The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Anyone been playing papers please
Its a cool game
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Anyone been playing papers please
Its a cool game
I played the beta and thought it was really interesting. It seems a boring idea on paper (to me at least), but the execution is very well done and surprisingly stressful. Will definitely give the full version a go when it drops/is bundled (this is CAG after all) :)

I don't know if this is an unpopular view, but I still think her section in Monster holds up and is quite good.

That said, I have listened to almost no other Minaj ever.
Yeah, her verse in "Monster" was one of her best.

IMHO, about Nicki - just like most artists affiliated w/ YMCMB, she's inconsistent: sometimes great; sometimes good; sometimes mediocre; sometimes horrible.

Yeah, her verse in "Monster" was one of her best.

IMHO, about Nicki - just like most artists affiliated w/ YMCMB, she's inconsistent: sometimes great; sometimes good; sometimes mediocre; sometimes horrible.
About the best for her (IMO) was when she was in "The Creep" just cause her whole video section in that was goofy as fuck (necrophilia, anybody?). Once again I don't listen to much pop songs (spoiler for why, read at own discretion)
I seriously hate songs always about booze, being gamgsta, how much swag you have, or sex, conveyed with suh simplistic lyrics there's no guessing to it. It feels like a porn poem that doesn't feel well thought. Why the hell would someone enjoy porn poems? Anywho, I just love digging into lyrics that seem meaningless and finding the true meaning, hence why most rap/pop/hip hop/ appeals to me, let alone the horrid sound that some of them make with pitch correction software :fridge:
On a related note, Just beat the game known as Sleeping Dogs. Wow that was fun! I felt like :twoguns: all the time.
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About the best for her (IMO) was when she was in "The Creep" just cause her whole video section in that was goofy as fuck (necrophilia, anybody?). Once again I don't listen to much pop songs (spoiler for why, read at own discretion)
I seriously hate songs always about booze, being gamgsta, how much swag you have, or sex, conveyed with suh simplistic lyrics there's no guessing to it. It feels like a porn poem that doesn't feel well thought. Why the hell would someone enjoy porn poems? Anywho, I just love digging into lyrics that seem meaningless and finding the true meaning, hence why most rap/pop/hip hop/ appeals to me, let alone the horrid sound that some of them make with pitch correction software :fridge:
On a related note, Just beat the game known as Sleeping Dogs. Wow that was fun! I felt like :twoguns: all the time.

the fuck is a porn poem? are you reefering to a sex sonnet?

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About the best for her (IMO) was when she was in "The Creep" just cause her whole video section in that was goofy as fuck (necrophilia, anybody?). Once again I don't listen to much pop songs (spoiler for why, read at own discretion)
I seriously hate songs always about booze, being gamgsta, how much swag you have, or sex, conveyed with suh simplistic lyrics there's no guessing to it. It feels like a porn poem that doesn't feel well thought. Why the hell would someone enjoy porn poems? Anywho, I just love digging into lyrics that seem meaningless and finding the true meaning, hence why most rap/pop/hip hop/ appeals to me, let alone the horrid sound that some of them make with pitch correction software :fridge:
On a related note, Just beat the game known as Sleeping Dogs. Wow that was fun! I felt like :twoguns: all the time.
Damn straight, but she's just a novelty in that song and is carried by The Lonely Island doing their thing. No offense to anyone who likes her, but she's a novelty all the time in my opinion, so her shining moments are when her roles are... as novelties.

She's dumb fun in those cases, and dumb fun is always good.

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I don't think it will get much lower since F1 2013 is coming out in a few months. I think this is the last push from Codemasters to get people to try F1 in hoping they buy F1 2013. As a game, well it's F1. I mean quite honestly, it's one of those games that plays like an F1 Race. It's very sim like, and well not that arcade like. I mean even with all the extra options turned on to make the game easier, it's still super easy to just slide and spin off the track in a corner.

Generally I would recommend F1 2012 if you like F1. If you are just looking for a good racing game, I would look elsewhere. Not that it's bad, because it's a really good sim, but the learning curve of the game is pretty immense and well the only cars in the game are F1 cars. There isn't much outside the box besides F1 here, so you want to have to race F1 to buy this.

Overall good, but hard sim. Tracks are F1 tracks. Season plays out like an F1 season. It's F1.

