The Blue World Order Wrestling Topic

[quote name='mykevermin']In WWE, you can isolate the "what in the world are they trying to DO with him!?!?!" guys to a few. Charlie Haas comes to mind. In TNA, though, it feels like every bloomin' guy on the roster is like that.

Plus the writing is laughably bad. The irony of it is that, for all of Abyss' character development, the more backstory they gave him, the less he mattered and the more laughable he became. Not because of the backstory itself, but because of the laughable absurdity of it all. Seriously. Abyss' backstory wouldn't even qualify for a straight-to-VHS movie release in this day and age.

And let's not get started on Jay Lethal/So Cal Val/Sonjay Dutt.[/quote]

All true. I remember when Abyss first came out in TNA and how he seemed like he would be a solid wrestler that they could have good material with. Well, that turned out to be shit. Still, these past couple of airings since Mick Foley came on board seem to have made TNA better overall. Hopefully he can turn TNA around. Shit, he might instate an X/hardcore division proper.
MCMG match is the best thing so far, and that wasn't even very long. Too much "TO THE BACK!!" and commercials, plus too much fluff. Standard TNA

Abyss and Matt Boregan are probably the most charismatic tag team ever. :roll:
You know what, I think you're right, I think I've hardly seen any wrestling tonight. Every time I switch to TNA it's either an interview, or some commentary, etc., but hardly any actual wrestling. Anyway, I do think that's a great look for Sting.....
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']All true. I remember when Abyss first came out in TNA and how he seemed like he would be a solid wrestler that they could have good material with. Well, that turned out to be shit. Still, these past couple of airings since Mick Foley came on board seem to have made TNA better overall. Hopefully he can turn TNA around. Shit, he might instate an X/hardcore division proper.[/QUOTE]



[quote name='hankmecrankme']Matt Boregan[/QUOTE]

I gave up on TNA months ago. I just couldn't stand to watch it anymore. I felt embarrassed for them, as well as myself for sitting through iMPACT week after week. I doubt that there's anything that could ever get me to tune in again. :\
[quote name='mykevermin']

It's fuckin' adorable. I swear.[/QUOTE]Haha I like how it's got all these baby pictures, and then it gets to Lena Yada and it's all
[quote name='BustaUppa']Haha I like how it's got all these baby pictures, and then it gets to Lena Yada and it's all

Well, some people might dig Jackie Gayda as Wilma Flinstone . . .8-[
while we're on the subject, it's somewhat odd that they have yet to really exploit the potential of having a superfine Asian chick on the payroll. I mean hey, I'm all for the trend of having less time-wasting Diva T&A segments... but you almost forget that Lena's there because they feature her so little. Maybe she's just not ready for prime time, maybe she's got a long way to go in the ring and on the mic, but that never stopped them from giving Torrie Wilson a ton of screen time!
[quote name='mykevermin']Almost? I always forget that they have Lena. What "show" is she supposed to be on, anyway?[/quote]

ECW, but I got a feeling the reason she really hasn't been on the show lately is due to the fact that she's the only "diva" left on the show. There's nothing for her to do besides some romantic storyline or as a manager.
[quote name='mykevermin']Wait. Doesn't Long have some trim walking around with him all the time? Or is she gone?[/quote]

I don't know, since I haven't watch ECW in months.

As for botchamania, he sure is cranking out a lot for someone that said he was done making videos. What is it, like 5 new ones in the past 2 weeks?

*Edit- just finished watching it.

Can Sabu do anything right with a chair or jumping off the ropes? Seems like he always screws up.

That Mongo clip just goes to show that he does not belong in wrestling and I can see why Bischoff bad mouthed him out in his book.
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[quote name='mykevermin']Wait. Doesn't Long have some trim walking around with him all the time? Or is she gone?[/QUOTE]

Tiffany's still around, but she doesn't wrestle. They need to bring back Alicia Fox/Victoria Crawford to Smackdown.

T-minus 6 hours and 20 minutes until the TNA house show starts. I'm hoping for a good show, some good pictures, and to meet at least a wrestler or two. Especially Velvet Sky.

