The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Steam Sales on Steam



Steam Sales Elsewhere on CAG - Updated 11/2

Indie Bundle Threads - Updated 8/26

Free Stuff - Needs Updating

There are quite a few free and free2play games and mods on steam. You can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads

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Looks like Mark of the Ninja is one of those games that downloads DLC regardless of whether you bought it or not. It's downloading a 783MB update now. Boo! I'll buy it eventually tho. Sleeping Dogs does this too but it downloads multiple gigs, always irritated me.

Apparently I'm wrong, the developer says it's just bug fixes to existing files.

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Found this on SPUF (posted by tannersarms).

There might be an X Series Humble Bundle/Weekly Deal coming soon..

X Universe Bundle A
X3: Reunion
X: Beyond the Frontier
X2: The Threat
SteamDB Unknown App 229330

X Universe Bundle B
X3: Albion Prelude
X3: Terran Conflict
X-SuperBox Bonus Material
buy it!

I love the X3. The learning curve is steep but its worth it. The X universe doesn't just revolve around the player. Wars will be fought and won even without your input. You can play as a military, mercenary, pirate or just a trader. I hope Bethesda games are like that.


It's nice that CAG mobile also have dark theme now.

edit 2:

Oh, the newest installment, X: Rebirth is out on November 2013
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It'd be awesome if that were the direct quote.
The toothless mouse picture is real though if you put in $1. Then as you up the amount the mouse picture changes. Eventually he looks like the monopoly dude but a mouse if you put in a high enough amount.

New Job = I have money now

Of coarse nothing is on sale to spend my new found riches on... :whistle2:(

fuck You 3 month unemployment!!!!!!!!

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The toothless mouse picture is real though if you put in $1. Then as you up the amount the mouse picture changes. Eventually he looks like the monopoly dude but a mouse if you put in a high enough amount.
Put in a big enough number and he goes from Monopoly dude to hip-hop artist with piles of coins, rings on all his fingers and a gold grill.

PAM and Trapped Dead have cards now.

Both are 6-card sets with 3 drops. EUIII drops 3 and it's only a 5-card set.

Trapped Dead is 75% ($2.50) and 4-pack is also 75% ($7.50). A week-long deal that was already mentioned, I think.

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Europa Universalis III has cards now.
I guess this is the excuse I needed to redeem that IG key; I've been sitting on it because I have two physical copies of this game.

New Job = I have money now

Of coarse nothing is on sale to spend my new found riches on... :whistle2:(

fuck You 3 month unemployment!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Unemployment sucks.

Don't worry, the next bundle is always just around the corner. . . .


People who've been following bundles since HIB1 are getting serious rebates these days. Virtually all the money I've made via Steam ($70+) came from indie-game cards.

Feels kinda bad because some of 'em were partially for charity.

Indie devs clearly want in on this and my Steam client is clearly full of their games, and if a series 2 is in the cards (son of a bitch) this situation becomes an indefinite discount/income earned by copping games for change back in the day.

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People who've been following bundles since HIB1 are getting serious rebates these days. Virtually all the money I made via Steam ($70+) came from indie-game cards.

Feels kinda bad because some of 'em were partially for charity.

The less cards the game has... The higher the value of the cards
People who've been following bundles since HIB1 are getting serious rebates these days. Virtually all the money I've made via Steam ($70+) came from indie-game cards.

Feels kinda bad because some of 'em were partially for charity.

Indie devs clearly want in on this and my Steam client is clearly full of their games, and if a series 2 is in the cards (son of a bitch) this situation becomes an indefinite discount/income earned by copping games for change back in the day.
Yeah but those same devs are getting money for free now from the market transactions of cards, emoticons, and backgrounds. If you have a good emoticon or background, the money just keep going around.

Yeah but those same devs are getting money for free now from the market transactions of cards, emoticons, and backgrounds. If you have a good emoticon or background, the money just keep going around.

Yeah, it's tremendous for developers.

The only ones getting fucked are the obsessive trinket-collectors -- and they probably love this racket we're running.

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I bought Super House of Dead Ninjas, crafted my badge and got a rare background. Sold it for almost as much as I paid for the game.

The thing I'm starting to question about the market is the price of common emoticons going for way more than the uncommon and rares from the same game. Castle Crashers comes to mind.

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I bought Super House of Dead Ninjas, crafted my badge and got a rare background. Sold it for almost as much as I paid for the game.