Cool, thanks for the quick rundown. The last F1 game I played was F1 Challenge 99-02 by EA and am glad to hear how sim-oriented this game is. I'll definitely pick it up!
Haha... The Sunday Edition of the Steam Deals thread has been quite good.

It's also made me think about my backlog and how much I love and hate it simultaneously. I've wanted to tap into DA:O but it keeps getting pushed back. Maybe someday soon.

Haha... The Sunday Edition of the Steam Deals thread has been quite good.

It's also made me think about my backlog and how much I love and hate it simultaneously. I've wanted to tap into DA:O but it keeps getting pushed back. Maybe someday soon.
>.> It's been in my backlog for almost 3? years, since DA:OU first hit $25 on the Xmas sale... I'd meant to play it by that spring...

The road to CAG-Hell is paved with I'll play this soon.

>.> It's been in my backlog for almost 3? years, since DA:OU first hit $25 on the Xmas sale... I'd meant to play it by that spring...

The road to CAG-Hell is paved with I'll play this soon.
That's when I got it too. I played it by March and I'm happy with the deal I got.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever play it again. I ran into a nasty bug in Awakening where all my equipment was lost (they take it from you and are supposed to return it at the end of the dungeon). That cut my 70-80 hour quest short and that was already my second playthrough, so I'm not sure if I'll ever return to it. Maybe I'll do Leliana's Song at some point since it's a separate story and your main game save doesn't affect it in any way.

But...but...Dragon Age: Origins is one of the best games of all time!

In my humble opinion, of course.  If you do play it, I highly recommend installing Dragon Age Redesigned (select Lore friendly package).  This person redesigned pretty much every NPC in the game to simply put, look better, including new textures, lore appropriate touches (blood stains on wounded NPCs, etc.)  That's all I would do probably for my first playthrough.

After that, there are sooo many great mods that made that game amazing beyond it's initial release.  Combat Tweaks, Morrigan Restoration Patch, Dialogue Tweaks, everything by Offkorn (esp extra class and spec pack), Improved Atmosphere, etc.  I still have a highly modded version of the game I've ported to each computer I have.

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Yeah, her verse in "Monster" was one of her best.

IMHO, about Nicki - just like most artists affiliated w/ YMCMB, she's inconsistent: sometimes great; sometimes good; sometimes mediocre; sometimes horrible.
Her best:

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66% off Awesomenauts (valid until 13th Aug 2013 00:05 GMT+02)
50% off Sequence (valid until 13th Aug 2013 00:11 GMT+02) 

In my humble opinion, of course. If you do play it, I highly recommend installing Dragon Age Redesigned (select Lore friendly package). This person redesigned pretty much every NPC in the game to simply put, look better, including new textures, lore appropriate touches (blood stains on wounded NPCs, etc.) That's all I would do probably for my first playthrough.
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Anyone know why there is suddenly so many X-Com:EUs up at Steamgifts?  Did I miss some amazing sale on it somehow or is there a pre-order bonus for Declassified that I am unaware of?

Anyone know why there is suddenly so many X-Com:EUs up at Steamgifts? Did I miss some amazing sale on it somehow or is there a pre-order bonus for Declassified that I am unaware of?
X-Com Complete is a preorder bonus for The Bureau that was just unlocked. Not sure why it would just be for EU but maybe they give you EU as an extra copy if you own it already.

I absolutely disliked Anders majorly in DA2...
I disliked Anders majorly in DA:Awakenings...
and when he caught an arrow through the throat at the end, I was thrilled. Then he pops back up in DA2 without explanation (and he was in a separate group from Justice when it happened so no that wasn't it) and I said "Aw, hell no".
...I wasn't enjoying the game up until then and I sure as hell wasn't going to deal with his dumb whiny ass a second time.

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I disliked Anders majorly in DA:Awakenings and when he caught an arrow through the throat at the end, I was thrilled. Then he pops back up in DA2 without explanation (and he was in a separate group from Justice when it happened so no that wasn't it) and I said "Aw, hell no". I wasn't enjoying the game up until then and I sure as hell wasn't going to deal with his dumb whiny ass a second time.

