"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson Wrestling Thread

Demolition Man

3 (100%)
Its The...



Quick Career Highlights:
*Trained by Shawn Michaels
*Commonly known also as "The American Dragon"
*1 Time Ring Of Honor World (ROH) Champion (15 month reign)
*1 Time Full Impact Pro (FIP) Champion
*1 Time Pro Wrestling Guerella (PWG) Champion
*Considered to be one of the "founding fathers" of Ring Of Honor alongside Christopher Daniels and Low Ki

More info @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryan_Danielson

Personal Thoughts: I have seen Bryan Danielson in person at the three Ring Of Honor shows we have had here in the Twin Cities. My personal favorite out of the three was the 60 minute 2 out of 3 falls title match he had against Nigel McGuiness at "Epic Encounter II." This was the first show ROH had done after their first UK tour and Nigel at the time was the ROH Pure Champion. The match itself was very mat centered but after a night of several high spot matches it was a nice change of pace on the card. The match itself ended in a draw as Bryan passed out while Nigel had him in a sleeper hold submission as the 60 minute mark passed.

WWE Velocity - Danielson vs John Cena

(I apologize in advance for using several posts so I can link a few videos)
Kurt Angle vs Giant Bernard from the 2/15 NJPW Sumo Hall show.

Awesome part of the pre-match video -

Aside from Kozlov's parts, the SD chamber was really good - I especially loved the Show-Jeff, Show-'Taker, and of course, 'Taker-HHH portions. I'm not a big fan of HHH having the belt again as I think his last reign dragged on forever, but I'm willing to give it a chance in the hopes that it leads to something intriguing for 'Mania.

Shane vs. Orton went too long, and I didn't like seeing Shane survive a ton of stuff, beat up DiBiase and Rhodes by himself, and then last for 20-ish minutes with the guy who is supposed to be the company's top heel...who can't even beat a part-time wrestler, with help, in under 20 minutes. With that said, the match had some cool parts to it, like Shane missing the big elbow, Orton bleeding off of the sick monitor shot, and Orton countering a Shane punt attempt with an RKO that Shane, to his credit, sold perfectly.

Swagger vs. Finlay was a step down from their usual TV match. After a great match with Matt at the Rumble, this wasn't the kind of match Swagger could afford to have on PPV since he's the champion of a show that many PPV viewers don't watch. The Hornswoggle falling bit looked bad, but at least Finlay sold the gutwrench powerbomb really well and made it seem legit. If nothing else, they've done a good job of protecting that move. I wouldn't have minded Christian coming out and doing commentary on this - at least it would've set up he and Swagger having a staredown and pointing at the WM logo to do something to build to the future of the belt on this show.

HBK vs. JBL was way below HBK's usual PPV match, but told a fine story. HBK kicking out of multiple Clotheslines from Hell helped put over how serious the stip was, as did the post-match thing with Shawn and his wife. Part of me hopes this was the end of their feud, as this match wasn't too hot, but the promos were so good that I wouldn't mind them doing something with it for 'Mania - hopefully allowing JBL to have someone wrestle HBK for him as he's clearly been the weak link in his most of his PPV matches since returning.

The Raw Chamber was exciting, and I enjoyed its booking more than the SD chamber. While Edge coming in doesn't quite make sense, he was a perfect chickenshit heel here, and added a lot more to the match than Kofi would've. Rey was the freaking man in this match - working well with everyone, and moving around better than he has at any point since at least his latest return. The seated senton off the pod looked amazing, as did the rana to Jericho with Rey holding onto the top of the chamber like a set of monkey bars. So many things could've gone wrong there, and yet they each pulled that move off about as well as could be expected. The sunset flip powerbomb/German Suplex spot was also pretty awesome looking, and could've gone wrong easily. Jericho's out of nowhere Codebreakers were also awesome, and that aspect of the move being built up reminds me of DDP's diamond cutter circa '97 - hopefully WWE keeps building the move up, as they've been hit or miss with it over the past year, and it's hurt the move's ability to be seen as a sure-fire finisher.

Cena's quick elimination was a pleasant surprise - he's been Superman for too long, and it was good to see him show some vulnerability here. Plus, the story of the match wasn't about him, so it was good to get him out as quickly as possible and keep the focus on the guys who were shining brightly during it. The Edge-Rey finale of this chamber was excellent - Rey's one of the few who makes Edge's spear look good, and he did a great job with doing that here, and took one hell of a toss into the pod glass as well.
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Good choice, Demo.

