The Official 2015 Yard Sale Thread Post your finds!

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I was on the side of hating those that scan but I've had to do it a few times just to know what exactly this or that game is. Can't know everything especially with books. I had no idea the Dark Souls guide I picked up was selling for $70 but luckily I scanned it and got some good profit from it.

It's about collecting for some, it's about reselling, it's about both, but either way, it's a competition. Only time it goes too far for me is when someone resorts to hoarding or acting rude to other people... which I've never seen. Funny thing is a lot more older people scan items. People in their 60s+ who look like regulars at it.

I was on the side of hating those that scan but I've had to do it a few times just to know what exactly this or that game is. Can't know everything especially with books. I had no idea the Dark Souls guide I picked up was selling for $70 but luckily I scanned it and got some good profit from it.

It's about collecting for some, it's about reselling, it's about both, but either way, it's a competition. Only time it goes too far for me is when someone resorts to hoarding or acting rude to other people... which I've never seen. Funny thing is a lot more older people scan items. People in their 60s+ who look like regulars at it.
You should take the time to research stuff like strategy guides. I can name a bunch of guides you've probably passed up on that are worth a lot: Golden Axe Beast Rider, Cars (yes, the game based on the Disney movie), Uncharted, Borderlands GOTY, etc. I'm OK with someone scanning every now and then to double check something - but I can't respect anyone who completely relies on it. It's obnoxious.
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You should take the time to research stuff like strategy guides. I can name a bunch of guides you've probably passed up on that are worth a lot: Golden Axe Beast Rider, Cars (yes, the game based on the Disney movie), Uncharted, Borderlands GOTY, etc. I'm OK with someone scanning every now and then to double check something - but I can't respect anyone who completely relies on it. It's obnoxious.
With the amount of items and chances of profit, I'd probably do the same. Can't know everything though I agree, you should have a basic knowledge of that categories top selling items.
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My experiences are mostly colored by the scanners I've met who like to systematically scan every item. They'll stand in front of whatever they're scanning to block others out - or just outright grab everything and move somewhere else. While scanning they'll throw everything they want in a box. They do this to confuse sellers by trying to get a box price instead of paying asking price.

Every scanner I've met has been obnoxious, plain and simple. I'm not against checking a few items here and there - I do that pretty often.
While scanning they'll throw everything they want in a box. They do this to confuse sellers by trying to get a box price instead of paying asking price.
I've actually seen this recommended as a way to get bargains at yard sales regardless of whether or not you're scanning. The seller WANTS to get rid of their stuff. If you show them you're willing to buy a bunch of their items, they'll likely cut you a better deal than if you asked about each one individually.

But then, there's a difference between asking, "I want 7 of these $1 items, will you take $5?" and deliberately trying to conceal what you're buying so the seller doesn't know.

I've actually seen this recommended as a way to get bargains at yard sales regardless of whether or not you're scanning. The seller WANTS to get rid of their stuff. If you show them you're willing to buy a bunch of their items, they'll likely cut you a better deal than if you asked about each one individually.

But then, there's a difference between asking, "I want 7 of these $1 items, will you take $5?" and deliberately trying to conceal what you're buying so the seller doesn't know.
Pretty much this. I've only garaged saled a few times but its common practice (from the videos I watch of Youtubers that do it) to bundle a bunch of items in order to lower the price.

There is a difference, but at the end of the day you're trying to get a sale. Is it your fault a seller doesn't know what their items are worth? We all just posted a bunch of amazing finds too that we knew where worth much more than what was being sold.

Yes, be mindful of the seller but you're also in it to save money and get a good deal. If you have to throw in 2 throwaway items to do so, by all means. I say this but I've never done it. Unless someone is trying to sell a N64 with 10 crappy games and 1 good one for $100, than I might try this since they are looking for too much for the lot.

