The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword

Hey, Guys. I need some help! My house was robbed the otherday and my wii was stolen mid-playthrough. We are safe and sound and the insurance is taking care of my losses, but I lost some saved games in the process.

I'm trying to find a save file near where I was. I was pretty far in the game (don't think this is a spoiler, but just in case)
I was about to start collecting the triforce.

If anyone has a save file near there- could you PM me?
Finished the game yesterday. Had all the Gratitude Crystals (no guide), nearly all of the Goddess Cubes (no guide)...for someone that was bothered by all the damn side-quests, I sure got nearly everything. :lol:

Really enjoyed the character designs of the last two bossess. (You know who I'm talking about.) They looked more menacing than probably anything else that's been in the Zelda series.

All in all...I like the dungeons, but, the repetitiveness wore me down. I still say this is a B- or C+ game. I'm obviously in the minority. Had you not had so many side-quests (pointless ones, IMO) and backtracking, I would've enjoyed it much more. Nearly every dungeon was quite fun.

Total time was just under 50 hours.
[quote name='nbballard']Hey, Guys. I need some help! My house was robbed the otherday and my wii was stolen mid-playthrough. We are safe and sound and the insurance is taking care of my losses, but I lost some saved games in the process.

I'm trying to find a save file near where I was. I was pretty far in the game (don't think this is a spoiler, but just in case)
I was about to start collecting the triforce.

If anyone has a save file near there- could you PM me?[/QUOTE]

Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. Atleast your safe. Did they just grab the electronics?

Sorry I can't help you, since I just beat it a few days ago but I have an idea of where you're at. Would the second save on gamefaqs help? It's saved at the part where you start collecting the song of the hero.
In an Iwata's Asks, one of the developers called it
"The Legend of Zelda." Pretty accurate if you ask me.

Ballard, sucks about your save file. All I can recommend is Gamefaqs like Rodimus said. That's about 3-5 hours before where you were at IIRC.
[quote name='Rodimus']Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. Atleast your safe. Did they just grab the electronics?

Sorry I can't help you, since I just beat it a few days ago but I have an idea of where you're at. Would the second save on gamefaqs help? It's saved at the part where you start collecting the song of the hero.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KingBroly']Ballard, sucks about your save file. All I can recommend is Gamefaqs like Rodimus said. That's about 3-5 hours before where you were at IIRC.[/QUOTE]

Actually- that's right where I was at! It's a christmas miracle! lol

I hadn't checked Gamefaq since i'd never found anything good there before. WiiSaves didn't have any files worth getting either.

(They just took electronics primarily and my wife's jewelry. Some stuff to carry it all like blankets and laundry baskets.)
I just made
it into the mine. Pretty cool lead up to it and it didn't really feel like a fetch quest since there were actual mini-dungeons with puzzles to figure out.
The game is getting better...
[quote name='Rig']Finished the game yesterday. Had all the Gratitude Crystals (no guide), nearly all of the Goddess Cubes (no guide)...for someone that was bothered by all the damn side-quests, I sure got nearly everything. :lol:

Really enjoyed the character designs of the last two bossess. (You know who I'm talking about.) They looked more menacing than probably anything else that's been in the Zelda series.

All in all...I like the dungeons, but, the repetitiveness wore me down. I still say this is a B- or C+ game. I'm obviously in the minority. Had you not had so many side-quests (pointless ones, IMO) and backtracking, I would've enjoyed it much more. Nearly every dungeon was quite fun.