In regards to ROH, does anyone know if HDNet is only available via satellite? It doesn't look like Comcast carries it in my area.
Awesome awesome thread topic.

If anyone hasn't seen it yet, try to get your hands on Dragon's match against Takeshi Morishima from Manhattan Mayhem II. Easily ROH's MOTY in '07.
[quote name='neocisco']Good choice, Demo.

In regards to ROH, does anyone know if HDNet is only available via satellite? It doesn't look like Comcast carries it in my area.[/QUOTE]

Time Warner has it, but it's not part of the standard HD channels; you have to pay for it, like Universal HD and MGMHD. So it looks like I won't be watching ROH unless I download the episodes.
I'm offended that some no-name has a wrestling thread...BOOOOOOOOOOO
[quote name='mykevermin']Time Warner has it, but it's not part of the standard HD channels; you have to pay for it, like Universal HD and MGMHD. So it looks like I won't be watching ROH unless I download the episodes.[/QUOTE]

Comcast has worked out a deal with HDNet for carrying the network. So its a matter of time before all markets have the channel. Hopefully Comcast will add the channel by mid March..... that's if HDNet renewels their contract with MLS.

Oh, and HDNet on Comcast is part of the standard HD channels package and is not part of any seperate packages.
Who's this jobber?!

Anyhow, I'm pretty okay with missing last night's PPV. I read the results this morning and as soon as I read the bit about Edge beating up Kofi and taking his spot in the EC, I knew he was going to win the belt. I am excited about Raw tonight.
I just think the Edge maneuver last night sets a bad precedent for matches. Every time there's a title match now, I'll wonder to myself "why isn't somebody clobbering the challenger before the match and inserting themselves into the title match?"

If we want to present wrestling as a sport, as a legit contest (which we want to perceive it that way), this makes no sense. I want to be champion. So I'm going to run over Orton with a truck at Wrestlemania and then go to the ring myself and have a match. And if I lose, I'll run over the next guy booked to be a title contender. Until I win.
No Way Out was a letdown. The matches were too long. I'm all for long matches, as long as they're not boring. WWE goes from having 10 minute PPV matches to 45 minute matches. It doesn't work. The crowd was dead the entire PPV. I was super disappointed with the HBK/JBL match. It felt rushed and didn't really have any magic to it. I loved the crazy asian dudes next his wife thoough. Those guys were pretty funny. It's always hilarious when WWE tries to be serious and the fans are throwing up middle fingers and going nuts.

And once again is Edge is champ. Great. He's been champ, what, 8 times? For a total time of 4 months? He's a joke. HHH had the best line about his title reigns on SD a while back. "I took a 20 minute nap and missed it." Edge is just so.fucking.stale. Someone must have the biggest hard on for this guy on the back because I just don't get it. So now we get to see him have a 20 minute celebration where he throws up the horns and makes out with Vicky. The belts don't mean anything when they keep passing them around like STDs. And Rey Rey pinning Kane? Do they even try to be believable? Rey is terrible too. He doesn't have it anymore. I wish one of the big guys would just dart him Nash style.
I like Edge a lot. I don't really think it's Edge that is stale as much as it is the writing that's stale. Let him have an actual championship reign as opposed to keeping 3 weeks at a time.
I missed the PPV and didn't even know there was one last night, but we've got Edge with the belt on Raw and Triple H with the belt on Smackdown. The easy money is on Trips/'Taker at 'Mania, but I'm absolutely LOST when it comes to the Raw brand. With Orton, Cena, HBK, and JBL all reasonably near the title picture, who knows what they're going to do. Edge/Cena is reasonable, but they've got a month to build to a match we've seen a million times. HBK and JBL potentially had their blowoff last night (with a match considered "All or Nothing"), but I really don't know - it sorta leaves Orton as a third wheel despite holding the title shot from the Rumble.
WWE Title: Triple H/Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title, Triple Threat: Edge/Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy
ECW World Heavyweight Title: Jack Swagger/Christian
Undertaker/Shawn Michaels

My guess for the main matches on the WrestleMania card. For once, I have no idea what they're going to do with Cena.
I'm a huge Edge mark and I'm glad he's an 8 time world champ now, hope the writing isn't shitty right now and actually make Edge to at least hold the belt till 'Mania instead of 3 weeks. Now we have a reason to watch RAW tonight.

On the SD side of things it was really predictable who was winning the belt when Edge got pinned, I think they're booking HHH and Taker at 'Mania, but I have a bad feeling that Mr. Levesque would might put himself over Taker.
Still I'm hoping for HBK vs Taker at Mania.

