The Blue World Order Wrestling Topic

[quote name='JJSP']Stryker did call Hardy and Bourne "athletes" at the PPV. ;)[/quote]

At least it's not "superstars" or "entertainers".

[quote name='Chase']OK, now I'm confuzzled. :whistle2:([/quote]

Get some ointment for that.
[quote name='neocisco']At least it's not "superstars" or "entertainers"[/quote]

i hate the "entertainers" thing when cole referred to bourne as an entertainer on raw last night, i couldn't help but envision as a unicyclist in the circus.

athletes i can deal with, it doesnt seem as annoying. so, SD is gonna have a match featuring two raw guys on it, doesnt make alot of sense to me, but whatever.
So next week's RAW is the 800th Episode Celebration?

Someone should tell the WWE that the 800th episode was a month and a half ago.
Bourne did hurt his leg legit; probably nothing more than a sprained ankle but he still couldn't put weight on it at the end of the match. Either that or he's the best fucking salesman on the planet; he even had Finlay check for swelling when the cameras weren't on.

Smackdown non-spoiler matchlisting:
Pre-ECW dark match:
Hawkins v. Kung-Funaki

Morrison/Miz v. Carlito/Primo non-title match
John Wayne Yang v. THEE Brian Kendrick
6 costumed divas tag match: Victoria, Maryse, and Nattie vs. Maria, Michelle McCool and someone else. Victoria was dressed the banana with maracas (OMG PEANUTBUTTERJELLYTIME), Natalya as a cop, and the other four as sluts.
Matt, Jeff, and Rey Mysterio v. Kane, Mark Henry, and MVP
Undertaker vs. Chavo in a casket match

Post-taping dark match:
Rey Mysterio v. Kane in a steel cage

I can't quite remember whether
the divas match was before or after the other 6-man tag;
other than that, this was the order we saw them in.

Spoilers for those inclined (along with notes on the show):
Dark match:
Kung-Funaki d. Hawkins

*JR dressd as a sailor, Taz as a soldier (or Marine?). I'm not fucking kidding, and have the pic to prove it. See the link at the end of the post.
*Open, pre-theme: Vickie Guerrero w/Chavito and Big Show (who was holding his throat and grimacing the whole time). Vickie announces the main event, Casket Match, undertaker vs... Chavito. (zuh? OK, there'll be a bait and switch, maybe?)
*Mizzorisson d. Carlito and Primo
*"John" Wayne Yang d. THEE Brian Kendrick by DQ
*The Khali Kiss-cam was a fucking hoot. I've never seen it before, but if they're all like this I'm all in.
* The face divas won. It was crappy. It's bound to suck when the match's best wrestler is DRESSED LIKE A fuckING BANANA WITH MARACAS.
*Matt, Jeff, and Rey d. Henry, Kane, and MVP
*Kozlov and HHH had a staredown, Kozlov demanded his title shot, HHH said "Until Vickie says so, STFU, but if you wanna throw down, I'm here. Kozlov backs off, HHH poses for 10 mins. Crowd is HOT, mostly leftovers from the 6-man.
*Main Event, Casket Match: Is indeed UT v. Chavo, despite ads Monday saying Big Show. Show stands on the ramp for most of the match, again selling the chokeslam from Sunday night. UT wins after Big Show flubs some interference, and after UT nearly flubs a Tombstone on Chavo. Post match celebration, then UT pulls Chavo out for more punishment. Show comes back for more double teaming, gets his ass kicked, and HE goes in the coffin.

*We saw no backstage promos except the opener I mentioned; no in-ring mic except for HHH/Kozlov. Also, Yang got a re-do on his entrance; the first time he was intro'd as Jimmy, got on the mic and said "I'm John Wayne Yang" and walked back up the ramp. Immediate re-cue of music, he's intro'd as John, all went well. The bell rang early in the Colons/Mizzorison match, after a two count about a minute before actual finish. I'm curious as to whether that gets edited out.

