The Official PlayStation Vita Thread - 11/4: FW 3.00 Coming Just in Time for the PS4 Launch!

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Yeah, I get paid by publishers and Sony. It's nice that you are fine with pulling the most ridiculous shit out of your ass to make your point.[/QUOTE]

You don't do what you do without compensation.

[quote name='Anexanhume']Yeah, the PS3 bombed after they removed PS2 support didn't it? :roll:[/QUOTE]

That's not a valid counter argument, as I didn't say the Vita will bomb. What you're arguing against is not, and has not been my point.

I'm still quite interested in the system, but like the bulk of people who eventually did not buy the PS3 at release, the up front cost is prohibitively expensive, and the offerings too meager to justify said cost.

There's no incentive for me to upgrade if I enjoy my PSP library.
There's no incentive for me to upgrade if I enjoy my large library of PSOne downloaded titles.

They've taken the most vile aspects of the current generation of games (diminished backwards compatibility, a la carte key unlocks sold as DLC, overpriced proprietary peripherals) and made that portable. $40 for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, $40 for Dungeon Hunter, $40 for Disgaea 3, $30 for a bare bones Ridge Racer? Appalling.

I'm hard pressed to find a good reason why I would buy this system at release. I am interested in the system. If I didn't care about spending money, if I had unlimited discretionary income, none of this would matter. But since Sony's pricing and feature strategy show, to me, contempt for a rational consumer and an overreliance on the blind faith of people who are unwilling to critically evaluate their purchasing decisions (i.e., I dare you and FriskyTanuki to list one feature of the Vita you're not excited about), I can wait.

It won't bomb, it'll be fine. Maybe they'll be luckier than Nintendo and not have to drop the price to $199 by October (or less!). Don't mistake me for a doomsayer; only a fool would mistake my words for saying the system is a dud (though 3G is yesterday's news, and won't be a relevant feature in the PS Vita in a year's time). I am saying that Sony clearly has not learned from the market share they ceded to Microsoft when they released the PS3 6 years ago, and that early adopters feed into Sony's continued hubris.
I've been plenty critical of Sony when there's reason to do so, though I know you don't care to pay attention to any of that and would rather just jump to conclusions and/or insults. I'm just not the type of person that will repeatedly post negative shit all over the place just to make sure everybody and their mother sees it, as I just say my opinion and move on to something else to make better use of my time. I run the PS Store threads in the PS3 and deals forums along with this thread and try to run them well so that I can help people out, so I tend to spend a good amount of time with those threads. Obviously, that's a bad thing since it means I spend more time in Sony-related threads than Nintendo or Microsoft-related threads. :whistle2:(

Myke just constantly insults me and calls me a fanboy at even the slightest hint of disagreement, or in this case out of nowhere with no discussion between either of us because he loves to make shit up all of the time. He believes that if I'm not in complete agreement of his opinions, then I must be a Sony shill.

The only time I've responded to you about Vita is when you've posted something that you've misunderstood, so I try to correct you so you're more informed. I've been plenty negative about the dumb things that Sony has done, but people like you and Myke just don't want to accept that.

Right now, I'm waiting for Sony to get off their ass and update the store so I can update the respective threads, but should I have to post this frustration everywhere so you guys can have some satisfaction in knowing that I don't have unending love for Sony? That's some Twitter-esque shit that helps nobody.
I have zero interest in activation laden crap, so that makes no difference.

All I care about is it's a new handheld, most powerful one ever by far (supposedly) and it has games you can actually own, and what appears to be a great bad. Wish the battery wasn't sealed, and I HOPE it works with they battery pulled, like the PSP and PS3 do, but the Nintendo systems don't.
What compensation, Myke? You know so much about me, so tell me why I buy 99% of my games and all of my consoles. If I'm getting paid for posting in this thread, then I should be pissed since I've yet to get a check or any kind of compensation.
[quote name='mykevermin']You don't do what you do without compensation.

