The Legacy Wrestling Thread

[quote name='diddy310']Better than the even more overused Flatliner, DDT,or cross body block as a finisher.[/QUOTE]at least they seem to have finally gotten sick of the Overdrive/Playmaker. That seemed to be the "default CAW" finisher for a while.
[quote name='Genocidal']Rhodes' new finisher is yet another wrestler using the Roll the Dice; which seems to be the standard move given to a guy that can't get any other finisher over.[/quote]

Ah, thanks Geno!
That's interesting, but I wasn't pleased with the video quality of the DVD release. Don't see why they'd put it out on Blu-Ray (other than to sucker people into double-dipping).
Plus, there's only so much they can do with the 20+ year old WCCW footage used in the documentary - especially the stuff from the director's personal collection that was just from his own VHS collection. Still, the content of the documentary was fantastic, and I hope the BR version features a lot more footage that wasn't seen in the DVD version - or better yet, has that and some choice bonus matches, because WWE's WCCW set did a horrid job of representing the company's best matches, and both Heroes and Triumph and Tragedy of WCCW lacked one of the company's most historic matches - Kerry's title win over Flair.
Tune in this Thursday to TNA Impact for a legendary, one-of-a-kind, never been done before "Headdress On A Pole" match between Petey Williams and Scott Steiner! Who will prevail in this epic battle for a chain link hat thing? What will happen when teacher meets student in a one on one war? Will Steiner's biceps actually explode on television?
[quote name='JJSP']Tune in this Thursday to TNA Impact for a legendary, one-of-a-kind, never been done before "Headdress On A Pole" match between Petey Williams and Scott Steiner! Who will prevail in this epic battle for a chain link hat thing? What will happen when teacher meets student in a one on one war? Will Steiner's biceps actually explode on television?[/quote]

Thank you for that news. Now I know I'll be spending 8-10pm on Thursday playing Fallout :)
Has Christian returned to the WWE yet? I don't recall it last week though I missed half of Raw and all of ECW, so his appearance on ECW is new to me. Making his grand return on ECW doesn't seem like a great omen to his presence in the WWE for the near future.
ECW is live as its on the west coast,and before the Smackdown taping i'm assuming. So Christian also being on Smackdown isn't out of the question. It'd just be wrong for him to not be part of the Edge/Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy stuff.

I think they just put him on ECW so they could have his debut be live and not spoiled by the net. Plus it couldn't hurt to throw that belt on someone established for a bit. It's not like being the ECW champion traps him on the show.
Doing my periodical drop in here to concur with everyone, Christian on ECW is the biggest waste since uh, well. Too many comparisons, but a waste regardless.
[quote name='diddy310']ECW is live as its on the west coast,and before the Smackdown taping i'm assuming. So Christian also being on Smackdown isn't out of the question. It'd just be wrong for him to not be part of the Edge/Jeff Hardy/Matt Hardy stuff.

I think they just put him on ECW so they could have his debut be live and not spoiled by the net. Plus it couldn't hurt to throw that belt on someone established for a bit. It's not like being the ECW champion traps him on the show.[/QUOTE]

I thought ECW was taped with Raw on Mondays.
TJ Wilson - He was supposed to be part of the New Hart Foundation with DH Smith.

I thought his squash match was pretty good, but the bangs-with-no-hair look is awful

About the ECW Taping: I think it's with Smackdown this week because of the PPV on Sunday since there's usually double Smackdown tapings, but obviously there can't be b/c of the PPV between the two episodes
Thats TJ Wilson from FCW, he was going to be a member of the new Hart Foundation i believe... Btw, I'm pissed that WWE wasted Christian's debut like this. Is this punishment for leaving for TNA?
Btw, I consider myself to be a huge fan of Christian. When he signed with TNA, I drove one hour and 1/2 every month to see him in TNA. He was the main reason why I watched TNA. Only thing good I take out of this is that I like Jack Swagger, so maybe Christian will give him a "rub"

At least his music is still awesome!
Wow, horrible sounding cover of his Waterproof Blonde- Just Close Your Eyes theme. Hopefully they add an intro to it since right now it just starts with the chorus
Holy crap was this ever a big show by ECW standards. Christian coming back (with an awesome mix of "Close Your Eyes") was a nice surprise and started the show off hot, and the ECW Title scene consisting of him, Finlay, and Swagger is instantly more appealing than the one for WWE's other titles. I liked the fairly big ovation during his promo, although his entrance got less of a reaction than I expected - perhaps waiting a while before using a new theme mix would've helped. I'm not sure if I like having him mock Swagger's promos as Swagger is new as the show's top act (or at least he was the top act for a couple of weeks) and burying him isn't going to do him any favors, but it is about the only noteworthy part of his promos, so perhaps bringing it up on-air will motivate him to improve on the mic.