*Dark Match: Rey v Kane in a cage. They had to assemble the cage, it didn't drop down from the ceiling. Once done, a VERY short match, no real cage spots as the cage wasn't too solid to begin with. Mostly showcasing a Rey 'rana that Kane blocked; Rey sits up (like a powerbomb attempt); Kane launches rey over and behind, presumably to send Rey into the cage face-first; Rey hits the top rope and bounces over the top for the win. To tell you how quick it was, 17 minutes from the time they brought the first of the cage out until the final bell. The cage match was about 5-6 minutes tops.

A few pics that weren't SO crappy: a 4-year-old dressed as undertaker, the ECW pyro, JR, and part of Undertaker's entrance.
Every time I read Entertainment spoilers from a live show, I'm reminded of my favorite moment at one. Jimmy Hart calling Andre the Giant a son of a bitch and slapping him, then getting choked by Andre. :)

It was hilarious.
It occurred to me while watching CS/Raw that Jericho's Codebreaker could look a lot more effective if his opponents sold the move better. He did it on Sunday and Monday, and both times I thought Batista was countering the move instead of being hit by it.

I'm not trying to be all "HEY LOOK AT ME I DO WRESTLING" here, but I had this .gif handy. It's a montage of a few moves ending with a Codebreaker ("SkullBusta" in my case) and I just love the exaggerated sell that my opponent does for the move. I wish the WWE guys would sell Jericho's like this!
Um, didn't he hit it on Batista both times? That's the problem right there. ;)

That exaggerated selling in your GIF looks super sweet. Makes it look way more powerful.
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If I manage to get ringside seats to WM25, what's the likelihood of being able to flip them without taking a major loss, should I wind up not being able to go?
So, whatever happened to Umanga? He's been in the SD opening for weeks, but there's been no explanation, as far as I know. Injury, perhaps?
He was injured, but I thought he was supposed to be back by now.

[quote name='PW Insider']- Layla El is now being advertised as Layla London, so that appears to be her name going forward.[/quote]

Paul London will never be on WWE TV again.
[quote name='Matt Young']He was injured, but I thought he was supposed to be back by now.

Paul London will never be on WWE TV again.[/quote]

Lords Of Pain is reporting that Perry Saturn has gone missing. Apparently his close friends don't believe he's still alive - he hasn't been seen in months, and didn't make an appearance at the Killer Kowalski funeral. is saying Bourne tore ligaments in his ankle and could be out up to 4 months, bourne is hopeing to heal quicker or work through it. Tough break for him.
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']
Smackdown non-spoiler matchlisting:
Pre-ECW dark match:
Hawkins v. Kung-Funaki

Morrison/Miz v. Carlito/Primo non-title match
John Wayne Yang v. THEE Brian Kendrick
6 costumed divas tag match: Victoria, Maryse, and Nattie vs. Maria, Michelle McCool and someone else. Victoria was dressed the banana with maracas (OMG PEANUTBUTTERJELLYTIME), Natalya as a cop, and the other four as sluts.
Matt, Jeff, and Rey Mysterio v. Kane, Mark Henry, and MVP
Undertaker vs. Chavo in a casket match

Post-taping dark match:
Rey Mysterio v. Kane in a steel cage

Looks like MVP's jobbing again. :whistle2:(
[quote name='mykevermin']Sad that it took months to notice he's missing.[/quote]

Yeah it is. I always liked Saturn. He was a solid wrestler. I hope he's not dead. That would suck.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal'] is saying Bourne tore ligaments in his ankle and could be out up to 4 months, bourne is hopeing to heal quicker or work through it. Tough break for him.[/QUOTE]


Not quite literally, but close enough. Well played.
A friend of mine sees Saturn in Menard's all the time in Mason City, IA. He was working for Sonny Ono's car dealership and tattooed his entire face.
[quote name='lmz00']NOOOOO!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:[/quote]

I haven't read this week's spoilers, but if they continue the direction they seem to be taking MVP, I expect him to job yet again. :whistle2:(

those bastids

[quote name='Blackout']Yeah it is. I always liked Saturn. He was a solid wrestler. I hope he's not dead. That would suck.[/quote]

I too enjoyed Saturn as a wrestler. He was a solid talent from his Eliminator days all the way up his odd WWE days. It would be a shame if he died under such circumstances.

