp...so where are they getting the money for rent, clothes, food and so on?

Really I am starting to think the writers have forgotten about the raid massacre from the end of the first season as Ellison still hasn't been disciplined for the incident.

Still bothers me that they are trying to charge Sarah with the murder of the other people when there is no proof that they have shown her that she did it.

Do you think this agent believes her terminator story or is he bs'ing her?

Also wasn't that the chicka from season one out side of Enrieces (sp?) house? :drool:
[quote name='ITDEFX']Seriously they lost a lot of money when they gave it to the Tarkara Corp...so where are they getting the money for rent, clothes, food and so on?

Really I am starting to think the writers have forgotten about the raid massacre from the end of the first season as Ellison still hasn't been disciplined for the incident.

Still bothers me that they are trying to charge Sarah with the murder of the other people when there is no proof that they have shown her that she did it.

Do you think this agent believes her terminator story or is he bs'ing her?

Also wasn't that the chicka from season one out side of Enrieces (sp?) house? :drool:[/QUOTE]

That would be Chola played by Sabrina Perez. IMDB only has her for 3 episodes and the episode that was on last night is not one of them. The episode Born to Run also has Savannah listed with (as Mackenzie Smith) after Savannah Weaver. I have no clue what that is about.

As for the writers I'm thinking they forgot about a lot in the first season. Also that could be blamed on post production for some of the things the writers seem to have forgot.

I like to think that Sarah has odd jobs here and there that they don't tell. Or maybe Derek stole more then what they said.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Seriously they lost a lot of money when they gave it to the Tarkara Corp...so where are they getting the money for rent, clothes, food and so on?

Really I am starting to think the writers have forgotten about the raid massacre from the end of the first season as Ellison still hasn't been disciplined for the incident.

Still bothers me that they are trying to charge Sarah with the murder of the other people when there is no proof that they have shown her that she did it.

Do you think this agent believes her terminator story or is he bs'ing her?

Also wasn't that the chicka from season one out side of Enrieces (sp?) house? :drool:[/quote]

I'm pretty sure they got the money back after Sarah kicked that guy ass. I remember he told her where he kept the money after he got his ass handed to him.
Another thing that I read on another forum that no one here has said is, what happend to Danny Dyson. They said he was missing. Why would he go missing and what does that have to do with the future.
[quote name='sendme']Another thing that I read on another forum that no one here has said is, what happend to Danny Dyson. They said he was missing. Why would he go missing and what does that have to do with the future.[/quote]
Maybe some of his father's research data survived and he continued his father's work in secret.
[quote name='erehwon']Maybe some of his father's research data survived and he continued his father's work in secret.[/quote]

actually according to the Terminator Wiki, Danny did indeed continue his father's work and helped CRS develop Skynet in T3 (it was not mentioned in the movie).

Yea I forgot to mention Danny is missing... He was probably captured by the Skynet faction in order to speed up development, but seriously that would put Danny in his early 20's if I am not mistaken. There is no way Danny could have recovered his father's work since all of it was destroyed. So just another wrench to be thrown in to the series just like that weird suicide at the high school with the door thing. It's probably going to be over looked by the writers in season 3.

Anyways, did anyone think the gun dealer was going to get blown away (a nod to the first movie) in that scene? I was expecting it..but of course this is FOX and network tv so no way in hell your gonna see that. I also found it strange Cameron kept on *missing*. Did John give his "Swear not to kill anyone" order?
bread's done