The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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3 activation limit, 1 activation added back each month. I don't think there's a way to revoke.
It really doesn't matter as I'd never play it again. It would just sit in my BL. But, I'm still going to pass. I did a quick google search of Tages which directed my to the steam game discussion forum for Riddick. There weren't too many good things being said about it there. So, I'll pass on the opportunity to raise my Steam xp by a point.

Ghostbusters is a really fun, simple, game that is probably much more interesting for people who dig the movies. 

Re: Knytt Underground - I played into Act 3 on my Vita and it's...alright.  I sort of like where it goes, and it may be better on PC, because the sprites are so god damn small I can hardly see where I am sometimes and the analog stick controls are a little too fidgety.

Yeah, it's not showing up in my game list and I didn't get a confirmation email like I did for Riddick. Whatevs, I need my beauty sleep, hopefully there'll be a key waiting for me in the morn.
Sure enough, got my key. Very legit, would buy from again A++++++.

As for the beauty sleep, it didn't take. *nyuk nyuk nyuk*

3 activation limit, 1 activation added back each month. I don't think there's a way to revoke.
Plus, Atari (the game's original publisher) is, more or less, now defunct.

If the servers for that Tages DRM (Internet activation) ain't up, we're screwed.

Well - unless the DRM got pulled, of course.

Don't know if it did or not.

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So, about that Enslaved port. My laptop can run games like Tomb Raider and Hitman: Absolution and Sleeping Dogs at about 30 FPS at 1280x720 if I turn certain graphical effects down or off. Enslaved runs at 15 FPS at 800x600. Somehow I get an even lower FPS on the main menu. I assume this is because I can't scale down the graphics quality; the only graphics settings are resolution and gamma.
The original GFWL Arkham City ran like shit, I think most people thought so. At least in DX11.

I haven't installed the latest drivers, I'm using 320.49.
Arkham City (G4WL-version) ran poorly for me in DX11 on my rig, back when I ran it (not too long after game's release).

I stuck w/ DX 9.0 - ran very well there.

Looking at Metacritic - X360, PS3, PC - it looks like Arkham Origins' reviews are scattered all over the place, which is no major surprise to me, given Rocksteady ain't behind the wheel on this.

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I'm still shocked to hell that those are the official requirements... Video cards that where 300 plus dollars 3 years ago are too low for the minimum system requirements. All I can say is that the PC/Xbone/pS4 version better be way different than the current gen... (If they aren't I have a feeling that stuff is being left off just to force people to buy new video cards.)

Granted, I don't much care... I gave up on CoD back at MWII (and the last treyarch version I got was World at War) but the official specs still seem a bit much.

I don't know if I can wait for it to hit $5 - we'll have to wait & see.
Maybe $7.49-$10, I might budge.

I'll wait for GOTY. Still have AC backlogged, don't know why
I'm still shocked to hell that those are the official requirements... Video cards that where 300 plus dollars 3 years ago are too low for the minimum system requirements. All I can say is that the PC/Xbone/pS4 version better be way different than the current gen... (If they aren't I have a feeling that stuff is being left off just to force people to buy new video cards.)

Granted, I don't much care... I gave up on CoD back at MWII (and the last treyarch version I got was World at War) but the official specs still seem a bit much.
I was shocked about the stiff-requirements for Watch Dogs and especially COD: Ghosts - until I read the 4K article from NVidia.

Once I saw the 4K push - it all made perfect sense to me.

They're, more or less, at least doubling the resolution quality on everything - actual textures, resolution for game-engines, and monitors/HDTV! That's a HUGE deal. And since Windows is a bloated OS itself and since DirectX isn't low-level at all, that's gonna cause requirements to jump up even more so.