That's not a valid counter argument, as I didn't say the Vita will bomb. What you're arguing against is not, and has not been my point.

I'm still quite interested in the system, but like the bulk of people who eventually did not buy the PS3 at release, the up front cost is prohibitively expensive, and the offerings too meager to justify said cost.

There's no incentive for me to upgrade if I enjoy my PSP library.
There's no incentive for me to upgrade if I enjoy my large library of PSOne downloaded titles.[/QUOTE]

When has there ever been incentive to adopt a new platform directly at launch? BC does nothing to expand titles available at launch or lower the price of entry. All it does is provide a way to play games you already owned and could already play. It's merely a convenience to not switch between systems or the ability to sell your old PSP for 50 bucks.

They've taken the most vile aspects of the current generation of games (diminished backwards compatibility, a la carte key unlocks sold as DLC, overpriced proprietary peripherals) and made that portable. $40 for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, $40 for Dungeon Hunter, $40 for Disgaea 3, $30 for a bare bones Ridge Racer? Appalling.
That's the entire industry. If you aren't ok with that on the Vita, why would you be ok with it on other systems?

I'm hard pressed to find a good reason why I would buy this system at release. I am interested in the system. If I didn't care about spending money, if I had unlimited discretionary income, none of this would matter. But since Sony's pricing and feature strategy show, to me, contempt for a rational consumer and an overreliance on the blind faith of people who are unwilling to critically evaluate their purchasing decisions (i.e., I dare you and FriskyTanuki to list one feature of the Vita you're not excited about), I can wait.
You want to know what I'm not excited about?

1) The cameras. I think augmented reality is a gimmick and the underpowered cameras are something no one would ever use seriously. The ability to take your own picture is a weak argument. You can always upload it to your PSN account if it's that important.

2) The required memory card for saving some games. A horseshit feature that there's no excuse for.

3) Non-removable battery. Makes 3rd party battery extenders unnecessarily large and awkward. Much rather have an extended battery door a la the PSP. I suppose the back touch panel complicates this, though. (Also disappointed with battery life).

4) The SoC. I actually think Sony should have delayed the vita so that it could launch with a chipset that featured cortex A15 CPU cores and "Rogue" ImgTec 600 series GPU cores.

5) Lack of shoulder bumpers. How hard is it to add little buttons to add R2/L2 compatibility?

6) The game prices. $40 should be the absolute maximum limit for a mobile game.

7) Sony's policy towards jailbreaks. If it does get jailbroken so I can load emulators, it will likely be locked to certain firmwares which will break my ability to play vita games if I want to have emulators.

8) Inflated accessory prices. Par for the course for consoles and handhelds though.

That's the short list, but I could go on.

It won't bomb, it'll be fine. Maybe they'll be luckier than Nintendo and not have to drop the price to $199 by October (or less!). Don't mistake me for a doomsayer; only a fool would mistake my words for saying the system is a dud (though 3G is yesterday's news, and won't be a relevant feature in the PS Vita in a year's time). I am saying that Sony clearly has not learned from the market share they ceded to Microsoft when they released the PS3 6 years ago, and that early adopters feed into Sony's continued hubris.
How do you figure constant network connectivity not a relevant feature?
Fair enough. You're clearly not compensated for your time. That's a rather comprehensive list of things to dislike about it.


nickel-and-diming is every console currently, certainly. I want Capcom to go out of business their practices make me so bloody angry sometimes. Anyway - the PSP didn't really deal with DLC all that much. It was there, but few games delved too deeply into it. Disgaea comes to mind, as does Dissidia. But to see that, with the Vita, there's already $40+ of DLC for UMvC3 makes me cringe. It's a future that really hadn't invaded portable space all that much - but the writing is on the wall for this to become the norm, where with the PSP it was the exception.

