The Official Craigslist Finds Thread!

[quote name='dragoon99']Wow, what an amazing Transformers collection. All the complete boxed ones.
How do you store/display your entire collection?

I had quite a few Transformers as a kid but I never kept the boxes and got rid of them in my youth. I wish I kept them now. Today I only have one G1 Transformer from back then, it's the cassette tape Overkill. He's been thru a lot including being run over by a car and moving all over the place. Still has his color changing sticker. :D

I used to have this guy...

Turned into 6 things! I really wish I still had him.
How much is he worth these days?[/QUOTE]

Sixshot is still worth quite a bit, but he's one that has been knocked off in the past so it has slightly affected the value of the genuine article. Honestly, the majority of my collection is in climate controlled storage, waiting for the day I can set up my gameroom/personal museum. That will be in a year or so, once my wife and I buy a larger home.

The only ones currently on display are my extra Transformers Masterpiece figures, which consist of Optimus Prime (US), Megatron (Japan, obviously), Starscream (US), Skywarp (Japan), Thundercracker (Japan), and a couple of the Alternators/Binaltech - Sunstreaker, Hound, and Tracks. I am waiting for Masterpiece Grimlock to arrive so that he may be added as well. My wife, however, is not a fan. I took up have the display shelves so they are right there with her Lladro and Herend porcelain pieces, LOL. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAL classy, let me tell you.
[quote name='Saintevil']Going to pick up the following later:

Ps1: Final Fantasy VII x2
Ps1: Final Fantasy IX
Ps1: Lunar Silver Story

For $5 each.[/QUOTE]

So i was going to go pick these up and running a bit late. I called the lady I was ging to but them form to let her know I was running behind and she advised me that she had looked them up and the prices had changed.

Needless to say, I didn't get them.
[quote name='Saintevil']So i was going to go pick these up and running a bit late. I called the lady I was ging to but them form to let her know I was running behind and she advised me that she had looked them up and the prices had changed.

Needless to say, I didn't get them.[/QUOTE]

Man, what a bummer. That would have been the find of the century, considering I thought I got a good price with FF7 and Lunar for 20 bucks a piece.
Traded Fallout 3(which I had previously purchased for 25 off craigslist) for Killzone 2, a Pokémon ps3 games and $10 off craigslist. I never really played the fallout game and my kid will play the Pokémon game so it was good for me.
[quote name='Coper3000']Man, what a bummer. That would have been the find of the century, considering I thought I got a good price with FF7 and Lunar for 20 bucks a piece.[/QUOTE]

Actually is was $5 each, so $20 for all 4 games
suikoden 85 a good price??? (found on craigslist, about a 4 hour drive)

Also I'm finding earthbound...but most ppl want 150-250...what should be my top price? (I prefer to low ball, but I don't think I can with these two)

Also I found suikoden 2 (burned) on craigslist..with like 20 other games. should I buy it...or find it not burned?

Ok thats all, lol, thanks!
[quote name='Taken4life']suikoden 85 a good price??? (found on craigslist, about a 4 hour drive)[/QUOTE]

factor in gas and your time, and that's a massive "NO".

unless you're pretty much gonna die unless you own those two games, i recommend just waiting; it might take a year or two, but the right deal will eventually present itself.
[quote name='Taken4life']Also I'm finding earthbound...but most ppl want 150-250...what should be my top price? (I prefer to low ball, but I don't think I can with these two)[/QUOTE]
It usually never goes past $100 on eBay, probably averages $80, from what I've seen. Also, there's someone on my CL (Las Vegas) selling it for $50, though the ad is a little old so I don't know if they still have it.
[quote name='Taken4life']suikoden 85 a good price??? (found on craigslist, about a 4 hour drive)

Also I'm finding earthbound...but most ppl want 150-250...what should be my top price? (I prefer to low ball, but I don't think I can with these two)

Also I found suikoden 2 (burned) on craigslist..with like 20 other games. should I buy it...or find it not burned?

