The Fighting Game Thread - 7th edition

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thanks once again Markman :)

Dragonav is looking real nice, he'll probably be the first grappling type character I'll start focusing on (almsot did Marduk, but his style kind of is not the way I play). Do you know if he has an air throw or is it too early to tell?

I don't know if I mentioned this before (school can slow your brain down), but I think the sizes of each fighter's universe is pretty damn interesting.

let's look at it by each game:

Street Fighter: EXTENDS INTO Rival Schools/Project Justice (Sakura was an official character in this, and a good freind of Hinita), Final Fight, and (forgot name, but most characters from SF3 are from this game, only released in Japan).
King of Fighters: EXTENDS INTO Ikari Warriors, Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, (Athena's game...?), and recently Metal Slug with the addition of Ralf and Clark (and maybe Fio?).
Tekken: EXTENDS INTO Soul Calibur/Edge (original Yoshimitus is the connection, same world, different time), Urban Reign (paul/law), Death by Degrees, and this is a longshot but Pacman exists in the fictional Tekken world (Space station background in Tekken 5).

note, I don't count all the fantasy crossover crap, that never happened... there's a reason why it's called "dream match".

I like the universes growing in other series... it deepends the story "tree".

I actually think storys for fighters have improved a ton and are starting to become a focus more than it use to be. Soul Calibur is starting to get a little too cheesy or anime-ish. Tekken just screams badass (always will).
Rolento - When they extend into each other like SNK vs Capcom and Namco x Capcom, that's when it's really intresting. Too bad Mary Kate and Ashley vs Transformers hasn't been picked up as a fighter yet.

As for Final Fight they really did mix in alot to Street Fighter. Let's see who do we got. Guy, Cody, Sodom, Rolento, Maki, Hugo w/ Poison. Is that all? Surprised Haggar hasn't mad a SF apperance yet, altough Zangeif and him are about the same character.
Ikaruga is like a puzzle game and fighters often feel like puzzle games, as far as reacting to situations goes, so.....ikaruga. i guess?
yeah, I think old may Haggar would be a great addition to the SF universe. It would be fitting to see him show up in SFA4 if it ever happens. I would guess he would play alot like Zangief but with less grappling, and more hitting. I hope the SF series moves a little more into other games though... like... um... something?

Anyone ever play the horrible Street Fighter 2015 (or whatever year in 200 it was)? Supposedly you play as Ken in the future and he's become a scientist and trys to save the world with some sort of medecine or something... probably the oddest story in the SF universe.
orgot name, but most characters from SF3 are from this game, only released in Japan)

Hey rolento-- you know anything else about this game? Is it a fighter? which characters from 3 are in it?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Anyone ever play the horrible Street Fighter 2015 (or whatever year in 200 it was)? Supposedly you play as Ken in the future and he's become a scientist and trys to save the world with some sort of medecine or something... probably the oddest story in the SF universe.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if it has any relation to the Ken from the Street Fighter sereis, but yeah I played and beat it when I was younger. From what I remember it was pretty hard and I really enjoyed it, and yes your a guy named Ken trying to save your friend Ryu. The full name for the game is: Street Fighter 2010 the Final Fight, no joke.
@Apossum- I really don't know much about the game, but I do know a majority of the cast made up in SF3 was from the other game. I am pretty Sure Q was from the other game and that guy with one arm (sorry, I never got into SF3 too much, so I don't know).

@Rodimus- From an old Gamespot article done on the SF series, they mentioned this NES game. They said it was part of the SF story, though people would like to not think of it that way.

On the subject of good NES games, I came across something by accident by randomly going through my RIN NES emulator (thanks rodimus again for the DC site). I just closed my eyes and chose at random. Got a game called Shatterhand. Wow. Pretty damn good for a NES game. Felt alot like a Castlevania game, but unique none the less.

also, I really want capcom to do a remake of Captian Comando sometime... that storyline has so much possability (in weird ways).
if you like shatterhand, check out power blade, kabuki quantum fighter, or kickmaster.
they are all similar side scrollers.
Well, I'm getting an Xbox later this week, so I plan on picking up SF Anniversary Collection, Capcom vs. SNK 2, and GGX2#Reload sometime.
[quote name='evanft']Well, I'm getting an Xbox later this week, so I plan on picking up SF Anniversary Collection, Capcom vs. SNK 2, and GGX2#Reload sometime.[/QUOTE]

I'm getting an X-Box later too. Is it a hand-me-down from someone getting a 360. My brother's giving me his old X-Box cause he's getting the 360. Damn it feels good getting a system for free. Glad I never bought an X-Box.

