The PSP Go! Rumor Thread - 5/30: Huge Leak of PSP Go Info, Pics, and a Video

[quote name='pete5883']First, we do get Japanese games here, you know. [/quote]Yeah, so what's your point? He is referring to American developed games.
[quote name='pete5883']
Second, 7 of the top 10 selling PSP games are western-developed. So wtf are you talking about?
[/quote]So 7 out of the 10 top selling PSP games are Western developed. Is that a surprise? I don't think Japanese made games are very popular here with the exception of the Final Fantasy series. But the real question is how many of those top 10 selling games were sold?
[quote name='pete5883']It's been selling very well in Japan this last year. Hell, this week it was the #2 selling hardware. It just hit 50 million worldwide. Maybe you don't know what "on its deathbed" means?


Are games selling? No. That's what I meant. There wasn't anything coming out on the thing for months, now that they announced PS3 ports everyone gets excited. After Crisis Core came out, there was literally nothing coming out, except RPGs. I had the PSP since it came out and I sold it over the summer. It just felt like they weren't even trying to do anything with it.

The online is better than the DS but that's not saying much. It could be so much more.

Some more rumored details from another developer on the new PSP:
Another developer has stepped up to give credence to recent PSP 2 rumors, reports Eurogamer. An anonymous development source close to Sony claims that the system will contain a sliding screen that covers most of the controls. The system width will be slightly wider than the screen, but "significantly smaller" than the current PSP iterations due to the slide-screen. However, the source claims that the shoulder buttons will still be accessible in its closed state, so games that rely on them (like Loco Roco) will be playable. The report claims that Sony is working with developers to create more shoulder button-based games for the new device to take advantage of the functionality. The system in its closed state is also said to support media playback such as movies and music. The sliding screen over the buttons and rumored removal of UMD would result in a much smaller system. If these rumors are true, though, it doesn't seem likely that the revamp would solve the most common complaint about the PSP, the single analog nub. If the system is real and as far in development as we've heard, we're likely to hear official word from Sony at E3 this year.
[quote name='pete5883']
So you're saying David Perry is to video games what Michael Pachter is to video games? Brilliant analogy.[/quote]

No, what I'm saying is that Pachter talks out his ass about once every three months saying that there will be a PS3 price drop and guess what? He's never been right, oh, except the time when everyone else caught wind of it first, then he looked like an effing genius. All he does is put out word that he feels like the "xxx" console could be seeing a price drop in the next 3-4 months. It's bullshit, he's the equivalent of the effing naysayers who claim every fucking year that the "big one" is going to hit California any day now. If I had a dollar for every erroneous news report about a PS3 price drop or big earthquake I could afford one of those foreclosed houses across the street from me.

So, David Perry is the equivalent of that. He talks out of his ass. If he is so high up there in rank why wouldn't he KNOW for a fact that the PSP 2 is out in one form or another? Does this make sense to only me? He works for a fairly large publisher, he should know these things, unless of course he's just not privvy to it in which case *gasp* he's talking out of his ass. How about he go and polish up that stupid RC Chopper game that was supposed to revolutionize gaming and leave real news to real people in the know.

By the way, if he was privvy to this sort of thing and attached his name to the PSP2 report I'm going to imagine that Sony has either taken any access away from him, or denied it to him leading him to spill any semblance of beans that he had.
I just wonder why Sony would unveil a UMD-less PSP at a retailer's convention where they announced UMD-based software for the PSP. It doesn't quite make sense, you know? How many retailers would be on board for that? Not many I would think.
Sony has to be careful how to "sell" this to devs, I agree. As long as the cost savings of not having to burn onto UMDs can be passed over to both the third parties and consumers, this might work pretty well.

