Thanks for nothing, Microsoft...

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CAG Veteran
My first 360 broke down and died right before Gears of War came out back at the beginning of November, so I missed the big launch for that game, which sucked. I sent in my 360, which I had to pay shipping for (which came out to be about $20). A few weeks later I get my second 360, turn it on, and the tray doesn’t pop out. Great. I fiddle with it some and it seems to work. The next day, it freezes a few times, then won’t start up, and gives me the three red lights. After a few tries it starts working again… A couple weeks later, after a few more incidents like this, I decide to call them again.

I get put on with a supervisor immediately, which is great (this was the highlight of all these events). He tells me they are sending a coffin to send in my 360. I guess I can live with that, at least I don’t have to pay for shipping this time, right?

So then I was 360less for another 2 weeks until today. Watching my friends play Gears and Rainbow Six without me was tough, but I knew it would be worth the wait. I woke up early today so I wouldn't miss the UPS guy, and it finally came. Gears of War time!

But to my horror one of the most integral pieces of the 360 was missing. The gap where the hard drive should have been was stared up at me, taunting me. NO HARD DRIVE? WTF??

Now I just got off a 50 minute phone call (40 minutes of which were waiting on hold)… I first spoke with a lady who told me that she e-mailed the repair center and I should call back with the reference number she will give me. Great I thought! So I can just call back in a few hours and we can get this thing sorted out, then they can overnight my HDD and I will but up and running tomorrow or the next day. Wrong. Turns out I am supposed to call back IN A WEEK to get the status of my case. A WEEK… to get just the STATUS.

Unacceptable. I asked for a supervisor and was put on hold again.

Finally I got to talk to a supervisor, whose tone was very accusing. He basically said they have to get in contact with the repair center to make sure I sent in my HDD. Of course I did! I know it’s probably just policy, but he was basically calling me a liar. I asked why couldn’t they just call the repair center but he gave me the workaround with some BS and never answered me. Then he told me, as if this was MY FAULT, that I shouldn’t have sent in my HDD even though everyone I had talked to before him told me the opposite and that I should send in nothing but the console and the hard drive.

Then, as if to give me some kind of comfort, he explained that he would talk to the guy that told me to send in the HDD, even though it was obviously two different call centers (one being in India, the other not), and the fact that the other guy happened to be a supervisor as well.

It was at this point that I brought up how patient and understanding I have been up to this point and that I have lost my patience and I don’t understand why I am having to wait an additional 2 weeks for THEIR mistake. He was completely indifferent and gave me another shallow apology “Once again we are sorry sir for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

Bull****. He isn’t sorry at all. He is just reading lines.

Next he had the nerve to say that my 360 is still playable. I told him that not being able to download content including new maps or arcade games, not being able to save my games, not being able to use backwards compatibility, and not being able to get onto Xbox Live is NOT playable, which resulted in me being treated to another shallow, indifferent apology. I even told him I plan to spread the word to anyone who will listen about how terrible of an experience this has been, and yet again, he didn't care, saying how it was my "right" to do that.

I am sorry, but this is just ridiculous. Microsoft makes shoddy hardware and then when it doesn’t work, it is a tremendous hassle to get up and running again.

I love the games for your system Microsoft, but you just lost a lot of my respect.
U shouldnt get mad at the call people they cant do anything..They dont know if your any different from somone else. Shit though you had some bad systems..My was made back in NOv 2005 and works perfectly
I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.
[quote name='blackjaw']I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.[/quote]
Lowered expectations.
I agree that it can be stupid to get mad at the customer service people, but really, they are the only ones you can talk to and therefor the only ones that can help you. They are customer service after all, and they should be trying to solve my problem, not giving me the workaround.

[quote name='blackjaw']I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.[/QUOTE]

I am not getting mad over my 360 breaking. Like I said I was very patient with the fact that I had to send in 2 xboxs. It wasn't until THEY messed up that I got impatient.
that sucks. I know when my 360 broke, all 3 people I talked to during the process of sending it in were adament about not sending the HDD in with the console because it wouldn't get returned to me if I did. At the time both MS and me were unsure if the HDD or the console were the source of the problem, which is why I asked like 5 times if they need the HDD and they outright told me if I send it in, it will not be returned to me. Looks like someone screwed up and told you the wrong thing.
That is fuckin ridiculous. After wanting to punch someone in the head at MS, if someone said quit crying and buy buy buy to me I'd have to murder them. Seriously can't believe these companies can sell such an expensive piece of equipment with a 3 month warranty.
I love the X360, but I am very dissapointed aswell. The X360 has had many reliability issues and the 3 month warranty is like an industry low. PS3 and Wii have 1yr warranties. Wii also has +3 months for free by just registering it.