I disliked Anders majorly in DA:Awakenings
and when he caught an arrow through the throat at the end, I was thrilled. Then he pops back up in DA2 without explanation (and he was in a separate group from Justice when it happened so no that wasn't it) and I said "Aw, hell no". I wasn't enjoying the game up until then and I sure as hell wasn't going to deal with his dumb whiny ass a second time.
I thought he was okay in the expansion pack. Most of the characters in DA2 were fine--the writing wasn't really the big problem with the game. I will say that Fenris did get on my nerves a bit, though--his unrelentingly bitter attitude about anything and everything was irritating.
For those who may have gotten Inquistor on GOG or Desura and would like a Steam key a rep from the developer says you can contact them about it at
Worked for me; I picked up a copy on the cheap during GOG's Christmas sale but the dev was nice enough to send me a Steam key when I requested one and sent them a copy of my receipt email.
I thought he was okay in the expansion pack. Most of the characters in DA2 were fine--the writing wasn't really the big problem with the game.
Yeah, like I said, I wasn't really enjoying the game anyway up to that point. I've heard people say "It'd be okay if it wasn't called a Dragon Age game" but I disagree -- it was an uninspired game to begin with and it's only redeeming feature could have been working the Dragon Age angle better than it did.

Guess we will never know what disappointing weekly deals are since the news page been broke for several days.
Weeklies seem to be:

75% off - Jagged Alliance 2 games and Trapped Dead

66% off - Tommy Tronic, MDK series, Death and the Fly, Kingpin Life of Crime, Sacrifice, Earthworm Jim

60% off - Storm in a Teacup, iBomber

You can kind of fish out which ones they are from the list of games on sale by just ruling out the new releases, daily etc.

*Edit: Seems like the whole Interplay catalog minus Fallout is 66% off

Some of those games rarely go on sale and/or have never been this low, at least according to Steam price histories I looked at.

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Yeah, like I said, I wasn't really enjoying the game anyway up to that point. I've heard people say "It'd be okay if it wasn't called a Dragon Age game" but I disagree -- it was an uninspired game to begin with and it's only redeeming feature could have been working the Dragon Age angle better than it did.
I'm not sure I agree with the term "uninspired"--it was merely okay. Because it was compared (and justly so) to Dragon Age: Origins, lots of people thought it was terrible. It has a lot of mechanical problems: too many areas were recycled; the combat encounters largely consisted of the engine dumping waves of enemies at you to the point where you had no idea how long any given encounter was actually going to take; this led to there being no point in even attempting to tactically plan your battles because you couldn't properly allocate limited-use items like spells and potions; and this in turn actually didn't break the game because tactics weren't needed because 99% of the combat encounters were so absurdly easy that you could just let the AI play out while you made a sandwich in the other room and odds were you'd come out just fine.

The story and most of the characters fit well with the fiction and were well-written. Also, if you quit before playing "Mark of the Assassin" you did yourself a grave disservice--unless you're one of the 0 people I've encountered who hates Felicia Day.

Any opinions on the new Bundle Stars bundle?
I dislike how they throw in a few games that haven't been bundled with a lot that have. AFAIK, 6 of the 10 have been bundled in the past year, or given away free in the past year. Bundles can be bought on the cheap now, and I'm not really feeling $5 (+ conversion rate differences) for 4 games. Tower Wars cards are selling for ~10-15 cents.
Re: DA2.

Can we forget that game? Please?

Personally, I think it would have been a 'meh' forgettable game if not called DA, but since it was, well it basically killed the franchise for me.

The writing if we are giving opinions I just did not connect with or care for at all in DA2. I found all the characters annoying and even Felicia Day is not enough to save that mess for me. In my mind that game just did not happen and Dragon Age ended with DA:O. May it rest in least until Dragon Age: Online with microtransactions! :p

I dislike how they throw in a few games that haven't been bundled with a lot that have. AFAIK, 6 of the 10 have been bundled in the past year, or given away free in the past year. Bundles can be bought on the cheap now, and I'm not really feeling $5 (+ conversion rate differences) for 4 games. Tower Wars cards are selling for ~10-15 cents.
This. Way too many repeats though I suppose it might be okay for people relatively new to bundles.
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Today's deal is The Bridge at 60% off ($5.99)
getting closer to my buy price :bouncy:

I dislike how they throw in a few games that haven't been bundled with a lot that have. AFAIK, 6 of the 10 have been bundled in the past year, or given away free in the past year. Bundles can be bought on the cheap now, and I'm not really feeling $5 (+ conversion rate differences) for 4 games. Tower Wars cards are selling for ~10-15 cents.
I'm the same way, when I see a bundle for more than $3 or so that isn't a high profile humble release I almost never pick them up. Sure in relative terms 8-10 games for $5 sounds like a great deal, but when the games are just OK (or even outright bad) mixed with some gems, it seems pointless to pick up that bundle. Having a backlog is a big component of this line of thinking I suppose, but still, there is almost always a better deal down the horizon :whistle2:k


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Ugh, I'm seriously contemplating Earthworm Jim collection @ 75% off... even though I remember playing it on an emulator a couple years ago and realizing the games did not age well at all.  Must... resist... rose-tinted nostalgia...