Although the DRM-hater in me is still pretty hesitant of this idea.
The games will still be $39.99 most likely. Though i don't see how it will cost more to make a PSP2 when it will still be half the specs of the 360/PS3.
And now David Perry's challenging Sony to confirm whether the PSP2 will have a UMD drive or not:
Though we're still months away from E3 where any official announcement would be likely to take place, rumors of the next iteration of PSP are heating up. reports that Acclaim chief creative officer Dave Perry has responded to Sony's John Koller the way everyone does these days: on Twitter. After Perry claimed the PSP 2 was in development last week, Koller denied it, but refused to comment on the UMD format's future. "John Koller is publicly questioning my post about PSP 2. So I confirmed with top PSP 2 developers," Perry wrote on his Twitter feed.

Then comes the challenge: "John, state that PSP 2 will have UMD." Of course, even if the rumors are true, we're sure Koller didn't mean to impugn Perry's integrity. He is, after all, a company spokesperson, whose job it is to deny rumors even as evidence mounts. But Perry was the first one to break the story, and he's sticking to it. Gentlemen, there's only one way to settle this: pistols at dawn.
maybe going to more digital downloading for games makes sense for the future. how badly are psp games selling now? what if Sony could elimate the retail space altogether...

By offering on downloads and retail codes, they could eliminate the waste that is retail, and allow more third parties to jump on and make games.

as for me, which doesn't have a PSP yet, I'm going to pass if they don't, I still want to play UMD games and buying two systems won't work.
As already stated, Sony would have to figure out a system to allow current UMD owners the ability to download their respective titles on the PSN. If they could do that, I would gladly accept the death of UMD.
I got the 2000 when it came out am am going to be dissapointed if I can't play the new turismo, lbp, motorstorm, future mlb the show games, future gta games. on my psp. If they only release digital downloads for those games I am going to be very upset because I am simply not going to upgrade.
Pure gay if I can't play turismo on my 2000.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']No second analog input = no sale. That is one of the main complaints people have about the current PSP.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MasterSprtn117']They definitely need a second analog. It feels so odd with just one.[/QUOTE]

The only problem with Sony adding another analog stick is when the newer games would start using them, it would leave us PSP 1,2,and 3000 owners in the dust.
[quote name='neverletthem']The only problem with Sony adding another analog stick is when the newer games would start using them, it would leave us PSP 1,2,and 3000 owners in the dust.[/quote]
It'll be added to the PSP2, not the PSP-4000.
[quote name='SynGamer']It'll be added to the PSP2, not the PSP-4000.[/QUOTE]

I know. I'm just curious as to what developers are going to do about it.
[quote name='neverletthem']I know. I'm just curious as to what developers are going to do about it.[/quote]
They are going to make support for a second analog stick. What do you think?
[quote name='neverletthem']I know. I'm just curious as to what developers are going to do about it.[/quote]
They'll quickly forget about the PSP and start making (better) games for the PSP2 with dual analog stick support.
[quote name='neverletthem']The only problem with Sony adding another analog stick is when the newer games would start using them, it would leave us PSP 1,2,and 3000 owners in the dust.[/quote]
Think of it as a comparison of the DSi and DSLite. There will be games for the DSi that can't be used on the DSLite ... it's just an evolution of new hardware.
[quote name='HuppSav']I got the 2000 when it came out am am going to be dissapointed if I can't play the new turismo, lbp, motorstorm, future mlb the show games, future gta games. on my psp. If they only release digital downloads for those games I am going to be very upset because I am simply not going to upgrade.
Pure gay if I can't play turismo on my 2000.[/quote]

Just because they flip to digital only doesn't mean you aren't going to be able to get new games on the old PSP through the already integrated PSN. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about the games not working because they use superior hardware or a second analog stick which would make them incomparable with the current gen PSPs.