Constant network connectivity is not an *irrelevant* feature. 3G is. 3G is the past, sadly - in the Vita's case, the data limits, limited features while on 3G (which do make sense, I'll admit) and cost of the feature (the month to month cost, not so much the up front cost) make for a feature that simply lacks a utility or relevance. If it were 4G, that would be another issue altogether (and a much more expensive device, I suspect). So perhaps it's a catch-22: include a dated feature with limited utility, or include an advanced feature that raises the cost of the product.

It doesn't help that they're partnering with AT&T for the wireless feature, as they're avoiding 4G at their own peril.
[quote name='mykevermin']Fair enough. You're clearly not compensated for your time. That's a rather comprehensive list of things to dislike about it.


nickel-and-diming is every console currently, certainly. I want Capcom to go out of business their practices make me so bloody angry sometimes. Anyway - the PSP didn't really deal with DLC all that much. It was there, but few games delved too deeply into it. Disgaea comes to mind, as does Dissidia. But to see that, with the Vita, there's already $40+ of DLC for UMvC3 makes me cringe. It's a future that really hadn't invaded portable space all that much - but the writing is on the wall for this to become the norm, where with the PSP it was the exception.

Constant network connectivity is not an *irrelevant* feature. 3G is. 3G is the past, sadly - in the Vita's case, the data limits, limited features while on 3G (which do make sense, I'll admit) and cost of the feature (the month to month cost, not so much the up front cost) make for a feature that simply lacks a utility or relevance. If it were 4G, that would be another issue altogether (and a much more expensive device, I suspect). So perhaps it's a catch-22: include a dated feature with limited utility, or include an advanced feature that raises the cost of the product.

It doesn't help that they're partnering with AT&T for the wireless feature, as they're avoiding 4G at their own peril.[/QUOTE]

I can get behind this - the 3g isn't necessarily the bad part (that was actually smart imo - 3g coverage is finally reasonable and fairly thorough in a lot of areas whereas 4g is still spotty even in "covered" areas - neither are suitable for online realtime play anyhow), it's the over the top monthly cost that'll kill it. If they could've made it happen free whispernet style like kindle it would've been an awesome awesome feature - or geez, even a free add-on with existing at&t accounts could've gotten at&t some new business.

As it stands I can't imagine more than a handful of people will ever even look at it crosseyed.

Edit: It just occurred to me that I might be able to get FFIV Complete :psp: to play on the vita? Eep!
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[quote name='Anexanhume']No console/handheld maker has ever instituted a backwards compatibility program when the media type changes. The fact that Sony suggested it and then pulled out sucks, but it has no precedent.

GB and GBC games did not look like GBA games yet they played.

GBA games did not look like DS Games and they played.

[quote name='GizmoGC']GB and GBC games did not look like GBA games yet they played.

GBA games did not look like DS Games and they played.


Look at my other reply.
[quote name='chicagocubsfan']just so you guys know, uncharted is up for 27.99 on lockerz[/QUOTE]
What is Lockerz? The thread in the deals forum was deleted for some reason.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']What is Lockerz? The thread in the deals forum was deleted for some reason.[/QUOTE]

It's a site where you gain points doing various things, like filling out surveys and watching videos, etc. And use them towards discounts toward products.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
3) Non-removable battery. Makes 3rd party battery extenders unnecessarily large and awkward. Much rather have an extended battery door a la the PSP. I suppose the back touch panel complicates this, though. (Also disappointed with battery life).[/QUOTE]

This I did not know about and with such a short battery life there comes a need to charge more frequently which we all know decreases battery life, vicious circle. That 1 fact alone pushes me pretty far into the skeptic category moreso than any of the other issues I've had with the system. At least with something like the iPod or even the PS3 controller when it has a non-removable battery it has a decent battery life to go along with it.
[quote name='dallow']You can open the back and replace the battery.[/QUOTE]

I see that now. Nevermind then, nothing to see here...
After the UMD announcement that was the final nail; I canceled my preorder on Amazon. Frankly after playing it this weekend at GameStop I just can't see dropping the cash right now anyway.