Total time was just under 50 hours.[/QUOTE]

I finished in 40 without doing all the sidequests, and I definitely think the game could have been 5-10 hours shorter and would probably have been more enjoyable. I know I've sung it's praises but there's definitely a lot of annoying, unnecessary bullshit going on that could streamline the experience. I'm fine with additional, optional content - they can have all the fetch quests they want! - but don't put so much of it in the main fucking narrative. C+, though, that's harsh ;)
So it looks like I got the 3 pieces of you know what from the 3 locations. I hated that underwater part... stupid thing didn't tell me about dousing until I was almost done.
I finally started this over the weekend. Put in, oh 45 minutes, and was bored to tears reading slow-ass text bubbles, and learning how to jump and "press z to talk". :wall: I actually dozed off with the controller in hand. Why, oh why, can't Nintendo come up with a way for veterans to skip all the bullshit? It's mind-numbingly bad and artificially inflates the length of the game. The Wii has full size DVD capacity now. I get they don't want Link to talk, but how about the rest of the characters? It's just so archaic of a design going into 2012.

Oh, and I'm sure it's unfair to judge 45 minutes in but the game is ugly as sin. I will give it credit for at least being more colorful than Twilight Princess, which probably wasn't that difficult of an accomplishment. It didn't help the cause that right after I shut it off and turned on the tv the first thing I saw was an ad for Skyrim. :lol: Makes Zelda look like a 2 generation old game not one from the same console cycle... and I don't even care about Skyrim. It's just the disappointment that we could have a gorgeous Zelda game if Nintendo but forth an effort in their systems. Aaugh! It's frustrating.

Ah well... flame on! ;)
They put the tutorials in because they know you'll bitch later about things they won't tell you at that moment even though you already learned them.
[quote name='Corvin']I finally started this over the weekend. Put in, oh 45 minutes, and was bored to tears reading slow-ass text bubbles, and learning how to jump and "press z to talk". :wall: I actually dozed off with the controller in hand. Why, oh why, can't Nintendo come up with a way for veterans to skip all the bullshit? It's mind-numbingly bad and artificially inflates the length of the game. The Wii has full size DVD capacity now. I get they don't want Link to talk, but how about the rest of the characters? It's just so archaic of a design going into 2012.

Oh, and I'm sure it's unfair to judge 45 minutes in but the game is ugly as sin. I will give it credit for at least being more colorful than Twilight Princess, which probably wasn't that difficult of an accomplishment. It didn't help the cause that right after I shut it off and turned on the tv the first thing I saw was an ad for Skyrim. :lol: Makes Zelda look like a 2 generation old game not one from the same console cycle... and I don't even care about Skyrim. It's just the disappointment that we could have a gorgeous Zelda game if Nintendo but forth an effort in their systems. Aaugh! It's frustrating.

Ah well... flame on! ;)[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%... but the game is still pretty awesome. Still, the entire time I'm constantly thinking it could be so much better if it was on the 360 or PS3.
It never really looks any better. The art design is great, but technically it looks awful on an HDTV--even for a wii game. Lots of jaggies, the horizontal lines on the screen etc.

Well I guess some parts do look a little better than Skyloft--with how bright it is there the jaggies and lines are extra apparent there than in darker environments.

It was jarring how clear 360 games looked after going back to them after putting nearly 60 hours into this! :D
This is the first console Zelda I have no interest in completing, and I bulldozed my way through 3 glitched saves to finish the Majora's Mask glitchity glitchfest.

I've put a few hour-long sessions into SS, and despite all these great reviews, it's just not the game for me. It's not the graphics, I've just come to gradually realize that I don't enjoy the sword and weapon mechanics. At all. I could slog through it to see what happens, but I'm not motivated enough.

There's no denying it: I'm a grumpy old man and I want my controller back. The last failed play session, I wound up putting another 2 hours in a WW save I had from a year ago for the Zelda fix of it. I feel guilty about not digging SS, because I've enjoyed a lot of good titles from Nintendo for so long, but I'm not about to wave my arms through 40 hours of gaming just to feel like a good sport.

