The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread

[quote name='agapens']Hey guys...I'm more of a lurker than anything, but I thought I'd share my results. I bought wii fit the day it came out. At that point, I wouldn't have considered myself overweight...but I did have a bit of a stomach that stuck out of my shirts that bugged me. Wii Fit tells me my bmi is 24.99 and seeing how close that little bar is to "obese" really scares the crap out of me. I mess around with stuff wii fit has to offer...its fun, but nothing revolutionary. However, at this point I am doing ZERO physical activity so I figure its better than nothing. I really enjoy the running mini-game and after a couple weeks I decide I'm going to run outside for real. At first...I totally suck. But after a couple weeks I keep building and building and I get to where I'm running 3 miles a day. I'm starting to lose a little weight but its slow. I should mention I am NOT a patient individual when it comes to myself. I decide that if I want results I need to change up my lifestyle. First, I cut out sodas, tea, etc. Only water and skim milk. Then I decide to cut fast food out altogether... with the exception of "healthy" places such as subway, qdoba, etc. Meanwhile, I've gotten to a point where I can run about 8 miles if I have the time (which is rare). I see an ad for the local healthclub running a special on learning tennis. They give you a racquet, private lessons, etc. I decide to give it a shot and LOVE it. It's such a great cardio excercise. I decide to go tryout out some of the other classes : cardio kickboxing, group power, step aerobics...they're all fun, even if I'm the awkward 6 foot guy with big feet clomping around. I'm now at the gym 5-6 times a week. So, that's where I am right now. Its been 3 months (93 days according to wii fit) and I am now 27 pounds lighter with visible adobimal muscles--something I never thought possible. My next goal is to start lifting weights and bulk up my frame a bit. I can't believe how much of a lifestyle change I've gone through in 3 months. I can't wait to see where I am 3 months from now.

I can't exactly credit wii fit for the results, but it worked in the sense that it got me off my butt and showed me that I was capable of doing more than I thought.[/QUOTE]

Good for you. I've never met anyone decide to start exercising and cut out junk foods all at once.. and stick with it. When you start trying to add muscle don't underestimate at-home exercises. Push-ups and crunches are excellent for you. Google variations on these two and work those in as well.
Oh noes!

Has anyone gone at least a week vacation and pretty much cheat and lack of exercise? Unfortunately, I did.

Not much exercise and eating out almost every day shot me up to at least 6-7 lbs.

I was 195 lbs. when I left to LA and I weighed myself this morning and now I'm 205 lbs.

Any advice on how to drop those pounds fast and get back the way I was before I took my vacation?
Monthly Weigh in puts me at 236 :D Definitely needed something to smile about these past days.

Since school is now underway, working out should be a lot more frequent as I'll always be down at my school gym.

[quote name='vlv723']Oh noes!

Has anyone gone at least a week vacation and pretty much cheat and lack of exercise? Unfortunately, I did.

Not much exercise and eating out almost every day shot me up to at least 6-7 lbs.

I was 195 lbs. when I left to LA and I weighed myself this morning and now I'm 205 lbs.

Any advice on how to drop those pounds fast and get back the way I was before I took my vacation?[/QUOTE]

I did twice over the summer. One trip to Miami, another to Philly. Both times I drank & ate *WAY* too much crap and gained weight. I say don't worry about, just go back to what you were doing and it'll even out again in the long run.
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Not really trying to lose weight or get fit, but I am trying to construct a decent meal plan for myself and I figure you guys are the ones who would know what I'm trying to find.

I made a food chart at the site and am working on planning out meals.

However, and this is the part I hope you guys can help me with, all the recommendations are in cups.

For example, I need 2.5 cups of fruit a day. So, do you know of a place that has a conversion chart for various fruit and veg? I usually have a banana with breakfast and then eat an apple during the day, but I have no idea if that's any where near 2.5 cups.

So if you know of a conversion chart for whole fruits and veg (like a banana or carrot or a potato etc.) I'd very much appreciate it.
Luckily after my weeks off this past summer, I never gained over 2 or 3 lbs...but I always felt horrible after not lifting/running and eating junk.