I still want a vita in the long run, but I'm going to hold out for a better deal or a price drop. At this point in my life I don't have to have it day 1 and there is nothing making me want it right now.

Sorry if this has been said but im not looking at 70+ pages....The 3G model is a waste of money your better off getting a hotspot on 4g then paying for the limited ass data you get with the vita, and you can share the hotspot. In a world where I already pay cox and AT&T for access to the Internet I cant see paying another bill to get online.
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[quote name='Kfoster1979']I still want a vita in the long run, but I'm going to hold out for a better deal or a price drop. At this point in my life I don't have to have it day 1 and there is nothing making me want it right now.[/QUOTE]

That's really all I was saying last night.

Also, "ass data" made me chuckle.
[quote name='Scorch']Good to hear that you CAN replace the batteries. The latest article in GI analyzing the Vita said that you cannot.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've yet to see otherwise. Also, even if you can, is anyone going to sell a replacement battery?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've been plenty critical of Sony when there's reason to do so, though I know you don't care to pay attention to any of that and would rather just jump to conclusions and/or insults. I'm just not the type of person that will repeatedly post negative shit all over the place just to make sure everybody and their mother sees it, as I just say my opinion and move on to something else to make better use of my time. I run the PS Store threads in the PS3 and deals forums along with this thread and try to run them well so that I can help people out, so I tend to spend a good amount of time with those threads. Obviously, that's a bad thing since it means I spend more time in Sony-related threads than Nintendo or Microsoft-related threads. :whistle2:(

Myke just constantly insults me and calls me a fanboy at even the slightest hint of disagreement, or in this case out of nowhere with no discussion between either of us because he loves to make shit up all of the time. He believes that if I'm not in complete agreement of his opinions, then I must be a Sony shill.

The only time I've responded to you about Vita is when you've posted something that you've misunderstood, so I try to correct you so you're more informed. I've been plenty negative about the dumb things that Sony has done, but people like you and Myke just don't want to accept that.

Right now, I'm waiting for Sony to get off their ass and update the store so I can update the respective threads, but should I have to post this frustration everywhere so you guys can have some satisfaction in knowing that I don't have unending love for Sony? That's some Twitter-esque shit that helps nobody.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm didnt we just have this conversation a month or so ago. Seems a lot of people have to regularly accuse you of bias. No offense man, but the people tossing around those accusations are hardly those to toss em around just to toss em around. You do seem to defend Sony at every turn and cant seem to stand people pointing out negatives about the vita, PS+ or other Sony products/services.

Anyways. I still want a Vita but I too will be waiting for price drops now. No backwards compatibility, crappy memory card prices and sizes and some other issues just make paying $350+ for this system(sorry with a decent sized memory card that IS the price) a joke. I hope the Vita does well, but I hope it does well in the sense that the 3DS has done well. Crash and burn, heavy price drop then pick up lots of support making it viable. I mean when they announced the Vita and at $250 I was HYPED. I wanted one instantly. So that want has hardly died...its just laying wounded under a bush somewhere because of all Sonys fuck ups....but hey it wouldnt be a Sony launch without major fuck ups....I had just hoped they learned a lesson from the PS3.

This is the instructions for replacing the battery. I would argue this is not what most users had in mind (opening the shell of the entire device with screws). It merely seems Sony is providing instructions on how to do it and stating it will not violate your warranty.
Any idea if we'll start to see Vita stuff show up on PS+?

Give me some coupons and whatnot, and we can start talking about finding something appealing about this hardware again.

All PSN stuff (currently) is eligible to show up via PS+, so I don't see why Vita items would be excluded.

I also know, however, that Sony knows how to ruin a good thing.

At CES, we scored a backstage demo of Table Soccer, one of three augmented reality games that show off PS Vita’s Wide Area Augmented Reality capability.