CrimsonPaw put it best:
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Think of it as a comparison of the DSi and DSLite. There will be games for the DSi that can't be used on the DSLite ... it's just an evolution of new hardware.[/quote]

Not getting things on the older system is the sacrifice you have to make when you chose not to upgrade.
[quote name='SynGamer']They'll quickly forget about the PSP and start making (better) games for the PSP2 with dual analog stick support.[/QUOTE]

Well the PSP market isn't doing that well right now anyway... but devs can add a PSP1 control set... and have a PSP2 control set. Think about how well Sony handled the situation when they released the Dual Shock controller for the PS1. That was a very smooth transition, from games that didn't used the DS controller to games that only used the DS controller.
The best solution is a PSP-4000 with a second nub, and treating it as a BONUS FEATURE.

Just like analog support on the PS1, rumble support on pretty much everything, Motion+ on the Wii, VMU on the Dreamcast, etc. etc.; something which is there if you WANT it, but which developers are not required to support. Preferably something developers are required to provide an alternative (control scheme, in this case) for. It's a win for everyone; people with PSPs still get games (and quite possibly get games that wouldn't have been made for PSP otherwise), people that want the improved controls get them, developers have an easier time porting games, and nobody misses out or has to sink money back into things.

The DS/DSi is a poor comparison; the original DS simply has NO storage (built in or through slots) and NO online component; it would be impossible for DSiWare to be implemented on it without a very clumsy system that would probably screw over most people anyway. The PSP, however, CAN upgrade without shooting itself in the foot, and given its position in the market right now would do well to do so.
[quote name='gaxur']The best solution is a PSP-4000 with a second nub, and treating it as a BONUS FEATURE.

Just like analog support on the PS1, rumble support on pretty much everything, Motion+ on the Wii, VMU on the Dreamcast, etc. etc.; something which is there if you WANT it, but which developers are not required to support. Preferably something developers are required to provide an alternative (control scheme, in this case) for. It's a win for everyone; people with PSPs still get games (and quite possibly get games that wouldn't have been made for PSP otherwise), people that want the improved controls get them, developers have an easier time porting games, and nobody misses out or has to sink money back into things.

The DS/DSi is a poor comparison; the original DS simply has NO storage (built in or through slots) and NO online component; it would be impossible for DSiWare to be implemented on it without a very clumsy system that would probably screw over most people anyway. The PSP, however, CAN upgrade without shooting itself in the foot, and given its position in the market right now would do well to do so.[/quote]
The problem with adding a major feature like that to the PSP-4000 is that 1. you NEED developers to use that new feature and 2. you are alienating 50 million current customers. Basically it is a bit "fuck YOU" but thanks for buying our system up until now.
[quote name='SynGamer']The problem with adding a major feature like that to the PSP-4000 is that 1. you NEED developers to use that new feature and 2. you are alienating 50 million current customers. Basically it is a bit "fuck YOU" but thanks for buying our system up until now.[/quote]The DSi is is going to alienate current DS Lite/ DS owners with exclusive DSi games and there are many more owners of the various DS handhelds compared to PSP owners. I don't see why Sony couldn't make exclusive games for the newly revised PSP to cater to 2 analog sticks. It's not like they would be forcing you to buy the new PSP.
Except you still get to enjoy all of the same DS games that normal DS owners get to play. DSi Ware stuff is additional, like what you have access to with any PSP if you upgraded your firmware since last summer. Unless the PSP2 is a more powerful system, any changes to the control scheme could probably just be things that can be switched off when playing on an original PSP.
I think that DSi Ware apps/ games or whatever else provide the "full experience" in the same way that PSP games supporting two analog sticks would. I don't even think they would have to do anything special for older games if they decided to make the change. For example, there are PSN games for the PS3 that don't utilize every button of the controller, but they work fine on the PS3. Even if the case may be different in that you are adding buttons for the PSP, instead of taking them away in the case of PS3 PSN games, I still think it would be just as easy as simply disabling or ignoring the second stick.
That's what I said, so why would DSi download games be something that completely alienates the existing audience since they still get 95% of the same games? PSP2 games could likely be able to just offer different settings for the specific PSP type that you're using but still offer the same game.
[quote name='SynGamer']The problem with adding a major feature like that to the PSP-4000 is that 1. you NEED developers to use that new feature and 2. you are alienating 50 million current customers. Basically it is a bit "fuck YOU" but thanks for buying our system up until now.[/quote]

