The Joey Styles' Punch-Out!! Pro-Wrestling thread

[quote name='cdeener']Does Jeff Hardy remind any one else of Ultimate Warrior when he has that face paint on?[/quote]

Jeff Hardy is like if Lenny Lane and the Ultimate Warrior had a love child and let the Bushwackers raise it. That is the essence of Jeff Hardy.
[quote name='cdeener']Does Jeff Hardy remind any one else of Ultimate Warrior when he has that face paint on?[/QUOTE]
This was better than the past couple weeks of stuff, but still fell into the pile of Impact shows that just seem to happen and nothing on them sticks with me. This week had a good Dutt-Sabin match that at least went longer than the usual two minutes afforded to these all-important X title tournament matches. Dutt's back kick/rope legdrop combo looked cool, and his wacky taunts were amusing. Good lord is his bald spot ever massive now though. They also tried to further make Rhino seem like a world title-level threat with the squash, putting him over on commentary, and having him cut the big promo, but I still don't have any faith in him winning it when the other members of the Frontline, with much better odds, and a better win/loss record over the past year, couldn't do it.

Rhino going back to his ECW-esque "I'M YELLING AND SWEARING, GORE!!!" promos was a step back, but Joe's promo was better than his usual. It might've just been due to his being right after the yelling one from Rhino, but his seemed restrained, and it had a touch of the old Joe in it, which was referenced on commentary, and like their '07 claims of "THIS IS A PAY-PER-VIEW QUALITY MAIN EVENT ON IMPACT!", sent up a red flag that something was going to happen to undermine the progress they made with his promo.

Angle's promo was selectively thorough, and about what I expected - if someone didn't know better and just went by what Angle said here, I could see someone buying him as some kind of a legend, but not really one that they'd pay to see. I maintain that constantly reminding people of the J-E-Double-F... run is incredibly stupid, as he was a total mid-card joke then. Still, the idea of him going from a rookie, to IC and World Tag champ in the WWF, to WCW World Champion was established well, although the credentials don't fit the "he had nothing left to prove" billing. Bringing Jarrett's kids into this storyline continues to come off as tacky - even if they don't ever appear, there's no need to bring them up in the context of them being made orphans because of Kurt. He's far above that kind of heat being necessary to make people care, and Jarrett should be, but always seems to resort to this kind of shit since getting people to care about him just due to his actions in the ring is an impossible task. The pull apart between Jeff and Kurt was good, but didn't do anything to make me want to see them wrestle at the PPV.

Creed-Kiyoshi seemed to be moving in slow motion at times, and Kiyoshi, unlike the first time I saw Muta (GAB '89), didn't strike me as anything special. The moonsault barely connecting didn't help, but at least he tried to set himself apart from doing just the Muta gimmick by using moves (like O'Haire's WWE finisher) that Muta doesn't use.

The Palin skits dragged on, and I have no idea what accent Daffney was doing at times - she seemed to be alternating between a bad Alaskan accent and a worse Canadian one. TNA really seems behind the times with these skits as well - there's a reason Tiny Fey said she'd stop after the election, because she knew Palin had 15 minutes of fame if she didn't win. And TNA's at about minute 26 with this thing.

The Tenay-Sewell interview was awesome in good and bad ways. Tenay's goofy faces hurt it, but Sewell saved it and then some. He told a completely plausible story about his history with the wrestling business and came off like the most sympathetic face in the company in just one segment. He's a guy struggling to support his family, suffering from the emotional stress of being told he's physically unable to wrestle, so he becomes a ref to try and support them, and is in a tough spot - he HAS to ref the Sheik's matches, but can't do so fairly because of the Sheik's actions against him, and now faces possible termination, but he's not gonna take his shit anymore regardless of the consequences. Finally, a face with courage on Impact. I'm looking forward to his TNA debut now - I just wish they'd done this before, closer to when the angle first started instead of being hot and cold on it for months.

The knockouts match was awful - Hemme and Khan are terrible in the ring, and worse when brought together. Thankfully, this was short, but my God does this division need some saving. And Kong vs. Suicide, even in the best of circumstance, simply isn't the way to do it

I liked the idea behind the tornado tag six sides of steel match, I do wish that TNA actually advertised these main events in advance, because they're constantly devaluing the importance of the stips used in them by not doing so. It's especially stupid for the Six Sides of Steel since they've got an annual PPV they try to sell to people consisting of them, and if you don't make the cage matches seem special, it becomes harder than it should be to get people to buy the show.

