The 2013-14 NFL Thread

Fox is trying to make the Vikings/Bengals game as boring as you can get. Dick Stockton and Ronde Barber are stumbling everywhere, the camera is 3 miles away (like most Fox telecasts), and the only time you can hear the crowd is when the ref is calling a penalty.

Remind me again why Fox is superior to CBS again?
Be thankful you're not seeing this train wreck of a game that is the terrible Nfc East. Talk about both teams trying everything in their power to blatantly lose a game with redskins wanting to lose more than win by somehow letting these chumps convert a 4th and goal from the damn near 12 yd line thanks to Murray being a dumb ass. Didn't help that somehow the officials didn't see the various redskins getting held in the final 3 minutes but somehow were quick as hell to throw a flag on a helmet accidentally coming off.

The aints losing was definitely a better game to watch.

LOL @ peytons stat padding to get the record, Brees would be proud. Sorry Brady.

The best thing about the end of the season will be the jettison of Oher. Cannot wait.

Also, props to Nantz and Simms for letting Baltimore's patented chant through.
how many times will the Ravens keep failing on 4th down conversions

lmao shanked

Also these rules really need some changing, that green bay / steeler game is ridiculous. Illegal bat my ass.

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LOL @ peytons stat padding to get the record, Brees would be proud. Sorry Brady.
Has Peyton had a backup fill in at all this season? I know there have been several games where they have been ahead by a large margin, and most teams pull their starters after so much of a spread with little left to work with.

Also, embarrassing loss for the Chiefs. People have given them crap this season, and with as terrible as they played today, maybe its warranted a bit.
wow @ the Seahawks finish..... i think its time for a lot of eye evaluations this season.

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LOL @ peytons stat padding to get the record, Brees would be proud. Sorry Brady.
If Peyton wouldn't broke it today he would have broke it easily with the Raiders next week. Why all the Peyton hate? The guy went through a lot with his injury and his career was almost over:

Read that article and tell me that what Peyton Manning is doing right now is not even more amazing considering what he had to do to come back. Most player would have called it quits or retire after an injury like that.

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I just think the Broncos are a bully team. They are winning big and keep throwing and throwing and racking up the TDs. But then they play big teams and lose. If they don't get to the Super Bowl who gives a fuck about Peyton's year?

I respect the guy to come back and play at a high level, but the record amounts to zero for me. Especially when you see 5 out of the top 6 season records for TDs are in the last 6 years. Yeah cause the league is basically Arena Football now.

Who cares.
Double post but pretty amazing 4 straight years the Cowboys get to play in Week 17 and win the division by winning the game.
I just think the Broncos are a bully team. They are winning big and keep throwing and throwing and racking up the TDs. But then they play big teams and lose. If they don't get to the Super Bowl who gives a fuck about Peyton's year?

I respect the guy to come back and play at a high level, but the record amounts to zero for me. Especially when you see 5 out of the top 6 season records for TDs are in the last 6 years. Yeah cause the league is basically Arena Football now.

Who cares.
To be fair what NFL team has not played a big game and has not lost before? Unless you are the 72 Dolphins that is.

But yeah I agree with you, that it is the Super Bowl that everyone should be caring about. Getting there is not what Denver is after, it is a Super Bowl win for them or it is a bust.

Denver still have a lot of issues to be work out though.

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Double post but pretty amazing 4 straight years the Cowboys get to play in Week 17 and win the division by winning the game.
Only thing that needs to be sorted out is what type of lol worthy way will they lose this time.

blow out?

game ending Romoception?

Garret being Garret?

I just think the Broncos are a bully team. They are winning big and keep throwing and throwing and racking up the TDs. But then they play big teams and lose. If they don't get to the Super Bowl who gives a fuck about Peyton's year?

I respect the guy to come back and play at a high level, but the record amounts to zero for me. Especially when you see 5 out of the top 6 season records for TDs are in the last 6 years. Yeah cause the league is basically Arena Football now.

Who cares.
Devil's advocate. If they didn't keep pouring it on, and a team came back to win, they would be highly criticized for not going for the kill.

I will agree, though, that there are times when just about any other team would run the ball some more, throw short passes, milk the clock more, avoid injuries, and just get out of there with the win. You can definitely tell that they want to run scores up, and it is a bit of a douchebag move.