Between this and Other M, I'm feeling defeated (and by the way, I'm not equating SS and Other M so please don't use this as a bullshit jumping off point for fanboi rage). The silver-lining is that I can totally get away with re-gifting this mofo to my nephew for xmas. HAHA!
I'm with ya man... I'm going to gut it out but in addition to better graphics I really really wish this game had normal controls. Being left-handed sucks big time for a game like this. Rolling bombs is not enjoyable and neither is the flying. I almost wish the game wasn't as clever as it has been so far though with all the puzzles and the large environments.
My biggest gripe with the graphics ia the draw distance. Things get blurry as hell when they're far away, to the point of being indistinguishable. Everything is so dense that it doesn't usually matter, but when you see it, its painful.
[quote name='Corvin']I finally started this over the weekend. Put in, oh 45 minutes, and was bored to tears reading slow-ass text bubbles, and learning how to jump and "press z to talk". :wall: I actually dozed off with the controller in hand. Why, oh why, can't Nintendo come up with a way for veterans to skip all the bullshit? It's mind-numbingly bad and artificially inflates the length of the game. The Wii has full size DVD capacity now. I get they don't want Link to talk, but how about the rest of the characters? It's just so archaic of a design going into 2012.

Oh, and I'm sure it's unfair to judge 45 minutes in but the game is ugly as sin. I will give it credit for at least being more colorful than Twilight Princess, which probably wasn't that difficult of an accomplishment. It didn't help the cause that right after I shut it off and turned on the tv the first thing I saw was an ad for Skyrim. :lol: Makes Zelda look like a 2 generation old game not one from the same console cycle... and I don't even care about Skyrim. It's just the disappointment that we could have a gorgeous Zelda game if Nintendo but forth an effort in their systems. Aaugh! It's frustrating.

Ah well... flame on! ;)[/QUOTE]

Most of this continues for many hours... and then the slow text (not to mention constant repetition of text) continues for the rest of the game.

Nintendo must think everyone is inept.
The first 2 hours is a longwinded tutorial. It picks up once you get to to the first dungeon. But Fi is still annoying with her constant nagging throughout the entire game. Always reminding you how dowsing works.
rage anyone?

i don't know, never played it. but g4 took off the percentages, so when acr wins people can't disown them.

sad that people have to take such a silly poll so seriously. i mean g4 already cut it out of all the meaningful awards, so i would understand they would cover their tracks so that they wouldn't look like assholes, but "surprising" the voters is just pathetic.
Wait... so I think I've come near the end?

I beat the 7th temple
Triforce one
, followed up some of the scenes after that, then
I beat Ghirahim and "Master"
showed up and challenged me to a dual. Fi warns me that there's no turning back. Is this the final boss I'm heading towards?
Finally started this last night, and I can resonate with the general consensus that the first couple of hours are boring as hell. And I've never been a graphics whore, but the jagginess and overall muddiness of anything that was distant was unbearable. Still gonna press on and hope it gets much better (which, from reading bits in here, it sounds like it does).
[quote name='Vinny']Wait... so I think I've come near the end?

I beat the 7th temple
Triforce one
, followed up some of the scenes after that, then
I beat Ghirahim and "Master"
showed up and challenged me to a dual. Fi warns me that there's no turning back. Is this the final boss I'm heading towards?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Copy your save game so you can save afterward for
Hero Mode

I figured there would be a
dungeon or puzzle to get through to prove your worth leading up to the fight, but there isn't. It's just a straight-up duel. It's a cool fight, but definitely on the easy side once you figure out his nuances.

Enjoy the ending, I was actually quite pleased with it.
[quote name='dothog']On motion controlled Zelda (console at least)...[/QUOTE]

That sucks. Motion controls are a plague on gaming...

[quote name='johnnypark']Yeah. Copy your save game so you can save afterward for
Hero Mode

I figured there would be a
dungeon or puzzle to get through to prove your worth leading up to the fight, but there isn't. It's just a straight-up duel. It's a cool fight, but definitely on the easy side once you figure out his nuances.

Enjoy the ending, I was actually quite pleased with it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Yeah, I figured there would be some... ultimate final dungeon (the 7th one was cool though). I still remember the final dungeons from WW and OoT. Man, those were epic... this is kinda anticlimactic, since the hoards of enemies you had to face weren't even tough.
[quote name='RELISCH']rage anyone?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='RELISCH']sad that people have to take such a silly poll so seriously.[/QUOTE]

Compared to AC, Zelda has very little story.