BTW, Michael Cole is a BITCH, I fucking hate that guy.
No Way Out was the first wrestling event I've attended, and as a guy who hasn't kept up with the WWE for a couple years, seeing the event live was way better than watching it on TV. I bought my tickets just a few weeks ago, so I tried to get caught up on at least Raw before I went to the show, and the first episode I watched was Shane's girl-fight with Orton, which I was embarrassed to see because non-wrestling fans were in the room, and it was incredibly bad. I never saw ECW or Smackdown though, so I had no idea what their matches were going to be before they happened (other than the elimination chamber). Here are the thoughts I had as I sat in the arena:

1.) A wrestling crowd is a weird mish-mash of demographics, and as a 23-year-old guy, I felt a little out of place. The first amazing observation I had was "My god, wrestling is still Hillbilly entertainment!" Around 30-40% of the crowd was from the boonies (which is a feat in Seattle, as you have to drive at least an hour in any direction to find areas like that). I'm positive the guy next to me thought wrestling was still real. He hated that I cheered for Jericho, saying "He would be OK if he didn't run his mouth so damn much." It was fun to sit next to someone like that though, because he was definitely into the show, which rubbed off on me. The next largest group was families whose kids had forced them to come, which I suppose makes sense, but wrestling doesn't seem that family-friendly to me. The rest of the crowd was split between regular Joes such as myself, and people who looked like they were only there to be seen (they filled most of the floor seats). I don't know who WWE is trying to appeal to, but I don't think I'm the target.

2.) The Undertaker's entrance is SO COOL. His was the most impressive, but the WWE presentation on the whole is outstanding. They do a great job at making the wrestlers seem larger than life, and the pyro will give you Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome if you're near the ramp.

3.) There is no way to get someone out of the chamber after being eliminated that isn't awkward. On TV, they just keep the camera off those guys, but if you're in the crowd, its so weird to watch a guy stumble around the cage trying to stay out of the way, and then just walk to the back.

4.) Crowd reactions are somewhat different than I expected. There are of course huge cheers (or boos) during entrances, and some big spots get reactions, but for the most part, the crowd is pretty quiet. It's weird that the same guys that were over 5 years ago when I last followed wrestling weekly are still the only guys that people cheer for. The Undertaker gets huge reactions, and I was surprised by how loud the crowd still gets for HHH. All the friends I used to watch with hated him, not for being a heel, but for being boring and on top all the time, but the live crowd was in love with him. I think Cena is really boring, and has that "Love me because you're supposed to love me" feel to him, but he gets a huge pop as well, although he was the only face that had audible boos to go with the cheers. On the other hand, Jericho was the only heel that had mixed cheers.

5.) The way Orton hits his finisher is impressive. That thing, while you KNOW it's gotta be coming, is pulled off so fast. That match had my favorite finish, and was better than I thought it could be given it's build-up on Raw.

6.) Why is ECW on this card? Swagger got no reaction, Finlay got some cheers, the match dragged on for a couple minutes, suddenly a gut-wrench happened, and the guys walked to the back. Hornswoggle hid under the ring for a while, then came out for no reason, stood by the ring for a few minutes, then walked up to the apron in time to get knocked off. I didn't see the build for this match, but I can only assume it was bad. I heard Christian came back this week, but he didn't make an appearance. What a bummer.

7.) JBL is terrible. He's a good on-camera heel, and his match had the best build, but he is so bad in the ring. His offense consisted of 3 punch combos, 2 whips, a bear hug, another punch combo, 2 clotheslines, and a whip to the out side. Boring! The only match the crowd was less into was the ECW match, but they did get into this one when Michael's hit his moves and ended it.

8.) Why was Edge allowed to stay in the final match? Did they reference it on the broadcast, because they sure didn't for the live crowd. I'm fine with it because the match was entertaining, and before Edge was in it, there was no way Cena was going to lose. Kane never wins anything, who the hell is Mike Knox, Kofi is not going to be Heavyweight champ (I offended the guy next to me again when I said that out loud), Rey will last a while before being eliminated because although its fun to see him jump around with bigger guys, he makes for an awkward champ, and Jericho may or may not being doing something with Mickey Rourke. Although it made no sense, having Edge in there made the match matter, because there was someone who could take the title from Cena. It was just cake when Cena got pinned 3rd.

9.) I'm glad there weren't any Women's matches, but what happened to the Tag Titles, the Intercontinental Title, and the US Title? I know for sure that there is a feud for the IC belt, so why weren't CM Punk and Regal on the card? And there is still a US belt, right?

