The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

[quote name='hostyl1']First off, the USA is not, never has been, and likely never will be a democracy. The founding fathers were scared to death of the "will of the people" and so established the country as a 'representative republic'. Likewise, the two major parties are not truly democratic either, at least when it comes to selecting presidential nominees.[/quote]

Yeah, I saw you taking that one on as well. I thought of including a caveat or asterisk to point out that I've taken fifth grade social studies, so I know we're not a true Democracy. But, hey, whatever does your whatever, man.

The pejorative of "Democrat Party" is to suggest that it is merely a name, whereas the term "Democratic Party" brings with it the connotation that the party is truly democratic (it's not fully). Thus, some on the right dont want that connotation being made and have just used "Democrat Party". Furthermore, it's at best condescending to, as the opposition, simply choose to disregard the official name of the party and call them what you want. It's childish and petty.

I googled that earlier. I think there are better things to be offended by, but at least now I understand the underlying rationale. I'll probably still screw them up. If that means I have to turn in my liberal card, then so be it.

I've been reading far-left sites like Democratic Underground since the 2008 primary season and you could see posters even then reading more "leftisim" in Mr. Obama than was actually there. Most leftys nowadays would *not* refer to Pres. Obama as even a 'true progressive'. The best they'd say of him is that he's "slightly left of center". But I submit that he's always been there. It was his anti-Iraq war position that made him look more progressive than Sec. Clinton. But really, you could hardly slide a piece of paper between their positions in 2008.

"I read websites" doesn't compel me as an argument. I think people were savvy enough to recognize that the only difference b/w Obama and Clinton could be found in their health care plans - which is no small contribution to why the primary season went on forever and a week.

And yes, Democrats as a whole should ignore the names Rush, Hannity et al. will call them. They dont like you no matter what you do so just do what you want. I said that after the so-called "stimulus" bill. Pres. Obama bent to the Republican will to include tax cuts as part of the bill when all leftist economists said it should be more pure spending. Even after this 'capitulation' not one Republican voted for the bill. At that point, if I was Pres. Obama, I'd have told the Republican, fuck you. I tried to work with you and you left me ass to the wind. If I can only count on Democrats, then I'm only going to do Democratic policies. I'm disappointed that he didnt recognize that earlier.

Earlier? I'm not sure he recognized it at all.
No, as I recall Olympia Snowe/Susan Collins voted for the stimulus bill. Maybe you're referring to people in the House, in which case you're right.

I think a lot of the moderate Repubs in the House saw some open Senate seats (like Kirk in IL, Castle in DE) so they felt compelled to vote no on a stimulus package that moderate enough to the Maine Senators.
[quote name='62t']Ron Paul making fun of the fact that Jon Huntsman speaks Mandarin and his adopted Chinese daughter[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'd rather someone speaks Chinese then espouse the view that those with AIDS deserved it...[/QUOTE]

Ron Paul's campaign did that make that video, it was some lone guy on the Internet. And people who acquire AIDS through unsafe sex or sharing needles do not "deserve" it, but acquired the disease through their own reckless behavior.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']I totally disagree. A veto would have likely caused some democrats to flip their vote and support the leader of their party.[/QUOTE]

You have more faith in people than I do.

[quote name='mykevermin']Y
"I read websites" doesn't compel me as an argument. I think people were savvy enough to recognize that the only difference b/w Obama and Clinton could be found in their health care plans - which is no small contribution to why the primary season went on forever and a week.[/quote]

I dont know where else to show evidence of people's thoughts than to actually use the words/writings of those people. I offered that site because it's a fairly well known lefty site (like is the counterpart on the right). And while you'd think people would have realized the individual mandate and Sen Clinton's support for the Iraq invasion were about the only differences b/w the two, many during the primary season were pushing Obama as someone who was much closer to the idealized progressive. But they came up with that on their own.

But believe/think what you wish.

Earlier? I'm not sure he recognized it at all.
This is not an unfair statement.
[quote name='hostyl1']
*THAT* is, IMO, the biggest reason to be disappointed in Pres. Obama and the thing I think is most 'opposite' of Candidate Obama. He ran on his background as a Constitutional Scholar, but has treated the Constitution with similar disdain as other presidents. Even more disturbing, in the case of the NDAA, it wouldnt have even mattered if he had vetoed it as there are more than enough votes to override said veto. I still would have liked to see it though.
NDAA is not really that bad, or rather I should say that it really didn't change anything from things like the AUMF, the Hamdi or Boumediene, or the current cases when Habeus Corpus can be suspended.
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I'm not convinced romney's father was born here, I'm not sure mitt was either. They've got family in mexico. I demand to see a birth certificate!!!

