The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

so wish PS2 had custom soundtracks. can't believe this is the same guy who did Nocturne and DDS-- where the fuck are my ripping guitar riffs and scary vocoder voices?!
all my BB's list it i hope i can find it in store as i have $45 in RZ coupons and a $15 GC and a $5 GGC i was going to see if i could get to work.
Since there were a couple reports saying that they were having some glitchy problems playing the game through the PS3, I'll go ahead and say it's been flawless for me and I managed to get in around four hours of gaming with it so far.
I just got to the second block not too long ago and I'm getting my ass handed to me-- Much like some other games of its ilk, a battle can go very wrong, very quick.

Still loving it though-- almost ten hours into it, after two days, thats insane :).
[quote name='whoknows']How can you guys be playing the game when you have the art book? Wasn't that the point of buying the game?[/quote]

I rather like the artbook.

Atlus just isn't ever going to live that down.
On level 24 of Tartarus at about 10 hours.

The artbook is ok, but as was mentioned, not worth the wait. It's only like 52 pages. Also doesn't help that while I think Soejima did a great job with the designs, he still doesn't come close to Kaneko. Was disappointed when I saw he wasn't going to be doing the designs this time around.

Also a bit disappointed in the soundtrack. They just stuck it in a paper sleeve in the artbook. No track listing, no proper case. They were so worried about the artbook, but let the soundtrack just stay in that piss poor condition.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']On level 24 of Tartarus at about 10 hours.

The artbook is ok, but as was mentioned, not worth the wait. It's only like 52 pages. Also doesn't help that while I think Soejima did a great job with the designs, he still doesn't come close to Kaneko. Was disappointed when I saw he wasn't going to be doing the designs this time around.

Also a bit disappointed in the soundtrack. They just stuck it in a paper sleeve in the artbook. No track listing, no proper case. They were so worried about the artbook, but let the soundtrack just stay in that piss poor condition.[/QUOTE]

Track listing is in the back of the game manual.
Any deals on it anywhere? Apparently Fry's has it advertised for $45 in today's ad, including LA, but I have the ad and it's not there.

At this point I will buy the almost certain destined to be rare and high priced RPGS like Atlus's at retail, but it would be nice to find a good deal on it.
[quote name='karkyco']Any deals on it anywhere? Apparently Fry's has it advertised for $45 in today's ad, including LA, but I have the ad and it's not there.

At this point I will buy the almost certain destined to be rare and high priced RPGS like Atlus's at retail, but it would be nice to find a good deal on it.[/quote]

Check out the rest of the thread.

Recap: = 41.99 + .99 shipping - 5 (new customer) (backordered)
EB = 49.99 - 10% (coupon on deals page)
BB = 49.99, but qualifies for Summer of Entertainment promo
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm doing Exams right now. Besides the Library & studying before bed, any ways to raise your Academics?[/quote]
Donate 1000 yen at the shrine. I haven't figured out the chances, but more often than not it raises academics (as opposed to 'nothing happened').

Edit: Best thing is, it doesn't take the afternoon!
[quote name='meerkatgamer']So how is everyone liking the game and what did you name the main character?[/quote]To be honest I'm getting pretty sick of it. I guess I like extremely linear gameplay. I'm only about five hours in so my opinion might change. Oh, and I named him "Kyle Hyde" :D
Finally bit... Family Video has it back in stock now, ordered it there for $38 shipped. Also ordered from, shipped to store - in case one of them arrives beaten up in the mail, I have somewhere to return it.
Argh. Died for the first time on an unlucky normal battle. Enemies used an insta-death spell on two members effectively and my main was around 3/4ths health but they apparently were equipped with spells I was weak against and got knocked down then owned. Knew I shouldof waited an extra day to bring another party member along. I was right there at the damn teleporter to head out too. :cry:

Well, that's around 7 floors lost. Includes 4 rare chests and 1 rare enemy. >_
[quote name='botticus']Finally bit... Family Video has it back in stock now, ordered it there for $38 shipped. Also ordered from, shipped to store - in case one of them arrives beaten up in the mail, I have somewhere to return it.[/quote]

That's surprising seeing as how there are still a lot of us that still have the game on backorder.
My charm stat is huge. Yukari is all over me...

Btw, does anyone know if there's social links you can miss? What I mean is for example you can join one of the sports clubs. Does joining one give you a different link than joining another? Or is it no matter which one you join you get the same?
To raise my academics as fast as possible I did this... After school, go to the shrine, donate 1000, (75% chance that you'll have your academics increased), then I'll go back to the school library and study. Then finally study when I get home.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My charm stat is huge. Yukari is all over me...

Btw, does anyone know if there's social links you can miss? What I mean is for example you can join one of the sports clubs. Does joining one give you a different link than joining another? Or is it no matter which one you join you get the same?[/quote]

All the sports play out the same, basically a "nothing" choice. I chose swimming though, cause that's what I'd most likely do.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My charm stat is huge. Yukari is all over me...