Sorry for the essay, but I can't talk about wrestling without having eyes rolled at me, so this seemed like the best place to get this out. I'll probably DVR Raw tonight, but I doubt this is going to get me back into wrestling. I used to love it, and I wouldn't mind watching it again if I thought it could be as good as I once thought it was. Is wrestling just lame now, or did I jump back in at a bad time?
Wrestling will always seem better "back in the day" than what it is at the moment.

I remember people (myself included) absolutely shitting all over WCW because of the repetitive crap they pulled from about 1997 onward. Yes, some of the cruiserweight/US title stuff was good but the whole Sting in the rafters + beating up the whole nWo with a bat + "Best Nitro ever" shit was awful while it was going on. Nowadays, everyone's clamoring for what wrestling was 10-12 years ago. 10 years from now we'll all wax nostalgic over Randy Orton punting people's heads and, I dunno, Edge's random title wins.

I certainly include myself in that. To me, watching pre-TNN ECW in 1996-1999ish was absolutely mind-blowing. I'll probably never love wrestling as much ever again but it still entertains me more than anything else on TV so I'll keep watching.
Danielson cancelled his upcoming match with TJ Perkins in PWG this weekend because he reportedly suffered a concussion during a training session. He's been replaced by returning SoCal talent B-Boy, who's moved back to the area after wrestling in Jersey All-Pro and CZW for a year or so.
[quote name='Halo05']Wrestling will always seem better "back in the day" than what it is at the moment.

I remember people (myself included) absolutely shitting all over WCW because of the repetitive crap they pulled from about 1997 onward. Yes, some of the cruiserweight/US title stuff was good but the whole Sting in the rafters + beating up the whole nWo with a bat + "Best Nitro ever" shit was awful while it was going on. Nowadays, everyone's clamoring for what wrestling was 10-12 years ago. 10 years from now we'll all wax nostalgic over Randy Orton punting people's heads and, I dunno, Edge's random title wins.

I certainly include myself in that. To me, watching pre-TNN ECW in 1996-1999ish was absolutely mind-blowing. I'll probably never love wrestling as much ever again but it still entertains me more than anything else on TV so I'll keep watching.[/QUOTE]

You have a good point, but for me wrestling will never match the awesomeness I felt watching it in 1999/2000. I was absolutely in love with the product back then and religiously watched every single wrestling show, every single day. Even stuff like Sunday Night Heat, Metal, Jacked, Worldwide and Shotgun.
[quote name='Halo05']Wrestling will always seem better "back in the day" than what it is at the moment.

I remember people (myself included) absolutely shitting all over WCW because of the repetitive crap they pulled from about 1997 onward. Yes, some of the cruiserweight/US title stuff was good but the whole Sting in the rafters + beating up the whole nWo with a bat + "Best Nitro ever" shit was awful while it was going on. Nowadays, everyone's clamoring for what wrestling was 10-12 years ago. 10 years from now we'll all wax nostalgic over Randy Orton punting people's heads and, I dunno, Edge's random title wins.

I certainly include myself in that. To me, watching pre-TNN ECW in 1996-1999ish was absolutely mind-blowing. I'll probably never love wrestling as much ever again but it still entertains me more than anything else on TV so I'll keep watching.[/QUOTE]

I disagree, I started watching in the 80's with Andre beating Hogan and handing the belt over to Ted DiBiase to set up WM IV. From there through about WM VIII, both WCW and WWF were must watch for me. After that I tuned out, catching shows every now and then but I absolutely couldn't stand the cartoon characters WWF was throwing out at the time.

I didn't get back into wrestling until the nWo came into WCW and then was back to watching every show. Eventually WWF took over with DX and the Rock. I still remember Vince on Nitro and knowing that things would never be the same again. Unfortunately, I was right and, though I stuck with WWE for a while, it is now back to only catching a match every once in a while. I really want to like what they offer, but I am just not "into" it. Things will have to get really bad for me to miss anything about the current product other than wonder what would have happened if guys like RVD and Kennedy hadn't gotten busted for drugs.

Truth be told, I've been getting get most of the results from here lately.
In regards to the WWE title situations, it appears that
Triple H will be moving back to Raw when he's announced as Stephanie's protection from Legacy, leading to HHH/Orton at 'Mania. Cena is appearing at the SD taping this week, and is expected to indeed feud with Edge for the belt, though it'll be happening on SD instead of Raw.