[quote name='Clak']I'm not convinced romney's father was born here, I'm not sure mitt was either. They've got family in mexico. I demand to see a birth certificate!!!


Mitt's father actually wasn't born here. He was born in Mexico, and there were questions surrounding his eligibility during his 1968 run.

Makes it all the more confusing that Mitt's son would punch at Obama in the birth certificate issue, seeing that his grandfather faced some level of scrutiny for having actually been born in another country.
that Huntsman ad is great, someone needs to rerun it, just change the title page cards
to highlight the boon of experience he has
[quote name='nasum']

Mining the Grand Canyon makes sense since it will make the canyon deeper and thus more grand.

Grander Canyon coming to an Arizona near you unless those filthy commies don't let us drill. You don't want just a "grand" canyon do you?[/QUOTE]

I believe it said "near the Grand Canyon". Obviously no one is going to be drilling in a National Park, that'd be pretty much contrary to the main reason they were established in the first place. Not that I'm arguing that this drilling would be an amazing idea, since apparently the effects could possibly be seen from the canyon, and also we've had enough environmental incidents to last us for quite a while.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Mitt's father actually wasn't born here. He was born in Mexico, and there were questions surrounding his eligibility during his 1968 run.

Makes it all the more confusing that Mitt's son would punch at Obama in the birth certificate issue, seeing that his grandfather faced some level of scrutiny for having actually been born in another country.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I know, I was just following the standard birther train of thought.
But yeah, i agree about his son saying that.
There are a lot of good reasons to criticize Romney, some mentioned in that video in those scary fonted buzzwords, but because he speaks French? The anti-intellectual bent of some portion of the GOP has to be one of the things that disgusts me the most about politics today, and Gingrich lost a lot of respect from me for going that route.

Oh, and you mean to tell me that while Gingrich was living in France as a teenager, he never spoke a word of French? Or, while he was getting his PhD in modern European history he never trifled with another language? Only took me a couple minutes of Googling to find those facts, bet the press picks up on it any minute now!
[quote name='dmaul1114']US has always been a very ethnocentric and jingoistic country....[/QUOTE]
Ethnocentrism in this case just makes no sense to me. French culture is as much a part of American culture as English, Italian, Spanish etc. cultures.

I thought that was the whole point of the "melting pot" of cultures?

I hope the fat bastard has never eaten a beignet or croissant.
We've melted into a new culture and hate a lot of our component cultures now. :D

But yes, it makes no sense.

A lot of hate for France though was them not going along with the Iraq war. And the government fanned those flames with changing french fries to freedom fries in the cafeteria etc.

So it's just Gingrich pandering to that undereducated, ethnocentric side of the conservative party that is uber patriotic and easily fired up at any chances to knock a foreign country or people they feel aren't true patriots etc.

Plus there's just the whole anti-intellectual, anti-high brow culture thing. And France is the stereotype whipping boy for that kind of thing as many people think of the French as some effeminate guy drinking wine and eating escargot while writing poetry etc. i.e. totally out of touch with a working class American who's drinking bud light while eating a hot dog and watching football. :roll:
On funny critique I've heard of Gingrich is that he's what an undereducated person thinks a smart person sounds like. I LOLOL'd...and then I cried.
[quote name='Clak']Is this what it's come down to, that speaking a foreign language is a bad thing? First Huntsman gets blasted for speaking Chinese. now Rommney gets blasted for speaking French? The fuck is wrong with this country....[/QUOTE]

That commercial almost plays like a parody of a political attack ad. The "he speaks french" thing at the end in particular seems like something you'd see on Saturday Night Live.
[quote name='62t']Good job Perry[/QUOTE]

Normally, I agree that Rick Perry is a moron... however, I don't see that much wrong with his statement: "Obviously, 18-, 19-year-old kids make stupid mistakes all too often. And that's what's occurred here."

He's essentially right. You take young, immature, and inexperienced kids, give them a gun, and put them in a situation where it is kill or be killed (and where death becomes a reality around them)... how can they avoid developing a thought process in which they hate or dehumanize the enemy, if even as a coping strategy to deal with killing other humans? I work with a lot of vets and most of them are very F'ed up psychologically (and medically).

Basically, war is not pretty (which is why I'd like to avoid it at most costs). I'd be much more surprised if this type of stuff did not happen.
If these were non-white, non Armed Forces 18 year old "kids" (who perhaps got smacked around growing up etc.) would you sing the same tune?
Well, given that Rick Perry executed Cameron Todd Willingham, I'm confident in saying Rick Perry has no fucking clue what a criminal is and is not.
lol funny, true story.

Democratic candidate for Gov of texas was doing a poll to see if he had a chance at winning.

They selected a group of pollers and asked them to come in for one of those polling forum. It goes badly, all twelve members of the table, and these are a mix of republicans and democrats, agree with pretty much everythign Rick Perry has done.

