The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

Do your rogues gallery thing Crotch. Guy has no affiliation with anyone nor any reports. If ya find im, kill im for me too.

In other news Zombie-Geo ate the brains of a survivor in building he died in. Then smashed at generator in rage.

Edit - shit Geno reminded me who that guy is. Thats Seans buttbuddy.
I'll get a bounty on him shortly, if no-one has done so already.

Suko: I was expecting one of you guys to catch up to me, though you did it before I expected. Barricading buildings and killing humans don't give a lot of EXP.
[quote name='georox']

Do your rogues gallery thing Crotch. Guy has no affiliation with anyone nor any reports. If ya find im, kill im for me too.

In other news Zombie-Geo ate the brains of a survivor in building he died in. Then smashed at generator in rage.

Edit - shit Geno reminded me who that guy is. Thats Seans buttbuddy.[/QUOTE]

Close, but incorrect.
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']LOL
Close, but incorrect.[/quote]

Ok, Seans homosexual partner from grifball.


Minor technicality fucker.
insertclever: The brawl between King Roach and I took place inside Pring Bank (16,65) in Mornington.
No big secret now as it is over and done with and both of our bodies are lying outside.

Crotch: Looking forward to getting back to fighting a fight with clear-cut battle lines.
I'm going to rise as a zed tomorrow, buy a skill, and walk around. G'night boys.
[quote name='ravenbear']Revived as I wandered through and found you standing around[/quote]

Damn, so ends my zombie reign of terror :(
Ah, damn it. As soon as I start playing again, I get PKed...


Off to get a revive, I guess.
[quote name='halfbent']C'mon Geo, you can make the connection! =P

Nice meeting you again Sean! lol[/quote]

Yea yea, was discussed in IRC that it was just seans alt. But henceforth it shall be referred to as seans schizophrenic buttbuddy.
It is unfortunate that unpleasantness is all too common on the internets. Here's a question about UD for those with more experience.
I noticed the post where suko has more xp then crotch leading me to wonder that if Brainrot skill gives you level 42, how do you reach 43?
I forget exactly how it goes, but I remember reading it has something to do with being a rotter and getting revived.

Also, Mike: What happened now?
If anybody is bored tonight with little to do I could use a revive in East Becktown.

I'm standing in the middle of the 'burb at Davies Ave (24,35) if in the neighborhood.
I just got revived, so time to continue my migration.

I tried to equip a flak jacket, and got this message:
You are automatically wearing the flak jacket.
Does that mean that if I drop it, I won't be wearing the flak jacket anymore? I don't remember it working that way before... :whistle2:k
[quote name='chuckie88']If anybody is bored tonight with little to do I could use a revive in East Becktown.

I'm standing in the middle of the 'burb at Davies Ave (24,35) if in the neighborhood.[/QUOTE]

there ya go

edit: well, looks like I might need to be revived in the morning. Not paying attention, I ran out of ap in a bad spot
Damn. Ran out of human skills to buy... Saving up for zombie skills seems lame as I don't really want to play as one. I need new goals. I guess I should start following PM's.

EDIT: Crap. According to the last PM, I am doing what I'm supposed to...
Is Dunell Hills Police Department a PKing group? I noticed marty banks killed a few folks in the building we're in crotch.

Oh and, "There are Gore Corps here? Badass! Put your flack jacket on, Jake, you're our bait."

I'd be pissed if it weren't true.:lol:
DHPD are good guys. Marty Banks is one of their members who has had bounty hunting "accidents" in the past. Dunno if his recent kills were valid or not.

EDIT: There will be a new PM later today to clarify previous orders.
Some cockbite tried to kill me when I was a zed in a rev cem, added him to my hitlist. I find im he dies. Anyways I'm alive and a few zones away now.
A reminder not to post locations - even suburb names.[quote name='JolietJake']His name sounded familiar to me when i saw him.[/quote]He and HotShot exchanged bullets some time back.
That reminds me, Chuck - you've been doing some stuff on talk pages, and you should know how to format it. Whenever you make a new thing, put your topic between four equal signs, ==like this==. When you want to indent (say, any time you add anything new to an existing topic), put a : in front. Extra colons indent further. And ~~~~ at the end of your post puts your name and timestamp on automatically.
[quote name='The Crotch']That reminds me, Chuck - you've been doing some stuff on talk pages, and you should know how to format it. Whenever you make a new thing, put your topic between four equal signs, ==like this==. When you want to indent (say, any time you add anything new to an existing topic), put a : in front. Extra colons indent further. And ~~~~ at the end of your post puts your name and timestamp on automatically.[/quote]

Thanks for the tips and tricks. Restocking tonight after watching just under 2hrs of hockey. Those damn Penns!
I'm not sure how I feel about combat reviving zeds as per the instructions given. It seems like more bad things come out of it than good...

Anyway, I dumped my toolbox so I'm on my way with a metric fuck-ton of ammo.

EDIT: 15 zeds spread out across three buildings is considered being "slammed"? Weak.
Fart: I'm assuming that guy ate you as a zombie, not killed you as a human. He has all of zero combat skills.

[quote name='insertcleverthing']I'm not sure how I feel about combat reviving zeds as per the instructions given. It seems like more bad things come out of it than good...[/quote]You really have to use your discretion. Well, that and your extractor. You only do it if the person does not appear to be a threat in human form.

[quote name='insertcleverthing'] EDIT: 15 zeds spread out across three buildings is considered being "slammed"? Weak.[/quote]I don't recall having used that word, but I could be wrong. Regardless, talk to Geo if you want some scouting info on the local threat level.

EDIT: I think you miscounted. 17 at South Chlamydia right now.
bread's done