The Andrew "Test" Martin Memorial Thread

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*sigh* the DVR crapped out on me. I don't know if it's a one-time thing or not, but I literally got through the show/edge/cena recap and Michaels's entrance. Anything worthwhile happen?
[quote name='neocisco']Why honor a guy who most likely caused his own death through drug use? Yawn.


So why do the Von Erichs get praise?
I don't understand how Vickie can be in those story lines considering what happened to just seems wrong, I know its a work, but damn...that's what they decide to use her for?
[quote name='SL4IN']So why do the Von Erichs get praise?[/quote]

Some people praise them because they had an incredible feud with The Freebirds that was a precursor for all faction wars to come. It still doesn't excuse the drugs and suicides though. However, they can still garner respect for what they did in the ring. What did Test ever do that was truly memorable? Not a thing. I can sympathize for his family losing a loved one but as far as his contributions to wrestling they were practically nonexistent.
The Von Erichs, at least the oldest three, were really good workers too, at least before the drugs took over. David Von Erich was to be the NWA's version of Hulk Hogan and had even been voted by the NWA Board of Directors to be the World Heavyweight Champion and was like six weeks or so away from winning it when he died.

Kerry had movie star good looks and was a good, sympathetic babyface. if he could have just stayed clean I have no doubt he would have been a major, MAJOR star in the business.

Kevin Von Erich was really good too, but his problem was his loyalty to his dad meant he never really worked outside of WCCW and thus never had a chance to be a star. He wanted to turn heel on his brothers and his dad put his foot down to that as well. That feud would have been a license to print money.

I know Professor Twatwaffle will be pissed about talking about 'smart mark' stuff but I just thought I would throw my thoughts out there. I really liked the Von Erichs.

In a funny, almost related bit, Test was set to win the WWE Championship at the 1999 Survivor Series, but right before the pay per view went on the air, someone said "Wait a second... Test?" They came to their senses and put the belt on Big Show instead and as a result the Triple H/Test storyline was totally dropped.
[quote name='Blackout']The whole Vickie love storyline would be a lot more believable if she was hot, had some big tits, or something. How all these men are swooning over her is beyond me. Now Show is in love with her too? Even if it's just a ploy, it's just not believable.[/quote]

She has power. That can seduce many a man. Ask Triple H.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']I know Professor Twatwaffle will be pissed about talking about 'smart mark' stuff but I just thought I would throw my thoughts out there. I really liked the Von Erichs.[/QUOTE]

The difference in talking about the von erichs is that what you mentioned is public knowledge, and documented at that.

It's the hearsay nonsense that you post that is childish and "nun'ya," as it were. This? You can hear all of this on the WWE-approved WCCW DVD.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I think that's a major part of why I've always disliked Triple H. I can't remember, for a moment, where his character presentation on TV has him showing any doubt, any weakness, any hesitation. There are only a few wrestlers who, I feel, were able to convey that. [/QUOTE]

Cactus Jack vs. Triple H in 1999/2000. Triple H was busy tearing Mick Foley apart as Mankind but when Foley wandered back out, pulled off his mask, and revealed the "Wanted Dead" shirt, Triple H did a great job of selling Cactus Jack.

In a sort of telling way, Triple H's feud with Cactus Jack came off making both men into bigger characters. If Foley's body hadn't been falling apart, he could've kept feuding for the title into 2000. The way Orton/Triple H is going, it seems like Orton is going to come off as an impotent bitch.
[quote name='Halo05']Cactus Jack vs. Triple H in 1999/2000. Triple H was busy tearing Mick Foley apart as Mankind but when Foley wandered back out, pulled off his mask, and revealed the "Wanted Dead" shirt, Triple H did a great job of selling Cactus Jack.[/QUOTE]

What's funny is I had vaguely the same thought as this when making my post last night. I recall Triple H's reaction to when Cactus Jack came out, not during this match, but 2-3 years prior on an episode of Raw (Cactus's first WWF appearance).

But I think it's quite telling that we have to go back 9 years to find evidence of Triple H not being the smug "get one over on every guy every week" character.

Also, I think "the McMahon-Helmsley Era" may be the longest-running angle in WWE ever, if only because we're still in the middle of it.

That video reminded me of how awesome WWF was in 2000. Then it reminded me of how it went downhill 2001 onward.