[quote name='JJSP']In regards to the WWE title situations, it appears that
Triple H will be moving back to Raw when he's announced as Stephanie's protection from Legacy, leading to HHH/Orton at 'Mania. Cena is appearing at the SD taping this week, and is expected to indeed feud with Edge for the belt, though it'll be happening on SD instead of Raw.


It's not that bad. Only problem is we've seen that match about 100 times already.
I wonder if they'll be all wink-wink about their IRL relations, or if they'll acknowledge things.

[quote name='niceguyshawne']I disagree, I started watching in the 80's with Andre beating Hogan and handing the belt over to Ted DiBiase to set up WM IV. From there through about WM VIII, both WCW and WWF were must watch for me. After that I tuned out, catching shows every now and then but I absolutely couldn't stand the cartoon characters WWF was throwing out at the time.

I didn't get back into wrestling until the nWo came into WCW and then was back to watching every show. Eventually WWF took over with DX and the Rock. I still remember Vince on Nitro and knowing that things would never be the same again. Unfortunately, I was right and, though I stuck with WWE for a while, it is now back to only catching a match every once in a while. I really want to like what they offer, but I am just not "into" it. Things will have to get really bad for me to miss anything about the current product other than wonder what would have happened if guys like RVD and Kennedy hadn't gotten busted for drugs.

Truth be told, I've been getting get most of the results from here lately.[/quote]

Yeah. "Back in the day" means different things to different people. For me, it was the mid-80s in Memphis, the period at the end of Angelo Poffo's rogue promotion and its subsequent folding into Lawler's territory. At the time, I'd watch WWF when I could (rare, but even rarer to watch NWA), and the atmosphere was too cartoon-y. Some of us can distinguish when our fake redneck soap operas are TOO far removed from reality. :)
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']I wonder if they'll be all wink-wink about their IRL relations, or if they'll acknowledge things.[/quote]
I think they did away with keeping it hush-hush during the Raw Anniversary.
[quote name='Purple Flames']So JBL is gonna challenge Taker at WM25.

...Taker's streak is safe and sound.[/QUOTE]

Only Undertaker/Giant Gonzalez and UT/Big Boss Man were more transparent in their outcome.

That's some interesting perspective, G Dub, 'specially about how strange it is to try to get wrestlers out of the Chamber. But that's probably an issue for those watching the match live at the arena, as creative camera angles can disguise that well enough on TV.

And, yes, Wrestling is still *totally* for 'billies. Totally totally totally.

EDIT: You know, if the WWE sold oversized foam beards for Mike Knox, he'd totally get over.
It was really awkward with Kozlov getting out of the chamber, since Jeff Hardy and Triple H were out on outside of the ring where the door is when they had to open it to let him out, he just kinda wandered about for a good minute or two.
[quote name='mykevermin']

EDIT: You know, if the WWE sold oversized foam beards for Mike Knox, he'd totally get over.[/QUOTE]

They could do that or give him a 2x4 and a flag.
I'm guessing that Stephanie was "on the phone" with Triple H in that segment..

So Triple H saves Shane tonight, setting up Orton and Triple H at Wrestlemania.. right?
My god did Shane sell Orton's boot horribly. There was a noticeable delayed reaction time, and he moved arund way too much afterwards.

Awesome. My DVR always cuts off at 10:05. I set it to record 5 minutes into Burn Notice so I can catch the Raw overrun.. tonight, it decides to stop recording and switch it to Fox (?!). I switch it back and Stephanie is down and Triple H is in the ring. I try to watch the beginning of Burn Notice that I recorded, and it shows Stephanie slide into the ring and it freezes and says that the operation can't be performed and to contact customer service. Piece of shit.

I'm guessing she slid in to protect Shane and Orton kicked her, Triple H ran out and got pissed, and now it's Trips and Orton at Wrestlemania?
[quote name='SL4IN']Ugh. I really, really hate this Orton vs. McMahon story line.[/QUOTE]

I'm down. They finally brought in a wrestler to be Orton's foil, though.

I don't like the storyline, but gifs of Stephanie taking that RKO (which, given the way she took it, suggests she's vastly better in the ring than Shane), and Triple H's angry slobbering gorilla face (I think he was trying to convey anger and sadness at once, and came off looking like he's on an all protein, zero fat diet and hadn't shit in three days instead). Yeah, I'll take that storyline for those gifs.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm guessing she slid in to protect Shane and Orton kicked her, Triple H ran out and got pissed, and now it's Trips and Orton at Wrestlemania?[/QUOTE]

Substitute the kick for a RKO and you are pretty dead on.
bread's done