Today, Sony Santa Monica Sr. Manager Dave Thach returns with two new augmented reality games, Fireworks and Cliff Diving. Both are part of the Augmented Reality Suite coming exclusively to PS Vita on Feb 22nd on PSN for free. Also, packaged with your PS Vita will be six AR cards which will also work with Reality Fighters, and other great AR experiences.

Fireworks transforms the world around you into a firework display where you’ll literally touch the apex of the firework for multipliers, combos and points. Cliff Diving introduces you to diver Dave, where you’ll have him diving off your coffee table into a virtual body of water.

Before you check out this video, make sure you watch our very first tour with Table Soccer which completes the AR Suite on PS Vita.

Instead of telling you more, I’ll let Dave Thach show you!
[quote name='Anexanhume']A hard look at the potential loss of sales due to lack of backwards compatibility on Vita sales:

Personally, I don't know if the sample size from the industry is enough (especially given the market has been largely nintendo dominated), but it's an interesting discussion nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

I know part of the reason I got a PS3 when I did was because I could play PS2 games on it (as my PS2 just stopped playing blue back discs entirely, and had off and on trouble with others), but honestly I barely cracked open a PS2 (if at all) once I got more than 2 PS3 games (and even then the PS2 games I played most were Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man X Collection). In hindsight if I had never got BC, it wouldn't have been an issue at all.

I have about 8 UMD games, and I really can't imagine wanting to play any of them over the Vita games I'll get at launch, and it will only get less desirable once PSOne games from PSN become useable. Worst comes to worse, I'll just play my UMD games on my PSP if I really get the hankering to play one of them.
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[quote name='MSI Magus']Hmmm didnt we just have this conversation a month or so ago. Seems a lot of people have to regularly accuse you of bias. No offense man, but the people tossing around those accusations are hardly those to toss em around just to toss em around. You do seem to defend Sony at every turn and cant seem to stand people pointing out negatives about the vita, PS+ or other Sony products/services.[/QUOTE]
They are the kind of people that just like to troll me and start shit for no real reason, as I know Myke's done it plenty of times in the past over nothing.

I can tell that you don't come around here much if you think I defend Sony at every turn when I barely even respond to people with negative opinions. It's fine if you have negative things to say about Vita or Sony as this thread is for discussion of any kind, but if you're just posting to start shit with people with no intentions of having a discussion, you're just a troll. If I'm remembering correctly, you tend to call anybody that doesn't have the same opinions as you a fanboy because they're either with you or with Sony.
[quote name='Scorch']Good to hear that you CAN replace the batteries. The latest article in GI analyzing the Vita said that you cannot.[/QUOTE]
I remember reading one of their Vita features that mentioned that it could play PS2 games from the PS Store, so they don't always have all of the facts.
[quote name='mykevermin']Any idea if we'll start to see Vita stuff show up on PS+?
Give me some coupons and whatnot, and we can start talking about finding something appealing about this hardware again.
All PSN stuff (currently) is eligible to show up via PS+, so I don't see why Vita items would be excluded.
I also know, however, that Sony knows how to ruin a good thing.[/QUOTE]
They've said that they're considering it, though I'd hope that it would be more than just games. Cloud saves with an increase in alotted space would be a good start, though I'm not sure what else on the OS features side would be a good fit for PS+.

I'd agree that for most people, the reality is the same....even if you have lots of older games, you will likely only end up playing a few of them on the new device.

However, I think the backward compatibility goes a LONG way towards getting people to adopt the new platform sooner rather than later, because you know you have the option of playing the older games without keeping and lugging around two devices. It also makes the new device more affordable, because many people will sell their old device and use the money to pay for the new device, knowing they can still play their old games (if they want to).

With backward compatibility, you create a situation where people are encouraged to stick with your platform because they won't lose their previous investment. Without backward compatibility, you create a situation where you encourage the consumer to consider switching to another platform because they can't leverage any of their previous investments so from that standpoint, all platforms should be considered.

