The Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer eternal feud wrestling thread

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[quote name='HydroX']
Call me Captain Obvious.

Considering Booker won't be making any decisions (obviously) and will just be a figurehead for the writing team, expect to see the same shit with a different black guy saying "tag team match" .. instead of playa at the end, we get SUCKAAAAA!!!

More like... It will be with a Tag Team Match, Now can you DIG THAT? Shuckyduckyquackquack
That ROH card looks amazing. I really need to check that out.

Back to the Mass Transit incident: it got me thinking: How HIGH must New Jack be to think he would ever have a chance getting a job with WWE? I've read that he has auditioned multiple times.

One of my "I met a wrestler" stories:

I was a Starbucks in Longbeach (California) getting an iced coffee for my girlfriend. I went up to the counter and the barista leaned over:

(Whispering) "Do you watch wrestling"?
"How did you know?"
"You look the type."
"Thanks, I guess. Ha ha."
"Hulk Hogan is over there."
"No, seriously. Look."

I look to my left and there in all his glory stood the Orange Goblin, texting on what looked to be a blackberry.

I placed my order and started to walk out, not wanting to bother the guy (and while I'm cool with meeting anyone in the business, I'm not nor ever have been a huge Hogan fan anyway)

I hear a voice: "Hey, brother."
He smiles and says "Are you a fan?"
Lying, but being polite "Yes sir. Ever since I was 6."
"Would you like an autograph from the Hulkster?"
"No thank you sir."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure you get bothered or harassed a lot in public. It would be an honor just to shake your hand though, knowing I had the chance to meet you."
"Brother, that is admirable. I respect that."
He shakes my hand and squeezes pretty hard, trying to show me that he's a tough guy.
"Have a good one, Hulk."
"You too, dude."

While I mentioned that I have never been a fan, nor ever will be, he seriously was a nice guy. I was impressed.
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Wrestlers are probably dying to give out firm handshakes after being in the business for any length of time. I remember shaking Goldberg's hand when I was like 18 and it was the wussiest handshake I've ever experienced. It's ok Bill, we're not in the locker room, you don't have to adhere to the fucking stupid "rules."
Good story and good to hear that Hulk's a good dude in public, Venkman. I've never been a fan, but I have respect for those who are genuinely nice guys amongst the populace. Or, amongst the ignoramuses, as Damien Sandow would say.

^Sandow at SDCC

I let out a laugh at the look he gave the camera after "You work with children?" :lol:
Dreamer's roster is getting kind of crazy.

Steiner brothers, Brian Kendrick, Sandman, Rhino, Chris Mordetsky (Masters), Shawn Daivari, Paul London, Carlos Colon (Carlito), and ... Edge?!

Huh. Very interesting. Dunno how successful a small, upstart wrasslin business can be in 2012, but that is a pretty decent collection of talent.
[quote name='Sway']I know he's retired and all but Edge really looks out of place in that poster.[/QUOTE]

He's the only one who looks like a normal person
who lives in 2012
—and bathes
[quote name='Chase']Good story and good to hear that Hulk's a good dude in public, Venkman. I've never been a fan, but I have respect for those who are genuinely nice guys amongst the populace. Or, amongst the ignoramuses, as Damien Sandow would say.

^Sandow at SDCC

I let out a laugh at the look he gave the camera after "You work with children?" :lol:[/QUOTE]

gotta love the Aboott and Costello bit with Dr. Who
Funny video. I'm kinda stoked that Aaron Stevens finally got a good, prominent gig in WWE. He dealt with a lot of garbage over the years, being shuffled into developmental, put in a throwaway tag team on SD, back to developmental, fired, and he kept pushing and trying.

So good on him.
Davey Richards has issued a statement on the whole Iowa thing. Bolded the part regarding the money.