Ok thats all, lol, thanks![/QUOTE]

Uhhhh, WTF? A 4 mother fucking hour drive to pay $85 for Suikoden 2? Unless that puppy is sealed, forget it. Even if it's flawlessly mint and complete, that is an awful deal because you have to drive 4 hours to get it. And I assume you mean 4 hours round trip, because if it's 4 hours one way, I think my head will explode from the mere suggestion of you considering it. I mean, you can readily buy it off of eBay or amazon for probably around $100, so seriously, is that $15 discount worth 4 hours of your life in a car?

Not only that, Suikoden 1 has been put on out on PSN, so I would certainly not be surprised if they follow that with Suikoden 2. If you have a PS3 or a PSP, there is no reason to pay anywhere close to the going rate for that game...just have patience (or play it on the PSP if you're naughty ;)).

Earthbound for $150-250? That better be for complete and flawless copies that still save properly. The going rate for a cart only copy is $40-60 around here, and about $100 for a complete copy. Of course it is very rare they come up, and sometimes you can score them for much less, if the person selling them has no idea as to the value. Remember, it's craigslist. If these fucking sellers want eBay prices they should sell that shit on eBay, not on craigslist. Lowball the hell out of them.
Got a lead on these N64 games, all for $20

Donkey Kong 64
Banjo - Kazooie
Banjo - tooie
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Harvest Moon 64

I know HM64 nets a good amount. I'd probably be reselling most of these (though I might keep DK64 and Banjo Kazooie for now). Good deal?
[quote name='Mizzou75']Got a lead on these N64 games, all for $20

Donkey Kong 64
Banjo - Kazooie
Banjo - tooie
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Harvest Moon 64

I know HM64 nets a good amount. I'd probably be reselling most of these (though I might keep DK64 and Banjo Kazooie for now). Good deal?[/QUOTE]

Great deal. When 1 game's value will pay for a whole bundle of good games, that's a great deal. HM64 isn't the only one worth some good money, but it's definitely the most valuable IIRC.
[quote name='Saintevil']So i was going to go pick these up and running a bit late. I called the lady I was ging to but them form to let her know I was running behind and she advised me that she had looked them up and the prices had changed.

Needless to say, I didn't get them.[/QUOTE]

That's some serious bullshit. You guys had agreed on the price, right? She shouldn't have changed it. If you hadn't called her, she would have told you the prices had changed when you arrived to pick up the games. That's some really horrible selling practices.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']That's some serious bullshit. You guys had agreed on the price, right? She shouldn't have changed it. If you hadn't called her, she would have told you the prices had changed when you arrived to pick up the games. That's some really horrible selling practices.[/QUOTE]

It's called seller's prerogative, in that the sellers of the items can change the prices to ANYTHING they want to at ANY time. Of course, I would've just said that I 'changed my mind' and I didn't want to sell them anymore if I suddenly found out something was worth much more than I was going to be selling it for.

Why shouldn't the seller have the right to change their mind or their price? They don't owe anyone responding to their ads ANYTHING until cash is in their hands and the buyer is waiting for what they just paid for.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It's called seller's prerogative, in that the sellers of the items can change the prices to ANYTHING they want to at ANY time. Of course, I would've just said that I 'changed my mind' and I didn't want to sell them anymore if I suddenly found out something was worth much more than I was going to be selling it for.

Why shouldn't the seller have the right to change their mind or their price? They don't owe anyone responding to their ads ANYTHING until cash is in their hands and the buyer is waiting for what they just paid for.[/QUOTE]

I just think it's kind of sneaky when sellers do it. I mean, with this logic, who's to keep them from advertising, say, Earthbound for $5, then raising the price when you're at their front door. I just think that when you agree to a price, that should be the price. I'm probably in the minority in this.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Why shouldn't the seller have the right to change their mind or their price?[/QUOTE]

that's not the worst thing in the world, as long as they make some effort to contact the buyer and let them know that their terms have changed. Chairman's comment was specifically referring to the seller almost pulling a (possibly unintentional) "bait & switch".

if someone keeps that up long enough, all i can say is "seller beware". especially if you give out your address beforehand! the way i was raised, a verbal agreement is more or less binding. backing out because you decided after the fact that your stuff is worth more is pathetic. do your research before you list your item for sale.
[quote name='allyourblood']that's not the worst thing in the world, as long as they make some effort to contact the buyer and let them know that their terms have changed. Chairman's comment was specifically referring to the seller almost pulling a (possibly unintentional) "bait & switch".

