The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GameCube) $37.99 @

What a kickass game. With this and all my ds and ps2 games I don't want a wii so badly anymore. I think I will wait a few years. I wonder if this gamecube zelda did that to any other potential wii buyers?
I wonder if this gamecube zelda did that to any other potential wii buyers?

Not for me. I will get my hands on one eventually, and plan to get Zelda for that as well. I own same games On Multiple platforms. Im a collection Whore monger.
it did it for me. I am not buying a Wii until a platform game comes out that makes me say yup there it is i want it. Maybe the next Super Mario Galaxy will do it. But i am going over to CC to get a copy of Zelda TP for GC. :bouncy:
[quote name='super_nerd']The guy is not asking for agreement, just stating his observation...

Have you even played the gamecube version? I swear, this thread has turned for the worse, don't make Zelda fans look badly everyone. Listen, what the guy probably meant by "true Zelda" is a Zelda game built ground up for the Wii. Incase you didn't notice, this thread is a deal for TP for the f*cking gamecube, no mention of the Wii anywhere.

I might even just give up playing TP for fear of turning into a tard.[/quote]
man, you are a delicate one, aren't you? i didn't mean to mean to ruin anyone's day -- i just thought it looked like the guy was ripping on the Wii version for no real reason, and making claims with which i happen to disagree. i don't really care what he meant by "true Zelda". my point was that the 2 systems are so similar in design and execution (besides the control interface) that there was no reason to think of the Wii version as inferior, regardless of where the code started or ended. as for what this thread was started for, that's fine. who said things couldn't veer a little off-topic once in while? people have been happily (or unhappily) discussing the two Zelda titles without any real problems, and with no major conflicts. what's the big deal?

by the way, if you'll read back a page or two, i got the GC version 2 days ago, and now own (and have played) both.

if you're trying to imply that people remarking on the Wii version of TP are "tards", grow up. buy the game, play it, and stop being so tender.
[quote name='allyourblood']...[/quote]
I'm sorry for being, as you put it, dewiicate. The wiitards know who they are, I need not imply anwiithing.
Does anyone know if the Mad Catz MOV-061550 is compatible with the gamecube?

I picked up Zelda at CC and am now playing it on the Plasma with composite cables and am not that thrilled with the picture. I broke the cube out of retirement for Zelda.

Some sites are reported that the
Mad Catz MOV-061550 is not gamecube compatible and some state that it is....I figured I could check here and see if anyone has any first hand knowledge.

[quote name='super_nerd']I'm sorry for being, as you put it, dewiicate. The wiitards know who they are, I need not imply anwiithing.[/quote]

wait -- you forgot about the growing up part. oh well.
[quote name='allyourblood']wait -- you forgot about the growing up part. oh well.[/quote]

I'm growii-ing up vewii well, I'm taking my vitamins everwii day.
[quote name='denary']Does anyone know if the Mad Catz MOV-061550 is compatible with the gamecube?

I picked up Zelda at CC and am now playing it on the Plasma with composite cables and am not that thrilled with the picture. I broke the cube out of retirement for Zelda.

Some sites are reported that the
Mad Catz MOV-061550 is not gamecube compatible and some state that it is....I figured I could check here and see if anyone has any first hand knowledge.


is that a new cable? in the past, third-party companies were selling universal component cables that also had a composite video connection. they would bill it as working on the GC, but you could, in reality, only use the composite, so you weren't getting anything close to component from it. however, the one you show only appears to have component and L/R audio, which would make it seem like it really does do component on the GC. i'd be rather interested in finding this out as well.
[quote name='allyourblood']wiiner.[/quote]

I honestly haven't thought of that one till now, thanks to you, lol. I'll add that to my collection of wiicabulary.

one thing i do like better on the GC is the cover. the black GC swatch on top and the case seem better suited to the art. also, the Wii cover looks somewhat dull but more "etched" or "carved" -- the art on the GC cover is a lot more colorful and looks more like a sketch or drawing. i think it might be due to the metallic treatment given to the Wii version.
man i wish people would stfu already about the damn game. both versions are the same game. who cares about what few differences there are were all playing the same damn game seeing the same damn plot unfold and everyone will undoubtedly enjoy it so who cares what version it is youre enjoying ? man some of you act like this game is youre lover or fiancee or something the way you all go off if someone criticizes it in any way. its a game and at the end of the day it wont make you a meal , it wont tell you how great you are and it wont give you a hummer no matter how much you beg it to. play the damn game and have fun.
I bought a Madcatz Component cables for my XBOX back in the day and they wouldnt work with it at all. They scrambled the picture. Kinda what MK:A does running in 720p mode for XBOX. Never had an issue with 1st party anything.
[quote name='SDC']The Best Buy I went to had no problem honoring the ad I printed out from the website. I'd suggest printing out their weekly ad, though, rather than the game page from the website. That'll let wherever you go know that this is an in-store offer.[/quote]

Thanks for the tip. I'll give that a try hopefully they'll have it in stock.
I do not see Zelda: TP for Gamecube in the "Weekly Ad" online. You can search the ad online and it comes up at the introductory price of 37.99, but it is not "pictured" in the ad per se. At least I did not see it in it. Do the ads in the store have it listed?

I want to have it visible in the ad to go pricematch it somewhere in case CC is out.
I'm enjoying the gamecube version, but it does seem like it would be easier to attack by shaking the joystick around.
[quote name='hyuga']I do not see Zelda: TP for Gamecube in the "Weekly Ad" online. You can search the ad online and it comes up at the introductory price of 37.99, but it is not "pictured" in the ad per se. At least I did not see it in it. Do the ads in the store have it listed?

I want to have it visible in the ad to go pricematch it somewhere in case CC is out.[/QUOTE]

try again.
It is indeed in the weekly ad, page 10 bottom left (at least for me, might be on a different page in other regions).

I don't think you're looking at the weekly ad.
I think you're looking at the Thursday-Sunday ad that they added.
[quote name='lokizz']man i wish people would stfu already about the damn game. both versions are the same game. who cares about what few differences there are were all playing the same damn game seeing the same damn plot unfold and everyone will undoubtedly enjoy it so who cares what version it is youre enjoying ? man some of you act like this game is youre lover or fiancee or something the way you all go off if someone criticizes it in any way. its a game and at the end of the day it wont make you a meal , it wont tell you how great you are and it wont give you a hummer no matter how much you beg it to. play the damn game and have fun.[/QUOTE]

hahahaha Amen brother. This thread has got way too out of control.
The platform that the software is on is irrelevant. The criterion that should delineate the true Zelda is the one that truly realizes the vision of the game.
I called Mad Catz and the MOV-061550 is not compatible with the gamecube. They also do not sell any component cables that are compatible with the gamecube.
I never thought I'd see the day when Nintendo fanboys break off into factions and battle each other. It's like the civil war all over again.

It's the same damn game people, different controls. Who cares, just buy one and shut up.
I think wbc1228 is right, I am looking at a newer ad online... Does anyone know how to view (online) the "real" weekly ad that has Zelda: TP (Gamecube) listed?
hyuga: for me, i go to, head down to almost the bottom of the page, and under "Deals" (in a beige background) is "Weekly ad". once that page opens, there's two ads to browse. the one on the right (if it's there) is the one you want. Zelda: TP is on page 10 of 56 (for me, anyway). hope that helps.
Thanks allyourblood, I found it with your instructions. I thought only 1 ad was listed and always selected the one on the left. It's in the right one as you said.

Is this game just selling extraordinarily well so its hard to find, or is the big N making less of them to encourage wii buyage?
bread's done