The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

Sp00ge gonna put away the shotgun and bring out the hammer. The banhammer.

A new, very important PM should go out to everyone tonight. And hell, tomorrow's meeting should be pretty fucking important, too - and not just to facilitate the whole combat thing.
I love important PM's! (Because my situation's so tech-impaired I miss important meetings).

Damn Dave: I'll take a trip over to your spot to see if you still need a revive in a bit.

Damn Red Wings: Good game, but not good enough. (At least now we can win at home).
Damn Dave: I revived you and left you laying next to the revived tbroo.

Crotch: Got your PM, very interesting. As always thanks for keeping me in the loop.

EDIT: Screengrab looks fine to me after I click on it to bring it fullsize.
Anyways, due to having a taste for power after Crotch left me in charge for a night, I am now officially claiming the Leader spot of CAS. Crotch will still come up with the plans/execute the plans/PM everyone/do all the work, but now everyone must address me as Glorious Leader Geo Whom Is Awesome.

That is all.

So are we still at war with them? As I've finally spotted a target or two. You don't play for a day or two and you get your ass targeted. :lol:
Thanks for the revive chuck. So do you guys just strictly find a mall to restock or is the slight dip in % to get a pistol clip, for example, at a police station not a big deal.
DD: With maxed skills, the malls are the way to go but a powered resource building can be worth checking out too.

Sometimes, the added AP to walk to a mall isn't worth it. Malls are also a lot more high profile for zeds and PKers.

I wouldn't advise sleeping in either if you can help it for the same reason.
Awesome. Thanks for the reply. I guess the mall run becomes most useful when you purchase the "Shopping" skill. Don't know that I'll invest in that this early.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Awesome. Thanks for the reply. I guess the mall run becomes most useful when you purchase the "Shopping" skill. Don't know that I'll invest in that this early.[/quote]
No problem, yeah I didn't bother to make shopping a priority for a while either. Saves you the trouble of worrying about malls altogether.
I went ahead and fixed your UD character link on the CAS wiki so everyone should have no trouble adding you to their contact lists.
I got Shopping right after Free Running as my third skill when I first started playing (I got Bargain Hunting next). I figured all the AP I would save in searching less would mean I would spend more time healing/fighting and thus level faster. So you may want to reconsider DD. It worked for me, but I suppose it depends on your starting class.

Out of curiosity, what's the most kills anyone has gotten in one AP run (50 or less)? I killed three zeds today in 33 AP and put a few rounds into a fourth before I had to retreat. Lowest health zed was 24. It made me feel like I actually did some good for once.
[quote name='georox']Anyways, due to having a taste for power after Crotch left me in charge for a night, I am now officially claiming the Leader spot of CAS. Crotch will still come up with the plans/execute the plans/PM everyone/do all the work, but now everyone must address me as Glorious Leader Geo Whom Is Awesome.

That is all.[/quote]All hail King Douchebag I.:bow:
[quote name='chuckie88']No problem, yeah I didn't bother to make shopping a priority for a while either. Saves you the trouble of worrying about malls altogether.
I went ahead and fixed your UD character link on the CAS wiki so everyone should have no trouble adding you to their contact lists.[/quote]

I couldn't figure out how to just look at my own profile, so I couldn't get the link. Thanks for fixing that for me.

[quote name='insertcleverthing']I got Shopping right after Free Running as my third skill when I first started playing (I got Bargain Hunting next). I figured all the AP I would save in searching less would mean I would spend more time healing/fighting and thus level faster. So you may want to reconsider DD. It worked for me, but I suppose it depends on your starting class.

Out of curiosity, what's the most kills anyone has gotten in one AP run (50 or less)? I killed three zeds today in 33 AP and put a few rounds into a fourth before I had to retreat. Lowest health zed was 24. It made me feel like I actually did some good for once.[/quote]

Yeah, I can definitely see that perspective on it too. I guess not having to hunt down malls would be a plus for me right now. I don't have Free Running yet, so the point is moot for at least a couple days, heh.
A reminder about the importance about tonight's meeting. If you want to have a say in what's going on, either send me a PM now based on what I've told you, or get your ass to the meeting.

Also, Geo, I always saw you more as our group's general/court jester than our figurehead leader.
The Abandoned were trying to muscle everyone out of Yagoton and claimed they would kill anyone who stayed around (especially in Bale Mall). The only exception made was if one of their members could vouch that you gave them a revive.

I left shortly thereafter so I don't know what the outcome was or if they were just BSing.
I can find no evidence of that on any forum or anywhere on the Wiki. The only thing I could see were vague reports of Abandoned imitators, but nothing in Yagoton.
Crotch: Sent you a response PM. Hit me back with anything I need to know.
Anybody else need any help of any kind or with anything?