I think I'm going to go with my friend's suggestion and bring piece of paper that says, "I'm Matt Youngin' It" for Velvet or another Knockout to hold up for a picture if I'm fortunate enough to meet any.
[quote name='tangytangerine']As for botchamania, he sure is cranking out a lot for someone that said he was done making videos. What is it, like 5 new ones in the past 2 weeks?[/QUOTE]I know that it's the very definition of the Sad Internet Stereotype to nitpick free entertainment, but the last couple of Botchmanias have felt kinda lazy to me. There are a lot of bits where they just take a long clip of some indy show and throw subtitles over it.

That said, I shall continue to watch them all as soon as they are cranked out!
Depends on how much you "like" it.

Impact thoughts -
Aside from the horrid MEM theme, their incredibly simple entrance video (which isn't so much bad as it is bland for the top heel group), and Booker keeping that ridiculous accent for what's supposed to be a serious character, I love the Main Event Mafia - Sting's act is much fresher with this new look and attitude, and I loved him telling Mick that all he's out for is the same respect that Mick has for Terry Funk - it further clarifies his character's motives and did so in a way that adds some intrigue with what I guess is the new GM-ish character on the show since Cornette hasn't been seen or mentioned since the last PPV.

This week's Beautiful People promo ruled - the match wasn't anything special aside from the wedgie-assisted Rock Bottom, but I'll never tire of their promos or far too short ring attire. Booker and Nash vs. Joe and AJ was fine-ish, but it didn't make me want to see Nash-Joe for the PPV, although I did love seeing AJ get the win with the Pele - even though it's not really wise to have the holder of a new belt lose right after um...creating does give AJ a new finisher-level weapon against Sting, which theoretically adds intrigue to his match for the title.

EY getting a new, serious character (and in a realistic way to some degree) was a very pleasant surprise - his goofy character has been tired for years, and this is exactly the move he needed to make. He basically renounced all of the cartoony bullshit of the past two years, and I loved every second of it. The Guns getting TV time and a title shot at the PPV was also nice to see.

Despite all that I liked about this show, it was once again very lean wrestling-wise, and while they did a good job of building up the "main events" for the PPV, it still baffles me that their PPV is in a little over a week - it seems like BFG was just a week ago and now BOOM - new PPV. Also, the promo work wasn't all that great - the Sting-Foley stuff was real good, but Christian meandering his way through yet another promo bored me, while Abyss and Morgan should stop bickering and just get married and fly off to the NEXUS OF HUMANITY so they won't be seen in the HD IMPACT ZONE~! for a while. I loved hearing Tenay shoehorn that line in where it had no plausible reason to even be used. The revamped set was a big improvement on TV, although not as big a one as it appeared to be in the first-released pics of it. That giant TNA-logoed screen on the sides of the venue, however, looks fantastic and really freshens up the look of matches. Also, Angle's entrance is even more awesome since it's now in front of the big entrance way video wall.

The show-closing bit with the MEM beating down guys ruled - Steiner's return was awesome, and I especially loved AJ spitting Sting, leading to Sting casually attacking him with the scorpion death drop, then accosting him. One problem with this feud is that the MEM is far too suave (except for Royal T), making them a cool heel group, while the "TNA Originals" (since when was this not the original TNA?) come across as a bunch of whining losers, and are pretty hard to get behind since they come off as such geeks - exactly the problem that WCW had against the NWO. Hopefully TNA doesn't repeat the same mistakes made in that feud as they've got a shot at getting this right and I don't want to see them screw this up.

Oh, and Tenay stating that he's seen a bunch of factions come and go, but the formation of the Main Event Mafia REALLY FELT HISTORIC reminds me of Lance Russell stating that he's seen a bunch of teams come and go, but the New Generation's a REAL SPECIAL team. (cue "Let's Here it For the Boys" - perhaps Dale Oliver can rip it off and use it as Kip's entrance theme).