Personally my launch X360 was good so I thought the hardware issues weren't a big deal. Then about 6 months later it died. I had to pay $129 to get it fixed. Luckily they decide to refund people, unfortunately they only refunded me half so I had to call them for the other half. (still waiting on that check) Well now six months after that (just after the refurbished warranty is up) the refurbished one I got has died.

I'm not sure what to do now. Send it back again and pay $129 or just buy a new one from costco.

Your fault for sending in the hard drive.
When I sent in my 360 It came with a sheet of paper clearly stating that any accesories including the HDD would not be returned if included. Its your own fault for not reading the godamned instructions.
Some of you people are assholes. Not pointing any fingers.

Anyway, sucks about your luck and your customer service. Did they offer you a free game?
[quote name='Kendal']Some of you people are assholes. Not pointing any fingers.[/quote]Why should we feel sorry for him when his plight is clearly his fault?
[quote name='blackjaw']I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.[/QUOTE]

It happens way too often. People shouldn't have to put up with shitty hardware. Continually bitching about it to companies is really the only way to get something done.... though admittedly even that's not that effective.
You sent in the hard drive, you are at fault.

I'm guessing you're forgetting to mention that part when the CSR told you NOT to send in the hard drive, controller, headset, or cables.
[quote name='scsg75']that sucks. I know when my 360 broke, all 3 people I talked to during the process of sending it in were adament about not sending the HDD in with the console because it wouldn't get returned to me if I did. At the time both MS and me were unsure if the HDD or the console were the source of the problem, which is why I asked like 5 times if they need the HDD and they outright told me if I send it in, it will not be returned to me. Looks like someone screwed up and told you the wrong thing.[/QUOTE]

That is what i've always heard, hell plenty of people on this forum have said the same thing.
[quote name='LiquidNight']Why should we feel sorry for him when his plight is clearly his fault?[/QUOTE]
So, it's his fault that they told him to send in his HDD?

I want your mind-control powers.
Hard drive complaints aside. A company sells us an inferior/defective product with an extremely short warranty and just because it happens a lot we should just accept it and pay them about a 1/3 of the cost of the whole console to get it fixed no matter what is wrong? That's some fucked up logic.
[quote name='Chacrana']It happens way too often. People shouldn't have to put up with shitty hardware. Continually bitching about it to companies is really the only way to get something done.... though admittedly even that's not that effective.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you are right, I each his own. I haven't really seen many people get far by bitching to large companies that frankly couldn't give a fuck if the system died of DRE's or got the red rings of death.

Then again its people like me that probably keep the companies from actually doing something about it. Fortunately I've only had one 360, so I havent shelled out that much money this gen.

I guess I see a difference in a $30,000 car that dies and a $400 console. A car I would bitch, moan, post everywhere about my experience, punch a salesman, in order to get the word out about my experience. But a video game console is such a small thing in comparison; it's hard for me to justify wasting my breath.
[quote name='danny-o']When I sent in my 360 It came with a sheet of paper clearly stating that any accesories including the HDD would not be returned if included. Its your own fault for not reading the godamned instructions.[/QUOTE]
I just sent mine out this morning and last night I read the paper you are talking about, it doesn't just say it once it says it about three or four times. DO NOT SEND US GAMES OR ACCESSORIES THEY WILL NOT BE RETURNED.
[quote name='blackjaw']I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.[/QUOTE]

That's what you get for buying Sony shit.

And buying three of the same consoles is pretty dumb.
I am on my 3rd and had to pay for both of the new ones, Im going to call support soon to see if I can get a refund. I should be able to get at least one since my first bricked one was a launch unit.
The OP shouldn't be complaining because he didn't read the paper that said not to include accessories. I've never had to send in my 360 to Microsoft but I know that you don't include the HDD with the system just from reading various messages from people who have sent their systems in.
Some of you people need to take off your MS fanboy goggles and learn to read.

The CS rep TOLD ME to include the HDD. Doesn't that imply that they think the HDD is possibly the source of the problem? So why should I ignore what they told me because some piece of paper has a general/vague statement about how I am not supposed to include accessories with the 360?

The rep made a point in saying "I see here that you have a premium system so you need to send the HDD in with your system."

Again, how is this my fault?

Thanks to you guys who are understanding of the situation and not blinded by fanboyism. Its refreshing to see gamers with open minds who are able to admit that sometimes it is in fact the company who is to blame.
The problem here are the people who are pointing fingers at the OP accusingly like he didn't do something right. He did nothing wrong and it's bullshit that the fanboys in this thread get butt-hurt when anyone makes accusatory remarks pertaining to Microsoft because it's all just shit that they want to ignore overall.

What?! Microsoft fucked someone over? Well you know what. That's okay because you deserved to get fucked!