And Sonny Ono owns a car dealership? I wonder if he runs commercials? :whistle2:k
It's called Sonny's Extreme Autos or something along those lines. Apparently he gives jobs to quite a few former wrestlers who are now having financial difficulties and lets them stay at his house until they can get back on their feet.
[quote name='soggierules']A friend of mine sees Saturn in Menard's all the time in Mason City, IA. He was working for Sonny Ono's car dealership and tattooed his entire face.[/quote]

I met him a few years ago after he'd left WWE. In that time he'd gotten a tattoo that ran from his shoulders, up his neck to the top of his head. That threw me for a moment. Shaking his hand was like grabbing a chunk of granite, ridiculously solid. Hearing he has facial tattoos doesn't really surprise me. It's probably safe to say that Perry's a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Sting is humble, graceful, and smart:

You are famous for being probably the one top wrestling star of the last 25 years never to have worked for the WWE. Did Vince McMahon ever try to sign you?

Yes, I was really close at least three, four times over the years.

A few times in the early 1990s, when I chose TNA and once at a real key moment when WCW had overtaken WWE as the No1 group in wrestling. And I was pretty much at the peak of WCW, in their peak days.

I forget how many weeks in a row WCW beat them in the ratings wars but it got really bad for WWE - WWF at the time. That was a key moment, and I was really close to jumping.

What stopped you going to the WWE?

There was always something in me that thought that Vince McMahon wanted me more to undermine WCW than he wanted me as a talent. I just always believed that.

I saw a lot of guys from WCW that went to WWE and that happened. Anyone who made it to a higher level within WCW and then tried to jump over – it just didn’t work.

The other thing was that WCW ended up giving me what I wanted in my contract.

So Sting was aware of what McMahon did to talent from other areas: freeze-dried their careers or embarrassed the shit out of them. In 20 years of hindsight, though, it's pretty easy to see that.

Sting isn't that bright:

What do you think is the one step TNA needs to take where you can get to the level to go head-on with WWE?

The only thing I can do is look back on track record and what I have seen work in the past. And what I have seen work in the past was names.

When Lex Luger jumped ship he was set to be on WWE Raw, but there he was on WCW Nitro. That created such a buzz. Then soon after that Scott Hall and Kevin Nash joined WCW and this momentum just built and built and built.

With Kurt Angle, and now Mick Foley, I believe there are going to be more people watching TNA.

I think this is a fascinating interview because it delves, indirectly, into the ideal pro wrestler psyche: they recognize that they are not timeless human beings, they recognize the patterns of guys that come and go and how that was a problem to them when they were younger, and then in the same interview, fail to realize how they are now very much on the contributing end of that problem.

Something about this "I don't know how much longer I'll do this"/"Yeah, the young guys are jealous of my old ass" tone is appropriate to be coming from their CHAMPION. Then again, I'm not a fan of the idea of him being the champ in the first place.

I can say I could give a fuck about names. TNA is a clusterfuck of a program that I'll watch for 4 minutes once a month or less. They can have all the wrestlers in the world, but until they sort their shit out, they'll be pulling 0.9 ratings like they have been for going on 2 years or more.


So fuckin' what? It shows you how obtuse TNA is to their inherent flaws in the program. I've been using this metaphor to describe one of my hangups with John McCain's economic policies lately: what he's proposing is akin to sweeping your kitchen floor while your house burns to the ground. That's what TNA is doing here. They spend oodles of money on a brand new set.

A brand new set they'll continue to suck in.
Im actually enjoying tna alot more since the "return" of the new breed angle.

IMHO it was one of the only things that was working near the end of wcw. I remember seing kidman and hogan going at it and it also allowed younger guys like palumbo, ohaire, jindrak, etc step up

Sure people can blame russo all they want for the current state of tna booking... and honestly I dont know what else they can do to move up in rating. they have big name stars, old popular stars, plus they have a decent group of young guys.

They have started to travel. BFG was supposedly a success with 4500 paid tickets.