Quotes -
(to Joe after being yelled at)Shelley - God how I wish you had a mint right now.
Nash - Joe, you know why Scott Hall didn’t show up at the PPV? He said YOU WEREN’T WORTH THE RUB! And ya know what, in retrospect, he’s right! You guys want a war? YOU WANT A WAR!? YOU GOT A WAR!(ODB drinks from flask)
Love - Christy, stick to the pages of Playboy with your silicone booboolas and your overbooked doggy face, okay!? Because the ring is no place for you!
Velvet - ODB, what are you? A dude!? A tranny!? I’m still trying to figure that one out myself.
You’re about as female as Rosie O’Donnell! (Love, Sky, Kip, and Lauren shudder)
Let me tell you something, butch, don’t blame us because you’re horse-faced sluts. Just because you Oded on ugly pills doesn’t make us the bad guys! We didn’t ask to be beautiful, we were just born that way. Let’s go, Cute Kip (he princes and shifts his boa around)
DW - You know ODB - you’re not gonna bother her with insults!
(to Roxxi and Taylor)Lauren - Ladies, what are you doing with weapons!? YOU’RE NOT EVEN IN A MATCH TONIGHT!
Tenay - I’ve seen many wrestling groups and factions throughout the years, but LAST WEEK, IT FELT LIKE WE WERE WITNESSING HISTORY when Sting, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, and Booker T formed the Main Event Mafia.
Foley - (fans chant Foley)Thank you, and how about this BRAND NEW IMPACT ZONE!? Even without the MICK FOLEY POSTERS OVER THERE, it looks pretty damn good! After one week on the job as Executive Shareholder, big dividends are being paid in TNA! As you know, we’ve got a big election coming up - it’s important that everyone let their voice be heard. Tell your friends to vote, then, as long as you’ve got them on the phone, tell them that TNA’s now in high def every week on Spike! Now, as Executive Shareholder, I’d like to announce two huge main events for Turning Point coming your way November 9th. Our first will feature Nash taking on Samoa Joe! Our second one will feature the TNA Champion, Sting, going one on one for the championship title against AJ Styles!
Sting - I want to be the glue here, Mick - my motives are just like yours. What I had to say was rejected by the Joes and Ajs - you have respect for Terry Funk, don’t you!? That’s what I’m talking about - it’s the missing ingredient in TNA, and if you’re not careful, the young generation’s gonna get up in your face and disrespect you!
Foley - You do what you need to do and I’ll do what I need to do, too.
Sting - Mick, this is not your war - it’s mine.

Screens -

More screens -

"THE HD IMPACT ZONE!"... What the fuck?
I'm just copying the quick write up I did for the Observer and Torch, and then adding my pictures in:

I just got back from the TNA house show in Ontario, California, a while ago. It was held at the new Citizens Business Bank Arena, which holds over 9,000 fans but unfortunately attracted only 1,500 or so tonight.

Those who went trick or treating missed out, however, as the TNA rosetr put on a great show. There were only 6 matches, and guys like Booker T and the Motor City Machine Guns weren't there, but every match was a good one. I had a great view from my 3rd row seats by the wrestlers' entry way.

The show started at 8 with a triple threat between Sonjay Dutt, Consequences Creed, and Hiroshi Tanahashi. It was a 10 minute back and forth affair with Tanahashi pinning Creed, I believe following a frog splash.

The second match was the extremely over LAX vs. Curry Man and Super Eric of the Prince Justice Brotherhood. No Shark Boy, no double DVD, but we didn't need them. LAX won after hitting the Doomsday Device.

In the only women's match of the night, Awesome Kong pinned Roxxi with the implant buster. Kong was gargantuan in person.

In the second best match of the night, California's own Samoa Joe pinned Christian with the muscle buster. Joe kicked out after an Unprettier and Christian escaped a Coquina Clutch before the finish.


The previously announced Tag Team Title match took place following intermission. After trying to avoid putting up the titles, Team 3D (playing faces) talked them into it. 3D had the crowd eating out of their hands the entire time. One funny spot saw Jackie land face first in Storm's crotch and then Roode got behind her and simulated the act of riding her like a bull. Beer Money retained after Jackie pulled the ref out following a 3D and Storm interfered to give them the win.