like I said, features like this are generally well received WHEN YOU DON'T FORCE PEOPLE TO REPLACE THEIR EXISTING STUFF. Dualshock (and Dualshock 3, for that matter) didn't make people pissed, they were excited for the new technology. A few people were pissed when Motion+ was announced, but now people are overwhelmingly looking forward to it. The only concern is whether some games (see: Star Wars) will support it or not.

The only way to alienate their current customers (By the way, 50 million is far from the number that would be alienated. You forget all of the people who've bought multiple consoles for whatever reason, all of the people who bought it and don't use it anymore, etc.) would be to make their games unplayable. Sort of like the difference between having voice support in a game (Great!) and requiring voice support (Bad!). Also, last I checked, plenty of accessories for DS Lite don't work on the original DS; that's about like missing a second joystick. I've heard very, very little complaining on the subject. Now those are usually packed in with the games, and have no alternative. A PSP offering multiple control schemes would be even better off.
Why should i upgrade to a PSP2 when it comes out in a year or two if they bring the PSP-4000 out with 2 analog sticks? Aside from the alienating part, it just doesn't make much sense from a business standpoint to implement something that big.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Why would a dual-analog PSP be the PSP-4000 and not a PSP2?[/quote]
Because that's what the current rumor is. I want dual-analog sticks on the PSP2, that's fine, but i believe we have been discussing a second analog stick on the PSP-4000...which as i stated, wouldn't be the best thing to do from a marketing standpoint for the future PSP2.
There are two current rumors, aren't there? One about a completely new PSP design and another that's just the current PSP design minus the UMD drive?

Still, adding a second nub would be a huge addition that very few consoles or handhelds have done before (Genesis and PlayStation as the only ones I can think of), so I'd have to guess that it would be PSP2 with a second analog nub and not another PSP iteration since that completely changes what the system can do.

So when Maguire says, "The UMD model wasn't brilliant for third parties," what he's really saying is, "When we do announce that we're dropping UMD, remember that no one, not you, not anybody liked that thing, except maybe pirates." And when he goes on to add, "The downloads side of it will increasingly become a bigger part of its future," he's actually saying, "No, seriously, this is totally happening."

Looks like it's going to happen. No second analog? Fool's errand. With second analog? Hmm. My interest will be piqued, but not that much.
Hopefully it isn't real. But purely digital will NEVER fly. Not in this society where there's a cap on everything and the consumer market is just hitting the terabyte hard drive era. Besides, wouldn't it cost more buying memory sticks + the game?

Well atleast the old PSP games will become cheap now, which is good for me.
[quote name='Hostile']Having a second analog makes no sense unless we're actually getting the PSP2 and not an updated PSP.[/QUOTE]

I would think this, but look at the DSi. Is that really considered a completely new DS or just a refresh with an added / removed feature or two.
[quote name='Denji']Hopefully it isn't real. But purely digital will NEVER fly. Not in this society where there's a cap on everything and the consumer market is just hitting the terabyte hard drive era. Besides, wouldn't it cost more buying memory sticks + the game?

Well atleast the old PSP games will become cheap now, which is good for me.[/quote]

I don't think so... buying mem sticks and the game is cheaper than the actual physical game (like cd/dvd/umd). Okay, maybe not the memory stick, but definitely the digital game itself. I would think the new PSP2 will have an internal hdd, otherwise, it's a big step back...

Come on, iPod games are all digital, they're doing very good right now and Sony want a piece of that!
[quote name='b3b0p']I would think this, but look at the DSi. Is that really considered a completely new DS or just a refresh with an added / removed feature or two.[/quote]

good point... The DSi is a new DS, not a DS2. Point being, it can play all DS games, plus new DSi stuff. Calling it a DS2 is not wrong, but that means the DSi needs a lot more than just the camera to justify the jump.