Essentially that's what people have been telling the OP and it's fucked up because some dumbass Indian, new guy on the job, probably told him to send the HDD in and he obliged because he trusted the company. It's not his job to research CAG or anywhere else to know what to send and what not to send it. It's Microsoft's job to build a solid console that stops working because you looked at it the wrong way. It's Microsoft's job to oblige the customer. Not to fuck them. Unless of course they're like some of the posters in this thread who'd gladly partake in a Microsoft sponsered 'scheisses' video.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']
Essentially that's what people have been telling the OP and it's fucked up because some dumbass Indian, new guy on the job, probably told him to send the HDD in and he obliged because he trusted the company.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, because dumbass Americans don't exist.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Yeah, because dumbass Americans don't exist.[/quote]

Well the posters in this thread are damn sure trying to prove me wrong. :roll:
[quote name='ahmedmalik']The problem here are the people who are pointing fingers at the OP accusingly like he didn't do something right. He did nothing wrong and it's bullshit that the fanboys in this thread get butt-hurt when anyone makes accusatory remarks pertaining to Microsoft because it's all just shit that they want to ignore overall.

Essentially that's what people have been telling the OP and it's fucked up because some dumbass Indian, new guy on the job, probably told him to send the HDD in and he obliged because he trusted the company. It's not his job to research CAG or anywhere else to know what to send and what not to send it. It's Microsoft's job to build a solid console that stops working because you looked at it the wrong way. It's Microsoft's job to oblige the customer. Not to fuck them. Unless of course they're like some of the posters in this thread who'd gladly partake in a Microsoft sponsered 'scheisses' video.[/QUOTE]
If he was sent the same coffin as everyone else then it is HIS fault, it tells you on the paper that you have to fill out that if you put anything in the box besides the the system itself then you will not get it back, even if he WAS told that he SHOULD send in his hard drive then he should thought to call CS and ask one more time.

Unless the problem was with the hard drive, or disc being stuck in the system then there shouldn't have been anything in the box besides the system with the original faceplate.

I am not trying to be a fanboy of Microsoft more a fanboy of reading and following the directions.
I had to send mine in for the 3 red lights problem. 10 min conversation on the phone, coffin was sent, sent to MS. about a week later, got a brand new system back. It's worked fine ever since. Guess it all depends.
I cant believe people are defending Microsoft here, especially if this is true. Those people sure can't be too smart. That's pathetic that you have to send it in TWICE and they still can't get it straight. This is why I sold the 360 I got new. Simply because I wanted to wait till it's cheaper and where I can get a good warranty for cheap, for WHEN it breaks. What a piece of crap. I bet that Indian stole the HDD from the console before he shipped it.
[quote name='Spades22']Those people sure can't be too smart.[/QUOTE] Oh the irony.
[quote name='Spades22']I bet that Indian stole the HDD from the console before he shipped it.[/QUOTE] Thanks for making it clear that not only are you ignorant, you're a bonafide racist too. Someone please ban this tool.
Originally Posted by Spades22
Those people sure can't be too smart.

Oh the irony.
Originally Posted by Spades22
I bet that Indian stole the HDD from the console before he shipped it.

Thanks for making it clear that not only are you ignorant, you're a bonafide racist too. Someone please ban this tool.

if that one single comment makes him a racist, chances are you're a racist too. im sure you have NEVER used some other culture or race in a negative manner, seeing as how you are perfect.
and besides, if some guy on the phone TELLS YOU to do something, you do it. end of story.
He referred to him as an Indian. How is that racist you retard? Society thinks everything is freaking racist nowadays... it gets so annoying. Can't even speak anymore without being nitpicked at. Nothing was ironic I guess.

Its just pathetic that they said not to bring in the HDD and that you had to send it in so many times and they can't even send you a perfectly working console. No excuse.
[quote name='getmyrunon']Oh the irony.
Thanks for making it clear that not only are you ignorant, you're a bonafide racist too. Someone please ban this tool.[/quote]
Because Indians don't steal? And this is from someone who has been to that part of the world. The difference between getting held up here and there is the AK-47s they carry over there.
I feel for you man, I just had my 360 go dead. Luckily I purchased mine at what I consider to be one of the BEST retailers.....COSTCO. I took it in, and I've had mine since launch day. The manager on duty looked at it, and told the CS rep "ok", did NOT even ask for a receipt. CS rep returned the amount on a giftcard for me, and told me to go purchase one from a register. I purchased it, and went back to CS desk, game them the extra controller and recharge kit that was in it (because I still had the first ones), and they let me keep my orginal HDD, which I thought was cool. Now, there was a rebate on it so I had $25 bucks left on the giftcard, and I got the game that was included in the bundle (which I had a different game from the launch bundle). It was as if I had walked in and purchased one for the first time. COSTCO has the most liberal return policy, which they can afford to do since it's a members only warehouse retailer. I had called MS the day before, and after telling them what was wrong with my console, the CS rep told me my 90 day warranty was expired and without saying it, hinted that I would be responsible for paying for any repairs. I was very pissed at this, and was actually ready to purchase a new console. Luckily I took a shot and took it back to COSTCO, and everything worked out for me. Sorry for the rant, but I will never purchase a new console without an extended warranty. Good example is that I purchased a new printer from bestbuy, got the protection plan for 3 years (which is bullshit, but that's another story) and got it home, set it up, and it was defective out of the box. Luckily I had the protection plan, and walked into bestbuy, and got another one with no problems. Those warranties are like a crap shoot, sometimes they pay for themselves, and sometimes you just give your money to the retailer, but at least you have it.
[quote name='blackjaw']I dont see why people still blow up and get all upset over the 360 happens....cmon get over it