Right now I'm playing Dragon Quest VIII and waiting for that X-Box so I can play Apposum in some DOA, and school some scrubs in KOF 2K2.
Been playing a lot of T5 lately, super hyped for DR... the new customization items/new moves look so nice... Armor King!!!

I just fully finished DQ8 today.. got everyone to 99 and all the best items... whew...
I just nabbed an Xbox for $50 myself - soley for the use of 2D Fighters. I've been having a blast being able to play GGXX#R at home.

Now if I can just get my hands on King of Fighters '94 Rebout... whenever that comes out. That and Samurai Showdown V. -_-
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']will do :)

so what's everyone playing right now?[/QUOTE]

Right now I'm playing Final Fantasy I and II on the GBA and Indigo Prophecy on Xbox. I'll be starting Magna Carta this week. IN regards to fighters, I am playing (more like learning) DOAU.

Markman> You beat DQ VIII already?! Man, you must have been doing some SERIOUS playing.
Markman has the time... he works for a freakin arcade division of Namco... a sweet job I would love to pick up :(

If xboxes become uber cheap now, I'll have to pick one up again just for an excuse to play all the old games I use to own on the system... and put in time all over again with DOA:XBV (gahh! damn venus bathing suits!).

anyone think the 360 will lower alot of PS2 game prices or no? I highly doubt it, but who knows.

as for what I'm playing, much like Markman, been playing alot of Tekken 5, getting ready for DR (even if my local arcades never get a damn machine). Also trying to get good with some characters I never have played in SC3 since my collage has a large group of people who play (though it is far from my mfavorite game). So far I am really liking Lizardman...
I've been thinking: should I pick up a DOA game for the Xbox? I enjoyed DOA2: Hardcore for what it was, but I found it was over too quickly.
GuilewasNK: I beat DQ VIII already because I've had the game 2 weeks before it came out lol.. Square Enix sent me a review copy.

Also I don't work for the Namco Arcade Division... I help out and work on their official Tekken arcade website. Not a direct employee.
Hey guys. I've been out of town for the past 3 days. Glad to see the thread is still thriving. Anways, I'm currently playing Ninja Gaiden Black, Capcom Classics Collection, and replaying Finla Fantasy I.

You know it's been a good long while since I've seriously played any SNK games, so pretty soon I'm gonna break the seal on my KOF '00/'01 and '02/'03 and get to practicing with those.

Oh and Rolento, the one-armed guy from SF3 is Oro. Storyline-wise he took Ryu on as his student at the end of Third Strike. Let's hope that if they do make a SF4 we'll see Ryu come back with some of Oro's basass techniques.
so markman, what do you do for work?

EDIT: WTF? that DOA trailer is uh... WTF? geeze, they just dumbafied an okay story... oh well.

plus it's weird for me to know that Jason Lee's ex wife in My Name is Earl is Tina...????
I'm senior editor at and I go to school. That's pretty much it.

I'm living off unemployment checks with a healthy 600 every 2 weeks. Not too bad for going to school and writing on the side.

What does everyone else do?
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm senior editor at and I go to school. That's pretty much it.

I'm living off unemployment checks with a healthy 600 every 2 weeks. Not too bad for going to school and writing on the side.

What does everyone else do?[/QUOTE]

currently unemployed, but am currently making money on video game art. I think one art peice this week I will make around $1000 so it's not too bad. Good job Markman...
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm senior editor at and I go to school. That's pretty much it.

I'm living off unemployment checks with a healthy 600 every 2 weeks. Not too bad for going to school and writing on the side.

What does everyone else do?[/QUOTE]

I currently work at a college bookstore (earning less than you make on unemployment :bomb: ).

I am hoping that will change in the near future.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I currently work at a college bookstore (earning less than you make on unemployment :bomb: ).

I am hoping that will change in the near future.[/QUOTE]

GL, I know what it's like even though I've never done it. New simesters suck ass... long lines of people buying books.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']GL, I know what it's like even though I've never done it. New simesters suck ass... long lines of people buying books.[/QUOTE]

It is utter ass. It's like Black Friday for a whole month. It's part of the reason I am thinking of quitting in the next few weeks even if I don't have any other work lined up. It's the time that I tend to play fighting games the most. Beating ass is a great stress reliever. :)

I have my 401K I can dip into and a little more in savings. I'd rather not do that though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']It is utter ass. It's like Black Friday for a whole month. It's part of the reason I am thinking of quitting in the next few weeks even if I don't have any other work lined up. It's the time that I tend to play fighting games the most. Beating ass is a great stress reliever. :)

I have my 401K I can dip into and a little more in savings. I'd rather not do that though.[/QUOTE]

I say stick with the job, beat ass, and look for another job on the side.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Hey guys. I've been out of town for the past 3 days. Glad to see the thread is still thriving. Anways, I'm currently playing Ninja Gaiden Black, Capcom Classics Collection, and replaying Finla Fantasy I.