Concerning the Iowa ordeal – I don’t have any philosophic phrases like O’Reilly, nor empty threats which seems to be the darling way to be tough now-a-days behind the protective veil of the Internet (the quickest sure fire way to prove your an absolute coward). But what I do have is the truth and I’ll indulge you. Now O’Reilly already told the story so and he’s a much more patient man than I so I’ll just drop the main points: I was trained that you don’t disrespect veterans. There’s a pecking order in this business, and if you go against it you get your ass handed to you. I was trained that the boys stick up for each other and don’t allow others to disrespect them, because it reflects on the business as a whole. So when a guy who took my seminar the day prior and all of a sudden, over text message (everyones got balls of steel behind texts/twitter/fb) disrespects the guy who helped bring me and Kyle up, and more importantly, my friend, I feel 100% justified taking action. So, not over text/twitter/fb but in person (I know, can you imagine some people actually confront people face to face?? Insanity!!) I tell this guy how disrespectful he was and if this was 10 yrs ago he would have gotten his ass beat. He agreed and apologized and insisted he shake Tony’s hand. Before this he tried and admitted to lying saying he didn’t know whom he was talking to on text so he didn’t know he was disrespecting Kozina (a lie Tony quickly called out as, and we have the text messages to prove, Tony said in the beginning, “This is Kozina”.)

Now understand I’m in the middle of Iowa, 7 hrs from home in the middle of corn fields (which is beautiful scenery btw) and this guy looked out and saw 25 people at his show, knew he was going to lose his ass and tried to cancel us off when we’re 2 hrs away. Tony and Kyle were hurt, an unfortunate and common aspect of how we train and work. So we tried to get an 8 man. The promoter at first said the fans paid to see singles (to which Tony responded, and we have the texts, “ok well do the singles”) which contradicted his later statement of “well none here knows who you guys are”. As far as me physically threatening him, sorry ace, never happened, and if you truly think it did – press charges! I have nothing to hide, do you? I came to you face to face like a man, told you how I felt. I don’t do backstage rumors, gossip, social media tough guy stuff. I tell people how I feel in person and take full responsibly for it all.

Ok, and now to the blockbuster crime of the century: we took — wait for it — drum roll — people are on then edge of their seats — 350$!!!!! Did I? I sure did, I took 350$ and left on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon I PayPal him — wait for it —– drum roll —- 350$ back!! So he lost —– 0 dollars! No one asked me to do this. I said to him, well here you read the text: “Ok I’m going to pay pal you your money back. I never spent it, it was on principle. You’ll have it today. I’m sorry things got to this level. Please text me to let me know you got it. Yea dude it’s crazy. I don’t hold any grudges man. I wish you and your crew the best.” I’ve said for years, I don’t talk, I do. I let him feel what we felt — to be disrespected an screwed. So the same thing doesn’t happen to another wrestler (remember what I said about the boys sticking up for the boys?). I have the PayPal receipt as well to prove it.

Ok so stealing and threatening have been covered, what else? Oh I know! Ya know I could, I could slander your name as you have mine, wished harm on you as you have me (the getting in a car wreck bit was sure classy) or I could post your phone number on a social media site like you did mine. But I won’t, I won’t hang at the bottom of the barrel with you buddy. And really 15 min after this ordeal this loser is on twitter begging for a match in ROH, like a certain someone in the ROH office said, “This is this losers big shot at getting some attention and he’s going all out”. Well friend I’m not mentioning you by name. Your going to have to get attention the same way I did in this wacky business- work your ass off and earn it. I know it’s the socially dictated right thing do to apologize and try to make amends. But c’mon that wouldn’t be ol DR now would it? So instead of trying release myself from responsibly by saying it was “anger taking hold or it was emotionally driven actions and comments” I’ll simply say from the bottom of my heart that I don’t apologize for anything, I’m proud that I stood up for my friend, what I was taught, and how I was raised, and most of all what I believe to be right. I meant every word and every action and take full responsibility. I don’t talk, I act. I treat people how they treat me. I stand up for what I was taught and for my friends. If I’m the bad guy for it, I welcome it with open arms. I’m more than willing to take shots for what I believe in. I’ll always be the first help people out (ask Adam Cole, Eddie Edwards, Kenny Omega, Kyle O’Reilly, and countless others) but I will also to call out what I don’t believe to be right.