As far as motion controls, I'm fine with them staying with the series, as long as we have something more accurate than Wii Motion + by time the next game comes out. I think it made the swordplay fun instead of just functional.
Just beat the game (clocked in ~35 hours)... my lazy review:

The things I liked:
-The music... especially Fi's Theme (not sure if that's the official title), quite possibly my favorite track in any Zelda game, ever
Fi's Theme
-Dungeons where awesome - they made me scratch my head but never feel frustrated
-The artwork and general use of colors
-Motion controlled combat

The things I didn't care for:
-Motion controlled anything outside of combat
-Slow moving, unskippable text (nearly all good games let you skip unimportant text these days)
-Fi is Captain Obvious... really? There's something important behind that door? I would have never imagined with all the obvious signs/emblems there!
-This is the first and only Zelda where I did not die...
-Some tedium in all the collecting parts late in the game

The things that I hated:
-Lack of actual camera control...
-The fucking repetition in explaining what a fucking bug/collectable/key/etc. was, especially if you picked it up in the middle of combat
-The first two 2-3 hours of hand holding was beyond overkill

Things that I hated but where the Wii's/Nintendo's fault:
-Graphical limitations... this game looks stunning in HD on the Dolphin Emulator but would have been even more so if it was made as an actual HD game
-Motion+ sucks balls outside of combat. The need to calibrate every time you start the game, constant need to re-center, inability to track speed in axis movements and randomly going haywire were unnecessary inhibitions on this game.

Overall...? It's officially a top 5 for me (LttP, OoT, Wind Waker precede it). I know I pointed out a lot of complaints and yes, the game had numerous minor problems that really did add up... but it was still such a magnificent game.

The ending was fucking fantastic. I just did not see the
Impa/Grannie connection... it was so obvious but I just did not see it until that very moment! It was so perfectly done! There was a huge smile on my face when I (along with Zelda, Link and Groose) realized it but my heart shattered when she faded. It was also sad to say goodbye to Fi, who was true to character until the end (however annoying that may have been). And I take it that with Link and Zelda staying on the ground and sending their birds back to the sky, that this is the first in the Zelda lineage?

Welcome back Link.:applause:
[quote name='Rodimus']But Fi is still annoying with her constant nagging throughout the entire game. Always reminding you how dowsing works.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what is dowsing and am I almost out of hearts? ;)

Dungeon #3
(the mine)
is just OK so far. I really hope they get better and more intricate. I haven't had to look at a map even once so far. In most Zelda games I am usually lost until I find the map but in this game it doesn't seem to matter as everything is very linear. Also, NO COMPASS??? Why??? I also don't like how there isn't really any "trick" to getting to the dungeon's treasure/weapon - it is just in a random room in a random treasure chest. I do like the
proton pack
though even though it is awkward as hell to actually use.
[quote name='KingBroly']Isn't AC:R pretty terrible?[/QUOTE]

It's not terrible, just more of the same. Besides being in a different city, adding a hook blade (which doesn't do much) and giving you bombs it's the exact same game as Brotherhood. They even took out my favorite part, the glyph puzzles, in favor of some Portal-esque 1st person puzzle. I put it down in favor of Zelda. I got back into it a few days ago and I'm enjoying it, but I defiantly had more fun with Zelda.
I really enjoyed the game and felt it really got the series back on track after the rather limp Twilight Princess.

Some random thoughts...

- I want this visual style in HD. The watercolor look really got lost in translation on the Wii, which is a shame because I could tell it *should* have been beautiful. I'm of the opinion, though, that Zelda should be a somewhat 'stylized' series, though, with the bleak brown-ness of Twilight Princess never coming back. Zelda, in my opinion, should be a colorful series.