It is often not the best technology that wins, but the best marketed technology, and backward compatibility is a GREAT marketing tool. Regardless of whether it is actually used by the consumer or not, it makes the purchase decision easier (or less risky) and allows you to say things at launch like "can play hundreds of games you may already own!". Nintendo has done a great job with this, especially the GBA/DS/3DS....Sony, not so much.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']I'd agree that for most people, the reality is the same....even if you have lots of older games, you will likely only end up playing a few of them on the new device.

However, I think the backward compatibility goes a LONG way towards getting people to adopt the new platform sooner rather than later, because you know you have the option of playing the older games without keeping and lugging around two devices. It also makes the new device more affordable, because many people will sell their old device and use the money to pay for the new device, knowing they can still play their old games (if they want to).

With backward compatibility, you create a situation where people are encouraged to stick with your platform because they won't lose their previous investment. Without backward compatibility, you create a situation where you encourage the consumer to consider switching to another platform because they can't leverage any of their previous investments so from that standpoint, all platforms should be considered.

It is often not the best technology that wins, but the best marketed technology, and backward compatibility is a GREAT marketing tool. Regardless of whether it is actually used by the consumer or not, it makes the purchase decision easier (or less risky) and allows you to say things at launch like "can play hundreds of games you may already own!". Nintendo has done a great job with this, especially the GBA/DS/3DS....Sony, not so much.[/QUOTE]
Considering the back touch screen, I don't see how the Vita could've been made to be backwards compatible without making the system considerably thicker and more costly, if it could've even been done at all.

The software format is just considerably different, not like the DS and 3DS.

It'd be akin to the Gamecube allowing BC with N64 games IMO. Just not realistic or feasible.
[quote name='pjb16']Considering the back touch screen, I don't see how the Vita could've been made to be backwards compatible without making the system considerably thicker and more costly, if it could've even been done at all.

The software format is just considerably different, not like the DS and 3DS.

It'd be akin to the 64 allowing BC with SNES games IMO. Just not realistic or feasible.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on the hardware issues, which is why it's disappointing they won't be offering the conversion option for UMD->PSN (even with a fee). In spite of at least partially addressing this in Japan, they've once again failed to do anything on this front outside of Japan.

The unfortunate reality is that UMDs were one of the stupidest design decisions ever made by a gaming company and we (Sony and its consumers) are all suffering (and continue to suffer) the consequences of that decision. Sales of the PSP Go suffered as a result, as will the Vita (though probably not to the same degree as the PSP Go).

As far as the GameCube is concerned, even with that, Nintendo came out with the GamBoy Player for the GameCube, which added hundreds of games you could potentially play on your GameCube. How many people actually used one? Doesn't really matter that much because as I said before, it's great for marketing your product and it does increase sales of the base product even if the add-on isn't a huge success.
The PSP shouldn't have had a UMD drive IMO. Sony just didn't want to pay the high price per MB for flash storage back in 2005 given their relative size to DS games.
[quote name='Anexanhume']The PSP shouldn't have had a UMD drive IMO. Sony just didn't want to pay the high price per MB for flash storage back in 2005 given their relative size to DS games.[/QUOTE]

I disagree on this... Even on 2004 when the psp was in devolpment flash memory was coming down in price. For an OEM it was well under 5 bucks a GB and UMDs only held 1.8gb max. Sony and the devs could have used flash cards of some type at that time for not much money. As I have read the history It was media (read movie studios) that pushed the UMD becuse studios would not get behind there films on a flash card, and remember the PITA that getting videos to the psp was back then. The PSP was a little ahead of it time in 2005, but by 2007 (iPod touch and iphone) was obsolete. Apple helped push a digital model Sony wanted and used internal flash to do it.
For me, the backwards compatibility is a non-issue. I have played a combination of, maybe, 5 PS2, Xbox, and PS1 games on either my PS3 or 360 since each console launched. I still have my original PSP, and I'll use it to play my PSP games. I'll use my Vita to play Vita games. It's really that simple.
[quote name='dallow']That's to switch accounts which isn't what he was asking.