if someone keeps that up long enough, all i can say is "seller beware". especially if you give out your address beforehand! the way i was raised, a verbal agreement is more or less binding. backing out because you decided after the fact that your stuff is worth more is pathetic. do your research before you list your item for sale.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but those 4 games for $20? not walk to complete that sale...I bet she received bunches of calls after the ops...did a double take and adjusted based on her or another disgruntled buyers share of "value".
A couple weeks ago, I blew picking up the entire Muppets TV collection for $20 due to the distance and traffic when I contacted the seller...I asked and she accepted next day pick-up... but before she took the ad down, another called and offered her $40 (she told me $20 with no haggling) day i call to confirm pick-up and she informs me $40 is the new price if I still want the set...I passed as it was an hour drive one way...
Is this a good low offer? $15 for Nintendo 64 with 3 controllers and 4 memory packs, 7 games. Super Smash Bros/Super Mario 64/Mario Party 3/Turok/Hexen/Perfect Dark/NBA Courtsideand Sonic 2 and 3 for Genesis?
[quote name='momouchi']Is this a good low offer? $15 for Nintendo 64 with 3 controllers and 4 memory packs, 7 games. Super Smash Bros/Super Mario 64/Mario Party 3/Turok/Hexen/Perfect Dark/NBA Courtsideand Sonic 2 and 3 for Genesis?[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty good deal, I'd say go for it.
[quote name='momouchi']It was a lot of a Genesis w/ 17 games and controllers, the N64 part, and a PS2 with controllers for $50.[/QUOTE]

If you bought the entire lot (even for asking price,) you could make your money back just by reselling the PS2 system. Maybe offer them $40 for everything and resell the PS2? You'd make some profit and also get all the games that you wanted too
True, I'll see what they reply with. I'm not sure if I want the whole Genesis lot sitting around, but I guess I could always resell it.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I just think it's kind of sneaky when sellers do it. I mean, with this logic, who's to keep them from advertising, say, Earthbound for $5, then raising the price when you're at their front door. I just think that when you agree to a price, that should be the price. I'm probably in the minority in this.[/QUOTE]

So wait, if you were selling something and you got shitloads of calls on it or you found out it's worth more and no one is coming right that second to pick up said item, you wouldn't try backing out of any deals and willingly lose money? Seriously?

I mean, I'd be pissed if I went over to pick up the items and suddenly the price is higher, but the lady at least told you she re-thought the price and it was higher. Mind you, it took you calling her to find that out, but at least you didn't get all the way there and THEN find out.

Then I could see being annoyed, but like I said, up until someone pays me for an item I have for sale it's my prerogative as to what I wanna charge for it. Once you put cash in hand, then it's yours, even if I find out that it's worth 3-10x as much a second before I hand it to you.

[quote name='allyourblood']that's not the worst thing in the world, as long as they make some effort to contact the buyer and let them know that their terms have changed. Chairman's comment was specifically referring to the seller almost pulling a (possibly unintentional) "bait & switch".

if someone keeps that up long enough, all i can say is "seller beware". especially if you give out your address beforehand! the way i was raised, a verbal agreement is more or less binding. backing out because you decided after the fact that your stuff is worth more is pathetic. do your research before you list your item for sale.[/QUOTE]

Back when I was selling my PS2/Xbox game collection CL, I was trying to sell it as a lot. Of course, I had the typical aholes trying to say 'give me this, this and that game for $20', even though I explicitly put in the ad that I was selling it AS A LOT!!!

The ad for the lot got flagged and deleted no less than 10 times after I rejected the aholes paltry offers for the 'better' parts of my game lot.

I knew most of the rest of the lot was worth jackshit, which was why I put that I was selling it as a lot ONLY!

However, some people find out what stuff is worth thanks to the overzealous people who will call and e-mail the living shit out of them about an item. That's probably what happened to the lady in Chairman's case, is that a ton of people called and e-mailed her regarding them, so she got curious and checked the values on them.

