The Gamestop Thread

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Current Ad is 8/22 - 8/28/18
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Current Trade in Promos:

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
What do I need to trade in an older console?
The console, power cable, av cable, and controller. Sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3DS XL trade would be console, charger, and stylus. Some have reported being charged a refurb fee for missing the stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)
FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.
Does the Pro Membership B2G1 coupon apply to only games, or accessories as well?
The coupon applies to both games and accessories, per the wording on the coupon.
I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).
ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.

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Not that I'd ever try and return a gutted new game, but that is pretty cool! The last time a GS employee did use these (Disgaea 4 Complete) they lathered the edges with 4 of these.. like wtf.
The move to the little plastic bags, while not as environmentally friendly, is preferable to the atrocious oval seals that could stick to the surface of the sun (if it weren't a giant ball of gas)

I prefer using the Wii remotes over the pro-controller for 2D sidescrollers. Seems more responsive, simple button layout, and prefer some motion controls. Either that or I got some bad pro controllers. (Crystal knockoff ones seem to work better.)
I think you have bad pro controller(s)... Have you verified that they are authentic?

Anyone who's buying wiimotes on this deal should probably pop open the battery door and check for corrosion before you leave the store...

Also probably worth keeping a screwdriver in your car if buying used pro controllers so you can check the battery pack for authenticity and swelling before you drive away.
I think you have bad pro controller(s)... Have you verified that they are authentic?

Anyone who's buying wiimotes on this deal should probably pop open the battery door and check for corrosion before you leave the store...

Also probably worth keeping a screwdriver in your car if buying used pro controllers so you can check the battery pack for authenticity and swelling before you drive away.
99% sure these are legit pro controllers. Did just open the back to check if the battery was oem, seems like. I think it might have been a low power issue, but they do seem to get locked in perma drift more often than the crystal ones... plus I hate using the old mini-b usb charging cable.


But I agree, $35 base for a wii-mote is crazy, plus or not.

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Not that I'd ever try and return a gutted new game, but that is pretty cool! The last time a GS employee did use these (Disgaea 4 Complete) they lathered the edges with 4 of these.. like wtf.
I recieved a copy of Baldurs Gate Enhanced last month that I ordered online with one clear circle sticker where the xbox seal should have been. I returned it without issue but a little disgust and no return receipt. I have cleaned plenty of nasty residue from those off many used games and it is obnoxious. I refuse to take them as new and only would in the case of a fantastic deal or rare find. One of those "I call BS" principles I have trouble getting past.
99% sure these are legit pro controllers. Did just open the back to check if the battery was oem, seems like. I think it might have been a low power issue, but they do seem to get locked in perma drift more often than the crystal ones...
I agree, those looks legit. That crystal one looks pretty cool. Who made that?
Has anyone traded in any games toward either Persona 5 or Final Fantasy VII yet today? Wanted to see if the 20% for those two titles kicked in today or tomorrow. The website doesn't mention those two yet even though they are in the ad.

Once I hit over 600 on a card I get a new one. Points I try and redeem for preowned anytime I can in store
You're more daring than me, I stop at about $300 or so and get a new card.

Also, instead of burning off the pin I actually keep a sticky note on the back that covers the full number plus any scratched off pin. The sticky note also lets me keep a nice running balance of what's actually on a card as balances change.

Also, I totally agree on not wanting my points/remaining balance mentioned out loud. Call me a baby, but while a lot of the stores I visit are pretty nice, there are couple in areas I'd rather not risk it. And when I'm doing large volumes of flips between stores I need every store in the area to optimize the math.

Stopped by the only nearby closing store today. Wasn't totally barren, but more merch/Pops/junk than games. Did have good variety of new Switch titles, but only at 10%, so passed on them. Managed to pick up Dead Cells on PS4 for $12, and 4 cheap games under the 4 for $5 deal (3 decent 3DS titles for my kids, and an older NBA 2K for giggles). Nothing amazing overall, but I made the trip, so I had to buy something. Sad to see that store go - the employees were always cool, and they carried rarer titles occasionally.

I recieved a copy of Baldurs Gate Enhanced last month that I ordered online with one clear circle sticker where the xbox seal should have been. I returned it without issue but a little disgust and no return receipt. I have cleaned plenty of nasty residue from those off many used games and it is obnoxious. I refuse to take them as new and only would in the case of a fantastic deal or rare find. One of those "I call BS" principles I have trouble getting past.
I’ve ended up just swapping the art into a new case to not worry about the residue and just trade the dinged up one back in later. My local GSes typically have sealed copies for newer releases so I haven’t gotten too many gutted that wasn’t a conversion.

I agree, those looks legit. That crystal one looks pretty cool. Who made that?
The PDP afterglow one from Walmart, got it sometime last year when they seemed to be clearancing out their Wii + Wii U accessories. Probably to make room for Ring Fits that didn’t sell until recently.

Also, instead of burning off the pin I actually keep a sticky note on the back that covers the full number plus any scratched off pin.
I have some kapton tape from my old 3D printer platform that works good too... I like it since it is thinner than most and low friction! The receipts print out the full trade card number so I don’t usually cover that.
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Looks like I got trade banned despite not going anywhere near the limit this past month. Is there a way to inquire about the length of the trade ban?
Lucked out last night and found a pre-owned  :ps4: FF XV Royal Edition with unused codes. Not a huge deal, but still nice paying $2.50 with the 4 for $10 instead of $19.99 (though the other 3 games I got weren't anything to brag about). 

Sounds like maybe you got JD'd. Unless you traded in too many of something?
I don't think I have any JDs in my district. I know all of the SLs and they're always happy to see me. I make plenty of pre-orders and I'm generally good for their numbers. The strange thing is I haven't done a whole lot of flipping this past month other than the B2G2 promo with 3DS games. My only possible explanation is if they somehow merged my account with a family member's. We have the same last name and our local store does not record ID for trades. In this case, the combined amount would exceed the trade limit. I feel like I'm almost grasping at straws with this explanation because our first names are very different.