It really does make a difference.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Not really trying to lose weight or get fit, but I am trying to construct a decent meal plan for myself and I figure you guys are the ones who would know what I'm trying to find.

I made a food chart at the site and am working on planning out meals.

However, and this is the part I hope you guys can help me with, all the recommendations are in cups.

For example, I need 2.5 cups of fruit a day. So, do you know of a place that has a conversion chart for various fruit and veg? I usually have a banana with breakfast and then eat an apple during the day, but I have no idea if that's any where near 2.5 cups.

So if you know of a conversion chart for whole fruits and veg (like a banana or carrot or a potato etc.) I'd very much appreciate it.[/quote]

Nice to hear you are looking to get something started. Anyway, don't focus so much on direct measurements. For example, 1 piece of fruit is one serving. 1 banana, one serving. You should definitely be getting more than two servings/day. At least 3, if not 5 and try to vary them. Same with vegetables. try to get 4-6 servings of veggies in a day. for berries or raisins, I usually go with a handful for one serving. Start off slow though because the pectin (fruit fiber) will run right through you. Once you get yourself regular though, I have found that it is hard to go overboard with produce. Just include a little bit every time you eat. If you need any more help with anything, just ask. :)
[quote name='EDiddy0042']Nice to hear you are looking to get something started. Anyway, don't focus so much on direct measurements. For example, 1 piece of fruit is one serving. 1 banana, one serving. You should definitely be getting more than two servings/day. At least 3, if not 5 and try to vary them. Same with vegetables. try to get 4-6 servings of veggies in a day. for berries or raisins, I usually go with a handful for one serving. Start off slow though because the pectin (fruit fiber) will run right through you. Once you get yourself regular though, I have found that it is hard to go overboard with produce. Just include a little bit every time you eat. If you need any more help with anything, just ask. :)[/QUOTE]
Well maybe you can help me plan a few meals.

Here's the chart I'm supposed to work with:

The thing gave me a warning that I was underweight so I told it to give me a plan that would "gradually" move me towards a healthy weight.

I figure, have a glass of milk with every meal, that's easy enough.

For grains, I usually have a sandwich for lunch, probably no where near 10oz. but again, hell if I know how many ounces a slice of bread is. I make rice with almost everything I eat for dinner, so theres another source.

Vegetables I really need help with. Looking at all the different types I should be getting a week... a little help planning that out would be great. I've got the dark green covered, I almost always have a can of green beans a day. Orange would have to be carrots, which I love, so I guess I could snack on those, not a fan of cooked carrots. Potatoes are good enough for starch, but I dunno what to do about the beans/other veg. 8 cups seems like a lot to spread out.

So some help with veg would be great.

Protein.. heh, got that covered.

But yea, I have to start semi-paying attention to calories to try and aim for that 2800 a day. It just sounds like a lot.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Well maybe you can help me plan a few meals.

Here's the chart I'm supposed to work with:

The thing gave me a warning that I was underweight so I told it to give me a plan that would "gradually" move me towards a healthy weight.

I figure, have a glass of milk with every meal, that's easy enough.

For grains, I usually have a sandwich for lunch, probably no where near 10oz. but again, hell if I know how many ounces a slice of bread is. I make rice with almost everything I eat for dinner, so theres another source.

Vegetables I really need help with. Looking at all the different types I should be getting a week... a little help planning that out would be great. I've got the dark green covered, I almost always have a can of green beans a day. Orange would have to be carrots, which I love, so I guess I could snack on those, not a fan of cooked carrots. Potatoes are good enough for starch, but I dunno what to do about the beans/other veg. 8 cups seems like a lot to spread out.

So some help with veg would be great.

Protein.. heh, got that covered.