The thing I'm starting to question about the market is the price of common emoticons going for way more than the uncommon and rares from the same game. Castle Crashers comes to mind.
We kind of already discussed this before, but could it be due to the nature of the emoticon (something usable in chat or immediately recognizable) rather than the artificial rarity imposed by limited release?

I bought Super House of Dead Ninjas, crafted my badge and got a rare background. Sold it for almost as much as I paid for the game.

The thing I'm starting to question about the market is the price of common emoticons going for way more than the uncommon and rares from the same game. Castle Crashers comes to mind.
I've seen this a bit with MMOs (yes Bioware I am looking at you with your "rare" jawagrams and emotes and other assorted crap no one wants in the cartel packs). They try to artificially create high value by labeling something 'rare' but ultimately if it's something community is not interested in even limiting supply can only go so far.

OTOH even a common item can become really valuable if there's a high demand for it.

TL;DR - It's not necessarily the tag Valve puts on the items as it as how much the community likes it or not.

*Edit: NINJA'D by the monkey.

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Perceived public value vs an artificial attempt to create value. It isn't surprising that heavy-handed attempts to manufacture value often fail.

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Okay Ducktales was just released a few hours ago and the cards are already dropping to around 25 cent.

I miss the days of Cherry Tree high pre-bundle when I was getting $1.50+ on those damned things. We need more obscure ass games that no one buys to have cardz! :p

Found this on SPUF (posted by tannersarms).

There might be an X Series Humble Bundle/Weekly Deal coming soon..

X Universe Bundle A
X3: Reunion
X: Beyond the Frontier
X2: The Threat
SteamDB Unknown App 229330

X Universe Bundle B
X3: Albion Prelude
X3: Terran Conflict
X-SuperBox Bonus Material

That would be nice, but I'm not buying it. He could have just been listing big games. As much as I don't want to settle or weaker graphics, I'm gonna keep my PS3 pre-order.
[customspoiler= !?!?! ]

The less cards the game has... The higher the value of the cards
That used to be the case, but not so much anymore. The price is 80% determined by popularity, 15% by number of drops, and 5% by price.


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Found this on SPUF (posted by tannersarms).

There might be an X Series Humble Bundle/Weekly Deal coming soon..

X Universe Bundle A
X3: Reunion
X: Beyond the Frontier
X2: The Threat
SteamDB Unknown App 229330

X Universe Bundle B
X3: Albion Prelude
X3: Terran Conflict
X-SuperBox Bonus Material
A bundle I would BTA on, we'll find out in a couple days if it's a Humble sale

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The Humble Deep Silver Bundle ends in 27 minutes.

If you were buried alive for the last 14 days and just now karate chopped your way to the surface, this exists and now's the time to snatch it.


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DuckTales has cards! Hey, everyone! DuckTales has cards! Did you hear? DUCKTALES HAS CARDS! I'm six years old again! Aiiieeeeee! DUCKTALES HAS CARDS!

DuckTales has cards! Hey, everyone! DuckTales has cards! Did you hear? DUCKTALES HAS CARDS! I'm six years old again! Aiiieeeeee! DUCKTALES HAS CARDS!
Well if talking about Ducktales having cards caused a bug to crawl up your ass and die you can always talk about cards for musty old Paradox strategy games that are basically the same game over and over, as interesting as watching paint dry and require a PhD in Quantum Physics to understand.



Man, I can't believe they added cards to P.A.M. That game is so cheap, haha. You can still get it in the Bundlestars Outlaw bundle along with Robin Hood, Pacific Storm, and RIP Trilogy for $0.99. Even more of a no brainer when you can get card money back now.

Man, I can't believe they added cards to P.A.M. That game is so cheap, haha. You can still get it in the Bundlestars Outlaw bundle along with Robin Hood, Pacific Storm, and RIP Trilogy for $0.99. Even more of a no brainer when you can get card money back now.
Ah, great...PAM and EU3 got CARDZ.

More damn games for me to idle...


No warning, no notice? Surprise surprise!*

What did he do? Speculating upon reasoning, he made a small humorous jab about the mods' modus operandi being a bit fascist.**

* inb4 being deleted/silenced myself, as always. 

** I'm not posting this to be a punk, rabble-rouser, etc, but instead because I believe in full transparency (for female clothing as well as moderator activity).

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I think it had to do with a back and forth that happened in the indie key spam fest group buy thread where one user was getting all fussy over another ones prices. Blows were exchanged, things were said, and the mods nuked it from space. So basically, a usual day on CAG :roll:
Nah, that's happened a million times here in the past with any silencings. I'm 99% certain it was for the reason I hinted at.

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