What is missing??? Marketing?
I think part of the problem is that TNA is trying to grow during an era where wrestling in general isn't that popular. If they had started up more in the late 90's wrestling boom, they'd probably have a bigger fanbase now. Marketing would help, but they also need to have a product that will get people to come back after watching it the first time, which IMO they don't
I use to have hopes of making it big in WWE, but that would be insanely hard.

So instead I have a new plan, I just want to get exposed in WWE have people see me and if I don't make it beyond midcard level, I wouldn't mind getting released. I'd get booked at indie shows as a former WWE star hopefully that would get me better pay and more recognition than the average indie wrestler. An example that comes to mind is Lance Cade. He sucked, but I'm sure he would be wanted in indie wrestling promotions simply because they can book him as former WWE star.
My workout routine came to a halt since last week. I got severe body pains, a horrible cold and diarrhea(I still have it btw). Well now the pains and cold are gone, but it looks like my knee just gave up on me. It hurts just by putting minimal weight on it. This also explains my recent constant CAG involvement.
Looks like Cena might have to get new entrance music or go back to the basic thuganomics music.

Seems a rap group is suing WWE because the lyrics in Cena's "My Time is Now" music are the same as the rap group's copyrighted song. Supposedly WWE got the okay in writing, but from a someone that didn't own the copyrighted lyrics. So this is one that WWE will lose and either give Cena new music or pay them to use it.
i read about that rap group thing a day or two ago..

going back to basic thuganomics would be awesome. would go well with cena returning to heel
[quote name='ZForce']I think part of the problem is that TNA is trying to grow during an era where wrestling in general isn't that popular. If they had started up more in the late 90's wrestling boom, they'd probably have a bigger fanbase now. Marketing would help, but they also need to have a product that will get people to come back after watching it the first time, which IMO they don't[/QUOTE]

I totally disagree with this. The WWE has continued to do well, or improved on its audience. Wrestling might not be what it was in the 90s, but it still is pretty good.
[quote name='guyver2077']Im actually enjoying tna alot more since the "return" of the new breed angle.

IMHO it was one of the only things that was working near the end of wcw. I remember seing kidman and hogan going at it and it also allowed younger guys like palumbo, ohaire, jindrak, etc step up

Sure people can blame russo all they want for the current state of tna booking... and honestly I dont know what else they can do to move up in rating. they have big name stars, old popular stars, plus they have a decent group of young guys.

They have started to travel. BFG was supposedly a success with 4500 paid tickets.

What is missing??? Marketing?[/QUOTE]

What's missing, sensible wrestling with a sensible storyline. Throw in some good matches, i.e. three way matches, hardcore matches, bring back the x-division to a level it was at, etc. I turn on TNA and I can barely watch it. The product isn't even comparable to WWE. The WWE's product, say what you may of the wrestlers, storylines, matches, etc. is extremely polished, well crafted and well done. The WWE is coke to TNA's generic shit water. TNA isn't even up to the level of pepsi (or vice versa for those that prefer pepsi), whereas WCW was and made for a great secondary option.
[quote name='guyver2077']i read about that rap group thing a day or two ago..

going back to basic thuganomics would be awesome. would go well with cena returning to heel[/QUOTE]

I like Cena, in general, but his thuganomics period was definitely his best.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I totally disagree with this. The WWE has continued to do well, or improved on its audience. Wrestling might not be what it was in the 90s, but it still is pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Well, WWE is profitable, that's one thing.

TNA seems content to have ratings that haven't moved an inch in over two years, despite several big names arriving (Angle, Booker, Sting) that, like Sting points out, should have moved the ratings radar a blip. TNA doesn't have an identity as a show. It flows like diarrhea, just gushing out at you in one indecipherable glop. Two hours later, you have no idea what you saw, you just know you're disgusted by it.

TNA won't improve an inch until they (1) slow the show's pace down and/or (2) develop a production format that differs from WWE. The flow of the show is much too much like WWE's "here's a match you don't give a fuck about and will forget happened in three days anyway" smuggled in between 20-minute segments that don't really do much to move character development forward or move storylines forward.
So Axl Rotten called in to 105.7 today and won some Avenged Sevenfold tickets. He also talked about how much fun it is hanging out with ICP...
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, WWE is profitable, that's one thing.