They also wasted the idea of needing two refs to officiate a match here, and it pains me to see Sting take bumps into a cage, or see Nash struggle to climb a cage, in a match that means absolutely nothing. There's no reason they shouldn't have advertised this ahead of time as it had Nash and Joe going at it in a cage for the first time ever after months of history together, while AJ and Sting just main evented a PPV in November. The match itself was perfectly fine, but not very memorable aside from the finish, which was pretty unique.

The post-match beating was hilarious, with AJ acting like Wile E. Coyote and never tiring of failing. Yes AJ, keep running into the cage door that the large man is swinging at you - there's no way that plan can fail. Joe kicking ass for a second was neat, but then he got beaten up again and looked like a loser. Again. Then Sting killed the Frontline B-team. This feud is so unbelievably one-sided that I can't believe that even TNA screwed it up this badly.

Quotes for the MAIN EVENT MASSACRE edition of Impact -

Rhino - At Genesis, I’m not just gonna beat you - I’M GONNA MAUL YOU AND LEAVE YOU IN A PILE OF YOUR OWN PISS, BLOOD, AND SHIT! FOR BUBBA RAY AND EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE FRONT LINE! And STING, Main Event Mafia, you guys raised the bar, but tonight, WE’LL RAISE IT EVEN HIGHER!
Joe - Tonight, no quarter will be given, your surrender will not be accepted! JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU!
Angle - I’d like to talk about Jeff Jarrett and his career. At the young age of 16, Jeff makes his professional wrestling debut, and with a dream in his heart and cunning good looks, he shocks the world by winning the rookie of the year in 1988. After a few years, he finds his way to the WWF - the WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION. We all remember Jeff - J-E-DOUBLE F, JA-DOUBLE-R-E-DOUBLE T! He won seven Intercontinental titles and one world tag title with the late, great Owen Hart. (Owen chant starts) And just when he couldn’t prove anything else, he goes to the WCW - World Championship Wrestling, where he defeats the likes of Kevin Nash, Booker T, Ric Flair, and Scott Steiner to be a 4-time WCW Champion. And just when he couldn’t do anything else in the ring, he started his own wrestling company. TNA was born! And within six years, TNA became a world-renowned company. It started with a two-hour prime time TNA Impact, then the global expansion in over 100 countries. Jeff Jarrett built an empire! Now, just when I thought he couldn’t do anything else, he came out of retirement and screws me out of winning my match against him! Which brings me now to Genesis - this storybook comes to a tragic end! You see, Jeff spent 25 years busting his ass doing anything he could to survive in this business, but I guarantee that he will drown in his own pool of blood at Genesis. Now, the wrestling community can definitely live without Jeff Jarrett, but will they be able to? Those are Jeff Jarrett’s three daughters. After Genesis, they’re going to become orphans. But don’t worry Jeff, because Uncle Kurt might have it in his heart to adopt them and make them mine.
DW - Thank you, Gorilla Monsoon!

Screens -

Tojo on national TV in 2008 = awesome

Wondrous Photoshopping

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A couple things I've noticed on Smackdown so far, 30 minutes in:

The WWE title used to have a Smackdown plate, but it was changed to one that says "Mon Nite Raw" when Cena switched brands. But even now, the belt still has the Raw plate.

I know there's an unwritten rule that in WWE, black wrestlers invariably feud or team with other black wrestlers. But why has Hurricane only worked with black guys since his return? He's wrestled against MVP and Shelton Benjamin in singles matches, then against both in a tag match with R-Truth as his partner. Next week, he faces Shelton 1 on 1. Maybe Vince saw Helms' do-rag and got confused.

Finally, does anyone actually get MyNetwork TV in HD? I'm getting my HD receiver and dish for DirecTV next Friday, but they don't offer MNTV in HD.
If anyone catches Smackdown this week, it appears Hurricane Helms is using a new finisher - and I must say, it's rather cool. It looks a lot like Christian's Unprettier, except inverted - starts out with an overhook arm lock (think Al Snow's trapping headbutts), and rotates into an inverted DDT.