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Went for about 4 hours today and was really happy with my finds

My best find of the day was a lot of wii and DS games for $30:

Zelda Phantom Hourglass DS

Zelda Spirit Tracks DS

Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story DS

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow DS

Yu Gi Oh World Champship 2010

Transformers Fallen DS (no game)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance DS (game only)

Wii Classic Controller NIB

Mario Party 8 wii (no game)

marvel ultimate alliance wii

Cars wii

Cars 2 wii

Harry Potter 1-4 Wii

Harry Potter 5-7 Wii

At other yard sales I picked up

Resident Evil Code Veronica PS2 $1

Rockband for wii: 2 dongles, 2 mics, guitar, drums, pedal, and rock band 2 for $7

Most excited about the 2 Zelda Games, they will be going in to my PC

You really have to take the time to evaluate the type of sale before trying to bundle stuff up, around here there's 3 main types of sales, there's the people just trying to get rid of stuff, people trying to raise money for stuff, and resellers trying to turn a decent profit on storage units/flea markets or wherever.

The people who are just trying to get rid of stuff are the ones who you want to try to bundle stuff up with, the more you take, the better deal you get, I ran into a guy who was obviously just clearing out his junk the first sale I went to this morning, and bundled up a decent pile of stuff and got it for ~1/3 of the marked prices.

With the people in it for the money, you won't get as good of a deal with bundles usually from my experience, but if you are buying a decent amount it doesn't hurt to ask, worst case you get a no, best case you get a few extra dollars off.

It's never really hard to tell which sales are which, usually the more organized and thought out they are the more they're in it for the money, someone who's tired of junk sitting around usually just throws it out on their driveway in boxes. A little friendly conversation never hurts either.

And when it comes to scanning/price checking, I do it occasionally at thrifts and pawns, but I'd never do it at a yard sale, in my opinion it's pretty disrespectful to the people running the sale to be looking up the prices on all their shit and blatantly trying to screw them, just go with what you know, it also helps to widen your knowledge base by not relying on constantly looking up prices.

Well today was kind of a strike-out for the wife and I but, I did manage to grab Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon for PS2 ($1) and Avatar: Burning Earth for PS2 ($1).  Oh and we also found a double-sided disc of the first 2 Dragon Heart movies for $1.  

I think you guys are missing what I said. The problem isn't the bundling - it's putting everything in multiple boxes with the lids sealed so they can deceive the seller into a lower price. It's one thing to lay items out on a table and ask for a bundle price - but if you go out of your way to make it difficult for the seller to evaluate your offer properly, you're a dick.
I think you guys are missing what I said. The problem isn't the bundling - it's putting everything in multiple boxes with the lids sealed so they can deceive the seller into a lower price. It's one thing to lay items out on a table and ask for a bundle price - but if you go out of your way to make it difficult for the seller to evaluate your offer properly, you're a dick.
I don't understand how anyone could do that without the seller opening it up and seeing what's inside. I agree, bad on the buyer but what seller would just sell something without knowing what they are selling or checking what it is. idk, both sides would be bad in that situation to me.

Effort, I guess? I can't say the sellers aren't being stupid but it doesn't change the fact that the buyer's intentions are scummy and deceptive.

Also, I hate when scanners scan stuff right in front of a seller. Have some freaking manners - at least try to be discreet!

It's impossible for me to express my disdain for career scanners. As hypocritical as it is, I'm totally fine with scanning a few items here and there. I just can't stand people who couldn't function without their beloved scanners. Put some effort into learning about what you buy/sell.

I guess my root problem is that scanners call out to sellers that a pricing problem exists. As more scanners show up, I can guarantee good deals will start to dry up. Thrift stores and the like can only pretend to be oblivious for so long.

I had a pawn shop in the area that used to have a lot of good deals. Once a scanner found out about it, the owner jacked up all his prices because (in his words) "Resellers were coming by daily." They ruin good deals for folks who can be discreet.
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It's like people who cheat on tests. They should be learning, but in theory it shouldn't affect me. (Unless they become a Doctor or something). ;)

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I'm fine with scanning, but like others have said, it shouldn't be relied upon exclusively. It takes some time to find, but many things have patterns and hints at value, and once they're learned it's easier to make educated guesses. With records, it could be labels or years, with games it could be publishers, assumed genre, etc... 

With game guides, NO IDEA. I still haven't cracked that one. Guides I think would be worth more aren't, and guides I wouldn't look twice at are. 

