
41 (100%)
Post here if you really are getting way anxious and can not wait. Basically if:
-You can't get enough looking at trailers/videos even if you already seen them 10x
-You keep refreshing all your gaming sites in hopes of the latest bit of Wii news. Especially the story we all wanna hear "LOL GOTCHA!1!" Says Nintendo. The Wii is actually coming out in 8 minutes"
-You are making plans--serious, heavy duty plans--about when and where you will be camping out.
-You already made a space/spot available for it.

You get the point.

For me, it's Sunday November 5 @ 1:06am. If I am lucky, 2 weeks at this time I will already have started playing SOMETHING. (Most likley Wii Sports!)

Post your stress here ^_^
Yup, I can't wait. The first step I want ASAP is to find out how early I'll need to get to Toys R Us. Then, it's just a matter of being pumped up during the wait and making it happen! I'll get there in time, I'm sure, it's just a matter of doing it.

I think I'm going to resist playing any of the demo kiosks at EB/GS, though. I want my first Wii experience to be at home. I know I'll dig it (if I don't, boy will I have wasted a lot of my 2006 away, LOL), so I'd rather have that first experience right after opening that box for myself.

I had told my BF that "NEXT SATURDAY we NEED to go to NYC and play Wii @ Nintendo World!!" (Live in south jersey, so it's only like 2 hours away)

I MIGHT go, but he told me he doesn't wanna go with me because I'll be even MORE hooked/obsessed and talk it about NON STOP (even MORE)

Ugh. Thank God system launches happen every 5-6 years. I couldn't do this shit every year, LOL
LOL no kidding! Well, I doubt we'd get into it as much as we have if it happened a lot...the main reason I've really allowed myself to get SO excited and SO pumped and SO willing to wait a day if I half to outside of Toys R us is because this is a once-in-5-years type of thing!

And honestly, you might agree with me here, for me this has been like a once-in-a-decade thing, because I have NOT looked forward to a console as much as I am Wii since Nintendo 64. That was a console that I knew would usher in an amazing amount of fun into my life, and it did...and I feel the same way about Wii. So yeah, I'm pumped! I'm glad to see other people just as pumped! :)
Yeah I was really excited for N64. I think for me, it was because when that came out I was 10 or 11 years old. I kinda just had NES and SNES (and Genesis!). My parents would get the new systems for me & my sister for Christmas. So when N64 was coming out.. I was excited because I pretty much knew what it all meant for a system upgrade and all. That was really exciting. I was pretty excited for Gamecube, but that's because Melee came out 3 weeks AFTER launch.

The last thing I really got hype about was GBA. It was on one of my last few days of school (remember it came out in JUNE) and I skipped school and called out of work for it, just so I can play Mario Advance on my Artic GBA. (Even though I played the HELL out of Mario Bros 2 back in the NES days)

I'm going to try SO hard not to call out of work for Wii that week. Monday, Tuesday (20th, and 21st)..Wednesday the 22nd we leave early..and I'm off Thursday (Thanksgiving, duh), Friday..the weekend and I even used a personal day for that Monday.. so if I do :CROSSES FINGERS: get a Wii in 2 weeks.. I'll have pleaaanty of time to play it. Mmm.
Yeah, I requested Monday off of work, too. I have one hour of class I can't miss, but other than that...I'm going to be playing Wii all day. I love this.

THE BEST THING EVER happened to me today...for some reason, I thought Wii was 3 weeks away, and then I checked my calendar again...lo and behold, it's only 2 weeks away! I entirely skipped a week of wanting this! FANTASTIC!
My coworkers, my wife, hell even my cat are ready to kill me if I talk any more about the glory that is Wii.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']Yeah, I requested Monday off of work, too. I have one hour of class I can't miss, but other than that...I'm going to be playing Wii all day. I love this.

THE BEST THING EVER happened to me today...for some reason, I thought Wii was 3 weeks away, and then I checked my calendar again...lo and behold, it's only 2 weeks away! I entirely skipped a week of wanting this! FANTASTIC![/QUOTE]

Hence the title of this thread \\:D/
so I added a countdown in my myspace page..and there's one on my desktop.

Everytime a second clicks down.. mmm... it's another second closer =)
I likely will be in the NWS every day from now until launch instead of eating lunch. I don't plan to camp more than 2-3 hours, though.
I got a Wii preorder at FYE and its on Ebay right now. Nooooo don't worry I'm still getting Wii. I'm using the profit from this Wii to get another Wii from FYE!!!

I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't wait for Zelda. I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't wait for Zelda. What other games will be good at launch? And I mean actually worth it.
The OSU-Team From Up North game that afternoon, the possible Midnight sale at my Gamestop (preorder: secured)... my head might explode and/or my heart might burst.