The main event was Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles and was the match of the night. Both men countered and kicked out of each other's finishers and A.J. pulled out the win with a series of reversals finishing with a Styles Clash. A.J. gave me props after the match for my new "Phenomenous" t-shirt.

After the show, Angle cut a face promo thanking the crowd, saying "TNA might not have the most fans, but it has the best ones." While Angle posed for $20 photos in the ring, several wrestlers walked around ringside signing autographs and posing for pictures. Consequences Creed and both members of LAX were extremely cool. Curry Man was hilarious. My camera wouldn't work when attempting to get a pic with Roxxi, but she was very sweet nonetheless. Sonjay Dutt and Eric Young posed but seemed out of it. Samoa Joe skipped all us guys to only take photos with girls. I know for a fact that he ahd friends there, but he ignored a lot of people which lost him some fans.

All in all, it was a great show- one of the best I've been to. I hope the poor turnout doesn't dissuade TNA from coming out here again in the future.

Most of these picture are unfocused because I had a bunch of people around me shoving their way in to get their own, as I was doing. The one with the wrestlers and myself, I kind of had to lean back so Chris, who was inches away from me, could get us both in the frame. But fuck it... memories!


The ring from up above.

From my seat.

Sonjay Dutt

Consequences Creed vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Curry Man!

Prince Justice Brotherhood (Curry Man and Super Eric) vs. the Latin American Xchange

Awesome Kong

Samoa Joe

"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage

"Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm

Kurt Angle before his main event match with A.J.

A.J. motherfuckin' Styles!

Me with a stoned looking Sonjay Dutt.

Putting up my dukes with Consequences Creed

My favorite- me and Curry Man!

I think Hernandez was trying not to laugh at how white I am.

Homicide: "Yo, this fool is the whitest motherfucker I've ever seen!"

My new A.J. Styles "Phenomenous" shirt
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I thought Impact was pretty sick.

It's definitely getting better.
impact was good.. i liked how when steiner came in he made sure NOT to hit petey pump. definitely something there...

i also like the MEM theme
Those pictures are awesome. Sounds like it was a good time.

TNA was better than it has been, not saying much. But the whole show always feels like it's in a hurry. House shows sound like that's where it's really at.
Damn, OoS already. It reminds me of when BB had like 400 copies of Warzone for PS1 for $5, and they were all gone in like 2 weeks. It was right before Christmas, so I bet lots of kids woke up to that greatness. :D
The 360's getting DLC next week - Maple Leaf Muscle and Curry Man for $1.99 (each? both? I dunno.)

The 360's the only version getting DLC, too.
Watching Ghost Hunters Live f/ The Miz.. he's as big of a douche in real life, apparently (I never saw him on The Real World). It was kinda funny, he was mocking someone's report about a lamp being thrown, and they ask the ghost to throw the lamp at The Miz. He puffs his chest out and goes "I'm ready!" and then you hear SLAM!, a noise in the distance, and they all jump and spin around and are like "What the hell was that?"

Ghost Hunters is a fun show.
I'd probably get the 360 version for $15-$20.

myke who cares about Curry Man and Petey when we get a FREE LIMITED TIME ZOMGZ MIKE TENAY FULL-MOTION-N-PHYSICS WRESTLER?
So I'm watching TNA.. not bad at all. I like what they're doing with a lot of the characters:

  • Two big factions that split the company in half.
  • AJ and Joe leading the resistance coalition.
  • MCMG stirring up controversy within the coalition.
  • Eric realizing the seriousness of the matter and finally not being as much of a pussy.
  • MCMG showing their allegiance by coming to Eric's aide.
And I'm not even half way done.. great show this week.
[quote name='JJSP']Matt, your pictures with Sonjay and LAX are awesome.[/QUOTE]

In the Sonjay pic, we both look stupid. At least the LAX pics are funny for me looking extremely white and nerdy. ;) If it's not too late, you should check out the Anaheim show.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Those pictures are awesome. Sounds like it was a good time.

TNA was better than it has been, not saying much. But the whole show always feels like it's in a hurry. House shows sound like that's where it's really at.[/QUOTE]

The show didn't feel like it was in a hurry, but I wish there were more than 6 matches. They were all awesome, though.
bread's done