I still think that until cash is IN HAND, I have every right as a seller(as she did) to either yank the ad or say she wants MORE. It's still MY item until you pay me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I still think that until cash is IN HAND, I have every right as a seller(as she did) to either yank the ad or say she wants MORE. It's still MY item until you pay me.[/QUOTE]

no one is arguing that; i just think it's really chicken that she didn't contact him right away to say so.
I once did that on a guitar amp. I bought this $100 lot from this guy (included many simpsons season sets, loads of decent (nothing fantastic) ps2, nes, genesis games plus someother random shit I sold for about $400-500 all together). One of the items was this stinger guitar amp. It's fairly heavy so I never bother to check ebay for a price and went off what I saw on craigslist and online. I priced it at $20. Nothing for a week and a half, a guy inquires whether it does this and that and offers $15 and I start looking into his question online. I come across a completed auction on ebay for $85-90. I don't respond, he offers $20, I tell him I see that it sells higher on ebay and will sell it there. I never agreed to sell to him and if he didn't ask his question I would have sold it for $15. I've never had someone raise the price on me when I pick something up and I don't think I would really mind if I'm still getting a great deal, unless it's substantial and I drove a ways. What I do mind is when I have an appointment to pick something up and I show up and they said someone picked it up already, this happened a month or two back for a few pokemon GBA games, I was pissed but realized it wasn't worth arguing over (especially with her kid there).
[quote name='allyourblood']no one is arguing that; i just think it's really chicken that she didn't contact him right away to say so.[/QUOTE]

That was shitty of her to do, but luckily he did get in touch with her before going over to grab the games. I normally only deal via e-mail with people when I post stuff on CL myself, since I don't want them getting aggravated and doing a reverse lookup on the house number if I decide to be argumentative over the asking price and how firm I am on it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So wait, if you were selling something and you got shitloads of calls on it or you found out it's worth more and no one is coming right that second to pick up said item, you wouldn't try backing out of any deals and willingly lose money? Seriously?

I mean, I'd be pissed if I went over to pick up the items and suddenly the price is higher, but the lady at least told you she re-thought the price and it was higher. Mind you, it took you calling her to find that out, but at least you didn't get all the way there and THEN find out.

Then I could see being annoyed, but like I said, up until someone pays me for an item I have for sale it's my prerogative as to what I wanna charge for it. Once you put cash in hand, then it's yours, even if I find out that it's worth 3-10x as much a second before I hand it to you.


This actually has nothing to do with me, I was just arguing on Saintevil's behalf.

If I were the seller, I would try my best to get in touch with the buyer as soon as I decided the price changed. In Saintevil's case, the seller didn't seem like she was gonna contact him, and only informed him of the price change when he called to tell her he was gonna be late. If he hadn't called, he wouldn't have known of the price change until he was on her doorstep. This is some serious bullshit. She didn't have to keep the price as is, but she should have informed him of the change.

Or, she could have done her research before putting up the ad. Ignorance of going price isn't any excuse.

@neiname: That isn't really the same thing, because you didn't agree to sell it to anyone. What you did is perfectly fine.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']This actually has nothing to do with me, I was just arguing on Saintevil's behalf.

If I were the seller, I would try my best to get in touch with the buyer as soon as I decided the price changed. In Saintevil's case, the seller didn't seem like she was gonna contact him, and only informed him of the price change when he called to tell her he was gonna be late. If he hadn't called, he wouldn't have known of the price change until he was on her doorstep. This is some serious bullshit. She didn't have to keep the price as is, but she should have informed him of the change.

Or, she could have done her research before putting up the ad. Ignorance of going price isn't any excuse.

@neiname: That isn't really the same thing, because you didn't agree to sell it to anyone. What you did is perfectly fine.[/QUOTE]

Every time I've tried to sell something on CL, I either get one of a couple things happening. Either the 'interested parties' turn out to be bots who spam the ever living shit out of me or the people flake out and stop responding after a few replies.

Of course, more often than not I get the impatient idiots who DEMAND a phone # to speak with me and they promptly get told that I deal only via e-mail until we're going to meet and/or are set on a price.