As for being discreet with a scanner... If I use mine (which has been broken for months now) I usually let the seller know what I'm up to and ask if they mind. Most people having yard sales know there are resellers out there. If I find something worth paying their asking price, I don't haggle (and have offered more a few times... like when I got a complete Suikoden II.. I told the lady it was worth a lot more than $1, she said, "ok, pay $2" lol).

Effort, I guess? I can't say the sellers aren't being stupid but it doesn't change the fact that the buyer's intentions are scummy and deceptive.

Also, I hate when scanners scan stuff right in front of a seller. Have some freaking manners - at least try to be discreet!

It's impossible for me to express my disdain for career scanners. As hypocritical as it is, I'm totally fine with scanning a few items here and there. I just can't stand people who couldn't function without their beloved scanners. Put some effort into learning about what you buy/sell.

I guess my root problem is that scanners call out to sellers that a pricing problem exists. As more scanners show up, I can guarantee good deals will start to dry up. Thrift stores and the like can only pretend to be oblivious for so long.

I had a pawn shop in the area that used to have a lot of good deals. Once a scanner found out about it, the owner jacked up all his prices because (in his words) "Resellers were coming by daily." They ruin good deals for folks who can be discreet.
Also word of mouth.."there was some person scanning my old video games, and dvds Bob.." It's funny this one morning I see these two old women who've I've seen before who resell, probably retirees ( they were old) and both of them were hunched over a box with seperate stacks of wii/360 games scanning them. I walk up, look in the box and see Pokemon Heart Gold complete just sitting there, I look at them both occupied with their scanning, and just reached in and grabbed it lol. This was from a craigslist listing that mentioned gamecube games, I then asked the kid about the gamecube games and he goes "oh yea" and hands me over a couple of really good titles..Walked out of there with a really good deal, the look on one of those old fuck face was priceless as I walked away with the gamecube games/pokemon heart gold :whistle2: The mom running the sale also wanted like $5-10 for the modern games, and practically nothing for the gamecube games lol felt so good

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Also word of mouth.."there was some person scanning my old video games, and dvds Bob.." It's funny this one morning I see these two old women who've I've seen before who resell, probably retirees ( they were old) and both of them were hunched over a box with seperate stacks of wii/360 games scanning them. I walk up, look in the box and see Pokemon Heart Gold complete just sitting there, I look at them both occupied with their scanning, and just reached in and grabbed it lol. This was from a craigslist listing that mentioned gamecube games, I then asked the kid about the gamecube games and he goes "oh yea" and hands me over a couple of really good titles..Walked out of there with a really good deal, the look on one of those old fuck face was priceless as I walked away with the gamecube games/pokemon heart gold :whistle2: The mom running the sale also wanted like $5-10 for the modern games, and practically nothing for the gamecube games lol felt so good
That's good you got them. If they were old unless they were buying them for their grand kids they are what I hate. Pure resellers who profit of the industry and put nothing back in.

Someone like you even if you sell them you will use funds from that or other funds however way to purchase more video games eventually and keep a cycle going.

I'm getting sick of resellers lately. Trying to buy stuff off me because they know I give good deals and then its like hey didn't I sell you that same game last month, or hey didn't I just see that game in your collection last week, yet still wants to buy my copy.

I'm not going to lie I grab doubles a lot. But i try to make sure they go to a good home for a fair price for everyone. not let someone get it that i know is taking it straight to ebay.

Which I never do. I been collecting, not just playing for about seven solid years now and i never sold on ebay and only bought a psp case and analog psp replacement stick on ebay.

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That's good you got them. If they were old unless they were buying them for their grand kids they are what I hate. Pure resellers who profit of the industry and put nothing back in.

Someone like you even if you sell them you will use funds from that or other funds however way to purchase more video games eventually and keep a cycle going.

I'm getting sick of resellers lately. Trying to buy stuff off me because they know I give good deals and then its like hey didn't I sell you that same game last month, or hey didn't I just see that game in your collection last week, yet still wants to buy my copy.

I'm not going to lie I grab doubles a lot. But i try to make sure they go to a good home for a fair price for everyone. not let someone get it that i know is taking it straight to ebay.