Finally the interviewer gets exasperated and goes, "Well, what about the fact that Rick Perry let Todd Willingham, who was likely an innocent man, die from the death penalty?"

There's an uncomfortable silence as the panel looks at each other, not sure what to say.

Finally, one of the men at the table speakes up and says, "Well, I dunno if that's such a bad thing. It takes a lot of balls to kill an innocent man!"

Then the panel starts nodding in agreement. Suffice it tos ay, after that, the democratic candidate decided not to run.
I believe I heard that story over the summer from a Texas Political reporter on the radio or television. I know I heard it shortly after he entered the race.

Edit: i got my story wrong. It was a Republican Primary candidate for Gov. And the interview I heard was from a reporter for Politco.

"Veterans of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s unsuccessful 2010 primary challenge to Perry recalled being stunned at the way attacks bounced off the governor in a strongly conservative state gripped by tea party fever. Multiple former Hutchison advisers recalled asking a focus group about the charge that Perry may have presided over the execution of an innocent man — Cameron Todd Willingham — and got this response from a primary voter: “It takes balls to execute an innocent man.”
Fair enough, thanks. It doesn't sound entirely implausible, but I do prefer to have sources if I'm going to spread news around to folks I know (i.e., share your post).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']So kids under 20 shouldn't be held responsible for their actions because kids do dumb things? Sigh...

I'm sure the 5 people who were executed while Perry was governor of Texas and were 17 at the time of their crime would support that view as well.[/QUOTE]

In Perry's defense he didn't want to sentence them to the gas chamber, but he felt he owed it to them.
Where has it even be said that the four marines in that video were teenagers? I don't think they've even been identified.
[quote name='Clak']Where has it even be said that the four marines in that video were teenagers? I don't think they've even been identified.[/QUOTE]

Which is why the "shit happens in war" is silly. These might be fobbits for all anyone knows.

Professional journalist either doesn't understand satire or has no sense of humour whatsoever. Hard to tell. I opt for the 1st consideration which brings up the point that journalism is no longer journalism but actually Rush Limbaugh style commentary (i.e. full of uneducated opinion and little else). Now, I understand this guy is the senior editorial writer and it's place for opinion, but there's nothing to back what he's presenting. He's just saying he doesn't like it (why not leave the TV show opinion to your entertainment section?).

fuck it, I'm getting my news from Al Jazeera from now on.
[quote name='nasum']http://campaign2012.washingtonexami...idential/colberts-lame-super-pac-farce/315276

Professional journalist either doesn't understand satire or has no sense of humour whatsoever. Hard to tell. I opt for the 1st consideration which brings up the point that journalism is no longer journalism but actually Rush Limbaugh style commentary (i.e. full of uneducated opinion and little else). Now, I understand this guy is the senior editorial writer and it's place for opinion, but there's nothing to back what he's presenting. He's just saying he doesn't like it (why not leave the TV show opinion to your entertainment section?).

fuck it, I'm getting my news from Al Jazeera from now on.[/QUOTE]

Previous work experience includes The Heritage Foundation and the National Journal.

It's in his best interest to express disdain for critiques of Citizens United, so that monied interests can help elect his dudes.
[quote name='nasum']http://campaign2012.washingtonexami...idential/colberts-lame-super-pac-farce/315276

Professional journalist either doesn't understand satire or has no sense of humour whatsoever. Hard to tell. I opt for the 1st consideration which brings up the point that journalism is no longer journalism but actually Rush Limbaugh style commentary (i.e. full of uneducated opinion and little else). Now, I understand this guy is the senior editorial writer and it's place for opinion, but there's nothing to back what he's presenting. He's just saying he doesn't like it (why not leave the TV show opinion to your entertainment section?).

fuck it, I'm getting my news from Al Jazeera from now on.[/QUOTE]

Read the comments - people are calling him on it too. Hilarious. What a douche.
The ad was hilarious. John Lithgow narrating was icing on the cake. "Mitt the Ripper"...LOLZ

And like a douche, he couldn't help but not respond and double down.
He's probably the type who consider Stewart and Colbert serious news men. So he ignores that it's comedy and attacks what they do rather than why they're doing it.
Mitt pays 15% because he gets most of his money from capital gains. Newt wanted a 15% flat tax, now Newt wants to call his 15% flat tax the 'Mitt rate'.

It sucks being on the receiving end of Newt's scorched earth brand of politics, but watching him do it to Romney is great theater.
Somehow I just got an e-mail from Rand Paul with the subject "Petition to overturn Roe v. Wade."

I'm trying to figure out how in the hell I got on a mailing list, and also whether or not it's a joke.
bread's done