The Official Rant About Gamestop Thread!!

I really don't understand how people shop there. I'm going on 3 years since setting foot in a gamestop or any other game store and don't see myself going back anytime soon.

I'll stick to Best Buy, Target etc. for stuff I want to buy locally and keep getting most of my games off of Amazon or Goozex (which also takes care of my game trading needs).
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Oh my fucking god! Human error![/QUOTE]

LIES! Humans don't work at gamestop... Seriously though, "human error" is not an excuse when doing a semi-trained monkey job. This is not quantum mechanics. It's not that hard to make sure the title of what's in the case matches the title on the outside of the case, or, you know, to check to see if there's actually anything in the case. If they didn't sell so many used "new" games, the second case wouldn't have happened. That said, why the fuck are you buying stuff at gamestop anyway? I only buy from there like twice a year when there's a deal I just can't pass up. There is no reason, at all, to be buying full price stuff there, unless you HAD to have some fucking shitty MP maps THAT bad. On the other hand, I don't think there's a retailer, online or B&M, other than Target that I've NOT had a problem with in the last few months. I running out of places to shop...

Edit: Um, what kind of fucking tool takes a display case up to the counter anyway? If they don't hand me a sealed copy when I ask, I'm out the door. And seriously, there's no excusing their behavior, but you KNOW they're fucking apathetic morons. You SHOULD have checked the title on the first case yourself before leaving the store. I never even pay for something used until I checked the condition, which, you know, you could, oh, I don't know, make sure it's the right GAME in the process.
I don't shop at GS simply because I can't stand their horrid open game case garbage. I mean GS is a huge, successful company that has profits skyrocketing and you're telling me they can't ask publishers or distributors or whoever to throw in some empty game cases? Probably what's worse is that when they open them up they're stuffed into drawers where the disc gets all scratched up. My first and last DRE to the point the game wouldn't start came from GS. And don't even get me started on the trade policy...ugh. I've been in one maybe a handful of times this year so far and it was only to see if they had a Hori stick I'd been having my eye on in the clearance bin or marked down.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Oh my fucking god! Human error![/quote]

Even better...human error from employees who make a pitiful hourly wage! The insanity!!! What kind of folks do people honestly think work at GameStop?

[quote name='dmaul1114']I really don't understand how people shop there.[/quote]

It's quite easy. I go in, I give them legal tender, they give me games, and then I leave.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Oh my fucking god! Human error![/QUOTE]

Ehh, considering part of their job is opening cases and removing games you would think it would occur to them to put the game back in the case.
[quote name='rainking187']Ehh, considering part of their job is opening cases and removing games you would think it would occur to them to put the game back in the case.[/quote]

Yes, it should occur to them. Thus, the human error part.
Gamestop- Opened new games.....yeah I am never to thrilled about getting them but I also look at it from the other side.....the one perk the employees get is to check out one copy of the newer games......small perk when you consider you work a job that you make absolutly no wages and have to deal with children and the likes of some of you.( Just ask for a sealed copy if they hand you the opened one and you dont want it....if they dont have it either take your buisness elsewhere or you have nothing to complain about)

As for work quality same at GS as it is everywhere in the retail,manufactering, and resturant get a few great workers, a decent amount of average workers and a few bad eggs......At least in every job in those fields that I have worked. Construction wasnt as bad but it was kind of hard for the hacks to hide in that field

On buying used games from them- I have noticed they have gotten a little better disc condition wise but that may be due to the demographic ranges getting older. If you are that conserned with it ask to see the disc I am sure they will be fine with that.Personally I have only gotten 2 games from them that were screwed up and they replaced and or refunded my purchase the next time I brought it in...and yes they have forgot to put the game in the case for me before but again they did not hesitate when I went back in to explain what happened.