Reading the PS3 linesitting horror stories online and in the print media, as well as the posts by people who thought showing up eight hours early (or less!) would be sufficient will make a nice appetizer.

P.S. Those of you who haven't seen this past week's South Park really need to find another 'presentation' of any means necessary. Let's just say you'll want to see it before you see the next one.
I'll likely have to work most of the day on the 19th, and no midnight launch here.
After 7pm that day, though... Wii!

Even if I don't work, I will have to wait until my fiance gets home to start unpacking it. More wait, but it will be worth it. I need to avoid the internet at all costs that day, lest I fill myself with jealousy over the many "Wiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" posts.

Hopefully we can get the day off. >_>
I am absurdly excited about November 19th. The days until lauch actually seem to be flying by right now, but I have a feeling that starting next week the days are going to start feeling a lot longer.

I've got $150 of my Wii preorder paid off at Gamestop, but they've said they're not going to do a midnight launch. That shouldn't bother me, but it does. I think I'm going to find myself going to Wal-Mart as soon as I get off work on the 18th to see if I can get a Wii at midnight. If I can I'll just cancel my preorder at GS and get my cash back. If Wal-Mart actually sells out of their allotment, then I've still got a console waiting for me when Gamestop opens.
I hope Amazon ships it early so I can get it on Saturday. It probably won't happen, but a guy can dream can't he?
Wow, I just came in form Gamestop..I played Wii.

Damn.. that's really fun. Like, seriously fun. I played Excite Truck and I don't even like racing games much (Just Mario Kart)..and steering with the wii-mote was just.. perfect.

I REALLY am beyond excited now. Even though I'm not getting Excite Truck.

Yeah. You gotta give them a license/I.D. to get a Wii-mote. LOL if you don't, you can trade in your shoes *YMMV* because that's what they were doing at the GS I went to tonight.
only thing between me and my Wii are 2 weeks, a spanish exam, a bio exam, a statistics exam, a sociology paper, and hundereds of pages of reading.

oh wait, that's a lot of stuff :(
I share the same sentiments. I haven't ever been this excited about a console launch...ever. I'm driving my wife crazy talking about all things Wii and watching trailers and previews over and over and over again.

6 p.m. at Wal-Mart, I'm all over it.
[quote name='BIG5']Can I borrow your time machine?[/QUOTE]

That's too funny. I didn't even notice that--and I guess no one else did. CLEARLY I meant the 5th ;)

...But wouldn't it be nice if it was the 15th when I posted that?
I might stop in to our local GS adn EB around here to see if anyone has the kiosk up yet.

Although, I don't want to play Excite Truck. It's borderline a game I want to buy and I fear that playing it will force me into blowing another $50 on a launch title racing game ;)
[quote name='Apossum']only thing between me and my Wii are 2 weeks, a spanish exam, a bio exam, a statistics exam, a sociology paper, and hundereds of pages of reading.

oh wait, that's a lot of stuff :([/quote]

Haha, yeah it sucks, I have 3 tests this week, a paper due next tuesday, then another test and two sections of a paper due during Wii week. Thankfully that's just about it for the semester besides finals.
[quote name='daroga']I might stop in to our local GS adn EB around here to see if anyone has the kiosk up yet.

Although, I don't want to play Excite Truck. It's borderline a game I want to buy and I fear that playing it will force me into blowing another $50 on a launch title racing game ;)[/QUOTE]

Seriously! I really don't care for racers that much at ALL. To me, they all seem to be the same thing! I can honestly say that this is actually fun. This actually made my list of "Wii Games to get CAG-Style". I personally wouldn't pay the $50 for it (due to not being a racing fan), but I kinda do want it.

So if you go play.. be prepared to spend another $50 ;)
[quote name='pop311']Once again, When Does Target Open On Sunday, The 19th Of November?[/quote]Depending on your Target, between 8 and 10 am I think. I'd call or stop in to yours to see if they might be doing something a little bit special for the Wii launch.
[quote name='lilboo']That's too funny. I didn't even notice that--and I guess no one else did. CLEARLY I meant the 5th ;)

...But wouldn't it be nice if it was the 15th when I posted that?[/quote]I noticed it, but didn't bother to make a post for some reason.
My anxiety comes from the fact that I'm worried that EB will somehow mess up on my preorder. I have the system, extra Wiimote, extra nunchuck and two games preorederd.

I did this with the Dreamcast at EB and had no problems at all. But after the horror stories regarding the 360 last year, it's hard not to worry a litte - even with a larger number of units.

