The "I Smell A Coward! Is That You, Hogan?" "Macho Man" Randy Savage Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='mykevermin']Booker T cuts a decent promo, who are you kidding?[/QUOTE]

Decent is honestly being kind to his promos. Between the 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time gimmick or the crazy ass accent during the MEM run... yeah. Also, lets not forget this epic promo...

Then you have this little nugget for a bonus.

Damn almost missed this one as well lol.!
Watched the WCW Nitro Classics On-Demand episode and man, there was a lot of talking. More than I remembered Nitro having. Percentage-wise I'd say it was nearly the same as a run-of-the-mill Raw now. It also had a great tag match between Rey Jr. & Juvi vs. La Parka & Psychosis. Rey doing a top-rope hurricanrana to La Parka on the outside was EPIC!

As the thread inches closer to 500, I shall wish it goodnight. So... Goodnight, sweet Prince.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I wasn't watching WWE around that time but every time I see that clip I still have trouble believing that actually happened.[/QUOTE]

Holy fuck, I don't remember that *AT ALL*.
Okay if you get rid of Jarrett this would make more sense, he's the definition of "used up garbage that can't compare to Flair and Hogan" as Bischoff said.
Wow, Jeff is actually doing a pretty damn good job with this, happy he delivered that line about destroying his body for the fans.
Though the main plot of the story is that Dixie is a fucking idiot who lets contracts pass from her lawyer to a third party before signing them without reading.
I hate to say it, but thinking back, everything makes perfect sense. Hogan and Bischoff wanting the company, Jarrett's motivations for betraying Dixie, Fourtune aligning with Team Hogan, "Why, Sting? Why?". I do reserve the right to retract this statement.:lol::lol::lol:
"You smug shit!" - Dixie to Bischoff:rofl::rofl::rofl:

No wrestling so far, but my interest has been piqued. I'm really liking tonight's show.
Thank you for the reminder that TNA is on TV, Diddy. I begin watching, and what do I see?

[quote name='Purple Flames']That was fucking Russo Booking 101.[/QUOTE]

You wanted me to jump out of my skin, and into a meat grinder. Now that's just sinister, sir. ;)

This "JWOWW" person is pretty cute.

And the Knockouts title emblem looks like it's fastened to paper plates.
This Orlando Jordan-Eric Young-Beautiful People-Jwoww segment is a clusterfuck. It's so unfocused it's giving me a headache.
How can you take a group seriously when they "sign" they throw out to represent thier group is also called "the shocker"?
Immortals is a good name for Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Jeff Jarrett? Not so much. They should give Jarrett his own title, "Mediocrity."
I think the thing that bothers me about Ken Anderson is that a lot of what he does is derivative of The Rock. The walk, the way he gets in the ring, the punches, the set up for the Mic Check. Little things, but still enough to notice that he actively does it.
I could see their creative team actually using that name.

I hope there isn't anyone in this forum that works for TNA. :whistle2:#
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