Which I never do. I been collecting, not just playing for about seven solid years now and i never sold on ebay and only bought a psp case and analog psp replacement stick on ebay.

Nothing wrong with ebay..I collect, and do trade with collectors and noone is going to need first party Nintendo games, so ebay is usually the last resort, especially with systems..and with Ebay it's more than likely going to go to a good home, since resellers only buy things for profit, and personally I've bought many things online for my own collection. I honestly feel like a collector/refurbisher. I clean these things if I sell them off or trade them off..I fix broken jewel cases, resurface dead games back to life, etc..but yea I can't lie, I wince in pain when I see someone picking up game stuff who obviously do not care/don't play games

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I honestly feel like a collector/refurbisher. I clean these things if I sell them off or trade them off..I fix broken jewel cases, resurface dead games back to life, etc..but yea I can't lie, I wince in pain when I see someone picking up game stuff who obviously do not care/don't play games
This is exactly what I do. I'm not sure if it is man's psychological need to clean items in order to feel like they own them or if I feel the need to see everything in order to decide what I am willing to part with. Most people would think of me as a hoarder, but I consider myself an archivist of pop culture.


Stuff is piling up, so here are some finds:


$3 total.The ad said they have an "xbox remote" turns out it is a sealed adapter for pc. Anyone know who the toy on the lower right is? I bought him because I thought he was megabyte from reboot.

$4 total. Halo game is complete and they didn't even punch out the pieces. The case is some Star Wars game.

$8 total. The board games are sealed and I figured even if the PS2 isn't working, I can dump it at GS. The baggie is a photo keychain

As most of you know I like vintage and oddball stuff. These are my finds of the week.

$2 total. Viewmaster Disney Edition with packaging. Two (vintage? 1992) NERF guns. One is a NB-1 Missile Blaster and the other is a Blast Hammer. The best of the bunch is the Zap Trap. Any game where children are shocked is a great idea. :lol:

more to come...


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The weather was pretty cruddy here in Baltimore this past Saturday which led to a pretty cruddy day of yard sales. Here's the recap:

-Started out trying to hit up the seller who I bought the big lot of Sega and NES stuff from a few weeks ago, as she said she'd be out this weekend with more game stuff. She was not.

-Headed to some community sales in an area where I got a good score last week, thinking it was a pretty noncompetitive area to hit up. Got suuuper excited to see an Eternal Darkness box at the first sale, but it was empty. Asked about video games and they said someone just bought a big box of games from them for $5. I was was pretty crestfallen, but they let me walk away with the ED box and manual, which I needed.

-Continued hitting the community sales, but they didn't have video games or someone had already got the games. Veeery frustrated by that point.

-Decided to head to another community sale, but at the first house I got to they mentioned someone had already been through asking about games. Argh.

-Went back to the Sega/NES woman's house to see if she was out. Nope.

-Started to head home and hit a sale on the way where I got a grape GBC, Super Mario Bros Deluxe, Gex, and Tetris Challenge for $20. Not a great deal, but I was desperate.

-Remembered a community sale really near my house, so I decided to hit that up in one final attempt to salvage the day. Actually had pretty good luck there! I picked up a box of Atari stuff for $5 (good stuff, but nothing amazing), some Wii/360 multiplayer stuff for MAGFest for $15, a wooden roller toy for the kiddo for $1, and about a dozen or so board games for free. I'm going to take the board games down to Rec Center they're putting together down where the Baltimore Riots were happening, so considering I get to do a good deed out of this I can't say the whole day was wasted.

Here's hoping for better (video game) luck this week.

I had a modest find today. Saw an ad on Craig's List and realized it was the same sale that a few brightly colored signs corresponded to. The ad specified "NES Games" and I tried to play it cool with myself and miserably failed. Showed up half an hour early and the lady was just setting up. She was very nice and let me look around. Saw the stack of NES games so at least I knew it wasn't something else like Leap Frog cartridges, but then she said her daughter was inside looking up eBay prices. The daughter came out and I asked her what she wanted for them and she said $10 apiece, I asked if she would take $60 and she agreed. I am first to admit that I am crap when it comes to negotiating, but I'm getting better.