Matt, I'm watching Smackdown in HD right now via Time Warner. It's one of the few HD stations they offer for free - I pick it up via the QAM tuner in my new TV.
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I just got around to watching last week's Impact. Did anyone notice ODB copped a feel on Brother Ray?:whistle2:s

[quote name='bornrunnin31']I could watch Maryse and Maria get it on all night :drool:[/quote]

By "get it on" you mean a collar and elbow tie-up, right?
[quote name='JJSP']If anyone catches Smackdown this week, it appears Hurricane Helms is using a new finisher - and I must say, it's rather cool. It looks a lot like Christian's Unprettier, except inverted - starts out with an overhook arm lock (think Al Snow's trapping headbutts), and rotates into an inverted DDT.[/QUOTE]Yeah that was cool. He's definitely used it before, but not as a finisher. I think it's a good choice for a finisher since it's the most distinct-looking move in his current moveset.

Dude goes through finishers like butter, so hopefully this one sticks. His previous two finishers now overlap with other wrestlers (the one before his injury was similar to a Codebreaker, and the shining wizard is too close to the Drive-By Kick), and he obviously won't be using a Vertebreaker anytime soon.

Now that I think about it he also had the "Overcast," the Hurri-chokeslam, and that move that the Big Show ended up using at some point ("Final Cut" or something along those lines?). Damn, just pick one already! :D
[quote name='neocisco']

By "get it on" you mean a collar and elbow tie-up, right?[/quote]

Uhh . . . sure. They're both quality talents in the ring. 8-[
[quote name='lmz00']At least MVP wasn't the one that got pinned.[/quote]

From what has been said, WWE is doing this to MVP to be sure he 'earns' his push and doesn't leave, or something of a similar nature. I fail to see why they have singled him out. Even if they are going to give him a massive push and a World title, it isn't right.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Yeah that was cool. He's definitely used it before, but not as a finisher. I think it's a good choice for a finisher since it's the most distinct-looking move in his current moveset.

Dude goes through finishers like butter, so hopefully this one sticks. His previous two finishers now overlap with other wrestlers (the one before his injury was similar to a Codebreaker, and the shining wizard is too close to the Drive-By Kick), and he obviously won't be using a Vertebreaker anytime soon.

Now that I think about it he also had the "Overcast," the Hurri-chokeslam, and that move that the Big Show ended up using at some point ("Final Cut" or something along those lines?). Damn, just pick one already! :D[/quote]

If Helms' new finisher a quick one? If anyone should have a snappy finisher, it's Helms. I think he should use the Busaiku knee kick. :whistle2:k
[quote name='lmz00']At least MVP wasn't the one that got pinned.[/quote]

From what has been said, WWE is doing this to MVP to be sure he 'earns' his push and doesn't leave, or something of a similar nature. I fail to see why they have singled him out. Even if they are going to give him a massive push and a World title, it isn't right.
[quote name='Chase']From what has been said, WWE is doing this to MVP to be sure he 'earns' his push and doesn't leave, or something of a similar nature. I fail to see why they have singled him out. Even if they are going to give him a massive push and a World title, it isn't right.[/QUOTE]It is rather strange. But if they seriously had no intention of pushing him, he wouldn't be getting so much airtime. Clearly they see value in him... they just wanna invest in that without putting him over their proven talent.

It sure is smarter than the Angle/Lesnar approach (they both got submission wins over Hulk Hogan for cryin' out loud!), but it does seem like a bit of an overreaction. Still, a "de-push" that involves TV segments every week and plenty of mic time isn't really THAT much of a de-push.

Remember HHH's "punishment" where he got no wins for, like, half of 1996?
[quote name='Matt Young']I know there's an unwritten rule that in WWE, black wrestlers invariably feud or team with other black wrestlers. But why has Hurricane only worked with black guys since his return? He's wrestled against MVP and Shelton Benjamin in singles matches, then against both in a tag match with R-Truth as his partner. Next week, he faces Shelton 1 on 1. Maybe Vince saw Helms' do-rag and got confused.[/QUOTE]
:lol: @ do-rag.