TNA seems content to have ratings that haven't moved an inch in over two years, despite several big names arriving (Angle, Booker, Sting) that, like Sting points out, should have moved the ratings radar a blip. TNA doesn't have an identity as a show. It flows like diarrhea, just gushing out at you in one indecipherable glop. Two hours later, you have no idea what you saw, you just know you're disgusted by it.

TNA won't improve an inch until they (1) slow the show's pace down and/or (2) develop a production format that differs from WWE. The flow of the show is much too much like WWE's "here's a match you don't give a fuck about and will forget happened in three days anyway" smuggled in between 20-minute segments that don't really do much to move character development forward or move storylines forward.[/quote]

I usually forget the matches as soon as they finish. The only matches I remember from TNA happened in like 04-06.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, WWE is profitable, that's one thing.

TNA seems content to have ratings that haven't moved an inch in over two years, despite several big names arriving (Angle, Booker, Sting) that, like Sting points out, should have moved the ratings radar a blip. TNA doesn't have an identity as a show. It flows like diarrhea, just gushing out at you in one indecipherable glop. Two hours later, you have no idea what you saw, you just know you're disgusted by it.

TNA won't improve an inch until they (1) slow the show's pace down and/or (2) develop a production format that differs from WWE. The flow of the show is much too much like WWE's "here's a match you don't give a fuck about and will forget happened in three days anyway" smuggled in between 20-minute segments that don't really do much to move character development forward or move storylines forward.[/quote]

See, that's the thing. I do remember some matches from WWE, but I feel that just in general, the WWE has better characters/wrestlers, even if those characters don't seem to really go anywhere. They have tons of crap that at any normal company would have been cleaned out long ago, triple H anyone, but overall it's just a better product. TNA, it's wrestlers, and it's storylines are just stupid and not in that stupid but fun way that some of WCW's early stuff was. Shit, TNA could come up, reignite wrestling, and fill a void if all they did was copy ECW in its heyday.
Look, I might actually watch TNA tonight for a bit. Two things

1. That new them song is horrible. "CROSS THE LINE!!!" Whatever.
2. The image is very color saturated and pink now. Also it's blurry. I guess that's due to their new HD cameras or something. Looks like a damn soap opera.

Their new set gives me WCW flashbacks.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Look, I might actually watch TNA tonight for a bit. Two things

1. That new them song is horrible. "CROSS THE LINE!!!" Whatever.
2. The image is very color saturated and pink now. Also it's blurry. I guess that's due to their new HD cameras or something. Looks like a damn soap opera.

Their new set gives me WCW flashbacks.[/quote]

I missed the theme song, but I thought that saturate resolution was just my tv or something.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I missed the theme song, but I thought that saturate resolution was just my tv or something.[/QUOTE]

No, it's definitely TNA's new shit. It looks bad. I'm just watching it in SD, but it looks noticeablly worse now. It looks like I popped in an old WCW tape. ;)
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']See, that's the thing. I do remember some matches from WWE, but I feel that just in general, the WWE has better characters/wrestlers, even if those characters don't seem to really go anywhere. They have tons of crap that at any normal company would have been cleaned out long ago, triple H anyone, but overall it's just a better product. TNA, it's wrestlers, and it's storylines are just stupid and not in that stupid but fun way that some of WCW's early stuff was. Shit, TNA could come up, reignite wrestling, and fill a void if all they did was copy ECW in its heyday.[/QUOTE]

In WWE, you can isolate the "what in the world are they trying to DO with him!?!?!" guys to a few. Charlie Haas comes to mind. In TNA, though, it feels like every bloomin' guy on the roster is like that.

Plus the writing is laughably bad. The irony of it is that, for all of Abyss' character development, the more backstory they gave him, the less he mattered and the more laughable he became. Not because of the backstory itself, but because of the laughable absurdity of it all. Seriously. Abyss' backstory wouldn't even qualify for a straight-to-VHS movie release in this day and age.

And let's not get started on Jay Lethal/So Cal Val/Sonjay Dutt.
bread's done