Why all the Test hate? I actually thought he was a damn good wrestler. Maybe not "legendary", but he was a good midcarder / jobber to the stars. Sorta like Kane.
bigshow drools alot. i cant imagine how people can still watch wrestling ive tried a few times with tna and did see an interesting femals match where this chick had a sick finisher but eh its pretty much dead to me. even the games are boring although i am curious about that wrestling legends game. anybody play that or has it not come out yet?
He just says it's because he double-crossed Vince and won't allow him in the game, but makes a plea for Randy to put aside their differences and try to patch things up with Vince anyway.
[quote name='mykevermin']Who bled all over the floor where DiBiase just fell? I just turned on Raw.

This HHH/Orton buildup misses the point, and I hate to echo a lot of the smart mark bitching, but here comes some anti-HHH stuff.

I don't know if WWE have fooled themselves into thinking Triple H is "not a babyface," so babyface rules don't apply to him, but they do. The fundamental problem with this feud, and like every one of his major feuds, is that he shows no fear, no weakness, no nothing. He provides no hint whatsoever that he might potentially lose. There's nothing in the program that suggests Orton has a chance in hell of winning the belt from Triple H; just Triple H spending week in, week out getting the best of Orton.

I think that's a major part of why I've always disliked Triple H. I can't remember, for a moment, where his character presentation on TV has him showing any doubt, any weakness, any hesitation. There are only a few wrestlers who, I feel, were able to convey that. Only Andre comes to mind. But, for someone who idolizes Flair, and for someone who wants to sculpt a fake fighting program to give him a "record" number of title wins such that he surpasses Flair (I'll suck a thousand dicks if that never happens in Triple H's career), he sure the fuck doesn't know how to emulate Flair's style.

Flair made a career out of pissing off crowds and stymieing people into wondering how he managed to eek out yet another win and title retention. Triple H just squashes every motherfucker who gets in the way.

I still think the epitome of his arrogance was when he and Scott Steiner had a second title match in 200whateveryearthatwas (since WWE blends together so much anymore I can't fuckin' tell 'em apart) after they collectively shit the bed in their Royal Rumble title match. Fans couldn't get enough of that'un.[/quote]

I think the other thing Ric Flair had that Trips never will is universal (well almost) respect throughout the business. From what I've seen/heard in interviews and such Ric Flair was very loyal to promotions and people even when big money was on the table. He also seems to have been happy to put people over when it was asked of him. I'm sure there's a few exceptions, but when was the last time HHH put someone over properly.

Thats why there was genuine emotion when Ric retired, and it why his title reigns mean something. HHH always be looked on as the guy who politiced his way up the ladder and married the bosses daughter to stay there IMO.
Police in Tampa are reporting that copious amounts of steroids and prescription drugs were found in Test's apartment, and that he was in the middle of a meal when he kicked the bucket (evidenced by the half-eaten pizza and cans of soda on the floor).

Fuji-san is not pleased.
I was sitting here just now and realized something: what the fuck happened to Greg Helmes? They spent weeks "hyping" his return, and then when he comes back he has 2-3 meaningless matches, gets briefly involved in the Hardy storyline, and he hasn't been on TV since.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I was sitting here just now and realized something: what the fuck happened to Greg Helmes? They spent weeks "hyping" his return, and then when he comes back he has 2-3 meaningless matches, gets briefly involved in the Hardy storyline, and he hasn't been on TV since.[/quote]

That's nothing.

I wonder what the hell happened to D'Lo. He had a match or two with Santino and that was it.
[quote name='Blackout']Man. Cactus Jack and HHH. That was some good stuff.[/quote]

It would have been even better if Trips had set his ego aside and put Foley over.
So apparently Brooke Hogan's cell phone was hacked and all of her voicemails were posted online, along with her cell number, Hulk Hogan's home and cell number, Nick's cell number, and Brooke's home address. He also apparently talks about getting some weed to smoke with her.

Not going to post the link to to hear the voicemails here, but it's in the headlines on pretty much every wrestling dirtsheet site if you want to listen.
You gotta wonder who the hell is responsible for wasting money on D'Lo, then jobs out Santino to him, only to release him later on.

Why job out one of your more successful, fresh talent to a guy who hasn't been relevant since his brief feud with JJ in the summer of 99? Old guys should job to new guys, plain & simple.
[quote name='Scorch']So apparently Brooke Hogan's cell phone was hacked and all of her voicemails were posted online, along with her cell number, Hulk Hogan's home and cell number, Nick's cell number, and Brooke's home address. He also apparently talks about getting some weed to smoke with her.[/QUOTE]

Hacked? sounds like someone just stole it.