The PSP2 vs. PSP4000 debate can go on forever really... However, to some extend, PSP4000 kinda implies UMD support is still gonna be there. Which is not a "big" jump in terms of upgrade. To continue to have UMD on the new PSP, weight or design-wise, there's not much improvement to be called a PSP2.
[quote name='Denji']Hopefully it isn't real. But purely digital will NEVER fly. Not in this society where there's a cap on everything and the consumer market is just hitting the terabyte hard drive era. Besides, wouldn't it cost more buying memory sticks + the game?

Well atleast the old PSP games will become cheap now, which is good for me.[/quote]Memory sticks are affordable and bandwith caps are irrelevant. My ISP, Comcast, probably one of the most widely used ISP in the U.S., caps to 250 gigs/ month. I don't even think there is 250gigs of data in the PSN store to download. And what does your "terabyte hard drive era" statement have anything to do with the PSP? We are talking about memory sticks and PSPs, not hard drives and computers.

I'm not saying digital downloads are the way to go, but it would work imo. PSP games are smaller than you might think. Most demos on XBL and PSN are larger than most PSP games.
[quote name='b3b0p']I would think this, but look at the DSi. Is that really considered a completely new DS or just a refresh with an added / removed feature or two.[/quote]

I think there's a big difference between what the DSi-exclusive games would be (camera-based games? DSi-ware downloadable?) and what the PSP4k-PSP2 would be, if there was a second analog.
I'm not sure what would stop a PSP2 from having another analog nub from an engineering or cost perspective--come on, Sony make it happen!

What I really don't like about digital only is the DRM and the fact that no physical media means I can't sell or trade off the game if I want to.
[quote name='Hostile']I think there's a big difference between what the DSi-exclusive games would be (camera-based games? DSi-ware downloadable?) and what the PSP4k-PSP2 would be, if there was a second analog.[/QUOTE]

There's been research into the structure of the DSi that suggests it is much more powerful than the DS, meaning that DSi specific retail games on shelves could potentially look better, be bigger, etc etc etc.

This would take it out of the realm of purely DSiware/camera-based games like you imply.

'Course this has to be proven from a real developer and not just from the homebrew community fooling around with Japanese portables, but I guess we'll see within the next year.

Even then I wouldn't expect a huge graphical leap. I'm just saying there might be more to it than you're saying.
[quote name='silent h3ro']Memory sticks are affordable and bandwith caps are irrelevant. My ISP, Comcast, probably one of the most widely used ISP in the U.S., caps to 250 gigs/ month. I don't even think there is 250gigs of data in the PSN store to download. And what does your "terabyte hard drive era" statement have anything to do with the PSP? We are talking about memory sticks and PSPs, not hard drives and computers.

I'm not saying digital downloads are the way to go, but it would work imo. PSP games are smaller than you might think. Most demos on XBL and PSN are larger than most PSP games.[/QUOTE]

wow I think a lot of them are capping at 5gb.
If they remove the UMD and improve battery life/add internal user memory, I'll defenetly buy a JP one + some limited. If they add qwerty, I'll give them kudos. If they do touch screen instead of a qwerty, I'll breaks the designer's fingers.

You guys realize that using a 2gb stick costs less than the dumb UMD these days, right? There is little lag, very fast load times, etc. Only real issue I see is piracy, but its not like Sony completely avoided it right now.
[quote name='Skv012a']You guys realize that using a 2gb stick costs less than the dumb UMD these days, right?[/quote]

You need to compare the price of a blank 2gb memory stick with a blank UMD, not the current cost of a game on UMD and a blank memory stick.
Without retail markup, its less. Keep in mind that they could ditch their crazy UMD-burning apparatus and just use a 2$ card reader to put games on.
bread's done