I had 3 fat PS2's over the course of the past few years (before the slim came out). Was I mad that it broke...yeah...did I cry about it on a I just go buy another one....yes.[/QUOTE]

I am not going to say that this is the most moronic thing I have ever heard but damn it is close.
I've watches 3 of my friends buy the ShitBox 360 and watched every one of them break. The troubles they had trying to get it fixed made me realize I made the right choice in swearing off any console made by M$.
I feel your pain , microsoft customer service sux ass and they also TRIED to make me pay shipping and of course I stuck to my guns and let them know I wasn't paying shit for their mistake and I got a prepayed box the next day , I will be sending mine off on friday ( raping my gears of war disks and getting dre)
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']Ahhhhh. This is why I buy Nintendo consoles.[/QUOTE]

True. People like you would take a free Honda Accord over a free Ferrari because the maintenance on such a high performance machine frightens you. Enjoy your Honda then.

[quote name='blitz']I've watches 3 of my friends buy the ShitBox 360 and watched every one of them break. The troubles they had trying to get it fixed made me realize I made the right choice in swearing off any console made by M$.[/quote]

Thank you Jesus! One less whiner we can avoid hearing from in this forum!

In before the lock! Yay!
[quote name='Blitz']I've watches 3 of my friends buy the ShitBox 360 and watched every one of them break. The troubles they had trying to get it fixed made me realize I made the right choice in swearing off any console made by M$.[/QUOTE]

Well I watches 3 of my d00ders buy teh GayStation GAY and watches every 1 of them die in horible scrapnel explsions cuzed by teh h0m0 chip overloadin. Me me realize I made teh rit choize in swarin off any deathtrap made by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ony
lets face it. these next gen systems are between a river and a large rock. the 360 is like trying to hold water in the palm of your hand, and the ps3 is a rock thats too hard to pickup.

the wii is ok, not as good as nintendos norm, but they have great CS though.
shit, if they told me i should send in my hard drive, I wouldnt send it in anyhow, because they probably wouldnt send the same one back from what ive heard, and maybe i could get lucky and gotten another.

Well, mine hasnt broken yet and if it does, im not sending in the hard drive with it
[quote name='Spades22']He referred to him as an Indian. How is that racist you retard? Society thinks everything is freaking racist nowadays... it gets so annoying. Can't even speak anymore without being nitpicked at.[/quote]

I can't even call people pourch monkeys without getting slapped. Weird? No it's ok, I'm taking it back.

[quote name='White-Wolf']lets face it. these next gen systems are between a river and a large rock. the 360 is like trying to hold water in the palm of your hand, and the ps3 is a rock thats too hard to pickup.

the wii is ok, not as good as nintendos norm, but they have great CS though.[/quote]
Where do you get your pot?
I'm so fucking tired of hearing about this.

OP, shut the fuck up... it happens. No need to create the 300th thread about it because its the new thing. My GFs Wii broke right after getting it, and it took nintendo just as long to fix it, as it took MS to fix my 360. And you didnt see me creating a thread over it. I'm sure the Nintendo fanboys like Spade22 and Ahmed would probably say it was my fault it was broken.

Nintendo fanboys, I'm just starting to like the nintendo again, and you fags make me wonder why I even play video games in the first place. Yes, we get it, Nintendo products are more solid, they're also marketed to children. Please shut the hell up. Who cares? Get off of Reggie's cock and stop trying to have an identity, before the DS and the Wii was announced, no one even gave a shit about nintendo anymore. Most of the industry was secretly guessing who was going to buy them out. Just shut up already.

Everyday, this place becomes less and less like CAG, and more and more like Gamefaqs. I stay here for the cool conversation and the deals, and there hasnt been a damn good deal in over a year, and the people are just getting younger and more retarded.
My understanding of the MS 360 repairs is that you are instructed to NOT ship with the HD. If you did, thank the dolts on the XBox forums who rave about getting an "extra" hard drive by crying wolf to get an extra one out of their repair. It's no wonder their customer service is a bit accusatory. Not that I agree with it - I can understand it.

Sucks to be without it - sorry!
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