The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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75% off OR NO DEAL!
I figured most would wait for a 91% off glitch on MysterD. ;)


I recall that Nintendo was paying for the development, so there's no chance of it getting ported. I had the impression the game was only getting made due to Nintendo funding it.
Hopefully, the game sells well; and the dev's can buy-out those Nintendo exclusive rights; and then get Bayonetta 2 ported EVERYWHERE (non-Nintendo consoles systems and of course PC).

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still waitin for dat JakeyNome store to open up. Bad Hotel looks interesting. Blood of the Werewolf and Tiny Barbarian DX are greenlight yay, i just voted for those two yesterday too.

I rarely if ever play actual "horror" games, so my vote would be something like Bioshock. The atmosphere was extremely foreboding, and I fell for more than my fair share of jump scares (hello Medical District). I know most wouldn't consider it scary at all, but for what it's worth I found it pretty unsettling (at least the first time through).

EDIT: System Shock 2 is a close second, though I've only played about an hour so far.

I'm planning that as my Halloween week game, seems the only time I will be able to force myself through it :cold:
Yeah, often horror doesn't get to me much, either.

System Shock 2 was awesome, what I played of it - but, it's one of those games that I unfortunately never finished.

The original FEAR was awesome, too. Unfortunately for FEAR series, it kinda went all downhill slowly but surely after the original masterpiece.

Silent Hill 2 is one of my favorite horror games - that game is just do bleak, dark, sad, and depressing...

...especially if you get The Water ending.


Unfortunately, I haven't played a ton of horror games. I love the ones I have played though, Through lack of selection, I'll have to go with Dead Space. Awesome awesome game. Here's an old school shout-out, though: Alone in the Dark. That's the first horror game I eve played, I was around five or six. Our family computer was in the basement, which made playing it even creepier. I remember I was playing it one day and my sister starting walking down the (creaky old basement) steps. My imagination took off, so I ran to the closet and shut the door until I was sure it was her.
Dead Space 1 and 2 are both awesome. :D

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Unique and variety are two different things...pc will definitely have more of a variety and way more exclusives than Wii U, but nobody makes games that are like Nintendo games, IMHO. Hence unique. I just don't think there's anything out there that is going to be quite like Super Mario 3d land or whatever it's called, or Zelda Wii u, or smash brothers, or the donkey kong game coming up. To me, nintendo exclusives are must play because they really set themselves apart from the rest of the gaming industry in terms of the unique quality they have. This should not be construed as me saying Nintendo makes the "best" games, just nobody makes games that are like Nintendo's games, if you get what I'm saying.
I guess you have a point but it's just...I fell like I've already played those games at least five times by now, and as such find it hard to be excited for them :???:

That's what I got from Twilight Princess almost exactly.

Wind Waker has dat empty world containing, what, 5 dungeons? My memory could be completely fucked I guess.
Yeah, the time is padded a bit by the sailing taking up a lot of time, but there's a bunch of little things to do on the different islands and stuff. As long as you're not rushing like crazy I don't see why it shouldn't take at least 20 hours. Believe it or not there are actually 7 dungeons (vs 9 in Twilight Princess). I'm guessing you're not the biggest WW fan? I thought it was underrated when it came out and it's a tad overrated now, because everyone's all like OMGZ can you believe people didn't like this way back when LOLZ??!? I think T.P. gets some unwarranted hate.

If you're still digging the formula, more power to you, but personally yeah I'm rather burnt out on what Nintendo keeps releasing.
Understandable. I hope they begin to mix it up a little more, I think they're in a tough position because you have people who want them to change, then you have people who will get pissed if they change it "too much." This seems to be particularly applicable to Zelda, but their other franchises, as well. But yeah, I'm not quite burnt yet.

Yeah, the time is padded a bit by the sailing taking up a lot of time, but there's a bunch of little things to do on the different islands and stuff. As long as you're not rushing like crazy I don't see why it shouldn't take at least 20 hours. Believe it or not there are actually 7 dungeons (vs 9 in Twilight Princess). I'm guessing you're not the biggest WW fan? I thought it was underrated when it came out and it's a tad overrated now, because everyone's all like OMGZ can you believe people didn't like this way back when LOLZ??!? I think T.P. gets some unwarranted hate.

No, I'm a fan. But when I finished it the day after my mommy bought it, my lil broke-azz felt like shit.