But yea, I have to start semi-paying attention to calories to try and aim for that 2800 a day. It just sounds like a lot.[/quote]

For another veggie I would recommend raw spinach. If you put a handful on your daily sandwich that will get you another vegetable serving and you would be getting good amounts of Iron and other vitamins. As for beans, I am a fan of black or garbanzo beans (chickpeas). These are both very high in protein, and can basically be eaten right from the can. Just rinse them under cold water with a collander(strainer) for 15-20 secs to get the excess salt off. Or if you want, just mix the black beans in the the rice you cook. That way you kill two birds with one stone by getting grains and protein at once. Garbanzos go extremely well with salad. Don't hesitate to use salsa to make up the vegetable difference as well. Salsa can go on just about anything, be it steak, chicken, fish, a sandwich, eggs. Hope this has been helpful and if you need any other recommendations, just let me know.
4 Mile Mud Run/Obstacle Course Saturday... been training even though this is seen by me as a fun thing

Did 11 miles on Tuesday after taking Monday off because of Gustav, over an hour last night of cross training... will probably do the same tonight and take tomorrow off...
I've been trying to loose some weight myself this year. I'm at about 230 and would like to get down to 180 eventually. I find that setting goals can help with weight loss. I'm trying to get down to 200 by Thanksgiving. I've always wanted to try a video game workout so I bought WiiFit. I know that just doing that won't cut it, but I use it to keep me in check. I try to weigh in every morning and try to use my treadmill in the basement. I mostly listen to gaming podcasts while I'm on the treadmill, since I don't have a lot of time to listen to them anywhere else.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I made a food chart at the site and am working on planning out meals.[/quote]
There's a joke about that.

"If you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the food pyramid."
[quote name='ObiBen']I've been trying to loose some weight myself this year. I'm at about 230 and would like to get down to 180 eventually. I find that setting goals can help with weight loss. I'm trying to get down to 200 by Thanksgiving. I've always wanted to try a video game workout so I bought WiiFit. I know that just doing that won't cut it, but I use it to keep me in check. I try to weigh in every morning and try to use my treadmill in the basement. I mostly listen to gaming podcasts while I'm on the treadmill, since I don't have a lot of time to listen to them anywhere else.[/QUOTE]

WiiFitt is a waste....however you can have a good gaming work out in other ways. For instance buy a sit down bike with a good back and simply play games while using it. I burn about 1,000 calories a day riding my exercise bike and work up a hell of a good sweet while doing it......but yet I still enjoy the work out because I play with my 360 the whole time. Ya you cant play heavy action games like Turok, Halo or GTA easily, but stuff like RPGs or games like Culdcept are easy to play while exercising.

To the guy asking about food and what to eat. Heres the thing........why are you doing it? If its to put healthy food in your body then that's not a bad goal but you shouldn't bother with a food pyramid just eat healthier food. If its for some other reason such as to get vitamins or other stuff in your system then why not just buy vitamins or whatever your missing in your diet? If its because your weight and eating habits are getting out of control my recommendation is DEFINITELY get rid of the pyramid. Stuff like that will drive you up the wall and you go back to your old ways in no time. I used to weight 350 pounds and I got myself down to 200 and I did it without working out alot or giving up the food I loved. I went for a walk or two a day that lasted a half hour each and I cut back my servings and balanced what I was eating. If I woke up and thought man I want pizza or burgers for dinner.....thats what I had! I just cut extra stuff like Mayo out and balanced that fattening meal out by having Oatmeal for breakfast and a chicken sandwich for lunch. You can eat what you want and be just have to learn moderation.
[quote name='MSI Magus']

To the guy asking about food and what to eat. Heres the thing........why are you doing it? If its to put healthy food in your body then that's not a bad goal but you shouldn't bother with a food pyramid just eat healthier food. If its for some other reason such as to get vitamins or other stuff in your system then why not just buy vitamins or whatever your missing in your diet? If its because your weight and eating habits are getting out of control my recommendation is DEFINITELY get rid of the pyramid. Stuff like that will drive you up the wall and you go back to your old ways in no time. I used to weight 350 pounds and I got myself down to 200 and I did it without working out alot or giving up the food I loved. I went for a walk or two a day that lasted a half hour each and I cut back my servings and balanced what I was eating. If I woke up and thought man I want pizza or burgers for dinner.....thats what I had! I just cut extra stuff like Mayo out and balanced that fattening meal out by having Oatmeal for breakfast and a chicken sandwich for lunch. You can eat what you want and be just have to learn moderation.[/QUOTE]