[quote name='Purple Flames']It would have been even better if Trips had set his ego aside and put Foley over.[/QUOTE]

Foley was on his way out, and HHH wasn't even established yet. It makes since to have Foley job. Now they should have had Y2J keep the WWF strap when he beat HHH. Even if it was just till the next PPV. It's a shame that Y2J's first World title victory was pretty much made void.
[quote name='Purple Flames']It would have been even better if Trips had set his ego aside and put Foley over.[/quote]

Foley was on the way out anyway. He made HHH look really good.

Wait, is Hogan saying he can get some pot for Brooke, or is that little bitch Nick saying that?
They're probably burying Helms for being stupid enough to tattoo his own name on his back as if he were wearing a jersey.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']You gotta wonder who the hell is responsible for wasting money on D'Lo, then jobs out Santino to him, only to release him later on.

Why job out one of your more successful, fresh talent to a guy who hasn't been relevant since his brief feud with JJ in the summer of 99? Old guys should job to new guys, plain & simple.[/QUOTE]

More like why would you bring back a established guy from the Attitude era, who's a good wrestler, only to do nothing to reestablish him with the fans before putting him in dark matches and firing him?
Taking a brief look at the ratings decline over the past 4 weeks headed into Wrestlemania, if it were anyone other than Triple H involved, that would have an impact on the booking/outcome of the match.

But the reality is that Raw's ratings could drop from a 4.0 to a 1.0 (instead of ~4.1 to ~3.6), and Triple H would still annihilate Orton at 'mania.

Now, honest question: if you take away the "Wrestlemania" part of the PPV, and focus on the actual match lineup - what matches do you REALLY REALLY want to see this year (and why)?
I do want to see Shawn vs. Undertaker, I think it could be a pretty good match. I can't recall them having one since Bad Blood. Or Royal Rumble 98, but I remember Bad Blood better.

But that's all.
[quote name='Scorch']I do want to see Shawn vs. Undertaker, I think it could be a pretty good match. I can't recall them having one since Bad Blood. Or Royal Rumble 98, but I remember Bad Blood better.

But that's all.[/quote]

I feel the same way. I suppose I'll watch all the matches, but this is only one I'm looking forward to right now. When they were the last two left in the 07 Rumble, I was hoping they would use that to start up a feud fairly soon after that. That obviously never happened.

Speaking of these two, who do you guys think has had the better Wrestlemania career? For me, the only right answer is Shawn Michaels. Sure, Taker is 16-0, but nobody gives a shit about half the guys he has wrestled.
Michaels/Taker since it will steal the show.

Jeff/Matt just to see if they can work a good match against each other.

Are the Colons/Mizorrison unifying the tag belts? If so, I'll watch that. They're capable of having a very good match. Holy crap, I just complimented Miz.

MitB will be the worst one yet. They're going to need a forklift at ringside if Mark Henry wants to get to the case.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Speaking of these two, who do you guys think has had the better Wrestlemania career? For me, the only right answer is Shawn Michaels. Sure, Taker is 16-0, but nobody gives a shit about half the guys he has wrestled.[/quote]

Shawn Michaels, without a doubt. The only Wrestlemania match I can remember involving Taker was vs. Sid at WM13, only because I was so excited that he got the belt.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Now, honest question: if you take away the "Wrestlemania" part of the PPV, and focus on the actual match lineup - what matches do you REALLY REALLY want to see this year (and why)?[/QUOTE]

Jeff Vs Matt -- I've been waiting since Vengence 2001 for them to do this feud right. The story going in has been the highlight of Smackdown! in recent weeks and I think it could the sleeper match on card. On a side note, I hope this leads to an eventual Hardy boy feud over the World Title, preferably culminating with a Summerslam Ladder match.

Orton Vs HHH -- Yes I've been looking foward to this match since Orton RKO'd Steph and even though the build has been pretty terrible (not to mention corny) I still want to see if babyface Orton can really defeat the unstoppable heel, Triple H.

JBL Vs Rey Mysterio -- No reason really, other than to finally see the IC title defended at a WM. Also hoping Rey wins, since they haven't really done anything with him in a while.