Wind Waker HD though:

Look at Vice City:

You could keep your WW GCN disc and do that for free.
Yeah, I've been debating just downloading Dolphin Emulator to run an "HD" WW. I guess it depends what bundles are out/what the prices are when I decide to buy. I'll probably end up getting it though, just because Zelda's one of my Brett Favrerites (terrible irrelevant pun but sometimes I can't resist) and I like to collect the physical copies. Which is a reason I'm not digging this initial bundle w/the digital download.

Nintendo is dead to me but not cause of their recycled game franchises. It's cause of their attitude toward their customers, ignoring the modern day industry and just living in their own bubble, and their shitty priorities and decisions. I would like to play a new Zelda or Mario Galaxy, but I'm just through buying their hardware so I'll live without those games. Still haven't finished Skyward Sword anyway.

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Nintendo is dead to me but not cause of their recycled game franchises. It's cause of their attitude toward their customers, modern day industry standards, and just their shitty priorities and decisions. I would like to play a new Zelda or Mario Galaxy, but I'm just through buying their hardware so I'll live without those games. Still haven't finished Skyward Sword anyway.
The thing that I really don't like about Nintendo is the way they handle downloadable content. It's not linked to your account, so if your console craps out you're out of luck. But besides that they don't bother me too much. I don't really care about the business decisions of most gaming companies anyway. If they make good games, I'll buy the games. Kind of my reasoning for being really apathetic about EA.

The thing that I really don't like about Nintendo is the way they handle downloadable content. It's not linked to your account, so if your console craps out you're out of luck. But besides that they don't bother me too much. I don't really care about the business decisions of most gaming companies anyway. If they make good games, I'll buy the games. Kind of my reasoning for being really apathetic about EA.
Well I just care about decisions that affect the customer. When they give me a shitty experience as a customer, I stop being their customer. Basically what you just said.

Guys, check this out, the second game and his response to it is just way too funny-
Forgive me for being the obligatory internet curmudgeon, but I don't find implied incest and child molestation to be funny at all.

In other news, the Flying Welcome Bundle is back on sale. Included is [customspoiler='The Polynomial']55R02-Z2Z0K-MMH78

[/customspoiler] which is famous for being the title that introduced me to Indie Game Buyer's Remorse.

Makes sense. I guess I just don't have enough integrity or whatever to boycott games I want to play by principle, lol.
If I had the hardware I would buy the games I wanted to play. It's the hardware I'm not buying. I'm not boycotting it to make a point, I was explaining why I don't buy Nintendo hardware anymore. I think you took what I was saying the wrong way.


I have a solo Zero build that I'm building up and he's surprisingly fun. I played Modecai with a straight up sniper/pistol build. Zero I went with a melee/pistol build and while challenging at some encounters, it's been a nice change of pace. I'd have gone pure melee, but I'm not hardcore enough. I'm torn between my Maya and Gaige as my favorites, though.
It's all about Krieg and Sal.

It's all about Krieg and Sal.
I like Krieg now that I've leveled him up a bit. He seems to be a strong higher level character, though not the easiest for Raid bosses. I think it was the way I wanted to play his character that made him kind of tough in the early going. Honestly, I like all the classes this time around. Though, I actually like Sal the least. He's arguably the strongest of the bunch, but I have less fun with him. I thought I'd like Axton the least because I didn't like Roland in BL1 that much, but a decent turret this time around changed things just enough for me I guess.
Late last night, I finished Leon's Campaign for Resident Evil 6.

Damn, it was awesome. 

I really hope the other 3 campaigns are as great as this campaign turned-out to be.

Late last night, I finished Leon's Campaign for Resident Evil 6.

Damn, it was awesome.

I really hope the other 3 campaigns are as great as this campaign turned-out to be.
I preferred Jake's campaign the most. This is how I rank them (in order of preference):

1. Jake's

2. Leon's

3. Chris'

4. Ada's

Late last night, I finished Leon's Campaign for Resident Evil 6.
Damn, it was awesome.
I really hope the other 3 campaigns are as great as this campaign turned-out to be.


fuck 3.0!