The thing is, I don't think we'll see too much difference w/ Ultra-HD 4K stuff entirely probably NOT until we are using much bigger monitors/HDTV's and we're sitting right in front of them & hugging them like PC gamers do w/ PC monitors (instead of further back, like often done in a couch-mode atmosphere). That's when that stuff will make much more of a difference. This stuff is ahead of its time right now - namely b/c nobody's really supporting this much yet, on both the PC/console gaming front and on the TV/movie front.

I mean, we all remember how good Diablo 2 looked at 800x600 back in its hey-day, on MUCH smaller monitors it was really built for in full-screen - it looked great. Throw D2 in full-screen mode at 800x600 on a modern 23'' inch 1080p monitor - yeah, it looks pixelated like crazy.

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For corn's sake, I bought Ghostbusters DRM-Free from Amazon a month or so ago. I'm not going to pretend I'm entitled to a Steam key, but I'm pretty annoyed since I only bought it thinking Steam was now out of the question :headache:
thanks for taking the hate heh

and mysterd 33 i thought u were younger u so old damn mns aging spell after u eat him few weeks ago :p

I was shocked about the stiff-requirements for Watch Dogs and especially COD: Ghosts - until I read the 4K article from NVidia.

Once I saw the 4K push - it all made perfect sense to me.

They're, more or less, at least doubling the resolution quality on everything - actual textures, resolution for game-engines, and monitors/HDTV! That's a HUGE deal. And since Windows is a bloated OS itself and since DirectX isn't low-level at all, that's gonna cause requirements to jump up even more so.

The thing is, I don't think we'll see too much difference w/ Ultra-HD 4K stuff entirely probably NOT until we are using much bigger monitors/HDTV's and we're sitting right in front of them & hugging them like PC gamers do w/ PC monitors (instead of further back, like often done in a couch-mode atmosphere). That's when that stuff will make much more of a difference. This stuff is ahead of its time right now - namely b/c nobody's really supporting this much yet, on both the PC/console gaming front and on the TV/movie front.

I mean, we all remember how good Diablo 2 looked at 800x600 back in its hey-day, on MUCH smaller monitors it was really built for - it looked great. Throw D2 in full-screen mode at 800x600 on a modern 23'' inch 1080p monitor - yeah, it looks pixelated like crazy.
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Arkham City (G4WL-version) ran poorly for me in DX11 on my rig, back when I ran it (not too long after game's release).

I stuck w/ DX 9.0 - ran very well there.

Looking at Metacritic - X360, PS3, PC - it looks like Arkham Origins' reviews are scattered all over the place, which is no major surprise to me, given Rocksteady ain't behind the wheel on this.
I had a feeling no matter what, it'd get semi mixed reviews. A lot of people are going to start saying things like "more of the same, which isn't BAD, but isn't good, either." I would've been shocked if it scored as well as Asylum or City.

I had a feeling no matter what, it'd get semi mixed reviews. A lot of people are going to start saying things like "more of the same, which isn't BAD, but isn't good, either." I would've been shocked if it scored as well as Asylum or City.
I think this is what often happens w/ follow-ups to masterpieces/great works of art - people in general WAY overreact to a product; especially critics who are supposed to be critical and critique everything; and especially with gamers who toss down big-money (i.e. full MSRP at $40-60) to get the game ASAP.

You just...often can't live up to such ridiculous proportions of hype - the insane marketing campaign everywhere; to the hype you might put on the next iteration yourself; and then to what greatness was already established. I think it's much easier to make a very-very flawed game and then make a much better sequel, IMHO - i.e. see Two Worlds 1 to the extremely major improvement in every way that was Two Worlds 2.

We can go down the list of games w/ insanely ridiculous reactions from masterpiece to its sequel, and we'll see trends like this.

IMHO, Perfect example - take DAO to DA2.

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Focus Home is giving away Early Access keys for the first chapter of Final Exam. It sounds like dressed up shareware to me. Still might be fun co-op as we barrel toward Halloween.

I think this is what often happens w/ follow-ups to masterpieces/great works of art - people in general WAY overreact to a product;
You're right.