On trading in games- You already know going in that you could get more selling to/through another medium, so you shouldnt be suprised with the prices you get. (You have to remember they are the middleman on secondhand games in this instance and it has to be worth it for them as a retailer to bother with it)

On other game stores- Yes other stores were nice but ultimately Gamestop did well enough to buy them out therefore the perks that these other chains had costs them in the end....and yes I too miss funcoland but I am not going to lose sleep over them now that they are gone.....Really in this day in age if you are blessed enough to be able to even type on these boards then you also have acess to 90% more video game retailers, websites, ect, ect then many of us had in the early 90s and before back then you had K-mart, Sears, Toys R Us, flee markets and if you were lucky a dedicated gamestore or game exchange in your area/town

And In the event something does go wrong your first mistake is talking to the employees with an attitude before even giving them a chance to make it right and or explain. Treat them the same as you want to be treated......sounds a little wishy washy but it works 99% of the time

Long read I am sure I missed some points and am sure I will quoted and hated on in this thread for telling it like it is but what can you do.
[quote name='Shady3011']Why the fuck would you bump a thread after one minute?[/quote] THere was another person complaining about gs who made a topic about it. I posted in there topic to post here, and bumped this thread.
Someone then merged the other person's topic with this thread.
[quote name='MouthBreather82']Long read I am sure I missed some points and am sure I will quoted and hated on in this thread for telling it like it is but what can you do.[/quote]

Actually, this place isn't not as vehemently anti-GS as you would expect. Plenty of us shop there and trade stuff to them (just check out the weekly GS threads), when we are getting the better end of the deal. For example, where else was I getting a $70 120GB 360 HDD? So, yeah, you might catch some flack from the GS haters, but not too much. Most of us realize what GS is and deal with them accordingly.
[quote name='david12795']I ONLY buy stuff there at Gamestop if they have an item that is hard to come by and cheap instead of stuff that are expensive online.[/quote]
Good luck with that, as GameStop usually charges around the same amount as online sellers do. They also overcharge on stuff that ISN'T rare.

.hack//Quarantine - $39.99
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis - $39.99
Marvel vs Capcom 2 - $79.99Sniper Elite - $39.99

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis - $29.99
Marvel vs Capcom 2 - $59.99
Sniper Elite - $29.99

DDR Mario Mix (w/o pad) - $39.99
Pikmin - $24.99
Pikmin 2 - $39.99

Major League Baseball - $37.99
Pokemon Emerald - $34.99
Pokemon Fire Red - $29.99
Pokemon Leaf Green - $29.99
Pokemon Ruby - $34.99
Pokemon Sapphire - $29.99
Super Mario Bros. - $29.99
Super Mario Bros. 2: Super Mario Advance - $24.99
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 - $24.99

Hell, $19.99 for a game that was never released is too much. :razz:
I rarely go to GS. I can't stand the employees how they try to push pre-orders on you.

I have a good amount of store credit from tradin' in a pile of games over the summer though. I wanted to get rid of them asap so GS was the best choice. Once I use up that credit, I won't have to deal with them until another big sale arises that I can benefit from.
[quote name='MouthBreather82']( Just ask for a sealed copy if they hand you the opened one and you dont want it....if they dont have it either take your buisness elsewhere or you have nothing to complain about)[/quote]
Heh, this is what I do, at which point the clerk gets the "Oh, it's one of those collector fruits" smirk on his face, and proceeds to lecture me about how it doesn't make any difference anyway, and how I'm never going to find [Game X] sealed because it's totally out of print and I should just take what I can get and be grateful. :)
-When the say "We cant find the game in the drawer" line
-Bootleg GBA/DS Games
-Forced Subscripitond/Reserves
-Overpricing on certain Games
-Throwng out Game Cases
-The fact That Pokemon GBA Games are overpriced (Lucky i have em all except for Ruby,Crystal,Platinum)
Some of these guys there are a bit sexist and predjudice against people who may dress like they rolled out of bed, not because of laziness, but because said person, being me, had a fever of 100.3 and severe bronchitis but needed a gaming fix.

This past Thursday, I go in wearing I think some kind of Pajama bottoms, (too bad they weren't my nintendo ones...i'd have gotten treated better maybe) and a hoodie....I look like death warmed over basically and couldn't talk above a whisper. I go to trade in Sega Superstars Tennis that came with my arcade 360. She looks at me and says Oh we dont take this. after not telling me that over the phone when I called. When I called she said I can't tell you over the phone what the value is....implying it did have some sort of value.