I just think the Broncos are a bully team. They are winning big and keep throwing and throwing and racking up the TDs. But then they play big teams and lose. If they don't get to the Super Bowl who gives a fuck about Peyton's year?

I respect the guy to come back and play at a high level, but the record amounts to zero for me. Especially when you see 5 out of the top 6 season records for TDs are in the last 6 years. Yeah cause the league is basically Arena Football now.

Who cares.
The final score was 37-13, not 56-0. Also, if the Denver D falters and gives up 35 points in a game, it wouldn't be Peyton's fault that Denver would lose that game.

@bigdaddy: Most of the Denver offense is short passes, even when the game is close.

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Devil's advocate. If they didn't keep pouring it on, and a team came back to win, they would be highly criticized for not going for the kill.

I will agree, though, that there are times when just about any other team would run the ball some more, throw short passes, milk the clock more, avoid injuries, and just get out of there with the win. You can definitely tell that they want to run scores up, and it is a bit of a douchebag move.
Oh I don't have a problem with them doing it, it's the NFL. If you are getting scored on to death that's on you to stop them from scoring. I'm just looking at it as strictly a playoff game/are they a great team perspective.
Damn... Broncos lost Miller for the rest of the way.  Defense is already problematic but the AFC is weak this year so here's hoping it won't be too big a blow

they dont call it december romo for nothing
Last time they played the Eagles with something on the line they punked then in week 17 and in the wild card game. McNabb still shits on Room for getting him traded.

Also Foles sucked ass last time he played the boys, and they are getting a ton of people back this week.
shut the fuck up man. He got suspended and served it. He didn't deserve that. Some people are just dicks.

In July, 2013, ESPN reported that Von Miller had been suspended four games for violating league policy, pending appeal. Miller tweeted that he did "nothing wrong." In August 2013, he lost the appeal and was suspended for six games. The six game suspension arose after the NFL learned that he attempted to cheat a drug test

It's okay though. The more excuses for Manning come 1 or 2 and done this January the better.

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Maybe Kyle Orton can pull some magic out of his ass.

Room pulling off the drive while having a season ending back injury is pretty crazy. Dude showed how tough he is.
they dont call it december romo for nothing
I guess we were both wrong


"if you recorded the game, go check back after Murray was stopped on 3rd and goal. After the referee announced no penalty for the helmet removal, Garrett ran up to the official to call timeout with about 1:42 left on the clock, but Romo ran up between them and stopped Garrett, who had an utter look of confusion on his face.

A minute later, the camera pans back and Garrett is staring blankly at Romo's face. We only see the back of Tony's head, but you can tell he is very sternly yelling at Garrett and using a lot of hand movements to hammer home his point. I can only imagine he's telling him that there were still about 25 seconds left on the play clock, because after that they let about 25 more seconds bleed off the clock before calling that final timeout.

Thank God the camera's caught it all.

That's your "walk around coach" folks. That's your game manager. In the grand scheme of things, may not have made a difference, but he's so oblivious he was going to just go right ahead and give Washington an extra 25-30 seconds at the end of the game before Romo stepped in and made the right call. Amazing he is still this clueless three years into the job."

Send this guy his pink slip already.

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There is no way the Cowboys could beat the Texans or Jaguars with Kyle Orton at QB, let alone the Eagles. The downside to all this is that it probably just saved a bunch of coaches their jobs because Jerry will put the blame on Romo being hurt and nothing else. 

I hate the Cowboys but I'm rooting for Romo - too bad about the injury.  The Eagles are definitely in now.  Still, they are probably one and done against either the 49ers or Saints.

There is no way the Cowboys could beat the Texans or Jaguars with Kyle Orton at QB, let alone the Eagles. The downside to all this is that it probably just saved a bunch of coaches their jobs because Jerry will put the blame on Romo being hurt and nothing else.
I know it sounds crazy, but if Red J gets canned I want Jerry to get Rex Ryan. I think he would be the perfect coach for the Cowboys.
lol @ everyone trying to stir the pot now because Garrett's dumb ass  is saying Romo isn't ruled out and he is day to day. Why the fuck would you even think about throwing him on the field with a herniated disc in the first place is beyond me.