However, in my opinion, it is the buyer's responsibility to see whether or not the deal is 'still on' or not or if I've changed my mind or decided that I was selling myself short on it.

After all, it is the buyer who wants what I have, so therefore THEY should be the one to keep the line of communication open.

What I don't get though, is that the 'new price' was never mentioned. If it wasn't substantially more than the initial asking price, then why not grab the games still?

I mean, I could understand if the lady was like 'I'm now asking $70 for each FFVII', but if it went up to like $10 a game that's STILL a deal.
He said that she had looked them up. I'm assuming she saw on eBay what those games were going for and she was going to jack it up to near eBay prices.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
However, in my opinion, it is the buyer's responsibility to see whether or not the deal is 'still on' or not or if I've changed my mind or decided that I was selling myself short on it.[/QUOTE]


you're saying that if i were to buy something from you at an agreed upon price of, say, $20, and i receive an address or a meeting place, and i drive out to meet you, i may arrive to find that your price has gone up, because i didn't call you every five minutes as i drive, just to make sure you haven't changed your mind??!!

oh, wait -- you don't like using the phone. so i have to e-mail you constantly, to ensure that your price hasn't changed, while i'm driving to meet you?

tell me that's not what you meant.
So the story was that I agreed to pick up the games later that night. I would have went over right when I emailed her if I wasn't working.

I called the lady later that night to confirm we were still meeting since it was about a half hour drive from my house. She asked if I got the email she sent, and I was like, huh? She said that she checked the prices and saw what they were worth and posted a new ad. I told her I'd check the ad and of course it was about $100 more then what I was originally told. I decided I didn't want them then and that was that.

At least this lady told me something. I had a guy not show up at all and act like he didn't know who I was when I had been texting him the day before. If he got a better deal or decided to sell to someone else, that's fine, just at least tell me before I drive out of my way to meet you and then you just flake out.
Nintendo 64 (N64) with 2 controllers, power and A/V cables. Comes with 6 games: Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Diddy Kong Racing, Ogre Battle 64, Mario Kart 64, and Yoshi's Story for $35. I think Orge Battle goes for around that by itself so needless to say I hope the guy gets back to me on this.
Need help w/ this one. I just recently bought a PSP for $50.00 off CL. But yesterday another one popped up. The White Vader version + 16 games + 8 UMD movies + charger, etc. The games/movies look like their UMD only, but that's fine. The only problem is that it is 'modded', which is something I do not support. My questions are: is $120 a good price for the PSP bundle, and is it possible to 'un-mod' a PSP, or get correct firmware?

Edit| P.S- Yes, I am new to the PSP world, haha.
Anytime some idiot plays the "i got alot of responses, i'm raising the price and taking highest offer", i just bail. Some lady put an ad for an atari with a big lot of games for $15, i emailed, said i have cash in hand i can be there no problem, no answer, 3 days later she says she wants $50 because alot of people emailed. I said no. Then a few days later she say I can have it for $15 again. I hit the delete button.

Texting with craigslist people? same thing happened to me with one seller in may, I was texting with the guy on my cell phone, because I wasn't around the computer, kept asking him for his address and the guy wouldn't answer me. Tried again the next day and he did the same thing. Kept saying yeah i'll be here, when can you come by, i'll be outside with the stuff. Whats the address? no answer. All I got out of that ordeal was a $15 charge on my cell phone account which I had to pay up or my service would have been suspended.

In some ways email is better, because if you're dealing with a crazy person they won't be able to look you up in the address book. But for others, it's best to call them or have them call you, so you can get a commitment.

People act more commited and nice when they're communicating with a voice, over a mere email. Although it's not guaranteed every time.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']
Texting with craigslist people? same thing happened to me with one seller in may, I was texting with the guy on my cell phone, because I wasn't around the computer, kept asking him for his address and the guy wouldn't answer me. Tried again the next day and he did the same thing. Kept saying yeah i'll be here, when can you come by, i'll be outside with the stuff. Whats the address? no answer. All I got out of that ordeal was a $15 charge on my cell phone account which I had to pay up or my service would have been suspended.