Just curious, but are you toned at all losing that weight and no exercise? Is the flab just hanging there?
[quote name='specialk']Just curious, but are you toned at all losing that weight and no exercise? Is the flab just hanging there?[/QUOTE]

Well now im overweight(but just bought excercise equipment and started really working out again). However at my peek I was probally about 200-205(I am 6'0)and still had some flab. My doctor said without surgery I would probally always have a little bit of flab.....but it was slowly getting better as I worked out. I lost the first 100 pounds just walking and watching what I ate...but then kinda hit a wall and hated the flab so I started jogging, doing chin ups, push ups and sit ups to reduce it.

Hehe as I have stated in the topic before....then I meet my fiancee. I gained 30 pounds in just a few months and by year end was at 250. 2 years later im at 260 and she is at 180(shes about 5'4)so we are working on loosing the weight. I dont even give a shit about being thin anymore or ripped like Jesus. I am content just to get back down to 220 or so where I felt pretty comfortable with my weight and was still able to play football and do other stuff without getting winded. At peak I was doing about 15 chin ups and I can hardly do 1 now.....
I dont have any specific charts or formulas when deciding what I eat... simply choosing to eat healthy (opting for carbs and protein over fatty foods)... I modified my diet in recent weeks to add calories b/c I felt like I was losing too much, glad to see Im back near 160
Pump and Run this Saturday.

You bench press a percentage of your weight (dependent on age) and every rep takes 20 seconds off your run time. My running partner could 1st place this one...he runs sub 20 usually and only has to bench like 110 and he can hit it nearly 25 times (the max is 30 reps).

Should be fun..hope they have cool tshirts.
If its for some other reason such as to get vitamins or other stuff in your system then why not just buy vitamins or whatever your missing in your diet?

There is a logical explanation why not to just do this. Vitamins are absorbed by the body better when you consume them from the actual foods that have them. Obviously, no one can pull off getting the required amount of vits. and mins. day in and day out, so we have multivitamin supplements. If you solely depend on these supplements to get you all your nutrition, you will be missing out sorely, and you risk over doing it, which with some of the vitamins can be very dangerous for your health.
Okay, I'm sorry in advance if something like this has already been discussed before. Here's my situation:

I started going back to the gym about a month ago. I've been hitting the tread mill 3-4 times a week, and usually run about 3-4 miles each time. I think there might have been one week where I only went one or two days, but other than that, I've been pretty consistent. Other than running, I don't do much. However, I make sure to stretch and do 30 sit-ups before I run. I always eat healthy-- try to stay within the 2000 daily calorie limit, never eat anything overly greasy or fried. Since I'm Asian, I stick with a lot of Asian dishes (usually stir fried or pan fried). I also try to eat fruit and yogurt on a daily basis.

When I weighed myself a month ago, I was 166 lbs. I finally weighed myself today, and I'm STILL 166 lbs. Why am I not seeing any results? Especially when I've been a lot more active as of late? Does it usually take longer than a month to see some results?
166 lbs is a good weight, you could be replacing that "fatty weight" with more lean muscle... how do you look in comparison to when you started... if you actually look smaller, you are building more muscle... very good
Well I'm about 5'9", so I suppose that's good to hear. For some reason I've always assumed that you would start losing weight if you run consistently. However, replacing the fatty weight with lean muscle makes a lot more sense.

Honestly, it's hard to tell if I've gained any muscle...perhaps I'll notice some results in another month or two.
[quote name='kainzero']There's a joke about that.

"If you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the food pyramid."[/QUOTE]
If only...
I eat shit food with tons of calories and fats and I'm still underweight >.>

If following that gets me to at least 150 I'll be happy.
Man the past week and a half has been a bit crazy for my diet and work out schedule.

