[quote name='gothamcentral79']If your point was interesting as you think it was I would have said so. You said hip-hop is not music and that it's a new fad. And like previously mentioned it's been around for 35 years and the album I said I considered one of the greatest albums ever is almost 20 years old.
You also state that because beats are electronic that they're not music which is nonsense not to mention their are plenty of hip-hop artists/groups that use live bands. I'm not getting uppity it's just that you are literally talking out of your ass about a subject you know nothing about.[/QUOTE]
Yes, this.
[quote name='Zaku77']Hip hop has not been part of 'pop' music for that long. That may be when its inception was, but that doesn't mean that it was popular then like it is today. I'm sure you understand that. Hip hop doesn't focus on music. It does focus on lyrics. Why even argue about that? I'm not putting any connotation on that, why be defensive?
I love hardstyle and house music, so I'm not against electronic stuff. It just doesn't really fit the classical definition of what music is. I simply find it interesting that we have gone from say the Baroque period of classical music (my favorite) where the music was everything, to where popular music is at now. I'm sorry my point was uninteresting to you. I shall hope you approve of any future topics I might bring up. Try not to get so defensive; there's really no reason for it.[/QUOTE]
No, not this.
Bold explains it all. I.e. Elitist snob.