So I just take the game and start looking at DS display boxes of soon to be released games, and I start coughing really hard, get dizzy and fall against a display case. She and the other clerk never even looked up. :bomb:

Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't have been out in the first place, but try being cooped up in an apartment with a hyperactive puppy who wants to use your body as a jungle gym and trampoline while you try to sleep off your fever. You would want to escape also.
[quote name='pika23']Some of these guys there are a bit sexist and predjudice against people who may dress like they rolled out of bed, not because of laziness, but because said person, being me, had a fever of 100.3 and severe bronchitis but needed a gaming fix.

This past Thursday, I go in wearing I think some kind of Pajama bottoms, (too bad they weren't my nintendo ones...i'd have gotten treated better maybe) and a hoodie....I look like death warmed over basically and couldn't talk above a whisper. I go to trade in Sega Superstars Tennis that came with my arcade 360. She looks at me and says Oh we dont take this. after not telling me that over the phone when I called. When I called she said I can't tell you over the phone what the value is....implying it did have some sort of value.

So I just take the game and start looking at DS display boxes of soon to be released games, and I start coughing really hard, get dizzy and fall against a display case. She and the other clerk never even looked up. :bomb:

Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't have been out in the first place, but try being cooped up in an apartment with a hyperactive puppy who wants to use your body as a jungle gym and trampoline while you try to sleep off your fever. You would want to escape also.

So your mad that a corporation wouldn't help you out when it was YOUR choice to leave your house when you are very ill, etc. You were not forced to go anywhere so dont look for sympathy when it shouldnt be there. I am sure if I was in their situation I wouldn't go near you because I would not want to get sick. Your reasoning is laughable.
[quote name='THoward7382']So your mad that a corporation wouldn't help you out when it was YOUR choice to leave your house when you are very ill, etc. You were not forced to go anywhere so dont look for sympathy when it shouldnt be there. I am sure if I was in their situation I wouldn't go near you because I would not want to get sick. Your reasoning is laughable.[/quote]
Nice job ignoring what she said.
She called first to ask about trading in a particular game. If the game is not going to be accepted, it isn't breaking the "we can't give you values over the phone" rule to say it isn't something they accept on trade. Sick isn't really the issue with the complaint. Sick or not, that was some poor customer service by GS.
I witnessed a kid trading in his original fat PSP at a local GS, and overheard a trade in transaction going down. She offered him $10 for it, and he was actually going to go through with it. Luckily for me, she had to call corporate since the PSP was missing a battery cover and had to give the kid a hard time for the missing battery cover, claiming she may have to offer less than 10$ for it. I stepped in right there and offered the kid 20$ for it and he happily sold it to me outside of the store. I'm not sure if the employees of the store are dumber than the people who trade in things there.
So I tried to do a return on the defective BK Nuts and bolts in store today and they were really rude to me and they said that the "packing slip" I had was not the receipt because it does not have a bar code.

Note, the return policy was printed on a double UPS label and attached to it and they tried to remove and keep that part when they gave me back the slip...This is the only paper that was included with the game and package.

I asked the guy and lady to call corporate and they simply would not do it, then I asked for the District Manager and they said " sorry that is private information" All I wanted was another copy of the game.

They said that this was the label used to return my game to the wherehouse, but who the fuck makes a return label with the PRICE AND fuckING NAME OF THE GAME ON THE LABEL AND THE fuckING RETURN POLICY PRINTED ON IT.(they tried to KEEP the second label with the return policy printed on it)

Did I mention what else was printed on the label they included with the game?

"thank you for the order we appreciate your business"

Also, I asked the lady "so what am I supposed to do with this game"..."You wanna trade it in?"...She asked me to trade in a defective game.