Maybe I just have rebel blood running through me, but I don’t bow down, I don’t keep my mouth shut, I don’t run from what I disagree with. I speak up, I stand up and I fight for what I believe in. That’s how I raised. If it’s the end of ol DR then I couldn’t be more proud. It’s like my grandma used to say to me, “It’s better to hated for who you are than loved for who you’re not”. In the end, to the guys in Iowa — god bless ya, I wish you guys nothing but success. Hopefully y’all wake up but that’s your cross to bear not mine.
Davey Richards really comes off as a wolf... not an American Wolf, but one that's really a loner. I've seen him in a clip of Wrestling Road Diaries, and even though he's in like 1 scene, he comes off as a really seclusive guy, even with Team Ambition by his side.
He seems like a total mark for himself writing a statement that sounds like a wrestling promo. The kid running a show in Iowa is paying Davey and the guys to be there; their responsibility is to do what they're paid for. Whether or not you gave the money back is irrelevant; it's still theft.
If the promoter was trying to change the terms of their agreement after they're already en route to the show than that's pretty shady. It sounds like both sides made mistakes in their handling of the situation.
Not to derail the thread, but I wanted to share two quick meeting stories.

When WWF NY was open and new, they used to have almost weekly signings. I was taking computer classes and used to go to every signing.

I've never cared for or against the big show. He was doing a signing and a little kid handed him a wcw Giant figure. A wwe employee gave it back to the kid and said "he won't sign that. Only wwf merchandise" and big show told the kid to give it to him and signed it. Then he turned to the wwf employee and said "don't ever do that again. I'll sign anything I want to sign" which I thought was cool.

I met about 50 wwf guys from the early 2000's timeframe. I have a hardcover history of wrestlemania book I used to bring and get them to sign the book. Benoit was one. He didn't talk much. Edge was a Dick and was flirting with the wwf employee and not even talking or looking at the fans. He'd just scribble his name and then slide the object at the person never acknowledging any fans.

The absolute nicest wrestler I met was Booker t. Was never a fan but he was there with other wrestlers that day. We were told only one autograph because they were running late. He seemed so happy to be there and signed my book. As I was walking away he asked if I had gotten one of his 8x10 pictures, I hadn't because the wwf employee refused to give me a photo since I was having a book signed. So Booker gave me a photo and as I was walking away he asked if I wanted it signed and waved me back over.
[quote name='neocisco']If the promoter was trying to change the terms of their agreement after they're already en route to the show than that's pretty shady. It sounds like both sides made mistakes in their handling of the situation.[/QUOTE]
It sounds like they were booked for singles matches and wanted to change it to an 8 man tag. Promoter said no since he'd advertised singles matches.
Thanks for sharing, Haggar.

This is the wrestling thread, it's pretty tough to derail no matter what we're discussing. I think the only no-nos are links to streaming sites and spoilers.
[quote name='mykevermin']Thanks for sharing, Haggar.

This is the wrestling thread, it's pretty tough to derail no matter what we're discussing. I think the only no-nos are links to streaming sites and spoilers.[/QUOTE]

Well spoilers are okay as long as they are properly tagged.... right?
[quote name='Demolition Man']Well spoilers are okay as long as they are properly tagged.... right?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JJSP']It sounds like they were booked for singles matches and wanted to change it to an 8 man tag. Promoter said no since he'd advertised singles matches.[/QUOTE]

True. However, if Davey's account is taken at face value (at this point, though, I wouldn't take either side at face value), the promoter tried to cancel on them after they were already traveling to the show.

Each side is going to spin it to some point since they're inherently biased. IMO, they were both wrong to some degree. Who was more wrong, I have no idea. I wasn't there.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Well spoilers are okay as long as they are properly tagged.... right?[/QUOTE]

yes, of course. my mistake.
[quote name='mitch079']If Dusty Rhodes's muffler couldn't derail it, nothing will.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I had almost forgotten about that.
[quote name='Haggar']Not to derail the thread, but I wanted to share two quick meeting stories.

When WWF NY was open and new, they used to have almost weekly signings. I was taking computer classes and used to go to every signing.

I've never cared for or against the big show. He was doing a signing and a little kid handed him a wcw Giant figure. A wwe employee gave it back to the kid and said "he won't sign that. Only wwf merchandise" and big show told the kid to give it to him and signed it. Then he turned to the wwf employee and said "don't ever do that again. I'll sign anything I want to sign" which I thought was cool.

I met about 50 wwf guys from the early 2000's timeframe. I have a hardcover history of wrestlemania book I used to bring and get them to sign the book. Benoit was one. He didn't talk much. Edge was a Dick and was flirting with the wwf employee and not even talking or looking at the fans. He'd just scribble his name and then slide the object at the person never acknowledging any fans.