T.J. Wilson debuting gave ECW more new blood, and in the first half-hour, this show was already more exciting than most other wrestling shows have been in seemingly forever, with SD being largely boring, Raw being hit-or-miss and having a lot of wasted time, and Impact being, well, Impact. Here, we had an exciting show that also served a purpose on a variety of levels. I'm not a big fan of T.J.'s new "Tyson Kidd" name - Tyson Wilson would've been fine and would've sounded a lot better. It's also odd that they'd give him such an obviously fake name and go into his real-life background. His match wasn't too special, but the big spin kick ruled, and I also loved that Striker gave us some background info on freaking jobber of this match - telling us that he knows Vietnamese hand-to-hand combat, which is more info than we're given about most of TNA's regulars.

The wacky Christian-Hornswoggle bit in the back was great thanks to Christian's deadpan reaction to Hornswoggle's goofiness, and Christian and Finlay had great chemstry together - I look forward to their match. I also liked this segment because it showed that Christian FINALLY got some new gear. I was hoping he'd do that in TNA, but he stuck with his WWE midcarder design, which I think hurt him slightly as far as being taken seriously as THE top dog in the company. His new attire looks a little better - and fits him as a top-level act somewhere (even if it is WWE's least important show, for now) than his older gear, which looked low-rent at times. The cursive text adds some class to it, and I'm glad he stuck with the red and gold colors, as they were the best-looking ones for his old gear aside from the blue and silver.

The main event was perfectly fine - not a classic, but a good way to debut Christian while also showcasing ECW's other two top guys. Swagger losing again bugs me a bit, but I know he's win on Sunday, and the fans popped for Christian's win, so it shouldn't hurt him too badly. Unfortunately for Swagger, he became the top guy on this show and then BOOM, he gets overshadowed instantly by Christian.

The intriguing Dreamer storyline's also been hurt a bit by this, as now, why should people care about Dreamer winning when there's at least one other far bigger name than him vying for the title. However, even without Dreamer as a serious threat, the ECW Title mix is fairly exciting, with Swagger, Finlay, Christian, and a returning Evan Bourne ensuring that if nothing else, ECW's title matches should be very good, and possibly PPV show-stealers on a regular basis.

Quotes -
Grisham - Jack Swagger was perfect until last week - a blemish is on his record.
Striker - He may not be perfect…he just dropped his championship on the floor, but he might be nervous after what happened last week.
Swagger - For the past two weeks, I have been victimizthed, I have been embarrassthed! MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF, YA LITTLE TROLL!
Christian - WHAT AM I DOING? (Christian chant breaks out) It‘s pretty obvious what I‘m dong - I‘m interrupting your promo! Actually, you can probably thank me later - I‘m here to save your life. You look confused, lemme fill ya in - you might electrucute yourself with the mic by spitting over it with your slobber THUFFERING THUCATASH!! I WASN’T FINISHED! LEMME HAVE THIS MOMENT… let US have this moment - it’s been a LONG TIME SINCE MY PEEPS HAVE SEEN ME! Go ahead, drink it in, Swagger! The real reason I came to ECW is right there on your shoulder! I’m glad you said you’re not gonna until NOW - neither am I. To issue a challenge to the winner of Swagger and Finlay for the ECW Championship!
Swawgger - Are you finished!? Listhen!? I know you couldn’t hack it here, so you left for YEARS. If you think you’re gonna make a name for yourself…again against me, you’re mistaken! I’M A TWO TIME ALL AMERICAN, I BECAME ECW CHAMPION IN FOUR MONTHS! I’M A WRESTLING PRODIGY! YOU ARE NO THREAT TO ME!
Swagger - AGAINST WHO!?
Grisham - The Miz’s 2008 was successful on many levels…in tag team competition.
Grisham - Last week, Morrison said that Dreamer was too old, too fat, and that the WWE Universe didn’t care about him - but people don’t think that way, do they?
(after the Miz’s jawbreaker finishes off Dreamer)Striker - Run your hand across your shoulder - now imagine your jaw SLAMMING into that!
Natalya - Tyson was trained by my uncle, Bret Hart, in the dungeon.
Tyson - Big dog? Time to send him back to the pound.
Striker - Tyson was the last trainee at the Dungeon, and they closed it after he trained there because they knew they couldn’t top him.
(after a springboard elbow clip airs)Striker - He certainly mastered that in the Dungeon.
Grisham - For those in the WWE Universe who haven’t seen Christian, what kind of superstar is he?
Striker - Quick, unpredictable - that’s what Christian brings to the table.
(after a tornado DDT from Christian)Finlay - That was awesome.
(after Finlay hits Swagger with his gimmick)Grisham - Swagger might make ya think that Finlay made him lose, but that wouldn’t be the Christian point of view!

Screens -

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I just seen the commercial for Saturday Night Main Event DVD, and it looks really cool. I loved old school wrestling (late 80s early 90s). I see its at almost every store for 20 bucks too. So has anyone seen it yet, is it worth buying?
Awesome. They have Christian come back on ECW so the 17 people watching at home can see it live. Makes sense. Why do it on a PPV, Raw, or SD even?

Of course, I would have loved it had I been watching ECW, but since I wasn't, this is a letdown to me.

