The OTT # 15

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[quote name='Moxio']Woohoo@no subscription fee for Bnet 2. [/QUOTE]Fantastic. :)

[quote name='tiredfornow']Might as well load up your dad's gun and take yourself out back, MillerTime.[/QUOTE]

Manthing, it can last the entire day. If I'm using safari throughout the entire day it lasts until about dinner.


Jimbo, I thought I've seen you post about apps you have before. Do you have a Touch?
Millertime, just kick your own ass and tell your parents the thugs came back, but you tried to fight them off. Mention they were "dark skinned", and they'll be too worried about their little boy to notice all the shit that's missing.
I paid for one month of WoW, the rest of the time I played it was on free-14 day trial/free month/free-14-scroll

(the month I paid for was Christmas break, while I was at home with nothing to do)
[quote name='Moxio']For Diablo III... if they made it so, I think I might actually pay monthly until private servers popped up. :oops:[/QUOTE]
Isn't it part of 2 though?
[quote name='Liquid 2']Isn't it part of 2 though?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I'm just saying had they made it pay-to-play, I probably would have paid for it for a time until private servers popped up (which they definitely would).
I think I'm going to go to gamestop quick and buy something before my parents come home and tell me I need to give them the money I have for the shit that got stolen. Thats a start. :lol:
[quote name='seanr1221']Manthing, it can last the entire day. If I'm using safari throughout the entire day it lasts until about dinner.

Sounds like my 3G battery if I use only EDGE.

3G goes through the iPhone battery like a school of piranha on prey.

You've been warned.

Bury your money in the ground somewhere nobody would think to find it. Then create a map to find your way back to your money, which you would represent with a large 'X' on the map.
[quote name='manthing']Sounds like my 3G battery if I use only EDGE.

3G goes through the iPhone battery like a school of piranha on prey.

You've been warned.[/QUOTE]Its not that bad. I haven't charged it since yesterday around this time and I've talked on the phone for 90 minutes or so. I had a RAZR before this phone and holy fuck did that thing eat up battery.
Think of the things you depend on your parents for right now, weigh that against a little ass-chewing and grudge that may last a month or two. Grin and bear it.

Alternatively, think of the things you depend on your parents for right now, evaluate whether or not you could survive with out them. Don't take shit.

However, since you're worried about being grounded for life :lol: I'm guessing you haven't reached the appropriate mindset for either of those options, so just shit your pants for awhile.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Are you/your parents white, MT2523?[/QUOTE]

My dad knows how much money I have. Then again he'd probably kill me even more if I went out and spent it, so.... probably not a good idea. :lol:
Stupid vet screwed up the appointment and wouldn't take me.

But the good news is the dog is much better today. She was completely lame yesterday and in obvious pain. Couldn't get out of her cage. Couldn't get to her food dish. Barking at nothing. But now she's able to walk about with a limp. And when I did take her to the vet, she really perked up and started prancing about sniffing everything.

But that vet kind of pissed me off.
[quote name='crystalklear64']However, since you're worried about being grounded for life :lol: I'm guessing you haven't reached the appropriate mindset for either of those options, so just shit your pants for awhile.[/QUOTE]
I'm just worried they're going to sell my DMB tickets for this weekend to pay for everything and/or not let me go. I've been looking forward to this shit since.... the end of last years concert? So if I'm not able to go to that I'm going to be pissed. I didn't mean worried about taking my shit away from me or anything like that, just not being able to go to the concerts this weekend with my friends.
MT - Run away right when your parents are coming home and stay with a friend until the concert is over (two days on the streets ain't shit). Call your parents from time to time just to let 'em know you're a tad bit scared of your dad and that you'll be home once they have enough time to think about your punishment.
lol. I don't see why there's so much dave hate in the OTT, but whatever. :lol:

And..... my parents just got home. See you guys in a couple months! lol
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