- I didn't hate the motion controls. While I disagree with the developers and magazines saying they 'can't imagine going back to normal controls', these were the most tolerable motion controls I've ever used. The trick, though, was sort of learning how the game wanted you to control it... for me it was all about getting the timing down. As in, I want to switch sides, so I need to move the controller a little slower and THEN fast to attack. Aside from that, a lot of it was much more intuitive than I expected.

- PADDING. Oh god, do I hate padding. This, frankly, was an Ocarina of Time 20-25 hour game in a 35 hour coat. My most hated part:
The fucking hero song quest. Oh, gee, looks like SOMETHING RANDOMLY HAPPENED THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO DO MORE. Sigh. Also, the Water Dragon is a dick. You've done so much for her, yet she still needs ONE MORE TEST before giving you the song. The Fire Dragon, who you've never meant before, just gives the song without protest. Same with the Thunder Dragon. No, really, Water Dragon is a dick. I also hated the Eldin Volcano cliched 'lost all your gear' section. This would've been slightly better if they'd at least committed to it. Oh, gee, let's have you spend 15 minutes getting the 5 specific pieces of gear you need to overcome these brand new obstacles. The rest of your stuff? Oh, yeah, it's just in this other chest. Yeah, all of it. The one behind your sword. ... Sigh. That was the only section of the game that got really tedious to me. There was no need for the game to be stretched that much.

- This was one of the more clever and inventive entries in the series. I was consistently pleased to find new ways of using items or solving puzzles that were thrown at me. Very well planned out. The desert sections, in particular, were great for this.

- I found that I had to drag myself back into playing this because the majority of my free time is after work... a time where I don't necessarily feel like making the effort that Skyward Sword required, control-wise. There is something to be said for the 'veg effect' that a normal controller affords you. I got over it very quickly each time, but I do think I would've been more inclined to pick the game up more often with a normal controller.

In regards to the recent comments about 'can't imagine going back to normal controls'... uh, so, wouldn't that basically mean that a new Zelda wouldn't use the newly introduced WiiU controller? Honestly, I was pretty hyped with that sizzle video showing the WiiU controller and the touchscreen Zelda inventory. If they go motion again, that means the WiiMote, rendering the new controller meaningless. While I didn't hate the motion controls, I'd pick the touchscreen any day of the week. Still, as long as they turn out something as quality as Skyward Sword, I won't bitch too much.
[quote name='007']

In regards to the recent comments about 'can't imagine going back to normal controls'... uh, so, wouldn't that basically mean that a new Zelda wouldn't use the newly introduced WiiU controller? Honestly, I was pretty hyped with that sizzle video showing the WiiU controller and the touchscreen Zelda inventory. If they go motion again, that means the WiiMote, rendering the new controller meaningless. While I didn't hate the motion controls, I'd pick the touchscreen any day of the week. Still, as long as they turn out something as quality as Skyward Sword, I won't bitch too much.[/QUOTE]

Unless I'm mistaken, the Wii U does support the Wii's motion controllers and there were even videos shown with Wii remotes in use.
[quote name='Vinny']Unless I'm mistaken, the Wii U does support the Wii's motion controllers and there were even videos shown with Wii remotes in use.[/QUOTE]

Yes... I'm aware of that. What I meant was that it's going to pretty tough to use the new controller AND the WiiMote at the same time. It appears to be an either/or thing.

As in, if you're using the WiiMote/Nunchuk set-up from Skyward Sword, you won't be using the touchscreen controller and vice versa.
Since I'm not sold on the Wii-U yet anyway I'm really not concerned with how they handle it. I was sure I've wanted every other Nintendo system that's come out and have enjoyed all of them, but Zelda and Mario won't be enougb for me to dive in again. But that's a whole other bag of shit.
Mario, Metroid and Zelda may be enough for me to dive in again, but not anywhere near launch.

I'll probably pick one up late in it's lifecycle after price drops to play the great Nintendo games.