A potential WM match that hasn't been announced, but could be on the card:

Undisputed Tag Team Championship
The Colons Vs Miz & Morrison -- The feud has been pretty entertaining, and Unifying the titles has been a long time coming (I'm actually hoping they just do away with the Brand Extension come WM26, wouldn't mind the main event being for the undisputed championship). They've teased it two weeks running, hopefully this means that we'll get undisputed champs at WM.

BTW, is anyone honestly thinking about forking over the cash for this? Me personally I'm heading to a nearby sports bar with friends. $50 for WM? Hell no, but I can part with $7 for Beer, chicken and wrestling.
One can only hope it won't be anything like that match the first time the Hardys broke up. Didn't they both just disappear for a month and show up as a team again after that match?
Yep, the Hardys & Lita were being punished for some reason or another and were taken off TV for a while. Also the match was boring because for whatever reason they decided to work a completely different (not to mention slower) style of match. Their match from the first round of the 2000 King of the Ring was much better.
I had no idea that Macho Man was a "persona non grata" (whatever that means) in WWE because he had an affair with underage Stephanie Mcmahon. :hot:

I'm pretty sure it's Stephanie and Triple H the ones behind not wanting him around and not Mr. Mcmahon..
[quote name='D_Icon']I had no idea that Macho Man was a "persona non grata" (whatever that means) in WWE because he had an affair with underage Stephanie Mcmahon. :hot:

Oh yeah I can see tha.......WHA ???
That's never been confirmed. He stopped wrestling in the WWF shortly after WMVIII, and worked in an announcer's capacity. He spent a couple years announcing and then showed up in WCW to wrestle after that.

Something about that Hardy facepaint reminds me of high school kids who draw all over their passed out drunk friends. Arrows pointing towards the mouth with something like "PUT COCK HERE" on the forehead. Hardy's facial expression doesn't help matters.

And Edge looks like he's thinking about it. He's got a thing for screwing Hardys.
[quote name='D_Icon']I had no idea that Macho Man was a "persona non grata" (whatever that means) in WWE because he had an affair with underage Stephanie Mcmahon. :hot:

I'm pretty sure it's Stephanie and Triple H the ones behind not wanting him around and not Mr. Mcmahon..[/QUOTE]I honestly have a hard time buying the common "Stephanie rape" theory. That's not the kinda thing you "blackball" someone over; it's the kinda thing you press charges over!!
[quote name='Evil Poptart']I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I want to start watching wrestling again, but I don't really have the time or memory to watch them when they're on. Is there some kind of RSS feed that will allow me to keep up to date?[/quote]

I don't know of anything like that. Maybe you could use a Microsoft Outlook calendar to give yourself alerts or something like that.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I honestly have a hard time buying the common "Stephanie rape" theory. That's not the kinda thing you "blackball" someone over; it's the kinda thing you press charges over!![/QUOTE]

This is the story as I heard it...

Vince McMahon seems to feel that when someone wrestles for him, he instantly owns every aspect of their character regardless of whether the wrestler created it long before they worked for McMahon or not.

When Savage gave notice he was going to WCW, Vince McMahon pulled the “I own the name Macho Man and the term Macho Madness” card. Which of course is bullshit. Instead of negotiating with him, Savage told Eric Bischoff, who immediately got WCW’s lawyers on him. McMahon backed down with putting up a fight.

There’s a lot of things Vince McMahon will put up with, even being beaten in court (see Mero, Rena). What he will not put up with is being told that he doesn’t own the rights to someone’s likeness by divine right of the king. I defend the WWE a lot, but McMahon is an egomaniac to the degree that they have to stop meetings in their track if he so much as sneezes because he throws a temper tantrum on himself. Being told he doesn’t OWN YOU FOR ETERNITY? Wow, that’s cause for being blacklisted.

Hell, the WWE brought back Sable. They’re apparently bringing back Wendi Rechter. But anyone who claims the WWE doesn’t own their name? fuck THEM, BLACKLISTED!

The Ultimate Warrior sued the WWE when they said it was not his character. And I know guys who swallow WWE bullshit won’t like to hear it, but the Warrior was 100% in the right. He could legitimately claim the character of the Ultimate Warrior was his. He called himself the Dingo Warrior before coming to the WWE. He used the same face paint, tassles, etc. Just because the WWE changed his name doesn’t mean they own the rights to the entire persona. It doesn’t work that way.

So in my opinion Randy Savage is blacklisted because Vince McMahon asserted he should own the name Macho Man, was pointed out what a dumbass he was by Turner’s lawyers, and is pouting over it.
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