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I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
Yeah...I traded some games during the same weekend and got banned. Did you trade only Division 2 or did you trade other games as well?

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I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
GS focused on you specifically. It's really all that can be said.

I'll PM you with a solution.

Looks like free EDGE shipping on $35+ is gone. Value is still free and edge has been replaced with ground at $1.99.
Half of me likes I don't need to meet some magic 35 threshold, the other half is expecting stuff to arrive 2 weeks later now.

I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
Now I'm glad I didn't participate in any D2 shenanigans.. I did trade in a 3 copies (2PS4, 1XB1) before the big bump that SDed without issue. (only got $14 or so each)

I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
The new crierion .. JD's pissed that their metrics just got raised. Revenge 101.

Or.. It's all a mystery and entirely someone else fault. Good content.

Warnings were there.

But there may be ways out. PM'ing those peps.

They called me Mister Dave.

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I got trade banned too. I think there's a new criteria to becoming banned because I did all my trades at my store where everyone knows me. It was during the weekend of the Division 2 bump. Has anyone else tried to trade on an account that they traded Division 2 in on that weekend?
I traded in some D2 copies, 3 on each platform, and then traded in 6 Switch games a few days later without problem.
I relinquished and traded in my multiple copies of MM2, MP, and Yoshi's today.

With the coronavirus, it's a good time to cash out.

It's only $5 gain per game, $31.91+tax, vs $39 store credit.  I wasn't willing to wait longer.

I was hoping for more, but shit happens.

The points got me nearly a free $60 game.  All store-credit returned.  Cheers!

[online here we go, /sigh]

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Since loss prevention teams are split based on region, I believe this was a situation where you can get flagged depending on the region you're in. 

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My source in DC says Trump will issue a national 2 week quarantine in the next day or so. Hope your Animal Crossing preorders are digital.
My local SGA showed me the stash of AC games received. I assure you, they are in-store already, or en-route. They can't legally sell them, however. Or accidentally "lose" inventory.

Made in good 'ol Vietcom. Not Corona China.

any word on restocking on the ac console?
I seriously doubt those are getting restocked. These Nintendo systems are usually discontinued the day they come out. Doesn't help that inventory from China is at a standstill for these types of items too.

We may see some stores with them assuming people didn't pick up preorders, they were still on a truck and just put out or people haven't bought out some stores.

But yeah, I doubt you're going to see more of these aside from stock that's already out.
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Free value shipping is still good for orders $35 or over. If you use any promos such as CAG16 the value must be over $35 after promos.
and CAG16 is dead again... anyone awake to see if it worked for the first few hours of B2G2 (for future reference, I had no plan for this promo heh)  :twoguns: 

and CAG16 is dead again... anyone awake to see if it worked for the first few hours of B2G2 (for future reference, I had no plan for this promo heh) :twoguns:
Yes it was working still at 1:30am EST. I made some orders anticipating it would go offline again. I only got in one order with 8 games for B2G2 needing 35+ to get free shipping. I could have sworn it was you who took the last two copies of a game and made me change my order.

Ordered 12 games for b2g2. Missd out on the cag16 code working though..but eh. 12 games for $60 still isnt bad

Ps4- Penguin Wars
X1- Dead Rising
X1- Dead Rising 2
X1- Borderlands GOTY
X1- Prey
X1- WWE 2k18
X1- Tropico 5
X1- Far Cry 4
X1- Darksiders 3
X1- The Occupation
X1- Close to the Sun
X1- Mirrors Edge

Would of got 16 games but Knack and Injustice on ps4 went oos while I was adding games
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Ordered 12 games for b2g2. Missd out on the cag16 code working though..but eh. 12 games for $60 still isnt bad

Ps4- Penuin Wars
X1- Dead Rising
X1- Dead Rising 2
X1- Borderlands GOTY
X1- Prey
X1- WWE 2k18
X1- Tropico 5
X1- Far Cry 4
X1- Darksiders 3
X1- The Occupation
X1- Close to the Sun
X1- Mirrors Edge

Would of got 16 games but Knack and Injustice on ps4 went oos while I was adding games
So what happens when half or more of those arrive in terrible condition, loose, or in generic cases? Do you not really care, return some, etc.? I keep wanting to order some but have trouble justifying dealing with the results. I collect so incomplete stuff weighs on my enjoyment...
So what happens when half or more of those arrive in terrible condition, loose, or in generic cases? Do you not really care, return some, etc.? I keep wanting to order some but have trouble justifying dealing with the results. I collect so incomplete stuff weighs on my enjoyment...
Of course I prefer if they come complete. Most of these titles I probably would have bought digitally though if they were at this price range so nlt a huge loss for me. The one Id really like complete is Penguin Wars though. The rest i dont really care if they are complete...of course theyd look better on the shelf if they were though.

The discs themselves I doubt would be in bad condition.

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Resellers were all over these like flies on shit.. kinda safe to assume they are gone for good
I never understood spending so much money to profit so little back. People are selling them for around $410 - $325 - fees $25 - shipping $10. The profit is around $50.
I never understood spending so much money to profit so little back. People are selling them for around $410 - $325 - fees $25 - shipping $10. The profit is around $50.
Not to mention the danger of selling on ebay and getting ripped off by a scammer for a high value item.

My source in DC says Trump will issue a national 2 week quarantine in the next day or so. Hope your Animal Crossing preorders are digital.
Is that related to the text message hoax?

Legally he really can't issue a blanket quarantine on every individual in the US to prevent them from leaving their house

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