I got:



The Hunt for Red October

Kid Icarus


Mike Tyson's Punch-out


Zelda II

Also Marvel Ultimate Alliance for Wii and a LEGO Star Wars TIE-Fighter zip bag (no LEGOS but she threw it in for free)

I have a Retron 5 so I'm going to test them out later. Any advice on cleaning cartridges in case they need it?

Oh yeah, Zelda II came with the box, and some of the cartridges have the plastic Nintendo sleeves. There are a few manuals too, but for some reason none of them except the original Zelda have covers.
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Picked up a complete copy of Mario Party 5(GC) with a disc that's in great condition and a copy of smash bros brawl(wii, no manual) for $30. The lady probably would have take $20, but they were originally in a wii bundle that she was asking $200+ for. I also picked up a copy of Dark Alliance 2(ps2) that was in a Dark Alliance 1 case for $2 at my local GW on my way back home.
Just got home. Crazy day. I bought a lot of non gaming stuff, but I got some gaming stuff too. I'm probably going to stop posting pics. It's not worth the effort.


I'm on my phone so I will add details later

Edit: Alright, went out yesterday and did pretty well. At the first sale I hit I grabbed a copy of Mario Pinball Land for GBA. Lady wanted 3 but she took 2. Also had a ton of DS games but all junk.

A few sales later a lady had a bunch of Wii shovelware, a couple of garbage GC games and then a loose copy of Mario Strikers for Gamecube. Wanted 5 but took 3.

My next grab was From Russia WIth Love PSP for 1.00 out of a stack of PSP games. This was the only non sports game.

The 5 N64 games were from asking. Nothing was out but he went in talking about PS1 games and came back with a big stack of N64 carts and like 3 junk PS1 titles. Wanted too much for all so I cherry picked the best games, most of the rest were sports. Took 15 for DK64, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis 64 and Banjo Kazooie.

Last garage sale find of the day was a guy who brought out a stack of PS3 games. Most were sports but he wanted 4 each or two for 5. Marvel Ultimate Alliance was the only good one but grabbed Motorstorm to do 2 for 5 as I kind of want to try it.

The rest was from various Goodwills I hit throughout the day. Got Punch Out and Croc 2 for 1.99 each. Alone in the Dark for Dos was .99 and seems worth a few bucks. World Heroes Anthology and Total Overdose for supposedly 2.99 but the girl rang them up at .99 each. Don't know if she didn't know what they were doing or if it was a sale but worked for me. Total Overdose was actually sealed.

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Just got home. Crazy day. I bought a lot of non gaming stuff, but I got some gaming stuff too. I'm probably going to stop posting pics. It's not worth the effort.
If there was an unlike button, I would click it. The community lives for your pics Slowdive.

I've had a few decent scores so far this year - I'll post some pics Saturday afternoon.

Year 2 of searching for the elusive Conker's BFD. I'll settle for an xbox copy at this point.

If there was an unlike button, I would click it. The community lives for your pics Slowdive.

I've had a few decent scores so far this year - I'll post some pics Saturday afternoon.

Year 2 of searching for the elusive Conker's BFD. I'll settle for an xbox copy at this point.
Two years waiting for CBF is not a wait. I grew up with N64 and conkers was a late release that i never got around to playing. Anyway I been in the market for it since 2006 and have been passing on in since then when it was selling for $35-$45 loose. Kept passing on it till where we are now with prices.

I'm pretty sure I will never find one in the wild but then again you never know. I only ever once saw a top-loader nes in the wild and seller only wanted $20 and i never thought I'd come across that for a deal.

Man good times, I remember when I got Conker's Bad Fur Day. I got it during 6th grade, I recollect trading my friend a bunch of holographic Yu-gi-oh cards and the Pokemon Coliseum pre-order bonus disc (Jirachi disc) for it. The main reason he traded it was because, his brother had sold his N64 and upgraded to the GameCube. I still have the CBFD in my N64 game drawer, lol.

Edited in the details from yesterday. As for Conker, I see it semi regularly, found 3 in the last few years. It's just not that rare... in demand and popular but at best uncommon.