Joyce's Ulysses 2 and Michelangelo's Chapel Again: Ain't Yo Mama's Sistine were both unfairly panned by critics in their day.

But really, if you're just putting out "more of the same" several years after the initial product, it deserves mixed reviews. Mixed means some people still want it and some people have moved on. You'll know which one you are before you read the review.

I think this is what often happens w/ follow-ups to masterpieces/great works of art - people in general WAY overreact to a product; especially critics who are supposed to be critical and critique everything; and especially with gamers who toss down big-money (i.e. full MSRP at $40-60) to get the game ASAP.

You just...often can't live up to such ridiculous proportions of hype - the insane marketing campaign everywhere; to the hype you might put on the next iteration yourself; and then to what greatness was already established. I think it's much easier to make a very-very flawed game and then make a much better sequel, IMHO - i.e. see Two Worlds 1 to the extremely major improvement in every way that was Two Worlds 2.

We can go down the list of games w/ insanely ridiculous reactions from masterpiece to its sequel, and we'll see trends like this.
IMHO, Perfect example - take DAO to DA2.
Sure it's easier, but I still don't believe as you seem to that we should simply accept that sequels will rarely ever live up to their predecessors unless they were flawed to begin with. If the game is mostly a retread than I think it warrants a lower score. You might be able to do something good, but do it enough times and nobody cares anymore. Given the large number of games that went from great to greater, it isn't unheard of that a game can be followed up with an even better experience.

But I don't need to rant about this again, as I already have :whee:

You're right.

Joyce's Ulysses 2 and Michelangelo's Chapel Again: Ain't Yo Mama's Sistine were both unfairly panned by critics in their day.

But really, if you're just putting out "more of the same" several years after the initial product, it deserves mixed reviews. Mixed means some people still want it and some people have moved on. You'll know which one you are before you read the review.
Amen, brother! Arkham Asylum was one of my most favorite games of this generation, and I still haven't played City because of my backlog. With all the interesting games people are developing nowadays I feel like innovation is at a premium more than ever. Even a 24/7 gamer (which I am not) only has so much time.

Sure it's easier, but I still don't believe as you seem to that we should simply accept that sequels will rarely ever live up to their predecessors unless they were flawed to begin with. If the game is mostly a retread than I think it warrants a lower score. You might be able to do something good, but do it enough times and nobody cares anymore. Given the large number of games that went from great to greater, it isn't unheard of that a game can be followed up with an even better experience.

But I don't need to rant about this again, as I already have :whee:
If one wants to argue that games are an art form, one has to hold them to the same artistic standards. Art evolves with time and the tastes of its audiences; it is not a static thing. When I was a freshman in college I spent probably a grand playing Tekken 3 in the arcade (really dating myself here...). At the time I felt like it was the closest thing to a real fighting simulation I had experienced. (Never had a Saturn and thus missed the VFs.) I haven't really touched the series since its fourth iteration, or Soul Calibur since 3, since Namco was content to essentially keep the core mechanics and just add new moves, graphics, and characters. Fifteen years later I don't still want to be learning juggle and stun combos. I want something that feels more like a real fight and doesn't have people bouncing around in the air. I want an experience that feels as fresh and new to me now as Tekken 3 did in '98. I feel like Namco failed to evolve with the times and take full advantage of modern technology. Sure people are still buying their games, and like Eldredpe said, these gamers are content to stick with what they know they like. But game developers like this will not be providing the innovation that drives the industry forward (even if sometimes they do garner some perfect 10s from brainwashed critics...).

There is something wrong with me.  (Obviously.)  I've bought ME1 PC retail and activated on Origin, ME2 on 360 and PC retail and activated on Origin and ME3 on PS3 and on Origin.  Why is it that I feel the need to get the ME1/2 pack on Steam?  Support for my favorite franchise?  Pad my game account?  Just to have them in my Steam library?