Btw, does anyone know if there's social links you can miss? What I mean is for example you can join one of the sports clubs. Does joining one give you a different link than joining another? Or is it no matter which one you join you get the same?[/QUOTE]

Sure you can miss S-Links, you never do them. But I think all the S-Links are easy to get started with, it's just which ones you decide to persure more. If fusing is anything like Nocturne or Devil Summoner you're gonna need all the tariot options for fusing. I'm sure the game wouldn't screw you over like that. However I was reading about the "Death" S-Link, that might be the exception.
Boo. I just started playing the first Persona. 2 is up next, so it could be a while before I get to this. Looking forward to it though.

I just spent 12 hours in the casino playing game breaking poker while I listen to audio books D:
The ally AI in this game is EXTREMELY impressive for the most part. More RPGs should have better AI if they give you the option for it. Though, to be fair, it is required in this game.

PS: I got to the 64th floor and I'm stuck there for like 22 days. Nice. And honestly, the story bosses so far are way easier than most of the Tartarus ones. Though the hard boss fights in Tartarus are incredibly epic, and I get a great feeling of accomplishment from beating them. There's no need to level up if you have the endurance/strategy.
Damn you guys are blazing through this game, I thought I was far along for juwst owning it for a few days. I just finished Exams.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Damn you guys are blazing through this game, I thought I was far along for juwst owning it for a few days. I just finished Exams.[/quote]
Don't feel bad I just finished them myself.
[quote name='whoknows']So what's the frustration level of this game?[/quote]
Very high, I died many times by random "full-HP killing" monsters.

One time i took about 45 min. to clear 5-6 floors, and died by a monster who casted Mundo.:bomb:
Yes, just like Nocturne it can get frustrating if one little thing goes sour. I've died 3 times so far but I've only lost about 10 - 20 minutes, not a big deal... yet.

When you guys go through Tartarus do you blaze through it just to get to the teleport, or do you fight most every enemy. Also do you quit as soon as your character gets tired?

I've been doing good so far, but those enemies around floor 30 have been tough on my team so I've had to go back a few floors and get some more EXP. Happened to anyone else or do I just suck?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']When you guys go through Tartarus do you blaze through it just to get to the teleport, or do you fight most every enemy. Also do you quit as soon as your character gets tired? [/quote]

I generally fight most enemies, especially ones guarding chests. When someone gets tired I will continue on until I hit a two-way teleporter and in the process I may skip past a lot of enemies to get to it asap, but will still go after chests.

I've died three times so far. One against an unlucky random battle (and lost a lot of good shit for the time). Second one against a 'stronger' random battle as soon as I entered the second block (and I thought Block 2 had an insane difficulty jump because of that...). Third from a boss in Tartarus that one-hit my main character with a spell he was weak to.

I hit a lucky floor when I was running through completing a stupid quest earlier. I had just completed the a quest requiring me to kill a rare monster but I had only brought my main char. So he became tired in that fight and I found a floor up before a teleporter so I went up. Next floor, every enemy was a rare monster, except when I got into battle because I was tired (and possibly sick), I couldn't kill them. I wanted to cry from my luck.

Draekon - Okay, that's pretty much what I do aswell. Here's my progress:

Day: 5/25
Level: 12
Floor: 24 - But I reached 30 and decided to turn back to get EXP. I didn't want to risk going to the 36th floor and get a Game Over.
I mainly get to the two way teleporters, go back a save, then train a few levels finishing quests. My progress is:

Day: 8/8
Level 33
Floor: 95 Almost to the boss.
I think I'm taking it slow. I always defeat the shadows I run in to and make sure to fully explore every floor.

Day: 6/29
Level: 25
Floor: sixty-something. I've hit the block after receiving Document 03.
Arghh.. I seriously can't wait to play this. If it weren't for the fact I have to pack, I would be playing this...

How far in does all the S.Link stuff starts getting crazy? I think that's gonna drive me insane, because I hate missing things. (Prolly would force multiple playthroughs..)
Here's the opening for FES. Damn I want this to come out. If it does what do you guys think would be a reasonable price, $19.99?

[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Here's the opening for FES. Damn I want this to come out. If it does what do you guys think would be a reasonable price, $19.99?
If Atlus does localize the Append version, I'd say $29.99 at the cheapest, but I'd expect $39.99.
I'm seriously going to play through FES sometime during the Winter.... I loved Persona 3 too much to let the story go unfinished...
Has anyone in Canada seen the guide for sale? Cause I've looked at pretty much every EB in my city and nothing:(
I'd happily pay another $40 for more P3...I am seriously loving this game.

If I didn't have school work, I'd be another 20 hours into it -.-
bread's done