It poured rain today. I forced myself to go out figuring that I was sure to find something awesome since everyone else would stay at home. Nope. It was raining cats, dogs and resellers. I bought a bunch of stuff including a stack of PS2 games for $1-2 ea. Nothing rare or exciting. What I have decided my "white whale" will be this summer is the original "Final Fantasy" for NES. I know it's not rare, I know I can buy it for about $20 on eBay and you all probably have 5 copies each, but I remember playing it as a little kid at family gatherings rather than sitting on a couch for four hours bored out of my mind. That would be fun to just find somewhere. Bonus points if it comes with the map.

Community sales tomorrow, I hope it doesn't rain again if it doesn't even keep other people away :p

Slightly off-topic. Okay it is OT. I would like a disc resurfacer. I pass up on games at Goodwill and whatnot because they look scary. Best Buy used games always look amazing but I'm sure they have something that costs thousands of dollars. I was hoping for something that is $200 or less and does a good job of making the disc look shiny (i.e. no hazy swirl marks left behind). Is this a dream or do one of you currently own one that does such a thing?

To make it even more challenging...what works well on PS1 discs?

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Only hitting a couple of targeted sales today since I spent a fair amount yesterday. Hit this one up early though as it started at 8 and I live less than 6 minutes from it. Their ad mentioned Sega Genesis and Nintendo Game Cube. (yes as two words) Usually I don't focus on sales with games advertised but it was interesting to me that not only did he misspell it, but he also took like 20 pictures yet none with the games. Told me he might not really value them and might just be listing off a bunch of stuff. With it being so close I decided to check it out.

I got there and found nothing. One other guy was already there even though I was 15 minutes early. Had to ask the guy and lucky for me his wife had forgotten to bring it out. Unfortunately he had no Genesis games, just a model 1 system with no cords or controllers. Also had a Gamecube with 3 games and 2 wavebirds. Wanted 40 for it all which I didn't have on me or want to do. Couldn't get him down on the Gamecube and he had to have a controller for the system but I got 2 games and 1 wavebird (REALLY clean). He asked 20 for that but i got him to 15 which I'm perfectly happy with. So for 15 I grabbed a Wavebird, Zelda Collector's Edition and the special edition Mario Kart Double Dash. REALLY clean and all complete. Sadly nothing I actually need still... but 2 solid lots this weekend which I can use to get something I actually want so that's cool.

Slightly off-topic. Okay it is OT. I would like a disc resurfacer. I pass up on games at Goodwill and whatnot because they look scary. Best Buy used games always look amazing but I'm sure they have something that costs thousands of dollars. I was hoping for something that is $200 or less and does a good job of making the disc look shiny (i.e. no hazy swirl marks left behind). Is this a dream or do one of you currently own one that does such a thing?

To make it even more challenging...what works well on PS1 discs?
Check your Record and Tape traders or local media store, sometimes they'll offer a resurfacing service for $3-4 per disc. I did this with a Kuon disc once, though I wasn't too keen on the effects. The trouble is, if anybody ever wants to clean the disc in the future, the compound will melt right off when even just a small amount of water is applied.

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Went to a sub-division sale, was pretty fun especially since it wasn't pouring down rain today. Got a lot of stuff including Smash Brothers Brawl & Mario Kart Wii for $5 ea. and the nice guy at the sale also let me have a big Dialga (Pokemon) plush for free. 

Picked up a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition for $5. I managed to leave with $10 left in my pocket and as far as I could see I managed to visit all the houses so I count it as a win.

Memorial Day weekend is this coming week, so I'm hoping for some more great sales to go to.

Went to a bunch of sales today, most were full of baby clothes and jewelry type stuff. There was one that had advertised video games, but when I asked the woman she said she'd forgotten them. Gave me the date and address for her next sale and said she'd have them out then, but it's way out of my way so I'll see whether or not I end up going.

This was my only gaming find for today, but it was a nice one:


Pulled up to this sale around 11:30 and there was nobody there. Picked out the PS1 games and as I went to ring the doorbell, a guy came out of the house and said he'd been out there since 7 and didn't want to deal with it any longer, so I could just take whatever I wanted for free. Grabbed everything else in the picture and a neat cookbook.