Apparently the classes I am teaching, well some days I have 1 to 90 minute breaks, other days I don't get a break til 12:30pm and that's when I only have 1 30 minute break.

Sometimes I get home dead tired and don't get a chance to exercise.

I have only had a chance to do 45 minutes on the running machine.

There is no kitchen at the new school I work at (private school) so hence no fatty/cheap school food. Which could be a both a blessing and bad because if I forget my lunch, I have to starve it out til I get home.

Protein bars are getting me thru the day sometimes but they taste god aweful :(

The only chance I really get to do my 5 miles is during the weekends outside but this weekend we are going to get some major rains from the left overs from the tropical storm.

so my routine is starting to wobble a bit :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']Man the past week and a half has been a bit crazy for my diet and work out schedule.

Apparently the classes I am teaching, well some days I have 1 to 90 minute breaks, other days I don't get a break til 12:30pm and that's when I only have 1 30 minute break.

Sometimes I get home dead tired and don't get a chance to exercise.

I have only had a chance to do 45 minutes on the running machine.

There is no kitchen at the new school I work at (private school) so hence no fatty/cheap school food. Which could be a both a blessing and bad because if I forget my lunch, I have to starve it out til I get home.

Protein bars are getting me thru the day sometimes but they taste god aweful :(

The only chance I really get to do my 5 miles is during the weekends outside but this weekend we are going to get some major rains from the left overs from the tropical storm.

so my routine is starting to wobble a bit :([/QUOTE]

I have such horrible ADD that I have to CONSTANTLY change up my routine, just to keep it interesting, I might head over to the other Mobile Planet Fitness one day, the park the next... weights, running, cardio machines of all sorts... I try to do it all... diet as well, I cant believe I have ate tuna as much as I have, eating the tuna and getting a good amount of protein from THAT has allowed me to explore tastier nutrition bars (most are god awful and I dont eat any bars high in peanuts or peanut butter) Tje ones I am eating right now are Powerbar fruit smoothie bars and they are actually good and supply alot of carbs for my workouts. Dont starve yourself, you definantly will not feel up to working out on thse days, need that fuel to get going and keep that metabolism up... Im trying so hard to carry my good eating habits over to weekends, but being on less of a schedule, I can find myself going much longer without eating

Damn storm kept me at home all day monday and I didnt get to run then (it was bad)... if it isnt too dangerous you can still run... couldnt be worse than the terrifying storm they made us RACE in a few weeks back... the rain hitting my eyes literally blinded me
Wow... what a "run"... a 4 mile course... an endurance run, up muddy hills, through LOOONG ditches (stepping up to your knees in mud is crazy), under obstacles, over obstacles, a little swimming... heard there was more focus on obstacles this year than last... the winner finished in 37:30... I finished in 41:34 which was good for 10th overall out of at least 400 runners... and first in age would take a moment to get my running legs back after sloshing through mud, but did pick off quite a few participants in the middle stages... will do this again next year (there was a 5k locally thats I skipped for this)

You literally had to walk through some of the obstacles, you couldnt run
Congrats man!!

There was no way in hell I could go out today with that storm. 8+ inches fell in like 9 hrs. Flash flooding everywhere. The track I usually go to is probably muddy as hell right now.

Power kept on going out several times so it was working out time in the dark :|
PR'ed my race today. Didn't place in the age group though...the guy next to me was 2 min faster, but I was happy with my run. It's always amazing to see who shows up for these things. Last Monday they had a race that I would've first placed my age division by 5 or so minutes...this week, I PR my race and still get Anyways, it was worth it to me to break the 25 mark.

For the 2nd race in a row, the last mile killed me...not sure how to change that...I was at 15:30 2nd mile and ran like a 24:30...kills me when I see that 3 mile timer and realize I've dropped nearly 2 minutes on my last mile...oh well guess there's nothing to do but work on that.
[quote name='specialk']PR'ed my race today. Didn't place in the age group though...the guy next to me was 2 min faster, but I was happy with my run. It's always amazing to see who shows up for these things. Last Monday they had a race that I would've first placed my age division by 5 or so minutes...this week, I PR my race and still get Anyways, it was worth it to me to break the 25 mark.

