The 2013-14 NFL Thread

Pretty much the same as last month for the Ravens. The offense plays like crap for 3 quarters, magically becomes competant in the 4th, but by then the deficit is too large and the defense is gassed.
Classless Colts poisoning Kubiaks gatorade.

Didn't john fox just have the same thing happen.

now kubiak

wtf is happening to afc coaches

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According to Michelle Tafoya, he collapsed as he was walking off for halftime and looked to be in considerable pain. Apparently he could not open his eyes (though he was talking to the medical staff) the entire tine he was on the field.
Now of course colts are in the red zone. If they score, talk about complete momentum shift.

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Regardless of what happened to Kubiak, this Texans team deserves to lose and be where it is with 2 wins.

A coaching staff of Kubiak and Wade philips has to be the most conservative/lack of ideas pairing I can think of in the NFL.

Regardless of what happened to Kubiak, this Texans team deserves to lose and be where it is with 2 wins.

A coaching staff of Kubiak and Wade philips has to be the most conservative/lack of ideas pairing I can think of in the NFL.
Hahaha go fuck yourself. It had way more to do with the Texans kicker missing THREE field goals than it did conservative play calling.

Did you even watch the beginning of the game? Keenum was throwing bombs down field from the get-go.

Oh and Randy Bullock, you can go fuck yourself too.

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Hasn't Bullock missed double digit FGs now? How is he still the kicker?
He hasn't hit double digits yet, but he's getting fucking close. He's 12/20 after tonight.

And I have no idea why he's still the kicker. He's a local, went to Kubiak's alma mater, and was drafted by the Texans, so those all might have something to do with it. But he has to go. I'd rather have our punter kick field goals at this point.

As for the Panthers. A very sketchy game by Cam with those 2 first half interceptions, not to mention the overthrows all game. The defense definitely won the game for Carolina today, with the pick-6 being the showcase. They look a lot different than they did a few weeks ago, almost confident, like they know they're going to win from week to week.
Yep, got very lucky to win that game, although the score doesn't reflect that. There's a new confidence in Carolina that hasn't been seen since the 12-4 year. Next week's game out in San Fran will be tough, but hey, as of right now, we're in the playoffs! :D

He will miss the Giants game. Our chances of making the playoffs have increased by 20%. :joystick: Time to beat the Raiders.
That's what I was thinking. The next 5 games on the schedule are all winnable now (Raiders, Packers, Cowboys, Redskins and Chargers). The next 2 are tough (Seahawks and Lions) and then another winnable one against the Redskins. They could go 6-2 and I think 8-8 has a chance to win the division. It really sucks that the Cowboys won that game last week. If they were 4-5 right now I'd really like our chances - right now I think it is about a 10% chance we make it... extremely unlikely but better than 0%.

I don't understand why anyone thought the Redskins wouldn't pass on that play?

- 3rd down & goal

- little time left in the half

- No timeouts

If you run the ball up the middle and don't make it, you're not going to score, plain and simple. You have to pass there, no questions asked, if you want to put at least 3 on the board. The fact that 2 receivers were wide open in the area seems like bad coaching to me.

Sucks that Rodgers is injured. Did they sign Matt Flynn for the time being? I heard they were in talks with him the other day. 

That Flacco/Tyrod Taylor end-around was awesome. Too bad the O-line forced another Flacco INT.

Oh, and Dan Dierdorf is once again awful. Poor Bryant Gumbel.

Hey, look at that, the Rams and Jags are leading the Colts and Titans.

EDIT: Andy Dalton: Hey, none of my receivers are catching the ball, let's see if the Ravens can catch them!

Joe Flacco + Torrey Smith = Magic

You know the offenses are bad when the top RB has 27 yards and the top WR has 17 yards.

Oh, and I think Sam Bradford is officially done as a Ram.

Speaking of done, better luck next year, Green Bay.
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So...Jake Locker injured his foot handing the ball off. That may sound stupid...but anyone familiar with injuries knows that when you're playing through one injury, you're likely to injure something else because of the unnatural things you're doing to protect your current injury.

