The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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My credit card will cry out loud this weekend. HWB + groupees + capcom +... Bundlestars? Any thoughts on the new Bundlestars?
Speaking of the groupees...anybody have any thoughts on the Star Wolves games? Or can recommend any of the non-King's Bounty or Theatre of Wars? As for bundlestars...nothing in that group excited me. The one I would've wanted I already have (S.P.A.Z)

I was talking about the full budget one with the dude with dreadlocks.

I was able to register for a CVG account just now and submit my votes, but it appears Greenman isn't able to verify that I voted. Maybe there's a delay. I have a link that I'm supposed to click to claim my free game but when I go there it says I haven't voted, but once I do I can click the same link to redeem. Oh it says there's a 24 hr wait, I knew that!

BTW I only voted on 2 categories and it let me submit.

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I was able to register for a CVG account just now and submit my votes, but it appears Greenman isn't able to verify that I voted. Maybe there's a delay. I have a link that I'm supposed to click to claim my free game but when I go there it says I haven't voted, but once I do I can click the same link to redeem.
If you're not taking the piss: read the text on that page. :fridge:

MIND LINK calling someone else strange?


If you're not taking the piss: read the text on that page. :fridge:
I read it after I posted and then updated my post.

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and a back on topic one: are any of the Lost Planet games on the Capcom sale worthwhile? I haven't heard much in the way of good things about the series in general on PC.
I played the first one recently; It's a very a solid third person shooter (of the monster shooting variety) with cool boss fights. It's nothing revolutionary, but by no means bad. Graphics were better than I expected, too.


I also recommend both Bionic Commando games, for 2.50. The new one could use a little polish, but it's a decent shooter with fun and unique swinging mechanics.

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Going to have a hard time talking myself out of Early Accessing SNOW.

It has been almost 10 years since I have played a winter sports game that was enjoyable. Guess that sets a poor precedent for this one being any good though.

Unrelated: Got my Mafia 2 key from Greenman. I hereby revoke my previous criticisms. GMG über alles.

I would advise against getting snow since it is a free to play game so you are really only paying for alpha access.

Well I can't check if Bionic Commando is region locked in other countries cause is down, but I can tell ya the Russian store is selling it for about 2.70 so there'd be no savings.

It's 1.95 in Brazil store though.

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Question for anybody who's in the Steam Family Sharing beta. Did you get extra gift-able copies as we did with the steam card beta?

Well that sucks. I was somewhere around 32,000 to sign up. At the rate that they're letting people in, I'm not sure if I'll get in before the beta is over.

Though my only real interest in getting into the beta is the possibility that bata participants might get a badge. So life will go on if I don't get in, I guess.

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I played some Onimusha game starring that french guy on PS2, I remember liking it but it would probably feel super outdated today.

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Wonder if this Capcom thing means we'll finally see DmC on a half decent sale.

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Well that sucks. I was somewhere around 32,000 to sign up. At the rate that they're letting people in, I'm not sure if I'll get in before the beta is over.

Though my only real interest in getting into the beta is the possibility that bata participants might get a badge. So life will go on if I don't get in, I guess.
I'll give you a badge, but you'll have to earn it.

[Redacted picture of boy scout leader in front of white van]

Since when could I download shit on Steam while also "playing" games? About goddamn time.
For whatever reason it's on a game-by-game basis for me. Some keep downloading, some stop when I'm playing a game, I've no idea why. Seems I'm alone in this though, so I've probably just screwed up a setting somewhere :fridge:

Does an insane person know they are insane?
If a man eats beans on the prairie, does it make a sound?

You could spend all weekend mooching over the perennially unimpressive Capcom deals. Yes you could. You really could.

[Mind Link Wacky Font]
[/Mind Link Wacky Font]

You could just watch Misfits.

Disclaimer - as with all cool things, I'm four years late. But it's really, really good. Much better than 66% off Resident Evil 6.
I remember watching a few episodes of that, and the main thing I remember is being completed shocked/impressed at what is allowed for TV14 in Britain ;)

Wait, JShackles is in a game? I might be buying this...

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In case anybody didn't know - free copy of The Witcher (1) from GOG w/the purchase of any game now through the 17th. If you're interested, wait until the 17 because they'll have different things on sale from now til then. I'm playing witcher 1 now, and it's a good game, solid B or so. 

anyone heard of

Watch Dogs for $31..... kinda tempting but i've never heard of that site
Just reading through the comments on that page you can see that the site gets mixed reviews. You might wanna do you some more research before plunkin down some bucks.

Edit: I've personally never heard of the site either.

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MIND LINK calling someone else strange?


I read it after I posted and then updated my post.


Awful for Mooby is like a 6.5/10

That's also how drunk Mooby has to be 24/7 just to get by.

onimusha was worth my 5 gabey bucks just for starring leon the professional and his huge zack morris cellphone


<------ needs that shit

Don't worry spoder, I WUB WUB WUB WAHHH your hair.

[picture of crazy Mind Link acid trip mural redacted]

Let's not pretend that it's cool to consume (synthetic) drugs.

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somewhere Blade's rod just imploded because of dat asian girl girl scene I just sprung on y'all

will he continue his e-chivalry routine despite being dickless?


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Picked up Steamworks Lost Planet for a rainy snowy day.  I don't feel safe getting any GFWL unless they have a satement.  And even Age of Booty, Flock, and Dark Void Zero (which I didn't find fun) have securom!

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Smells like PC gaming spirit!

"Crank up, the surround sound

With the lights out, it's more dangerous

Here we are now, PC gamers!

I feel smart, and courageous

Here we are now, PC gamers!"
love it

weird al would be proud. ;)

For whatever reason it's on a game-by-game basis for me. Some keep downloading, some stop when I'm playing a game, I've no idea why. Seems I'm alone in this though, so I've probably just screwed up a setting somewhere :fridge:

If a man eats beans on the prairie, does it make a sound?
yep and a smell also. ;)

Who wants to bet on a humble capcom bundle coming out soon :rofl:
damn it, that would mean I just pissed away 2.75 buying SFIV Arcade Edition. You're welcome. :)

anyone heard of

Watch Dogs for $31..... kinda tempting but i've never heard of that site
Caveat Emptor. ;)

-Mike Brady (when Greg bought that piece of shit car)

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