The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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It was enabled for a few days after the switch, but then it was turned off. This was done so informational topics that get re-created can post several replies afterwords without issues.
I know, that is what I was referring to. It was a feature briefly but hasn't been for the last several weeks to my knowledge, but I keep seeing people wondering why their posts aren't being merged. I'm not complaining or anything, I just thought I'd mention it since not everyone reads the 3.0 updates thread :)

I think my intention may have been misread a bit.  As I said, I don't have any problem with the 1% of games featuring zombies that are actually good games.

But, more often than not, I see developers using zombies as an excuse for lazy game design.  Why?  Well, you can place a bunch of zombies walking in a circle in a room with no real AI.  Just use the excuse "they're zombies" and, all of a sudden, many people are willing to forgive a poorly designed game.

Game mechanics, story-progression, character development, personality of any kind, just anything compelling goes out the window as  the criteria for a game worth playing for some people, so long as said game includes zombies.

In other words, I have no problem with the Left 4 Deads, the (Telltale) Walking Deads, the Space Pirates and Zombies out there, testing the boundaries and introducing new ideas backed by solid design. I have a problem with bad games.  And, I see many many examples of zombies used as an excuse for bad game design.

And, yes, there are games out there with solid game design overlooked as a result of the zombie hordes.  It's distorting the market.  And, yes, that is, of course, just my opinion.

I find the zombie movie parodies (e.g. Zombieland, Shawn of the Dead) more entertaining than the ones that take themselves too seriously.  This is flipped for books though, as I found World War Z pretty lacking (which is why I still haven't gone to see the film) and I prefer Matheson's I am Legend much more (not exactly a zombie book but pretty similar).

I enjoyed the first 8 or so volumes of TWD, but after a while I found the narrative getting too repetitive...

I find the zombie movie parodies (e.g. Zombieland, Shawn of the Dead) more entertaining than the ones that take themselves too seriously. This is flipped for books though, as I found World War Z pretty lacking (which is why I still haven't gone to see the film) and I prefer Matheson's I am Legend much more (not exactly a zombie book but pretty similar).

I enjoyed the first 8 or so volumes of TWD, but after a while I found the narrative getting too repetitive...

The only thing the movie and the book have in common are the title.

Dead Island has exploding zombies and spitting zombies?

Hmmmm, not really a fan of zombies as mobs in games but they've actually been helpful in getting my partner to game with me.

For years she'd only play in fantasy settings where we were killing "non-humans" (orcs, goblins, etc).

Then in RE4 she was able to rationalize that they were not humans, they're zombies so while not the preferred mob, they're acceptable!

Fast Forward to today where we have a couple hundred hours in Borderlands, so zombies were kinda like a gateway mob, further expanding our gaming options. Yea!

Although some of the more recent zombie laden titles are still too much for her, zombie ok, gore, not so much. Eh, whatcha gonna do?

Unrelated to current conversation, I got my first Origin phishing e-mail today:

Never gotten one before, pretty weird. I just gave out my address to a few CAGs and sold them some Steam keys, so there's that. But be on the lookout.
I've gotten a few that are almost word for word the same, but that were pretending to be paypal instead. Thanks for the heads up just in case I do get one, sometimes I forget my brain and accidentally click through to them :whee:

At least you guys didn't get mail.


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I am going to forgive xseed because they released a JRPG on Steam but they seriously need to learn how resolutions work.

Yeah so YS I, I go to start it, see a configuration editor. I play windowed mode so I set my perferred resolution and it doesn't set. Ok so try it again it's too big. Select another resolution, nothing. Finally after 5 minutes of wrestling with the damn thing I got something that looks good enough to play.

Did you meet any zombies on ;)

I met Christians. So many Christians.

And then there's -- that's where you go if isn't conservative enough for ya. It's only for young-earth creationists.

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I am going to forgive xseed because they released a JRPG on Steam but they seriously need to learn how resolutions work.

Yeah so YS I, I go to start it, see a configuration editor. I play windowed mode so I set my perferred resolution and it doesn't set. Ok so try it again it's too big. Select another resolution, nothing. Finally after 5 minutes of wrestling with the damn thing I got something that looks good enough to play.
One of their developers frequents the official Steam discussion (in the new discussion format, not the old forums).

You might try starting a thread there and get some traction for a patch.