For the 2nd race in a row, the last mile killed me...not sure how to change that...I was at 15:30 2nd mile and ran like a 24:30...kills me when I see that 3 mile timer and realize I've dropped nearly 2 minutes on my last mile...oh well guess there's nothing to do but work on that.[/QUOTE]

Its hard not to lose time esp on the last mile... it always happens with me too... just sometimes more than others... I see runners who start slow and speed up as the race progresses... I cant do that... Its hard to predict when you might and might not place I ran a race years ago (it was the one I missed yesterday to do the mud run) and ran it in like 21:30... 3rd in age... next time I ran it 2 yrs later cut a minute off the time... didnt place... Based on my average times and who won my ages group in THAT race yesterday, Id have won my age group easily

The race I ran yesterday... purposely ran the running stages lot slower so I would have enough for whatever they threw at me... Id never ran this race... didnt think they would have another huge ditch at the end... Ill be doing this race again though... it was so tiring, in a different way, but so rewarding
training for a 5k this saturday at my alma mater... should be as challenging as the race I ran there a few months ago as the campus is pretty hilly in places... I just hope they change up the course a little
one of my co-workers yesterday suggested I train for a marathon! :shock:


Hell no , my body is no where near ready to run for extended periods of time!!
[quote name='ITDEFX']one of my co-workers yesterday suggested I train for a marathon! :shock:


Hell no , my body is no where near ready to run for extended periods of time!![/QUOTE]

My problem is my knees... Id have to have the time to get in training runs towards the end in the 20 mile range... which would take me around 2hrs40min , that is a long time...dont know... I could do a half tomorrow if needed
[quote name='ITDEFX']one of my co-workers yesterday suggested I train for a marathon! :shock:


Hell no , my body is no where near ready to run for extended periods of time!![/QUOTE]

Same here. Though that's a goal of mine.

I still gotta make the time to get to school to run. I guess I could just run around my neighborhood, but that's fairly dangerous.
Iv done great with my work out recently but horrible with food. I managed to burn 500-1500 calories a day, iv been working out my arms on off days to the point where I can hardly lift them afterwards, and iv done plenty of sit ups, chin ups and other assorted excercises for my arms/chest/abs on biking days. However I had CiCis for dinner like 2 nights ago(probally about 15 slcies of pizza and a good 10 brownies)and had papa johns for dinner last night/breakfast this mourning. If I can just ease back my food ill do great ;)
wow... second awesome run in as many weeks... considering I pigged out yesterday on pizza and pasta (carbing up) and didnt feel as energized as I had at a couple races... running and matching my personal best of 19:34 on a hilly University S Alabama course... I am happy... was overall top 10, second in age group... this was the same course I ran in a race a few months ago in 20:06
Ok when they say eat more protein to repair muscle, do they mean like have big thick steaks for lunch/dinner or slices of ham/turkey in sandwiches? I have been doing a bit of both actually, but I don't know how much to eat of them everyday? Pasta, well I have been lacking in that department to once a week.
I would shy away from the fatty foods such as steak and focus more on good grilled chicken.. the turkey and ham are pretty good... you could munch on beef jerky though it is high in sodium... nuts are good for protein as the standard shakes

Pasta is almost an everyday thing for me
[quote name='ITDEFX']Ok when they say eat more protein to repair muscle, do they mean like have big thick steaks for lunch/dinner or slices of ham/turkey in sandwiches? I have been doing a bit of both actually, but I don't know how much to eat of them everyday? Pasta, well I have been lacking in that department to once a week.[/quote]

Depends on your goal. If you're trying to gain muscle mass I would try and consume 1-1.5g of protein per lb each day. is an awesome website with tons of useful information and lots of answers
[quote name='crushtopher']Depends on your goal. If you're trying to gain muscle mass I would try and consume 1-1.5g of protein per lb each day. is an awesome website with tons of useful information and lots of answers[/quote]