The absolute nicest wrestler I met was Booker t. Was never a fan but he was there with other wrestlers that day. We were told only one autograph because they were running late. He seemed so happy to be there and signed my book. As I was walking away he asked if I had gotten one of his 8x10 pictures, I hadn't because the wwf employee refused to give me a photo since I was having a book signed. So Booker gave me a photo and as I was walking away he asked if I wanted it signed and waved me back over.[/QUOTE]

I think you've mentioned that story about Show before since I remember hearing it some time ago. That was awesome of him to do that.
[quote name='JJSP']It sounds like they were booked for singles matches and wanted to change it to an 8 man tag. Promoter said no since he'd advertised singles matches.[/QUOTE]

Not really. The way the story reads is the promoter promised to pay them a set amount based on their promotion that they'd all have singles matches, and when the wrestlers arrived at the show, they whined that they were feeling bad and stuff and tried to talk the guy into booking them in one big tag match. Promoter was pissed but said okay, but if that's the case, you're getting paid for one match instead of individual matches. Which then prompted the rumors about stolen money, threats, etc.

I'd assume a 4 man tag payout isn't much more than what you'd pay someone for a cameo appearance. I mean, as little work as any of them would actually have to do to sustain a 4 way tag, they'd still be getting paid for being present.

Either way, the whole ordeal is shitty because if you're agreed to be paid based on the premise that you're completing x amount of work, and then you show up wanting to do less work, it's common sense that you'd receive less pay for doing less work. The whole thing reeks of cover up because these guys thought no one would ever find out about it.
According to, WWE has issued a survey to fans asking if they would be interested in a new television series that would air on Saturday morning.

The series would feature one exclusive match, highlights from WWE's week and other outside of the ring type videos.
[quote name='bhk']Posting this link just for Survivalism:[/QUOTE]

I cycled through some of those pictures and wondered when/if WWE would ever consider doing a one-time only reborn WCW PPV set? I'm sure some fans would love to see a Halloween Havoc, World War 3, etc at least one more time. Hell, bring WCW trash like Russo in for one night just so Austin can give him a stunner to appease the fans. :roll:

Also: Val Venis was amazing in the ring. He should seriously make a return at least once, perhaps to face Slater.
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']Also: Val Venis was amazing in the ring. He should seriously make a return at least once, perhaps to face Slater.[/QUOTE]

He said he wouldn't even consider it due to WWE supporting SOPA/CISPA

[quote name='Fatality']According to, WWE has issued a survey to fans asking if they would be interested in a new television series that would air on Saturday morning.

The series would feature one exclusive match, highlights from WWE's week and other outside of the ring type videos.[/QUOTE]

Was at the RoH TV tapings yesterday. Not sure if people will like the results of some of the matches (a Russo swerve for the 8-team tag thing), but was fun nonetheless, with some great rasslin'.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Anyone up for giving some captions to this picture:

I don't have a caption but it reminds me of The Office episode where the giant vanity check ends up costing as much as the money they raised for charity.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I don't have a caption but it reminds me of The Office episode where the giant vanity check ends up costing as much as the money they raised for charity.[/QUOTE]

The Season 4 opener "Fun Run" after Michael hit Meredith with his car then he thought he saved her from rabies. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Anyone up for giving some captions to this picture:

How about "My son got a TNA contract and all I got was this lousy TNA merchandise check".:);)
[quote name='Demolition Man']Anyone up for giving some captions to this picture:


I impregnated Crackhead Claire and all I got was some shitty Don West promo check.
Just got back from the TNA "Live Event" here in OKC. Pretty legit show. Meet and greet before the show with Daniels, Kazarian, Gail Kim, Douglas Williams, Zema Ion and Elijah Burke. I'm not an autograph guy so shaking their hands and chatting was good enough for me. Talked to Kaz and Daniels about Joey Ryan a little bit, they had some funny things to say about him and his Twitter fascination. Also got a picture with Aries after the show. Nice guy.

I was about 2 feet too short from catching Mr. Anderson's Packers hat that he threw in the crowd, but some goof got hit in the face with it while he was looking at his cell phone. Priceless. Tried to start a "throw it back" chant but he didn't, and the crowd looked at me like I was just revealed as the Anonymous RAW GM. #-o

Side note: Seeing Tessmacher's ass in person is out of this world. I may go JaytheGameFan on you all and start posting all these pictures I took.
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