Ugh, I'm seriously contemplating Earthworm Jim collection @ 75% off... even though I remember playing it on an emulator a couple years ago and realizing the games did not age well at all. Must... resist... rose-tinted nostalgia...
No kidding?

Would you still be contemplating it if it were 66% off?

Like it is?

Some real gems in there. MDK & MDK 2 are both fantastic games, for what i've heard the HD remake of MDK 2 is quite good (it was done by the same guys who made Baldur's Gate HD). Sacrifice is IMO on the best RTS games ever made and a very underrated gem. However i don't know how this games run on modern machinery and how updated the Steam versions are since i own the GOG ones.

Earthworm Jim is one of the best plataformers ever made. But again i can't comment on the quality of the Steam version cause i own the HD remake for the PS3 and the old Win95 version that i got when i was a kid. For what i've read the GOG version of EJ is by far the worst one compared with their counterparts, while you get the music of the Sega CD/Win 95 versions and the backgrounds from the SNES you also get clunky controls and missing levels.

Just got my 4th booster pack! Left4Dead 2. Excitement fading, it's worth .50. Going to open it since I should get .45 individually if no foil. Yup, no foil. :(

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unless you're one of the 0 people I've encountered who hates Felicia Day.
I don't hate her but I'm not smitten with her either. My general opinion of her is that she's carved out a great niche in the "Nonthreateningly cute" market. Cute enough to notice, not so much that you can't plausibly pretend to have a chance with her.

That Dragon Age Youtube video she was in was laughably, hilariously terrible though.

I'm the same way, when I see a bundle for more than $3 or so that isn't a high profile humble release I almost never pick them up. Sure in relative terms 8-10 games for $5 sounds like a great deal, but when the games are just OK (or even outright bad) mixed with some gems, it seems pointless to pick up that bundle. Having a backlog is a big component of this line of thinking I suppose, but still, there is almost always a better deal down the horizon :whistle2:k

Imo, by the numbers is evaluating a bundle the wrong way. I just identify the games I'm interested in and evaluate on that.

Sniper GW: has been $2 maybe $1 (own it) some cags had fun with it, it has a mixed/poor rep

MoW another installment: do you reallyed need this? no

AirBuccaneers: Got screwed on the beta version in another bundle.. /rage-against

Numen - terrible rep

Tower Wars -- sounds like a TD game, pass

Dogfiight 1942 -- own? no want? yes

Chaser -- some FPS game, w/e

Really Big Sky -- Really fun procedual shump, has been $1 on IGS and other bundle or two. (own)

Genesis Rising -- I have little interest/hope in

Pid -- Bundled before?, I think I own it.

Verdict, $5 for 1942, no... even if I discover I don't own Pid? Still no.

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Ah... so it is. Guess I'll pass... until it's 75% next year and the confusion begins anew. Sorry for the misinformation!
It's amazing how that 9% can make all the difference, but Tits 75% or GTFO is the way of CAG.

Unless it's Boob Wars coming soon to the Groupees Ecchi Bundle. Then it really is Tits or GTFO.

Disclaimer: The Groupees Ecchi bundle does not exist (for now) but Boob Wars is a real game.
It's amazing how that 9% can make all the difference, but Tits 75% or GTFO is the way of CAG.

Unless it's Boob Wars coming soon to the Groupees Ecchi Bundle. Then it really is Tits or GTFO.

Disclaimer: The Groupees Ecchi bundle does not exist (for now) but Boob Wars is a real game.
Or Dragon's Crown?

On that note, I was playing DC on my Vita before bed and my wife glanced over and asked why there was a "sexy pixie" flying around. I thought, if that's bothering her... sexy pixie is probably the least of her worries. Then again, I'm playing as the nearly naked Dwarf anyway.

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