This is kind of like how they blew the return of Jericho. They kept putting it off and putting it off, when everyone knew he was coming back. By the time he actually did show up, I didn't give a damn.
pitfallharry, on ECW, he can easily be seen as a top guy without much effort, and with it being live, it was a bit more exciting than it otherwise would've been. This is the first time I've watched the show on TV in months, and it was more exciting because I saw it unfold as it happened and didn't just read about it and then watch it later, so while him being THE guy on ECW isn't quite as lucrative as him being Jeff's attacker right now, it's at least a top-level role in some form, and has room for upward mobility. They could still make him the attacker (it isn't as if he got THAT big a reaction as a face tonight), and he's also got an instant main event ticket thanks to the history with Edge.

This wasn't the perfect way to have Christian return to WWE, but it was a good way to do it while also making ECW seem like an important, newsworthy show - if only for a week - and Christian's a good guy to have as the top act on the developmental show. He's good enough at most things to teach the younger guys something, and is still young enough to be a true company-level main event star down the road.
Okay, watched the return promo, music sounded better on the 2nd listen. I still think they'll add something else onto the beginning similar to the original mix of the song. The "Go!" is better than nothing though.
omfg.. had no clue this happenned... how could i miss this!!!!

i was shocked as hell to go to and see christians return.

and his previous theme was way better.

why the hell didnt they just debut him in the rumble.. o well.. atleast ecw's got captain charisma now
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fuck 5-hour road trips.


EDIT: Wow. Just look at TJ Tyson Kidd Wilson's face. Natural heel. You just wanna slap the shit out of that face.
WWE is obviously doing something right debuting Christian on ECW. We're watching it, after all. I kinda liked that "Instantly Classic" line from Stryker, too.
K, just watched the opening of ECW on the west coast feed, two thoughts:

1. This is almost PRECISELY how Jericho re-debuted, except it was on the TV show that will get a 1.1 rating on a good night, and
2. Jesus fuck, Tazz (or Stryker, whoever said it), did Vince force the "Well this moment just became instantly classic" comment on you?
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Awesome. They have Christian come back on ECW so the 17 people watching at home can see it live. Makes sense. Why do it on a PPV, Raw, or SD even?[/QUOTE]
Because he was a champion during his TNA stint.

They need to rebuild him within the "WWE Universe", 'else they'll indirectly be putting TNA over.

/McMahon logic
Yeah, and there's no other announcer who will be able to remind everyone of Christian's past in WWE better than Striker.
Wow, Christian came back? Watching his return on youtube right now and his new theme sounds pretty good. Better than the TNA themes but not as good as the original Waterproof Blonde
The original theme had a female voice backing it up, and it sounded nice. This new one with the guy singing it sounds like he's auditioning for some heavy-metal band.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']He still has the Unprettier?

=/ =/ =/[/quote]

I believe they called it "Christians point of view".

PS, someone said they noticed in his tron, he is owning TNA talent like Dudleys, Booker T, maybe Angle. I didnt catch that though.
It's the setup that kills it for me. Most of the time, his arms don't even look like they're hooked. His victim could just stand up straight, and stop it.

But then again, most finishers look like they could be easily avoided, but the Unprettier, to me, is one of the more obvious ones.
The only thing I don't like about the Unprettier is that it looks awkward for Christian to set up and then pull off, but I like it as a finisher anyway since that kind of fits the name of the move.
Count me into the "Christian needs a new finisher" camp. I dig his music though, and I like his goofy face promo ripping on Swagger (I laughed at the lisp jokes). First time I've watched ECW in quite some time, and good to see two debuting talents in the same night.

I'd never seen Wilson work before, but that lame haircut has to go. I understand that if they cut it off, he'd look a lot like Low Ki with stubble - his style sort of matches Ki's too. The spinning kick to Bao was brutal and looked awesome in replay, but that springboard elbow is kinda lame. Innovative enough to stand out, but I'd rather see it as a set up than a finisher. I'd like to see him have a solid submission finisher to play up his Dungeon roots rather than have him look like a Teddy Hart clone.
Yeah I see the whole crazy setup thing. Me personally I always thought inverted Reverse DDT was better suited as his finisher, especially when he did it from the top turnbuckle.

Can't say if I hate his music yet, I dug the "GO!" opener, but I thought the female version of the song was loads better.

You know what would be a potentially awesome match up that I've been dying to see since 2000? Edge Vs Christian Vs Matt Hardy Vs Jeff Hardy. Make it a TLC match for the WWE title and it would be pretty sweet.
Impact spoiler...

Taped for next week's Impact, Beer Money has created what they call the "Off The Wagon" match. Tag titles on the line at all times, but whoever gets pinned is gone from TNA for good. They defeat the former Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams), and Petey is gone from TNA as he's been released. Yep, that's right - after all of the building up of Petey and actually giving him a gimmick, he's cut.

Also, Angle vs Sting in an "empty arena" match. :rolleyes:
bread's done