EDIT: So I stop to help a random pair of survivors as a zed was eating them.
I killed the zombie and closed the doors but now need to wait for AP to dump and move.
BAH! That's what I get for helping out. Should've looked out for #1.
Anybody still got AP and want to dump a body and 'cade a building?
It has been decided. We are pulling out of the area shortly. If you don't know why... well, you shoulda been at the fucking meeting. For now, you may kill TZH members if you're feeling a bit of bloodlust - they're prepared to do the same. I have another, significantly less fucked up but still sorta dangerous destination in mind.
[quote name='The Crotch']It has been decided. We are pulling out of the area shortly. If you don't know why... well, you shoulda been at the fucking meeting. For now, you may kill TZH members if you're feeling a bit of bloodlust - they're prepared to do the same. I have another, significantly less fucked up but still sorta dangerous destination in mind.[/QUOTE]

a PM on this would be nice
  • KingRoach said "Ah my dear dear Cheap Ass brother Charlie. I must appologise, for when last we met I was lost to myself and unable to adequately express the salvation I wished to impart upon you. Now, I have found my calling, and I hope I can bring to you peace." (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "I give you now the peace that comes with eternal life." (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "I see you struggle in the dark; and yet it is into the dark's peaceful embrace I attempt to deliver unto you. Please, hold still little lamb as I administer your baptism into Peace." (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
Obviously this guy has a tracking device in me or something. It's knda' strange, I'm sleeping in a new spot that I haven't told anyone about.
Not sure who he is still but I still think he watches this board so I thought I'd post here with my intentions for the situation.

As you can see he was unable to finish me off in the dark. It is however a 2-way street and he's lucky I wasn't at full AP.
I shot all my ammo at him and even tried a few melee attacks and I was only able to bring him down to 16 HP.

I don't plan on running or healing Roach. Consider this an old school streetfight. Last man standing wins.
We've both used up our ammo and now must rely on hand to hand combat to finish our grim task.

If a man heals, leaves for ammo, or gets outside help the other man "wins" by default.
So what do you say Roach, are you in? Play by the rules posted here and I'll assume you are.
[quote name='chuckie88']
  • KingRoach said "Ah my dear dear Cheap Ass brother Charlie. I must appologise, for when last we met I was lost to myself and unable to adequately express the salvation I wished to impart upon you. Now, I have found my calling, and I hope I can bring to you peace." (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "I give you now the peace that comes with eternal life." (4 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "I see you struggle in the dark; and yet it is into the dark's peaceful embrace I attempt to deliver unto you. Please, hold still little lamb as I administer your baptism into Peace." (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
Obviously this guy has a tracking device in me or something. It's knda' strange, I'm sleeping in a new spot that I haven't told anyone about.
Not sure who he is still but I still think he watches this board so I thought I'd post here with my intentions for the situation.

As you can see he was unable to finish me off in the dark. It is however a 2-way street and he's lucky I wasn't at full AP.
I shot all my ammo at him and even tried a few melee attacks and I was only able to bring him down to 16 HP.

I don't plan on running or healing Roach. Consider this an old school streetfight. Last man standing wins.
We've both used up our ammo and now must rely on hand to hand combat to finish our grim task.

If a man heals, leaves for ammo, or gets outside help the other man "wins" by default.
So what do you say Roach, are you in? Play by the rules posted here and I'll assume you are.[/quote]

Guys just some random PKer who is a nub. I'd just off him whatever means necessary and move on. Most of us have killed him at least once.
I thought about that but I was looking for a little more to do with UD. I doubt he'll stick around as he's so low on HP.

EDIT: He appears to be into the idea too, I just checked in and he whacked me with an axe. This might be fun after all.
The streetfight saga continues! (This is great, most fun I've had in UD for a while.)
  • KingRoach said "Don't you find the constant meaningless violence monotinous Charles? You kill them, they kill you. You return to life and kill them again. All meaningless. I'm offering you a purpose Charles! I'm offering you a path through to walk while you are here." (6 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "Give up the torturous monotony of clinging to life. Accept the peacefullness of death and join me in spreading the peace by word and deed! Join me as a Harbinger of Peace! In the end it will find you anyway. You are only delaying the inevitable." (3 minutes ago)
  • You attack KingRoach for 3 damage. They drop to 13 HP.
  • You say "Two men enter, one man leaves."
[quote name='georox']

I have made David Grohl my bitch.[/quote]

I'd like to remind you that St. George's Hospital, the site of the Malton College of Medicine, is neutral ground. PKing there is a violation of that neutral ground. Please respect that we're trying to create an environment that's safe for all survivors.
[quote name='chuckie88']The streetfight saga continues! (This is great, most fun I've had in UD for a while.)
  • KingRoach said "Don't you find the constant meaningless violence monotinous Charles? You kill them, they kill you. You return to life and kill them again. All meaningless. I'm offering you a purpose Charles! I'm offering you a path through to walk while you are here." (6 minutes ago)
  • KingRoach said "Give up the torturous monotony of clinging to life. Accept the peacefullness of death and join me in spreading the peace by word and deed! Join me as a Harbinger of Peace! In the end it will find you anyway. You are only delaying the inevitable." (3 minutes ago)
  • You attack KingRoach for 3 damage. They drop to 13 HP.
  • You say "Two men enter, one man leaves."
[/quote]Don't forget to throw in a little "There can be only one.":lol:
[quote name='tcolberg']I'd like to remind you that St. George's Hospital, the site of the Malton College of Medicine, is neutral ground. PKing there is a violation of that neutral ground. Please respect that we're trying to create an environment that's safe for all survivors.[/quote]

If I said it once I'll say it again, If I want to kill someone I don't give a flying fuck where they are at. If I want someone dead, they will die. Die a horrible death.
This is getting close but the struggle continues. He is right though. I am looking for a purpose in the game...