Agreed. Don't overdo it though. If you take in too much protein, your body will simply turn it into fat, and that is not what anyone wants. Also, the majority of fat in steaks is a saturated fat called stearic acid, which actually has been shown not to raise cholesterol levels. Not saying to go and eat a 24 ouncer, but eating a nice steak every week or so will not kill you, not matter what your goals. And nothing better than red meat to raise the good ol' T.
I am so thankful for the cooler weather, if the temp is under 80 I like to run outdoors, sat around after work at home and watched the 1st 2 eps of Entourage, then went out to the park and ran 8 miles really easily... was getting that "runner's high" somewhere around mile 7 and was a little bummed to have to stop, but it was pitch black when I stopped... the end of the run was really hilly, couldnt see anything as it was off the sidewalk and surrounded by trees... normally this is the most difficult part of the run, it was a snap...

I had been venturing out before when it was way too hot, and would get to about 3 miles and have to stop for a while... the humidity was so bad down here it would tear a runner down really quickly, not to mention elevate heart levels... tonight's run was a good confidence booster for longer runs to come
Deadlifted 315 yesterday for 3 reps. First time I have gone over the 300 mark on any exercise. Everyone has been complementing me on how big and cut I'm getting, so the four days a week seems to be working. Its not tiring me out at all either, which I am rather surprised at, especially since each session takes between 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
I actually lost 60 lbs by just changing my eating habits. You get used to it. What I really need to do is get a work-out routine, but meh, that shit isn't easy.

For me the biggest help were sites like and

Their tools on how much calories you SHOULD be eating help a lot, I came to realize that I was eating TOO LITTLE during diets, which is why I failed miserably every freaking time.

I went from 294 lbs to 233 lbs, from size 24/26W to 16/18W, I'd like to lose a bit more in the waist area, but I feel a helluva lot better about my health. I'm proud to say I have been maintaining this loss for over a year.

Next up: toning.. Argh. x_x
[quote name='lilboo']:rofl: I gotta back into this. I really don't wanna be apart of the 2009 is my year to lose weight! thread :([/QUOTE]

I think I'm doomed to it. Too much going on this summer.
10 miles of hilly running at and around the park today... second 9+ mile run this week, alternating long runs with cardio machines at the gym the other days to rest my knees... tomorrow will do machines for about 90-100 mins... thursday weights with a light run... friday off.. saturday : my choice of 3 different races, all 5k's...

You have to make time for working, no matter how much you have going on... at least eat well... a combination of that and exercise and the pounds should fly off... you just have to find ways to keep it interesting... it gets so fucking boring at the gym even with a fully stocked ipod... luckily the weather allows for my outdoors running once again... and I am happy
Still getting miles in...but with fall kicking in and other things vying for my time I haven't got to run as much as I would like. Did around 5 or so last night and it felt great.

Haven't made any races in awhile either b/c of Football games on Saturdays and gas prices. Races would end up costing me 30+ after registration and gas.
Awww yeah... Went out this morning in great weather in the 60's and proceeded to shave 14 seconds off my 5k record time with a 19:20... first in age group, somewhere well within top 10 overall... Im hoping Ive crossed the hump to finishing under 20 minutes on a weekly basis... felt good... and like I did before my last race pigged out on things I normally dont eat too much of to carb up... felt good

The first time I broke 20 in a 5k I was so wobbly and out of it afterward, you'd think I was drunk... today was completely different... got a nice little piece of pottery for the shelves in my room now... next goal sub 19 minute 5k
Meh. It's been so long since I been in this thread. I feel bad, well my eating habits have been fine, though it could be better. I try to avoid soda, candy, chips etc as much as I can. Though it's hard when that's all that's in the house. I just need to cut more on process food and really get a workout schedule going. Now that I'm back in school, I should try and hit up the workout area they have.
bread's done