Non-gaming finds: some Spongebob DVDs for $1 each, and a big bag of Littlest Pet Shop toys for $2. Probably 2-3 dozen toys in there, plus accessories and a broken toy bathtub dated 1893. Not sure if it's worth anything, but that was a neat find.

This morning it was raining at around 8:30 when I usually go out so I decided to just stay home; 2 hours later the sun was out so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I got a Ti-83 Plus Silver calculator for $3. Should have brought batteries with me, cause it turns out the screen is all fucked up. I might be able to fix it but dammit, why can't anything ever just work?  :wall:

Also found another PS2 slim after getting a nice boxed one last week. This one didn't have a box, but was only $5 and it did have all the cables, one controller, and a nice 64MB memory card.

I'm grateful any time I don't have to go home empty-handed, but at this point I would do unspeakable things for an N64 game. :lol:

This morning it was raining at around 8:30 when I usually go out so I decided to just stay home; 2 hours later the sun was out so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I got a Ti-83 Plus Silver calculator for $3. Should have brought batteries with me, cause it turns out the screen is all fucked up. I might be able to fix it but dammit, why can't anything ever just work? :wall:

Also found another PS2 slim after getting a nice boxed one last week. This one didn't have a box, but was only $5 and it did have all the cables, one controller, and a nice 64MB memory card.

I'm grateful any time I don't have to go home empty-handed, but at this point I would do unspeakable things for an N64 game. :lol:
For the ti-83 you could try taking it apart and applying pressure to where the ribbon cable connects. I had a similar problem with one I bought last week and this fixed it.
I found some good N64 and PS1 games, today! I paid $2 bucks per PS1 games (she had Jurassic Park PS1 too but, it was messed up). The Rampage game was a complete surprise to me (I've never heard of it). The N64 games were $5 each besides, Ogre Battle 64 (complete in box) it was $15 bucks because it has "the VHS box". Worked a deal out for $25.00 (the Winnie the Pooh game was free then, lol)!

[attachment=14368:Kranekin 516 YS finds.PNG]

Slightly off-topic. Okay it is OT. I would like a disc resurfacer. I pass up on games at Goodwill and whatnot because they look scary. Best Buy used games always look amazing but I'm sure they have something that costs thousands of dollars. I was hoping for something that is $200 or less and does a good job of making the disc look shiny (i.e. no hazy swirl marks left behind). Is this a dream or do one of you currently own one that does such a thing?

To make it even more challenging...what works well on PS1 discs?
JFJ Easy Pro. That little machine has saved so many games, CDs, and movies for me. It's less than $150 and will work for many scratched discs (though gamecube and wii seem to have the most trouble reading a buffed disc).

Edit: I didn't go yard sailing today. I am ashamed.

BUT. I did go to a storage auction earlier this week. The unit I got had been stored since 2000 and had some neat stuff in it, but my friend/competitor got a unit that was stored since 1993! I went through some things with them and it made me feel like a kid again, most things were new or like new toys in their boxes, there were old DOS books and Windows software on 5.25" floppies. It was incredible. Best thing I saw that they had was a Tubtown toy in the box. It's worth about $300.

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Really weird 2 seasons (albeit this one just started) with very few games... most likely I have competition but have not crossed paths...

But today... today... a complete sega cdx!  (have yet to test...) $5 it's so little ... and heavy!

Not a good day at the yard sales today, only found overpriced crappy wii games once and saw no other trace of games at any other sale (Well, kinda).

Got some non-gaming stuff.

1984 Toyota Trucks and Accessories brochures, 2 for 1$

"Hawthorne" The Complete Final Season (Sealed) - 2$

Inception DVD (Disc only, Little Fockers DVD (Sealed) and a marine style battery box for 1$ total.

And then at the same sale as the Toyota Brochures, out of the corner of my eye I saw the word "Game" on a box under a pile of stuff, I found this.


It's complete, all the contents are in great shape, and the game itself looks like brand new, I'll be honest, I know nothing about early 80's LCD games, but this was very cool to find.

I paid the low low price of free for it.

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