Hmmm, I wonder if that might me a new scam technique, where the guy is getting paid out of your texting charges...
[quote name='karkyco']Hmmm, I wonder if that might me a new scam technique, where the guy is getting paid out of your texting charges...[/QUOTE]

I doubt it, too much time to rack out some text charges, and many of us have unlimited or 1000 text plans or something. There are faster ways to earn $5
The CL scene here has been barren lately. I did manage to snag a GBC w/ Pokemon Yellow & Blue + Tetris for $20... nothing too special but at least I can try my gameboy camera now.

As for this whole "price hiking issue"... I can't say I agree with your opinion thecheapest. Obviously we all want to make the most out of our sales, but if that's the case why not research the price first instead of having to jerk the buyer around. It's not unlike lowballing if you ask me... what if some buyer emails you then manages to find the item they were interested in is cheaper than your asking price and lowers their offer? Well, they're lowballing dicks, right!? We all seem to expect a certain level of common courtesy from our buyers, why should it be any different for the sellers?
My latest find was somebody getting rid of a DS(I thought it was the original bulky one, turns it, it was a black lite one). All the guy wanted in return was a N64 and Donkey Kong 64. I thought it was a hell of a deal honestly.

Then my Second bargain was a Gamecube with 2 controllers, all hookups, memory card, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime and Call Of Duty all for 30 bucks. So I thought I got a pretty good deal just for Super Smash Brothers alone really.
Got two deals that I'll be getting:

$80- :gc: console with plug, video cables, 2 wavebirds, 2 regular wired controllers, mario kart Double Dash, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Goblin Commander, Super Smash Bros Melee, X-men Legends, Tales of Symphonia and Gaunlet Dark Legacy

$50- :gc: console with plug, video cables, 2 wavebirds, mem card, Need for Speed Carbon, Tiger Woods 2005, Medal of Honor Frontline, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Zero and Spiderman- just really wanted the wavebirds :)
The first set has some really solid titles, not so much on the second. Good luck with it! By the way, a general question: how long should I wait to hear from a seller by email?
I wouldn't wait long, a day or so max, after that, don't bother. Remember alot of craigslist sellers sell stuff from under you and don't have the balls to say they sold it.
[quote name='allyourblood']COME ON!

you're saying that if i were to buy something from you at an agreed upon price of, say, $20, and i receive an address or a meeting place, and i drive out to meet you, i may arrive to find that your price has gone up, because i didn't call you every five minutes as i drive, just to make sure you haven't changed your mind??!!

oh, wait -- you don't like using the phone. so i have to e-mail you constantly, to ensure that your price hasn't changed, while i'm driving to meet you?

tell me that's not what you meant.[/QUOTE]

I have had zero problems with the few people who didn't flake out or DEMAND my phone # or to meet at my house to buy what I was offering with going back and forth on e-mails up until about 30 minutes before we were supposed to meet and had agreed on a set price.

Of course, once I got there I waited....and waited....and waited....

It seems that people always find some sort of excuse as to why they were fashionably late. Luckily for the people who I was meeting to do two deals in one day(at the center court of our one local mall here)I'm usually very patient when I'm waiting for someone to show up with cash for me for something I'm trying to sell.

Unfortunately, the one guy showed up with a $100 and a $20 for a PStwo slim and an extra controller and some other stuff I was selling him. So off we went to go get change from one of the nearby shops for the $100. After all was said and done, they left happy, I went downstairs and got the second item.

Those people showed up about 10-30 minutes later(they were supposed to have been there as I was getting done with the first deal).

But like I said, I've had really no problems with the deals I've done so far and none of them have been done via phone calls.
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[quote name='Vulcan2422']My latest find was somebody getting rid of a DS(I thought it was the original bulky one, turns it, it was a black lite one). All the guy wanted in return was a N64 and Donkey Kong 64. I thought it was a hell of a deal honestly.

Then my Second bargain was a Gamecube with 2 controllers, all hookups, memory card, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime and Call Of Duty all for 30 bucks. So I thought I got a pretty good deal just for Super Smash Brothers alone really.[/QUOTE]

you did great on number one and ok on two ($20 or less would be great)
bread's done