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What's all this console peasant talk doing in the Steam thread? But to chime in, Nintendo lost me with the first Wii.  I adored the Gamecube - definitely one of my favorite consoles.  For my tastes nothing in subsequent generations matched the innovations made in the main series during that era.  I mean, did anyone else play Donkey Konga Jungle Beat? Playing a platformer with bongos? It was sheer brilliance.  The Wii DK was a big step down for me after that.  Woohoo, I have to shake my controller...more of an annoyance than anything to get me excited about gameplay.  And to go from Metroid Prime, where Retro did the impossible and reinvented Metroid into something that was entirely different, modern, enthralling and still Other M? Just sickening.  I've haven't really had much interest in Mario or Zelda in ages.  I've kind of relegated them to the closet of childhood nostalgia.

I can't really understand how people can still be interested in playing platformers, personally...I've had my fill.  But to each his own.  For my tastes, I can't see Nintendo ever winning back my loyalty.  They seem content to keep reinventing the wheel.  I mean, how about a new IP, for chrissakes??!!! What Mario Party are we on now, 17?

What's all this console peasant talk doing in the Steam thread? But to chime in, Nintendo lost me with the first Wii. I adored the Gamecube - definitely one of my favorite consoles. For my tastes nothing in subsequent generations matched the innovations made in the main series during that era. I mean, did anyone else play Donkey Konga Jungle Beat? Playing a platformer with bongos? It was sheer brilliance. The Wii DK was a big step down for me after that. Woohoo, I have to shake my controller...more of an annoyance than anything to get me excited about gameplay. And to go from Metroid Prime, where Retro did the impossible and reinvented Metroid into something that was entirely different, modern, enthralling and still Other M? Just sickening. I've haven't really had much interest in Mario or Zelda in ages. I've kind of relegated them to the closet of childhood nostalgia.

I can't really understand how people can still be interested in playing platformers, personally...I've had my fill. But to each his own. For my tastes, I can't see Nintendo ever winning back my loyalty. They seem content to keep reinventing the wheel. I mean, how about a new IP, for chrissakes??!!! What Mario Party are we on now, 17?

I owe you 5 more likes for this. :applause:

DK Jungle Beat was handcrafted by Black Jesus and I'd rather carve pentagrams onto my face than play Other M.

I wanna hear some pc talk now. lets talk about those greenlight games and figure out where the heck jakenome is. I need some games....dammit!

Jake Nome is chillin' at an Asian Chippendales right now.
haha, sorry guys. Been real busy with work.

I put the ol list back up, and fully updated.

if you want terraria or dust, let me know within the next 3 hours cuz im prolly gonna go to sleep.

by the time i get home tomorrow, the midweek will be over.

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I can't really understand how people can still be interested in playing platformers, personally...I've had my fill. But to each his own.

Platformers are actually my favorite genre, but I guess I'm in the minority. Personally I never tire of them and keep happening upon new and interesting ones to eat up my time, with this year's standout probably being Rogue Legacy (though only because I haven't played Rayman Legends). But I guess it's a genre that has faded from most people's minds for whatever reason, as you said "to each their own".
Platformers are actually my favorite genre, but I guess I'm in the minority. Personally I never tire of them and keep happening upon new and interesting ones to eat up my time, with this year's standout probably being Rogue Legacy (though only because I haven't played Rayman Legends). But I guess it's a genre that has faded from most people's minds for whatever reason, as you said "to each their own"
Platformers, to me, are games that are great to unwind or play if I have a spare half hour to pass or something, because they tend not to be too plot heavy or whatnot. BTdubbs, seeing as it's your favorite genre and all, have any platformer recommendations that maybe went under the radar/were underrated?

Sunasun, Mind Link!!  Yo, we should form the CAG Steam Police and arrest people and hit them hard with nightsticks for trying to sell free games on here. This shit needs to stop, who's with me!

Here come the Fuzz...


On another note, I'm really looking forward to Contrast. Looks like a fun puzzle platformer. Count me in.

“It’s as if Limbo and Bioshock Infinite had a baby while watching Pan’s Labyrinth“ -VENTUREBEAT

That really is the best way to describe it.

Did anyone else randomly get Game of Thrones in their inventory today? I wonder if it has anything to do with me already having it and then getting the Focus Humble.

Did anyone else randomly get Game of Thrones in their inventory today? I wonder if it has anything to do with me already having it and then getting the Focus Humble.
I think other people who owned the game reported getting an extra gift for that game when activating the Focus bundle key.

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