the NOSTALGIA thread... Come in to get some.

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and remember saturday morning anime on i miss that show

:: sigh ::
[quote name='chosen1s']Oh yeah, for all you MMORPG nostalgics - who remembers:

Legend of the Red Dragon ("L.O.R.D.")
- Which was played on...

Bulletin Board systems via modem[/quote]

oh yeah I played LORD to death as well as usurper and a couple of others too, I remember staying up late to be one of the first on LORD to kill the dragon and whatnot as soon as the game rolled over to a new day. BBS's were a blast maybe because everyone there tended to have similar interests as well as being people from relatively close by
[quote name='bignick']Guns and Roses and Metallica[/quote]

What about when 2 Live Crew was banned with their release of 2 nasty for you or whatever that was.
Slodaddy, we actually still have two Rose's here in fayettevillle, NC theyre both 9 miles in opposite directions of my house. they never had much for games though.

to stay on topic any one remember playing an nes game for the first time and staying up all night to finish it? Sometimes I never knew how many levels were left in the game so I always used to think that every time i got to the next level it was the last level.

Oh and when cd players came out they were HUGE.
I also remember when the first CD Warehouses came out. I used to go to the $1 store and buy CD's there and trade them in at CD Warehouse for $4 cash. Because at some point this money was likely spent on video games, I still maintain my claim as the original CAG :)

Is the "Burr" haircut retro or do all kids do it in elementary school? It was the cool thing to do at my school.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Choose your own adventure books

Encyclopedia Brown

Nerf footballs

Tiger handheld games, they were so bad, but they were so fun

Skate parties[/quote]

I loved Encyclopedia Brown! I'll always remember figuring out one case before I got to the end. There was a raffle and the cheaters kept one ball really cold in a thermos and so when they went to feel around in the lot of balls, he felt for the cold one, and they won. But Encyclopedia Brown caught them!

Oh man that was good times.
Someone had mentioned bubble gum cigs..

what about "Big Chew"

and Bubble Tape?

Or when fruit rollups and fruit gushers were constantly on TV with their commercials.
Okay, this is gonna sound lame, but I am a cheap-ass newbie afterall. How do you cut and paste somebody else's comments within the body of your e-mail? I noticed that in some posts there's slightly smaller, diifferent colored text. Thanks y'all.

Back to the thread. I remember Land of the Lost (mentioned it earlier)--I actually got some episodes on DVD. Those lizard-type dudes were weird! I also vaguely remember the Great Space Coaster. What the f**k were the creators smoking? Syd and Marty Kroft were responsible for all that trippiness.

Someone mentioned Golden Circle--I don't think we had that in Virginia. Sounds like a casino, if you ask me.

There was also mention of 2 Live Crew's album. It was called "As Nasty As They Wanna Be". There was a parody group called 2 Live Jews and they released "As Kosher As They Wanna Be".

Speaking of music and cds, remember when cds were sold in big and bulky boxes (kind of like old school Playstation). I think some environmental group complained that it was wasteful so they pared down the packaging. Thanks Captain Planet!

Dudes--Encyclopedia Brown. That was a fun series of books. Too bad I was usually clueless about the clues. I remember one case in which EB was all like "You're lying because your right arm is in a sling and you could not have put (the object--whatever it was) in your right pocket with your left hand while you were running away--go on, try to"--or something to that extent (and of course I tried to prove him wrong by experimenting....he was right). I also remember there was a case where EB said that the person couldn't possibly have set down a child on the hood of a car because it was an older model that had driven many miles (and so the hood would've been quite hot).

Speaking of EB--there was a pretty smooth live-action show on HBO. His girlfriend was hot.

Peace out.
Alright, going with books for now, how about those horror-wannabe classics written by R.L. Stien? Hooray for GOOSEBUMPS!! Those were sweet.

Also, how about those crazy "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Those were the closest I ever got to an RPG back when I didn't have a game console.

Also, the begining of many magazines occured back then, for example Nintendo Power.

Thats it for book Nostalgia from me.
While Goosebumps was good nothing beats sneaking into the Young Adult section at the local library and checking out the latest Fear Street books by Christopher Pike.

After this I am done bumping, but this thread cant end without two more classics included....

Help I've fallen and I cant get up!!!

/\ Of course everyone should know that. as well as...

He keeps going and going and going....

The Energizer Bunny of course a staple of the past.
Don't forget Square 1 (the math show) which had the oh so wonderful MATHNET (only cop show I've seen with calculators in their holster)
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