Seriously after I talk to the District Manager AND corporate I am going to walk into the store, get my game and I am going to glitter the entire store. I bought a gallon of glitter today for 6$. I am done with gamestop, they are never getting a single cent from me EVER.
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I finally tracked down a copy of KORG DS-10 today and the EBGames clerk said it was "new." of course they open their games, but I figured I better bite the bullet, as they say, since it's so damn hard to find. While chatting, he mentioned the staff had been playing the game in the store. it wasn't until I got home did i realize they were talking about MY COPY.

And this game has no memory wipe feature that i can find. So all the settings, patterns and FX need to be manually gone through and set back to zero, and that is not easy with this game.
[quote name='Persona7']So I tried to do a return on the defective BK Nuts and bolts in store today and they were really rude to me and they said that the "packing slip" I had was not the receipt because it does not have a bar code.

Note, the return policy was printed on a double UPS label and attached to it and they tried to remove and keep that part when they gave me back the slip...This is the only paper that was included with the game and package.

I asked the guy and lady to call corporate and they simply would not do it, then I asked for the District Manager and they said " sorry that is private information" All I wanted was another copy of the game.

They said that this was the label used to return my game to the wherehouse, but who the fuck makes a return label with the PRICE AND fuckING NAME OF THE GAME ON THE LABEL AND THE fuckING RETURN POLICY PRINTED ON IT.(they tried to KEEP the second label with the return policy printed on it)

Did I mention what else was printed on the label they included with the game?

"thank you for the order we appreciate your business"

Also, I asked the lady "so what am I supposed to do with this game"..."You wanna trade it in?"...She asked me to trade in a defective game.

Seriously after I talk to the District Manager AND corporate I am going to walk into the store, get my game and I am going to glitter the entire store. I bought a gallon of glitter today for 6$. I am done with gamestop, they are never getting a single cent from me EVER.[/QUOTE]

I've had no problem returning an item bought from the website to a B&M location using the packing slip. I've done it several times without issue. Try it at another location perhaps?
Not a rant, but I was finally able to get the "shopworn" discount today on a game I bought. I've tried before and was denied.

A GS about 40 minutes away still had a "new"copy Digital Devil Saga 2. I get to the store and find the copy...unfortunately it was disc only with a crappy generic case. I ask the clerk since the game is "new," but disc only, can I get a discount. He was hesitant at first, but agreed with me after finding the disc.

This is the 2nd time I broke my cardinal rule shopping at GS which is buying only complete games. But, the game is hard to find and two other GSs that do have it are too far from me to go to.

I'll probably contact Atlus and see if they still have any manuals and coverart for the game.
Everytime I call or go into a Gamestop about twenty miles away there is always this douche bag of an assistant manager working who is just a dick and clearly has no people skills and will be at gamestop the rest of his life.

Me: Do you guys have any copies of wii sports
Him: Uh ya
Me: Oh how many do you have it will be a short drive
Him: ah a couple
Me: Well how many is a couple two or three or what?
Him: Let me check

Is it really that hard to just count how many copies you have or search for it in a computer
Gamestop guts new games. They're never going to stop doing it, either. But how do they make it worse? How about sticking price stickers on the actual cover artwork (rather than the plastic case cover). At least the stickers could be removed fairly easy from the plastic. On the art work - not so much on the one I tried. It left a messy, sticky residue and I'd rather not put some Goo Gone on it for fear and completely ruining the artwork.

So yeah, the game's new even though the disc's been handled, scuffed, scratched, played, and taken home by an employee; and the cover artwork's fucked up because of the multiple stickers under the plastic covering. Not to mention little Johnny's chocolate fingerprints on the cover and manual.

And the general smell of ass in the store.