Rex Ryan to the cowboys, hmm well i supposed the circus does need its ringleader from the mini circus that was the Jets.

Nfl is probably thinking unflex unflex!

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Manning lost home games as a double digit favorite in the playoffs. You can't do that and be considered clutch.
I like how someone who has won a Superbowl is a choker. Means Favre is a choker too.
^ As someone else pointed out he has led some of the best offensive teams in NFL history to early exits from the playoffs. No reason why he doesn't have at least two or three rings. If he doesn't get to the Superbowl with this Denver team, if not win it, then the season was a failure and it hurts his legacy.

No doubt he will go down as one of the best regular season quarterbacks of all time but you can't have all those playoff appearances, with all that talent in both Indy and now Denver and not win.

And comparing Manning to Farve doesn't do Manning any favors.

Lol, All the Pats fans ragging on manning... it won't change your #2 seed or the fact your boy brady lost the a 37 year old. 

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Lol, All the Pats fans ragging on manning... it won't change your #2 seed or the fact your boy brady lost the a 37 year old.
Neither will 51+ touchdowns change the fact that he lost to Brady already head to head when Brady had infinitely LESS talent around him. Pretty much the story of Manning's career. Even his down syndrome looking brother is a better post season quarterback.

Lol, All the Pats fans ragging on manning... it won't change your #2 seed or the fact your boy brady lost the a 37 year old.
Manning has a 9-11 playoff record. It is about winning rings not setting records. If it is cold I bet the Pats go to Denver and win.

To be fair, Manning didn't allow a 70+ yard TD to the Ravens in the last minute.  That loss gets pinned on him (and maybe given the talent they should have been up more than a TD at that point but whatever) and I don't think that's right.  I would take Brady over Manning every time but if their careers were played in reverse Brady would be labeled as the one unable to win the big game.

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I can't say I am scared to death about starting Orton, but it's obviously a big drop off. If the Cowboys have ANY chance of winning Murray and Dez will have to have monster games.

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I know it sounds crazy, but if Red J gets canned I want Jerry to get Rex Ryan. I think he would be the perfect coach for the Cowboys.
He's the worst replacement for the Cowboys. He has a total disconnect with the offense, which is where all their talent is.

The perfect landing place for Rex would be Detroit. He's have that D destroying teams and the OC could run the offense that's already in place.
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In three of Peyton's one and dones, he led the NFL in game winning drives. In those three seasons he led the Colts, in the 4th quarter, on drives that won the game - 18 times. Take away Peyton Manning and his late game heroics, and the Colts possibly don't make the playoffs in any of those three seasons.

For the other one and dones, in 2000, Indy lost to the Dolphins in Miami, and Miami had the 2nd best defense in the NFL that season. In 2005, Indy lost to the Super Bowl champion Steelers, and in 2007 Indy lost to the Chargers despite throwing for 404 yards on 33-48 and 3 TD. In 2010, after defeating the Colts in Indy, the Jets went into Foxboro and also beat Tom Brady and the Patriots.

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Orton is a serviceable backup, so I wouldn't rule Dallas out just yet.

Their defense needs to step up and keep Foles & Co. in check. That will determine everything, IMO. The Eagles made the Chicago D look like a wet paper bag.. which in all honesty was not that hard to do this season.

It pains me to say it, but I'll be rooting for Dallas -- only because I HATE Philadelphia sports fans with a passion.

I don't know why people are debating Peyton. He's the best regular season performer in NFL history an has lost some terrible playoff defeats.

There's nothing to argue, all the stats are there.
Neither will 51+ touchdowns change the fact that he lost to Brady already head to head when Brady had infinitely LESS talent around him. Pretty much the story of Manning's career. Even his down syndrome looking brother is a better post season quarterback.
Well, via that argument, losing two superbowls like Brady doesn't make you clutch either, especially when one year you basically had the most prolific scoring offense ever. Also, quarterbacks don't play each other, there is no "head to head". Your argument about Eli proves my point exactly, you don't need to be a great qb to win the superbowl, or "clutch" as you call it.

Brady's black mark is the 18-1 team. Stacked team that still should have beaten the Giants.

That second loss, they had no business even being there. Brady carried that team there.

And Brady's early Super Bowl wins are clutch as hell, he never had the weapons Peyton did until that Moss team.
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bread's done