I learned my lesson with the Wii to finally stop buying Nintendo consoles at launch. Just not enough games on them from the N64 on that interest me personally to justify paying launch price. I'll wait for it to get cheap, play the games that interest me, and ditch it again like I will this new Wii I bought to play Zelda, Mario Galaxy 2 etc. that I missed after ditching my launch Wii.
What's 'not enough games' for you? There's obviously a reasonable number for people to say 'yes, I'll buy that at launch for those games.'

There's also probably at least 1, maybe more Wii games that got switched over to Wii U ala Xbox to 360.
To be fair, I probably won't buy any next gen consoles at launch. Just doesn't make much sense to pay launch prices and buy a console that won't have a whole lot of AAA games for a year or two, vs. waiting until the first price drop and saving money and having a bigger library to pick from.

But for the Wii U, I'll probably wait until late in the generation as the Wii has been a huge disappointment to me. The only games I've played that I've really loved are The two Zelda's, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros. There's still a few I need to play since picking up a Wii again--Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country etc.

Just a very thin list of games that really appeal to me compared to what's on the other consoles. And I don't expect the Wii U to be any different. It's not a knock on Nintendo really--just that their console doesn't fit my gaming tastes (primarily FPS and WRPG, don't really like most Japanese developed games these days) very well. And as such the consoles just aren't worth much to me. I can wait several years and buy one late in the cycle for $150 with a couple games like I just did with re-buying the Will and play those 5-10 games that interest me.

In terms of what in general could get me to buy any console at launch in the future. Probably at least 5 games I viewed as must play type games within the first six months, and at least one being a game with online MP I'm dying to play and want to get into at launch so I don't get behind the curve to far.
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[quote name='007']Yes... I'm aware of that. What I meant was that it's going to pretty tough to use the new controller AND the WiiMote at the same time. It appears to be an either/or thing.

As in, if you're using the WiiMote/Nunchuk set-up from Skyward Sword, you won't be using the touchscreen controller and vice versa.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see what you mean.

I thought I saw some Zelda HD footage with the game being controlled solely with the Remote/Nunchuck, but I'm probably confusing some Skyward Sword demo with the HD Zelda clip.
Fruitcake Analogy:
Cake = Metroid Prime
Fruit = Donkey Kong Country Returns
Fruitcake = 2D Metroid

I dunno why I see it that way, but I do. Substitute Zelda if you want, but...probably the same result.
That's an analogy?

Or are you suggesting if I like cake and I like fruit I'll like fruitcake?

And if it's a recipe, do I put the Zelda in for the fruit? Can I half the Zelda and add more candied peel for texture?
No, I'm saying Fruitcake usually sucks, and in those situations, that's probably what would happen.

But anyways, this is about Skyward Sword, not Wii U or Metroid.
A 2D Metroid is arguably the best one (Super Metroid) so it most definitely does not suck. If I had to rank them it would be Super, Prime, Prime 3, Prime 2, Original and then the rest that weren't so great.

I hope Retro makes the next Zelda and it is a psuedo 3-D (like DKC) top down game with like 12-15 intricate dungeons, tons of side quests, multiple towns, etc. Also, HD please. Imagine a HUGE overworld, tons of secrets, tons of weapons, tons of puzzles and tons of AWESOME. :drool:
I'd love a new Zelda in the style of 3D Dot Game Heroes... but, sadly, since that game exists, it would seem too much like a rip-off now.

My only real 'want' for a new Zelda, and I already mentioned this earlier, I don't want the WiiU Zelda to look like Twilight Princess. Give me the Skyward Sword or (preferably) Wind Waker style again. A bright game that doesn't aim for realistic graphics would look amazing in HD.
Stylish is a must if they aren't going to do realistic graphics because this half-assed shit in TP and SS sucks.

Played the demo for El Shaddai last night and thought a Zelda in that syle would be cool.
[quote name='Javery']A 2D Metroid is arguably the best one (Super Metroid) so it most definitely does not suck. If I had to rank them it would be Super, Prime, Prime 3, Prime 2, Original and then the rest that weren't so great.[/QUOTE]

What about Fusion and Zero Mission? I would have to put both those ahead of Prime 2.
bread's done