Considering Locker had both a knee and hip injury and has been playing with a brace on his leg, it's not a huge shock that he'd injure his foot. This has to be Munchak's job at this point. This team has a lot of talent, but they're just not getting results. Even the defense has looked sloppy, takes bad penalties, and misses tackles. But if the coaches aren't thinking...I guess you can't really expect the coaches to.


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LOL Fox Sports post on facebook..

FOX Sports
BREAKING: The Jaguars won a game!!
Yep...gave the Colts their first win in 2011 (Week 15), gave the Jags their second win in 2012 (Week 12), and gave the Jags their first win in 2013 (Week 10). So, yeah...the Titans have not done a great job the past 3 years winning games they "should" win. Fitzpatrick actually played better than expected, until he crumbled when the Titans had the chance to win the game. Yeah, maybe the fumble wasn't totally his fault. But they wouldn't have been in a 3rd and 9 if he hadn't made a horrible throw on the previous play.

And once again, they took way too many penalties. The difference in the game actually ended up being a gift safety since Warmack got called for holding in the endzone, after Munchak challenged a punt being downed at the 1, when the replay appeared to show the Jags player's foot touching the goalline (announcers thought it would be wasn't). Mistakes piled on top of bad luck just isn't going to get it done...even against bad teams. The Titans have the Colts in 2 of the next 3, I would say the season is over...but with the way the AFC has been flip flopping this year, who knows.

I really think the Locker situation was mishandled though. They're saying the foot injury came on the previous play due to a hit...but still...same leg...what are the odds? Munchak rushed him back as though the Titans were making a Super Bowl run this year. With a young QB and a young team, all you should be looking for is growth and development. Squeaking into the playoffs with a young healthy team would have been good enough for me. As it is now, they'll probably be lucky to finish at .500.

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Nice to see Tavon Austin finally have a game where he goes off like he did at WVU.

97 yd punt return, 81 and 57 yd td receptions, 314 total yards.

Livid over the 49ers loss. What the fuck happened to the passing game this year? It's a joke. I know they were down Crabtree, Manningham, Davis today. But less than 100 yards. Jesus Christ.
So...Jake Locker injured his foot handing the ball off. That may sound stupid...but anyone familiar with injuries knows that when you're playing through one injury, you're likely to injure something else because of the unnatural things you're doing to protect your current injury.

Considering Locker had both a knee and hip injury and has been playing with a brace on his leg, it's not a huge shock that he'd injure his foot. This has to be Munchak's job at this point. This team has a lot of talent, but they're just not getting results. Even the defense has looked sloppy, takes bad penalties, and misses tackles. But if the coaches aren't thinking...I guess you can't really expect the coaches to.


Looks like he may be out for the season:

James Ihedgbo made a ton of excellent plays today...and might end up being the goat of the game.
The entire group I was sitting with got up and moved away from the table when that happened. Apparently the look on my face shifted so much they thought I was going to flip a table. Really glad they were able to pull it out.

Well, now I can say "season over". What a fucking waste. The year started out so promising. This has to fall on Munchak. There's just no other option. I firmly believe Locker's new injury is related to not being completely healed from his last injury. The guy severely sprained his knee and hip...and played 3 weeks later, wearing a huge brace, running on it and having fat dudes land on it. You can't tell me he wasn't making adjustments to protect it (which is how you end up injuring something else).

Sitting him out one more game would have basically given him 2 extra weeks to recover (Titans had a bye the following week). I like Munchak...but that is shit coaching. I don't know how you don't look at that in a risk-reward situation and see it's ridiculously lopsided toward risk.

Even if the foot injury isn't related and Locker's just (apparently) "made of glass", it happened to the same leg. That's one hell of a coincidence. It just comes off incredibly selfish of Munchak. Yes, it's been made known that he was on the hotseat this year...but to possibly jeopardize a guy's career because you're worried you might lose your job is classless. I actually might listen to local sports radio tomorrow to see if everybody else is thinking the same thing. I just can't imagine people won't be calling for Munchak's head. It's awful because the guy has worked for this organization for like 35 years (player and coach), but this was a huge mistake...and he has to be the one accountable for it.

