The Official PSN Tetris. New and Old welcome!


Tetris for the PSN finally came out. It's got some great multiplayer that is lag free, has nice mic support and lots of modes including a pretty damn good team battle mode which includes attackers and defenders. Anyone up for some games? Just add your name here so we can get some good games going. Goes up to six players for timed battle modes and four for team battle or standard battle.

Things to know about PSN Tetris.

In Battle mode you have to fight against everyone. The timer circle that's on opponents is who your're attacking. You do not know who is attacking you, but you will know who you're attacking. This is one of the standard modes as you're basically in it for yourself. Some key things to note

How to send lines to other people.

One line only clears it on your side.
Two lines sends one line to your opponent
Three lines sends two lines to your opponent
Four lines sends four lines to your opponent

Why not do all tetrises? Very good question. It can be a viable strategy but it also leaves you vulnerable because they just need a straight line and can send it right back to you.

Some viable strategies while playing battle are mixing up twos and threes. That way you send one line or two lines at a time, but if you alternate order you also don't make the pattern predictable hence making it a lot harder to counter. So you can send a pattern of 2-3-2-2-3-2-3-3-3 to send them one line, two lines, one line, one line, two lines, one line, two, two and finally two. Because a Tetris was not sent, the lines you sent will be scattered everywhere making it harder to get doubles or triples on them if you played your lines properly.

Another viable strategy to keep in mind is the counter. If someone sends you a full tetris, and you send a tetris back to them, you effectively counter them and the tetris is not sent to your side. Having a tetris you can access at a given moment can essentially let you counter most of what your opponent dishes to you.

Team Battle

In this mode, you are in a team of two versus two. You can either be an attacker or a defender. You can start off with two attackers, two defenders, or an attacker or defender. A good starting point is to start off with two attackers and to switch as needed. You press triangle during gameplay to switch between the characters. An attacker sends black lines to the opponent. A defender removes black lines from your side. Teamwork is essential to succeed in this mode. It's a constant game of switching between defense and offense. Another fun bit about Team battle is that your rank actually decreases for losing games so there's more of an incentive to properly work with your team mate.
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The 2-player co-op mode is brutal. It's an instant argument starter.

There is another special mode in single player where you are only able to drop bricks on 1 side of the sceen at a time. It's a lot of fun.
I really like some of the varients in this game. It adds new twists to an old classic. The treadmill one and the split mode (where you can only drop on one side at a time) you have to think more of where you are placing blocks.
I was on the other night playing against random people online. Some of them didn't seem to understand that they needed to clear more than one line at a time. It took a few times before I found someone challenging to play against but boy once I did it was fun.
I'm not crazy about the music, it's not terrible but I find some of the remixes annoying.
Anyway, my PSN name is EspressoSnail if anyone wants to add me. I'll send you lines! Lots of lines!
Am I crazy or did anyone else see the deal thread regarding Amazon selling Tetris codes for $5? I went back the next day and couldn't find the thread no matter how hard I searched and I can't find it on the Amazon PSN store.
i searched the forums and don't see anything about a 5 dollar one... You may be thinking of the mini that came out earlier in the year.
I'm thinking it might have been a scam and the thread removed. I know I saw it because I planned on getting it at the half off price.
I would be down if there was some sort of CAG night or at least a listing of interested players. Sorry I didn't play Tetris last night, was in the MvC2 lab.
bread's done