But yeah, I'll keep shopping there, just not for "new" games.
Gotta rant. Apparently doesn't understand exchanges. I emailed them about it and was told to write "Return for Exchange" on the packing slip in big letters and return the game. What did I get in the mail today? A gift card. So now I have to order the game again myself and hope they don't resend me the copy I just returned.
[quote name='rainking187']Gotta rant. Apparently doesn't understand exchanges. I emailed them about it and was told to write "Return for Exchange" on the packing slip in big letters and return the game. What did I get in the mail today? A gift card. So now I have to order the game again myself and hope they don't resend me the copy I just returned.[/quote]

You can return an online order to the B&M store. I would just do that to not deal with the wait ya know.
[quote name='s2k']You can return an online order to the B&M store. I would just do that to not deal with the wait ya know.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I assumed it would be a simple process, I send the game back they send me a new copy, like every other retailer I've ever dealt with. Returning it in store then using the credit to order it online again seemed like a lot of work, I didn't realize I'd basically be doing just that.
Today I went into a Gamestop to burn some credit on a new copy of Rule of Rose for my girlfriend. Suspiciously, the only new case was one of those used cases with a new sticker on it. I wondered for a second, "Wow, perhaps they're keeping the last sealed copy at the front?"


The guy pulls out a disc sleeve and puts it on top of the used case. Can he be serious?

GS employee: Well it's covered by our return policy as if new...
Me: Wait... if that's new, then where's the case and manual?
GS: Someone must have stolen it, but it's brand new and hasn't been played...
Me: Then I have no interest in it because it's not complete, thus not new.

If I felt like it, I could just drive to another Gamestop and hunt down a complete used copy for $13 (after edge/coupon). Whatever, I'll just buy it somewhere else.
The Gamestop I frequent isn't that bad -- even though I bought a gutted Final Fantasy Tactics PSP game today. :bomb:

Most of the folks at the store I go to seem pretty cool -- we all crack jokes about having to deal with idiot customers (I work in a call center) and having kids freaking out about Dragon Ball and Dora or something. It's like a college dorm except they get paid less.

I did joke about viewing on DSi browser and they apparently got it.
[quote name='rainking187']Yeah, but I assumed it would be a simple process, I send the game back they send me a new copy, like every other retailer I've ever dealt with. Returning it in store then using the credit to order it online again seemed like a lot of work, I didn't realize I'd basically be doing just that.[/quote]

Returning whatever IN STORE is alot of work? I mean, unless you're looking for some uber rare game that NO Gamestop within 100 miles of you has in stock, it's just a hell of a lot easier to return IN STORE and then rebuy IN STORE while there.

What were you trying to return and didn't they have any listed for any of your local stores?
Thanks to the good ppl at CAG, I learned that I can hold on to my store credit as long as I want. SMH @ some GS employee lyin' to me sayin' my store credit would be wiped out if I didn't renew my card. fuck a Edge discount. I have nothin' left to trade in anyway lol. Once I spend up the rest of that balance on the card, I'm pretty much done with those idiots.

[Hollywood]GameStop can stick it brother![/Hogan]
I only picked up an Edge card when I was doing the massive flipping from Hollywood Video to GS because it gave me an extra 10% bump on top of the 30-40% promo that I was getting in on at the time.

Otherwise, I'd never buy the damn thing either. The way it is, the fuckin' moron entering my info(from my LICENSE, which had the correct spelling of my street)who signed me up for it misspelled my street name and I wasn't getting my toilet paper....errrrr.....Game Informer issues.

I finally got around to calling them last week sometime and they extended my toilet paper subscription by 6-10 months.

Honestly, the magazine is one of the most skewed I've ever read in my life, but some of the articles outside of the review/preview sections are good.
I only picked up an edge card because of the 2$ edge card thread, but the last time I checked the price for the card only went up to 10$. Its not worth it as I would have to buy 100$ worth of Gamestop product in order to break even, and 150$ just to save 5$. I can save a lot more out of pocket without spending anything extra to join a loyalty club just by shopping elsewhere. Besides Gamestop's used prices are much higher than everywhere else's. So overall by shopping there you are spending more money than you need to be for the same item. If they had competitive prices and you were saving 10% off of that it might be a good deal.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Returning whatever IN STORE is alot of work? I mean, unless you're looking for some uber rare game that NO Gamestop within 100 miles of you has in stock, it's just a hell of a lot easier to return IN STORE and then rebuy IN STORE while there.