You know it's been a good long while since I've seriously played any SNK games, so pretty soon I'm gonna break the seal on my KOF '00/'01 and '02/'03 and get to practicing with those.

Oh and Rolento, the one-armed guy from SF3 is Oro. Storyline-wise he took Ryu on as his student at the end of Third Strike. Let's hope that if they do make a SF4 we'll see Ryu come back with some of Oro's basass techniques.[/QUOTE]

ehhhh. ryu isnt something special and giving him techniques from a one armed old man isnt going to make him any better. i dont recall any of his badass techniques.
nope. i think I'm Apossum there too...but I haven't logged on in a long time.

edit: nevermind, they don't recognize my email, guess i don't have an account

edit: okay, now i've got one. ;-) guess I can't be a respectable fighter fan if I don't have a srk account. oh wait, I'm doa fan...
saddly, the costumes the girsl wear in the DoA movie look cheap... very cheap. Even cosplayers can make stuff better than what they're wearing (and oddly enough, all the chicks in the movie aren't really that hot IMHO).

Hopefully the Tekken movie wont suck, but knowing most movies based off of fighters usually do, no luck most likely.
everything about that movie screams cheap.

congrats Itagaki, you will out-do Armageddon in sheer cheesiness.
[quote name='2poor']ehhhh. ryu isnt something special and giving him techniques from a one armed old man isnt going to make him any better. i dont recall any of his badass techniques.[/QUOTE]

First thing, Oro does in fact have two arms. One he magically bounded himself because he's so powerful was afraid he'd inadvertently kill his opponent. Secondly, Oro storyline-wise is one of the strongest characters in the series. He's right up there with Akuma, Gill, and Master Bison in top-tier status for their god-like abilities. Check the Street Fighter Plot Guide at Gamefaqs. It's all there.

Third, going with this, under Oro's tutleage, should Ryu ever make a return in a new Street Fighter game, he'll defintely be a force to be reckoned with.
[quote name='MarkMan']Finally back home after slaving in lines to get a couple of 360s.... whew.. ebay here I come.[/QUOTE]You're keeping at least one for DOA4, right?
Here's some pictures from the XBOX 360 camp out in San Diego.

Chula Vista Best Buy to be exact... camped out at 2 PM on the 21st... until 9 AM the next day. Ended up taking slots 3-12 with my friends. We even set up a Tekken 5 tournament on the side lol.




[quote name='MarkMan']Here's some pictures from the XBOX 360 camp out in San Diego.

Chula Vista Best Buy to be exact... camped out at 2 PM on the 21st... until 9 AM the next day. Ended up taking slots 3-12 with my friends. We even set up a Tekken 5 tournament on the side lol.[/QUOTE] :lol: :applause: :applause: :applause:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']wow... where'ed you hook up the TV and PS2 to? your car or what?[/QUOTE]

i'm wondering the saem thing. also, that's fucken awesome! kudos to you for setting that up markman.
man... no fare! the competition down here in miami sucks in Tekken 5, only the guys I play with are very very very good, everyone else is mediocre. I should move near Markman so I can get in on some good Tekken action... my campus has lacked some good T5 play, and I am tired as hell playing against the CPU... time to contact some guys at zaibatsu.

heads up... getting better at doing EWGF... i'm learning I mainly need to work on my speed in perfoming the move, I have everythign else down pretty much.

also, I am probably wrong, but the 4th character in T5DR is Forrest Law???? I'm curiouse to see how different he would play from his dad.
RR: The Forrest Law thing was intended as a joke... :)

Do you have a modded PS2? IMO the PAL and JPN version of T5 are much superior. The CPU AI is actually modeled after top players in Japan for the JPN version, and they actually do real combos and have their names in arcade mode.

Good fun.


About the outdoor T5 tourney we did in front of Best Buy... my friend has a 2005 Toyota X-Runner truck and it has enough juice so we can plug in a power strip and hook up TV/PS2 and whatever... so we just decided to kill some time lol.
It woulda sucked if the TV killed the truck's juice :whistle2:#

Looked like a fun wait for the X-BAWKS 360, and prolly worth it, seeing as it's getting huge bid wars on eBay right now ;)



(There's three vids of me up there)
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