If you think back, when Matt was about to win/just got the US title, he wrestled MVP and Shelton every other show. I think Kofi and Mark Henry had some matches in there too. So you can look at it a couple of ways. Either Helm's will soon hold the US Title (likely) or the Freebird just loves to book his North Carolina kids to wrestle (and win) against Black dudes. Its up to you WWE Universe!
SD was a decent show - it set up some stuff for next week (Helms vs. Shelton for the belt) nicely, had some good comedy with Miz and Morrison (who are regularly highlights on all three shows - it's also amusing to see one set of tag champs on every show, while the Colons are strictly SD-only). Edge vs. Matt was good, and I dug the finish, with Edge tossing him into the ringpost mid-Twist of Fate, leading to the spear, while Kozlov vs. Jeff was fine, but nothing memorable aside from the post-match brawl which allowed folks who came there to see Jeff to see him him the swanton. Maryse vs. Maria was totally awesome thanks to Maryse, who is definitely the best heel on the divas roster by a wide margin - McCool's got a long way to go to catch up to her.

Quotes -
Jeff - Wow, you know I’ve heard you guys screaming for like a decade now! I wanna apologize for it taking so long, but IT FINALLY HAPPENED! The thought of Jeff Hardy being this - WWE Champion, kinda put reality in danger. But now the reality is WWE - OH IT’S ABOUT TO CHANGE! This title just doesn’t represent me - it represents the rejects, the screw ups, and my lord, I AM THE WWE CHAMPION! Those of you that know me know that I represent a good kind of crazy. So go a little crazy, and not just the people here, people at home, get off your couches and scream right now!
J.R. - Edge has won 24 championships in his tenured WWE career - that’s amazing!
J.R. - I talked with Maryse earlier today.
Tazz - You speak French?
J.R. - Well, I like French fries.
Kennedy - No, but thanks for the plug, buddy - I appreciate it. Even when you’re flat broke, you’re still giving, that’s a good trait to have.

Screens -

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You know, at this point the Jeff Hardy thing makes me questions Vince's judgment.

No, not the belt... that facepaint.

Who seriously approved that?
[quote name='007']You know, at this point the Jeff Hardy thing makes me questions Vince's judgment.

No, not the belt... that facepaint.

Who seriously approved that?[/quote]

Think about the term. Face-Paint. Nothing says "cheer for me" more than paint on your face. It worked for Warrior & Sting, why not Hardy.
[quote name='BustaUppa']It is rather strange. But if they seriously had no intention of pushing him, he wouldn't be getting so much airtime. Clearly they see value in him... they just wanna invest in that without putting him over their proven talent.

It sure is smarter than the Angle/Lesnar approach (they both got submission wins over Hulk Hogan for cryin' out loud!), but it does seem like a bit of an overreaction. Still, a "de-push" that involves TV segments every week and plenty of mic time isn't really THAT much of a de-push.

Remember HHH's "punishment" where he got no wins for, like, half of 1996?[/quote]

Solid points, Busta. I hope MVP finally gets the push I think he deserves. :)
[quote name='Bezerker']Think about the term. Face-Paint. Nothing says "cheer for me" more than paint on your face. It worked for Warrior & Sting, why not Hardy.[/QUOTE]
Warrior/Sting usually had the same design, even though different colors. Jeff's paint is just different all the time, they can't really market that. Especially since his paint drips down his neck and into his chest.
Jeff used to paint his face, a few years back... It was before his TNA run, whenever that was.
[quote name='Brak']Jeff used to paint his face, a few years back... It was before his TNA run, whenever that was.[/quote]

IIRC, the "paint" in that era was only visible under a blacklight. I thought it was an interesting effect, though now it's a bit too... "something" for his image, esp given his wellness history. :)
Jeff went freaking overboard with the paint in TNA - that shit dripped on everyone and everything. However, it was memorable, which is more than can be said about his in-ring tenure there as he was far below even going through the motions there.

Bret and Owen Hart vs. the Steiner Brothers -
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I think his current random style of facepaint is a huge improvement over the blacklight crap he would smear all over his face during his entrance near the end of his WWE/ his TNA run. It also gives him a different look from just a guy in cargo pants and a tanktop, he can only dye his hair so many times.
Even though I'm not a big fan of the women's division on Smackdown (Bring back the Cruiserweight Division) I really hope McCool loses that championship to Maryse which has improved a lot. With the McCool so called heel turn and a possible Maryse face turn I will also like to see Natalya as champ, but we'll se what happens with this New Hart Foundation stable on SD.