I will be very relieved when I have the box in my hands.
I can second the guy's comment about his wife ready to kill him because he won't stop talking about it. My wife and I always take our vacation together and we're off the week of Thanksgiving. I'm not too sure that she knows what's going to happen, but at least for her I am getting two controllers. ;)

I'm so much on the fence of what to do though, I feel as though I'm going to explode. I have a pre-order thru but with standard shipping. If it ships on the 20th, I won't have it until Friday probably and I'll have wasted a vacation. So my plans currently are to go to Walmart Supercenter at 9pm on Saturday night and see what's going down. If it's a mad house, I'll just leave and drive by CC, BB, TRU, and Target to see how they look. Then if they don't look too bad, I'll probably just go by Target at 5am or so and hope for the best, knowing I have chances at the other locations also.

If I can secure one, an extra controller set, Zelda, and Madden before my order ships, I can just cancel it and be super happy that I'm playing on launch day.

Argh, I can't stop going over it in my head. The bad thing is on the 18th we are volunteering with the church at our local food bank and it's an all day affair, so my mind is going to be seriously wondering that day.
FYI, I am really pacing and checking my watch every 12 seconds and sighing and saying "Come on... COME ON!"..Just like Cartman did.

fuck waiting.
waiting for my last to refs to go green to get my free wii........ can't wait to check if my gamestop has the wii yet...
Ok this is a problem (ok it's NOT.. but hear me out)

I keep changing what games I'm getting on launch. LOL My BF is getting Trauma Center, and that's that. But I wanna get 2 games. They are between Zelda, Red Steel, Rayman, and Monkey Ball.

I know everyone is going to be like oMGZ get teh zelda. I do want it. But ever since I heard "70 hours".. I don't have that kind of time to be honest :(

I was originally getting "Zelda, Rayman, Trauma Center". Now I kinda want Red Steel a bit more, as well as Monkey Ball. Def can't afford it all.

Basically: 1 game that's an adventure (thats Red Steel or Zelda clearly) and a good multi-player/party game.. which clearly is Monkey Ball or Rayman.

Any help at all ?!
[quote name='lilboo']Ok this is a problem (ok it's NOT.. but hear me out)

I keep changing what games I'm getting on launch. LOL My BF is getting Trauma Center, and that's that. But I wanna get 2 games. They are between Zelda, Red Steel, Rayman, and Monkey Ball.

I know everyone is going to be like oMGZ get teh zelda. I do want it. But ever since I heard "70 hours".. I don't have that kind of time to be honest :(

I was originally getting "Zelda, Rayman, Trauma Center". Now I kinda want Red Steel a bit more, as well as Monkey Ball. Def can't afford it all.

Basically: 1 game that's an adventure (thats Red Steel or Zelda clearly) and a good multi-player/party game.. which clearly is Monkey Ball or Rayman.

Any help at all ?![/QUOTE]

I would imagine Monkey Ball is a better party game than Rayman, but I can't say for sure. Luckily you'll get Wii Sports either way, hm?

As for Zelda...get it. No, just get it. I was worried about not having time between school and work when I got Okami, but it's amazing how much itme oyu make for yourself when you've got a game THAT good (and, from what I can tell, Zelda will be even better than Okami was).
I know and I kinda figured that. To be honest, when I hear how "HUGE" a game is (by size of their world map), I get kinda turned off in a way. I just hate traveling and when there's SOO much and SOO many places to go and do and people to see, talk to and remember.. meh. But I am SURE it's a great game. I just hope it's not TOO long and it's not getting so much hype simply because it's "Legend of Zelda", ya know?

I enjoyed Wind Waker, very much actually. The sailing though.. UGH. It was SO boring. Cool in it's own little way..but that whole thing with the ocean being really large...kinda annoying. I just wanna play the game, not travel. That's just me.

BTW, I know Rayman isn't a party game.. and is more a mini-game.. game. Will the single player be pretty much doing mini games against the CPU?

Monkey Ball was my first Gamecube game ^_^ It's still a great game. I just hope they got the movment done near perfect with the wiimote. My biggest fear with that game, is that it'll be pretty awkward to move. But we'll see !!
I preordered zelda and super monkey ball to get the adventure and party in (party mainly meaning just me and my gf, but two players is good enough :p). I'm planning on picking up red steel with my remaining EB/GS credit to cover the fps. After that I'm really torn, I'm going to get a $25 GC from netwinner and use that with a GGC at Best buy to get another game for $20 and I'm pretty sure it's going to be excite truck, I'll check it out at EB soon hopefully and if I like it I'll definitely pick it up for $20 :p.

Since we're being total dorks, here's the list of games I'm considering/getting:
  • Zelda: TP
  • Super Monkey Ball: BB
  • Red Steel
  • Excite Truck -> Pretty sure I'll get it
  • Call of Duty 3
  • Trauma Center: Second Opinion
  • Metal Slug Anthology
  • Rayman Raving Rabbids
  • Need For Speed: Carbon
  • Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
  • DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Any other suggestions?
bread's done