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One game out in the loss column LOL!

Anything can happen at this point.  Green Bay next week at home with no Aaron Rodgers and probably no Senaca Wallace.  If we can steal that win, the next game is at home again against the Cowboys who are probably terrible.  That could be for the lead in the NFC East!  The Cowboys have a bye and if the Giants can beat Green Bay they would go into that game at 4-6 and the Cowboys are 5-5.  It would be insane to come out of that game at 5-6 with a share of the NFC East lead.  Of course the Eagles would have to lose to the Redskins which may not happen but whatever.

And yes, I'm overlooking the fact that the Giants are god awful.  If they would stop spotting the other team 14 points every week we would be much better but our special teams are atrocious and Eli seems to throw a pick 6 every other week...  terrible.

The Giants are awful, but fortunately, so is the rest of the division. At the very least, the Giants have made the season interesting. 4 weeks ago, it certainly didn't look like that could happen. The soft spot in their schedule certainly has helped them a lot, and they have beaten bad teams in very, very ugly fashion, but there are no style points. The Aaron Rodgers injury has definitely put them in a bit of a better situation than there would have been, but in the end, they still have to jump over TWO teams, and the back-end of their schedule does not look good, especially considering that the Lions are actually a good team again...

Seahawaks and Lions are the only really hard games left.  Every other game is totally winnable.  Also, the Seahawks have been struggling before this week (and that game is at home) and the Lions are streaky too.  That would put us at 8-8.  It's not totally crazy for the Cowboys and Eagles to each go 3-3 down the stretch while the Giants go 5-2 and then it is up to tiebreakers which I haven't looked into.  Getting Andre Brown back was HUGE - he looked good (and fresh legs!).  If special teams could just play below average and the offense could stop allowing the other team's defense to score a TD every week I think this can happen!

Ok, not really but here we are.

Ya know...I was just thinking that Tim Tebow has become basically a modern day Doug Flutie. Flutie was quickly written off as not being "NFL capable", and nobody wanted to give him a chance. I'm not even a Tebow fanboy (I honestly don't care about him one way or the other), but it just feels incredibly odd to me that a team like the Packers feels more comfortable with Scott Tolzein starting than they would Tim Tebow.

Even with the Titans situation...Ryan Fitzpatrick is better than Tim Tebow? Really? The only consideration I could have is that the guy is just so full of himself that he's a locker room cancer...and between that and the media circus, teams would actually rather lose than have to deal with it. But when you look at some of the guys getting snaps around the league right just blows my mind, lol.

I will say though, at least Flutie was willing to do ANYTHING to prove people wrong, and had a great career in the CFL, before returning to the NFL, winning Comeback Player of the Year, and making the Pro Bowl. Tebow could learn something there. Play well elsewhere and you'll easily find your way back.

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Ya know...I was just thinking that Tim Tebow has become basically a modern day Doug Flutie. Flutie was quickly written off as not being "NFL capable", and nobody wanted to give him a chance. I'm not even a Tebow fanboy (I honestly don't care about him one way or the other), but it just feels incredibly odd to me that a team like the Packers feels more comfortable with Scott Tolzein starting than they would Tim Tebow.

Even with the Titans situation...Ryan Fitzpatrick is better than Tim Tebow? Really? The only consideration I could have is that the guy is just so full of himself that he's a locker room cancer...and between that and the media circus, teams would actually rather lose than have to deal with it. But when you look at some of the guys getting snaps around the league right just blows my mind, lol.

I will say though, at least Flutie was willing to do ANYTHING to prove people wrong, and had a great career in the CFL, before returning to the NFL, winning Comeback Player of the Year, and making the Pro Bowl. Tebow could learn something there. Play well elsewhere and you'll easily find your way back.
I agree - I think to a certain extent there is blackballing going on in the NFL with respect to some players. A few years ago TO was available and I remember there were contenders who had WR issues and no one would even look at him. He would still be a good WR2 in the league I bet but he will never play again. Same thing with Ochocinco.

bread's done