I learned it from watching you.

I was shocked about the stiff-requirements for Watch Dogs and especially COD: Ghosts - until I read the 4K article from NVidia.

Once I saw the 4K push - it all made perfect sense to me.
Interesting read, though more propaganda than article if you ask me based upon the site... I wouldn't expect honest reporting on the PS4 on Sony's website or the Xbone on MS... Its just the nature of the beast. I'm not calling BS on it. Just saying take it with the grain of salt... These guys all desperately want the next big thing to drive sales and 3D busted out.

As for it making perfect sense... I just don't see it.

If these huge textures were the only way to play the game than we would require these top end cards... but those top end cards aren't required so why does it matter if I have 4K Textures, Ultra, High, Med, or Low? It really doesn't...

What I'm curious about is this going to be like the PC version of BF vs the console version where maps are different. If the PC version map's are different compared to the current consoles (360/PS3/Hell I'll toss the Wii U in here too) then I'll stand down and apologize.. but what I suspect will happen is the maps will be exactly the same, though the PC version will be as far superior as your rig can make it, as I don't think Activision cares too much about PC game sales... They would rather take money from NVIDIA.

Also does anyone find it silly that this tech from ten years into the future is being pushed in a game that Activision will want you to replace next year?

I think this is what often happens w/ follow-ups to masterpieces/great works of art - people in general WAY overreact to a product; especially critics who are supposed to be critical and critique everything; and especially with gamers who toss down big-money (i.e. full MSRP at $40-60) to get the game ASAP.

You just...often can't live up to such ridiculous proportions of hype - the insane marketing campaign everywhere; to the hype you might put on the next iteration yourself; and then to what greatness was already established. I think it's much easier to make a very-very flawed game and then make a much better sequel, IMHO - i.e. see Two Worlds 1 to the extremely major improvement in every way that was Two Worlds 2.

We can go down the list of games w/ insanely ridiculous reactions from masterpiece to its sequel, and we'll see trends like this.

IMHO, Perfect example - take DAO to DA2.
Absolutely. There's a big case of "crap, where the heck do we go from here?" going on there. When you make a REALLY good game, you get into a bit of a no-win situation. Because if you don't make any changes it's "Hey this is exactly the same as the first one wtf!" and if you make a lot of changes, it's "This is hardly even a (insert game name here) game anymore!" or people are just overly critical of the changes. I think the best thing to do if a game is really well received is to keep the core mechanics the same, but iron out the kinks. Improve the graphics, fix any broken mechanics, etc., and introduce slow, gradual new implementations. When the formula gets stale, either stop making them or make an overhaul. Personally, I think nearly any good IP would be good w/a trilogy. That's just the right amount of time to either have a great, overarching story (like Mass Effect) or to milk a formula until you've reached the apex or the saturation point (pretty much where Assassin's Creed was at w/brotherhood, or where the arkham series might be now). After three games you should have a reboot, a new overarching story, or major changes, IMHO. Another thing to take into consideration is time between releases. The Elder Scrolls series takes their sweet old time releasing games, so it doesn't tend to get stale, especially since each iteration is long enough apart that the graphical jumps alone have nearly been worth the price of admission. I think what it really comes down to is how hard you milk a title. If you're pushing a new game any more often than once every three years, you better do a REALLY good job with them, or else the lack of improvements or major changes will look really glaring.

There is something wrong with me. (Obviously.) I've bought ME1 PC retail and activated on Origin, ME2 on 360 and PC retail and activated on Origin and ME3 on PS3 and on Origin. Why is it that I feel the need to get the ME1/2 pack on Steam? Support for my favorite franchise? Pad my game account? Just to have them in my Steam library?