What were you trying to return and didn't they have any listed for any of your local stores?[/quote]

I wanted the Prinny PSP game. I was returning it because I like to keep my games in good condition and the box was damaged, returning it for a gutted copy that probably wouldn't have all the contents and would have stickers all over everything made no sense to me.
[quote name='rainking187']I wanted the Prinny PSP game. I was returning it because I like to keep my games in good condition and the box was damaged, returning it for a gutted copy that probably wouldn't have all the contents and would have stickers all over everything made no sense to me.[/quote]

That's when you just go and ask if you can swap out for a different BOX instead of doing the full return. They HAVE allowed me to do that in store before. Mind you, they also looked like I was from Mars for asking for a 'non fucked up box', since their customer base usually doesn't give a shit what condition their stuff is in.

Oh and Sara, if not for the fact that I was cherry picking what I was trading in, to make sure I was getting the most I could versus what I spent, I would've never grabbed an Edge card either.

But since I was getting 100% or more over what I paid for the games($4 each from Hollywood Video), I figured what the hell.
Gamestop has to really have a great sale (like the B2G1 free) for me to even step foot in the store. I buy most of my games online (Ebay, Amazon, NewEgg, these days. You people need to stop spending your money at places that treat you like crap.
Because I have never, except for maybe one or two PC games, bought anything new for a console at Gamestop, I am curious, do they gut all new copies of games? If this is true, why would anyone ever buy new games from Gamestop? 10% of the fun, especially when I was 12 (Sega Master System days), was ripping the cellophane off and opening a crisp booklet.

I will say this. I have done well, for as little as I do shop there, on used games B2G1, but honestly, I've only partaked in these transactions three or four times.
[quote name='whodat']Gamestop has to really have a great sale (like the B2G1 free) for me to even step foot in the store. I buy most of my games online (Ebay, Amazon, NewEgg, these days. You people need to stop spending your money at places that treat you like crap.[/quote]

I rarely spend my money there and usually if I AM spending there, it's cheap credit that I got from flipping games.

Otherwise, I stick to the Target/Kmart/Sears/Toys R'Us clearances and buy my games from there. The only reason I don't buy many games from online is because of shipping. Many places will gouge you on shipping costs to make up for the lower price.

Having shipped games and guides for a while now, I already know what most items SHOULD cost to ship and there's no fuckin' way one e-tailer can ship stuff for pennies on the dollar while the next shmoe is charging me nearly $10 for the same slow shipping rate.
Didn't want to make a separate thread for this, but anyone else find it amusing how GS pulled their list of trade-in prices from their site?

Seems to me they want more people to come into the stores to find out what they'll get and cause some frustrated people to trade them in so they don't feel like they wasted a trip.
[quote name='Tsukento']Didn't want to make a separate thread for this, but anyone else find it amusing how GS pulled their list of trade-in prices from their site?

Seems to me they want more people to come into the stores to find out what they'll get and cause some frustrated people to trade them in so they don't feel like they wasted a trip.[/quote]

And the fact that those trade in prices were pretty slow to update sometimes and it would be different when I looked online to the time I go into the store. Not to mention they only listed like 20 games per console, wasnt really that big of a help anyways. Although it would be nice to not have to go into GS every time I want to check a trade in value ~_~
I have some disagreements with gamestop. Heres one I'll mention. The used slim ps2 is still 80 dollars used...when for 19 dollars more you can get a brand new one. And the fact that their website is incorrect the majority of the time with stock checks for games.

I won't be buying anything from GS for a while until they start facing reality.
Their online tracker is fairly accurate. You have to remember that it's updated in the morning. So, it's definitely a realistic possibility that someone else simply got to it before you.

The problem comes in when you have employees hiding stuff behind the counter. So, it never gets scanned out, making it still show up in the system. But obviously, if you come looking for it, one of two things is gonna happen. Either that employee is there, and they will say it was sold. Or another employee will see it's still in-stock, might make an half-assed attempt to find it, and then just say they are sorry.

As far as them posting trade-in values go, we all know what that is about. You hit the nail on the head, Tsukento. They want you coming in and trading the games in, even if you don't like the TIVs. This is the same reason why it's such a bitch getting TIVs from them over the phone.
bread's done