To use another memory card on your same account you just pop one in.[/QUOTE]
oh nice, thanks. also switching accounts looks like a bitch.
So is there a reason why they couldnt allow you to play all PS3 PSN games that are purely PSN games (i.e. they were not originally disc based releases)? Anyone heard or know if they would develop this as a feature or functionaltiy?

I ask because it seems the Vita is powerful enough to play all PSN games, so why not allow users to play every game across platforms? Wouldnt it mean more sales thus more reason to develop for PSN etc.?
Just because the Vita is much more powerful than the PSP doesn't mean it is as powerful as the PS3. Additionally, games compiled for the PS3 would need to be rebuilt to work on the Vita...that takes a good amount of time, effort and money, so it would only make sense if they could make more money doing that than developing and selling NEW games. Given the market for new games is much greater than it is for rehased versions of old games, I'm pretty sure they'll focus on the new games.

Running PSP games is being handled through a PSP emulator running on the Vita, so it was just a one-time development effort to write the emulator. However, you can't just write a PS3 emulator for the Vita since the machine running the emulator needs to be more powerful than the machine being emulated for it to work at the proper speed.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']
Running PSP games is being handled through a PSP emulator running on the Vita, so it was just a one-time development effort to write the emulator.[/QUOTE]
I'm not so sure that the PSP emulator is a one time dev effort. So far only a small fraction of the PSP games on PSN are available on Vita, many of them are missing and can not be installed even from ones download list.

It's starting to looking eerily similar to the PS2 emulator on PS3. We all know how well that ended up.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Just because the Vita is much more powerful than the PSP doesn't mean it is as powerful as the PS3. Additionally, games compiled for the PS3 would need to be rebuilt to work on the Vita...that takes a good amount of time, effort and money, so it would only make sense if they could make more money doing that than developing and selling NEW games. Given the market for new games is much greater than it is for rehased versions of old games, I'm pretty sure they'll focus on the new games.

Running PSP games is being handled through a PSP emulator running on the Vita, so it was just a one-time development effort to write the emulator. However, you can't just write a PS3 emulator for the Vita since the machine running the emulator needs to be more powerful than the machine being emulated for it to work at the proper speed.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for that info.

I get that the Vita isnt as powerful as a PS3 but most if not all PSN games that were not original disc based arent taking up much power of the PS3. So while I get that they would have to rework old games to work on Vita and that might not be worthwhile, would it take much effort to allow any new PSN releases to work on both Vita and PS3? And I am talking PSN games that the Vita is clearly powerful enough to handle. Not games like Crysis 2 which is on PSN but was developed with PS3 horsepower in mind.
[quote name='wrencrest']Thanks for that info.

I get that the Vita isnt as powerful as a PS3 but most if not all PSN games that were not original disc based arent taking up much power of the PS3. So while I get that they would have to rework old games to work on Vita and that might not be worthwhile, would it take much effort to allow any new PSN releases to work on both Vita and PS3? And I am talking PSN games that the Vita is clearly powerful enough to handle. Not games like Crysis 2 which is on PSN but was developed with PS3 horsepower in mind.[/QUOTE]

Well, devs aren't going to want to do that; make old games Vita compatible. They're going to re-release the same game and charge for it. Two examples so far are Super Stardust Delta (yes there are some new features - this game is awesome btw) and Plants vs Zombies (really just the PS3 version at a new Vita price).

Certain games will be PS3/Vita compatible out of the box per say; when you buy Motorstorm RC you will get both the Vita and PS3 versions for one price. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']Is Dragon's Crown also going to be a both version for one price game? Am I imagining hearing that?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't sound like it; but would be nice!

Dragon’s Crown also features PlayStation 3 and Vita connectivity. If you have both versions you can transfer your data from a PS3 game over to Vita and continue to play Dragon’s Crown with the same character wherever you are.
bread's done