I learned it from watching you.
I think it's because it's your favorite franchise. W/my favorite games, logic goes out the window. That's why I'm buying Dark Souls (one of my favorite games ever) once GFWL gets sorted out. I've played it SO much on the 360...probably well over 300 hours, maybe even 400. I've tried nearly every build in the game...dexterity, strength, pyromancy, sorcerer, etc. There's almost literally nothing in that game I haven't done. I've played it so much that the last game I started on it wasn't even fun anymore. But I can't help myself - the memories of the first couple times I played through it strongly outweigh the apathy I have for it currently.

I'm still shocked to hell that those are the official requirements... Video cards that where 300 plus dollars 3 years ago are too low for the minimum system requirements. All I can say is that the PC/Xbone/pS4 version better be way different than the current gen... (If they aren't I have a feeling that stuff is being left off just to force people to buy new video cards.)

Granted, I don't much care... I gave up on CoD back at MWII (and the last treyarch version I got was World at War) but the official specs still seem a bit much.
The GTS 450 was $130 at release 3 years ago

Admittedly I'm not too familiar with the AMD/ATI cards but that's a fairly low requirement for the NVidia card. If you paid more than $300 for a card 3 years ago that is below that, I'm very curious what you bought.

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For corn's sake, I bought Ghostbusters DRM-Free from Amazon a month or so ago. I'm not going to pretend I'm entitled to a Steam key, but I'm pretty annoyed since I only bought it thinking Steam was now out of the question :headache:
At least you can buy it, I'm region locked out of it. But at least I bought it back when it was still available, aheh.

Here's my ridiculously long-winded Resident Evil 6 (PC Version) REVIEW:

It's WAY too long for my Steam-recommendation section, so I took a portion of it and threw it up there in my Steam-recommended section.

I had to put it somewhere in its entirely - namely, since I don't feel like chopping it down, so it's up on my XFire account, like most of my long-winded reviews.

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I like my games to stay the same. Change is scary.
Mixed feelings on this...because when games are heavily changed, you could wind up w/a dud (DA2), and I certainly don't mind playing a game I love that doesn't change in future iterations. But at the same time, a lot of games have to change to be considered great again. Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time (formula was very similar to lttp, but there were a lot of changes - 3d perspective, z targeting, etc), AssCreed 2, ME2, etc.

All this talk about Arkham Origins being a disappointment... I played the first 90 minutes last night and thought it was great! :(
First 90 minutes ain't everything - though, that's a damn good start that it's great for you already.

The real question is this: can an open-world game w/ its main-quest and side-quests sustain that same kind of greatness for you during the entire length that it lasts you?

Deep Silver is having RISEN day today....

75% off all Risen games, DLC, etc.

Risen Collection (includes everything Risen that's listed below) = $9.99

Risen 1 = $2.49

Risen 2 games

Risen 2 (base game) = $4.99

Air Temple DLC = $2.49

Treasure Isle DLC = $2.49

Pirate's Clothes DLC = 79 cents


Deep Silver's Sacred-published games/series are on sale at 75% off, too

(Thanks, Tebow!)

Sacred Collection  = $8.74

(includes all one-packs for all Deep Silver-published Sacred games listed below)

Sacred 2: Gold Edition = $4.99

Sacred Citadel games

Sacred Citadel (base game) - > One Pack = $3.74; 3-Pack = $8.74

Jungle Hunt DLC (one-pack) = $1.24

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In honor of the Risen 2 daily 75% off as part of the Deep Silver Weekend


All this talk about Arkham Origins being a disappointment... I played the first 90 minutes last night and thought it was great! :(
You should probably reassess all of your views so that they align with those of the people you interact with on Internet forums.

That sounds like a solid life decision.

Not sure if I should put this in a HIB thread, but a Humble Daedalic Bundle is coming (looks like a weekly one given the "BT6" designation).
Boo. With Chaos on Deponia and Dark Eye in the BTA, this would have been an insta-buy, but Journey of a Roach? They must be scraping the bottom of the back-catalog for that one.

EDIT: Okay, apparently the roach game is new. But it'd be better if it were Chaos on Deponia.
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