Totally off topic, but for those of you who received friend requests for me: it's for no reason in particular. I just thought as though I've been a part of the community long enough to feel like people know me well enough to be more than post quoters. Anyone else wanting to add me just click the + in my sig. Just don't ask me for free shit or you'll end up in my ignore list.  :speaktothehand:

On Warm Bodies: Interesting idea for a film. Turned out to be too...Twilighty...for me, but I didn't consider it a waste of an hour and a half (which is saying something coming from me; being in the film industry totally ruined (or fixed?) my standards of what I consider acceptable film making). Good flick for, well, the Twilight demographic, and a refreshing spin on zombies.

I have to say, however, that Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland are the two top zombie movies and the only two I actually went out and bought. 28 Days Later wasn't bad, but I was not a fan of the cinematography and choice of cameras. The Cabin in the Woods has potential if they pull things together with a sequel. Pet Semetary is a classic (I didn't realize it was spelled with an "S" until just now o_O). The original [REC] scared the shit out of me a few times, though it was fairly gimmicky. As for the rest: nay. Even the classics. The Evil Dead series had it's moments thanks to Bruce Campbell, but nothing I would keep in my collection.

I have yet to see World War Z.

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Totally off topic, but for those of you who received friend requests for me: it's for no reason in particular. I just thought as though I've been a part of the community long enough to feel like people know me well enough to be more than post quoters. Anyone else wanting to add me just click the + in my sig. Just don't ask me for free shit or you'll end up in my ignore list. :speaktothehand:
hay man can i hav sum games?

Totally off topic, but for those of you who received friend requests for me: it's for no reason in particular. I just thought as though I've been a part of the community long enough to feel like people know me well enough to be more than post quoters. Anyone else wanting to add me just click the + in my sig. Just don't ask me for free shit or you'll end up in my ignore list. :speaktothehand:
Thanks for Skyram, I really appreciate it. Spiricore said he has a few copies left, so if you add him he might give you one.
Thanks for Skyram, I really appreciate it. Spiricore said he has a few copies left, so if you add him he might give you one.

He just game me herpes and what he said was a Skyrim code, but turned out to be the alphabet with dashes inserted randomly. I knew I should ignored his friend request.

Thanks for Skyram, I really appreciate it. Spiricore said he has a few copies left, so if you add him he might give you one.
Shhhh! Spoder! That moment was for us to share, and us only...

Well, at least he won't be worrying about tracking grass clippings into the house...

He just game me herpes and what he said was a Skyrim code, but turned out to be the alphabet with dashes inserted randomly. I knew I should ignored his friend request.
I was testing your legendary trading skills and experience. You failed, and have life-long proof of it. :fridge:

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Did she like the movie?

I liked that movie a hell of a lot, actually.
Thought it was one of the better recent "zombie" movies.
She loved it, as she loves anything zombie related (wants to become an infection disease specialist if that has any connection). She made me watch Zombieland, which it was still funny to see the twinkies in the supermarket. She's not much of a gamer but enjoys L4D2 and TWD.
She loved it, as she loves anything zombie related (wants to become an infection disease specialist if that has any connection). She made me watch Zombieland, which it was still funny to see the twinkies in the supermarket. She's not much of a gamer but enjoys L4D2 and TWD.
It's all fun and games until she insists on laying really still during sex and groaning "braaainnns" the whole time..

It's all fun and games until she insists on laying really still during sex and groaning "braaainnns" the whole time..
Or necrophilia... :whistle2:#

I would also like to point out the connection between the topic, your post and your sig. Man, those ads were bad sexy.

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This context makes the word "braaainnns" somewhat ambiguous.



Took me a second until I read the first entry on UD... :rofl:

I prefer the Emperor MS.

Bargain price! I was about to comment on the gender preference they seem to have taken with it, but then I thought about it harder... :whistle2:k :headache: :shock: :cry:

I think they got their product/company names mixed up on the production line. There are so many innuendos in that one image alone...

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I would kickstart, greenlight, whatever it takes to get Typing of the Dead on Steam.

Yes, yes, and yes. I formed way too many bad typing habits with a Dreamcast keyboard in my lap because of that game, and I would love to play it again.
Got 50% off Stronghold 3 & 90% off Serious Sam 3:BFE coupon if anyone wants.

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As for ML, they're just too damn scared of what he will do if they give him a foil.
Depends on the price. If it was worth $5, he'd sell it for $2. If it was 80 cents, he'd sell it for 50 cents, etc.

Sorry MIND LIKE, you don't deserve a foil. You know it's the truth.

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bread's done