BTW which 2nd or 3rd generation superstar would you guys like to see on The Legacy? Maybe Carlito and Primo will be a nice addition but considering they're on SD and they're babyface's and tag team champs because of the big Hispanic audience that watches SD, I don't see it happening.
I don't think they're tag champs because of the Hispanic audience - their segments aren't draws. I think they were given the belts just to throw Carlito a bone so he'd stay - if they were draws, WWE would do something with them.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I don't think they're tag champs because of the Hispanic audience - their segments aren't draws. I think they were given the belts just to throw Carlito a bone so he'd stay - if they were draws, WWE would do something with them.[/quote]

Yep. That's what I figured when I considered the reports of Carlito's unhappiness.
[quote name='TheEyecon']Even though I'm not a big fan of the women's division on Smackdown (Bring back the Cruiserweight Division) I really hope McCool loses that championship to Maryse which has improved a lot. With the McCool so called heel turn and a possible Maryse face turn I will also like to see Natalya as champ, but we'll se what happens with this New Hart Foundation stable on SD.

I don't want a Maryse face turn. With the way she was just standing there with those ridiculous poses in front of McCool on Smackdown, I'm kinda hoping she'll somehow end up with Mizorrision. At least, I'd like to think she'd fit in with their gimmick.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Jeff sorta reminds me of Sting. Well a Sting that could wrestle a decent match at least.[/quote]

Sting... Well, hmm... I appreciate Sting's work more than the work of Jeff Hardy. I doubt Jeff Hardy would have meshed well with Muta and Flair. That said, Jeff Hardy has grown proficient at doing what he does. I am probably mistaken, but I have not seen him majorly botch anything in a while. :whistle2:k
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I don't want a Maryse face turn. With the way she was just standing there with those ridiculous poses in front of McCool on Smackdown, I'm kinda hoping she'll somehow end up with Mizorrision. At least, I'd like to think she'd fit in with their gimmick.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Matt Young']


Holy shit! Is that just a promo pic or is she actually part of the new M-Squad?

Also, I have to give credit to the Miz. I hated that dude for a long time, but he is worlds better now. I still hate that stupid ass haircut though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Holy shit! Is that just a promo pic or is she actually part of the new M-Squad?

Also, I have to give credit to the Miz. I hated that dude for a long time, but he is worlds better now. I still hate that stupid ass haircut though.[/quote]
I hated Miz for a long, long time, but I've gotta give him credit where credit's due. He's really improved in the ring and on the mic as well. He's grown on me.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Jeff sorta reminds me of Sting. Well a Sting that could wrestle a decent match at least.[/QUOTE]

Oh for...have you only seen Sting in TNA or something?

Sting > Jeff Hardy

...and it's going to remain that way unless Jeff has an absolutely amazing career for the next 5-10 years. Not likely.
Time Warner Cable just added a dozen or so HD channels, including USA HD finally.

I also finished the main quest in Oblivion, so I may watch Raw for a change tonight.
[quote name='mykevermin']Time Warner Cable just added a dozen or so HD channels, including USA HD finally.

I also finished the main quest in Oblivion, so I may watch Raw for a change tonight.[/quote]

Man, I figured USA HD would be everywhere. My problem is that I don't have MyTV in HD. SD Smackdown sucks.
Actually, i recognize that pic as one from the gallery they put up on after the Slammy RAW. Not sure if it means anything significant or not.

But if there's one thing if good for, it's the photos.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Oh for...have you only seen Sting in TNA or something?[/QUOTE]
Don't you not watch TNA? Sting's been putting on really good matches.
"'The Sun has an interview with reigning WWE Intercontinental Champion William Regal and he critiques the wrestler who he won the title from, Santino Marella. Regal feels Marella hasn't grown in the ring as he should have by now. 'I think what he does, the entertainment aspect of it, is brilliant,' Regal said. 'I try and help him a lot because obviously his wrestling is not where it should be - but he can get there. He's been thrown in the deep end straight out of wrestling school and he does a great job at what he does. I think he's got a great future but you can only get by doing so much comedy.' Regal said CM Punk is one of the few quality opponents who can work at his pace in the ring. 'The vicious stuff I'm doing now is the way I like to wrestle, unfortunately there are not too many people - and this may sound very arrogant - who can keep up with me. Very few,' Regal said. 'I'm looking to people like C.M. Punk and people like that to step up. The only ones who can keep up with me are of that style.'"

Kind words from Regal regarding Santino and CM Punk. I also like his comments about the Intercontinental title and his hair. God bless High Definition TV, if that's the case. ;)
bread's done