KingRoach said "As you say Charles, but whatever happens here today, know that I shall not give up on you. I KNOW you are looking for a purpose in this game of life and death. I can give it to you if you'll accept it." (1 hour and 26 minutes ago)
KingRoach hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage. (1 minute ago)
You attack KingRoach for 3 damage. They drop to 10 HP.
I've gotta agree with Geo here, Chuck. If I was in your position, I'd be calling for reinforcements - fuck Roach. But hey, if you wanna go the honourable route, go the honourable route.

EDIT: If you win, Chuckie, I recommend "Nemo me impune lacessit."
Just for the hell of it I want to add this epic quote from last night -

that grohl guy
I expect him to want us to paint happy trees
or some shit

Anyways, for the record he bleeds Red, so he isn't hardcore. Hardcore people bleed blue. Trust me.
[quote name='georox']
Anyways, for the record he bleeds Red, so he isn't hardcore. Hardcore people bleed blue. Trust me.[/quote]False. Blue blood is a sign of aristocracy, not hardcore-edness. This is due to the fact that blue blood shows up far easier on pale, pallid skin than on darker, tanned skin - thus, nobles who stayed indoors all day had "blue blood" while the serfs who worked for them did not.

Also, horseshoe crabs.
Geo, there is a zed inside the building west of us. He has 4 HP left, but I am out of AP. If you have some, want kill him and dump the body? That would be the un-suck.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Geo, there is a zed inside the building west of us. He has 4 HP left, but I am out of AP. If you have some, want kill him and dump the body? That would be the un-suck.[/quote]

Let me do an AP-check real fast. I was low before.

Edit - dead and dumped. Also - Your lucky I found David before finding you with that comment.
[quote name='georox']Let me do an AP-check real fast. I was low before.

Edit - dead and dumped. Also - Your lucky I found David before finding you with that comment.[/quote]

Fair enough. I take back what I said.

EDIT: Looking back, it wasn't worth 1 AP to say it


Anyway, anyone who doesn't feel like killing and getting killed by TZH at the moment is encouraged to move north a bit. New destination coming as soon as a certain someone gets back to me.
The opposite of epic battle continues...

KingRoach hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage.
You attack KingRoach for 3 damage. They drop to 7 HP.
You attack KingRoach for 3 damage. They drop to 4 HP.

This damn darkness! My attacks aren't landing for anything. We have an audience of 1 in the building now watching the brawl.
I asked him to stay out of it and so far he is, if the war of attrition continues I think I'll wind up winning but it could be a close one.

Crotch: I'm to lazy to look up and to American to know the translation for "Nemo me impune lacessit." Little help?
[quote name='chuckie88']Crotch: I'm to lazy to look up and to American to know the translation for "Nemo me impune lacessit." Little help?[/quote]

-Sorry, hate to be that guy.
[quote name='chuckie88']
Crotch: I'm to lazy to look up and to American to know the translation for "Nemo me impune lacessit." Little help?[/quote]It's been a while, but I think it's "No-one strikes me with impunity." It's from Poe's "Cask of Amontillado".
[quote name='The Crotch']It's been a while, but I think it's "No-one strikes me with impunity." It's from Poe's "Cask of Amontillado".[/quote]

Crotch, they said somethin bout bats on Brainstock man!

It truly was required. You bailed on us before 10 even last night. At least this image will kill your tin can.
[quote name='georox']Crotch, they said somethin bout bats on Brainstock man!

[/quote]Yes, Geo.

There are bats here. And when I say "here", I don't mean "in the province of Saskatchewan". I mean, in the wall behind the chimney 5 feet from me.

Noisy fuckers.
So King Roach and I WERE having an honorable streetbrawl and some tool had to ruin it.
Overnight, somebody came in and announced that Roach was a death cultist and would pay.
They realized what was going though so they let us be and moved on. Our sole audience member continued to watch.

I had a educator's workshop thing this morning so I logged in before I left, hitting Roach with 1 of 12 attacks.
Not good but he was at only 2HP. I check in early this afternoon to find he had struck back a few times but I was still way ahead on HP.
Of course it didn't matter as this moron waltzed in spouting foolishness and PK'ed us both, a career Pker no less.

I took no comfort in the fact that Roach got whacked as I did as well, plus we were both toughing it out.
I'm still convinced that Roach reads this board as either a CAG member or somebody's alt so I thought I'd share.
I had nothing to do with this King Roach, I was hoping to live or die in our brawl. Irony is now we're side by side corpses.

I may take the night off to recover AP as I'm still quite low from the battle, I'll check in for a revive tomorrow or Monday.
Here's my murderer and their UD blog site, I guess they spend a lot more energy on UD then I do. and Can't wait till I'm on the blog!
bread's done