The Steam Deals Thread v10

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New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Are you and Naked Snake Eyes rocking the same sexy girl in your avatar?

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Should've Donkey Konged that baby to smooth out that pointed head.

Are you and Naked Snake Eyes rocking the same sexy girl in your avatar? If so, according to CAG ToS, you must now fight to the death.
We are not. He's vicariously Reon Kadena, and I'm vicariously Elly Tran Ha. Thanks for the compliment though, sweetie. Big hearts! <3
Laptop sadly died last night. Kind of sucked as I was halfway through my work. However, there is a positive side to everything. My girlfriend decided to buy me a new PC  (although I do have to pay her back the money eventually). It is nothing absolutely breathtaking. However, based on a few YouTube videos it should be able to run most games I want to play on high or ultra settings so not that bothered really.

Laptop sadly died last night. Kind of sucked as I was halfway through my work. However, there is a positive side to everything. My girlfriend decided to buy me a new PC (although I do have to pay her back the money eventually). It is nothing absolutely breathtaking. However, based on a few YouTube videos it should be able to run most games I want to play on high or ultra settings so not that bothered really.
Cool story bro.

So let's talk about Elder Scrolls Online and how we're all getting it.

Or maybe it's just me. And the rest of you will wait for F2P. And I'll be in the hole hundreds of bucks.

Seems like a win?


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So let's talk about Elder Scrolls Online and how we're all getting it.

Or maybe it's just me. And the rest of you will wait for F2P. And I'll be in the hole hundreds of bucks.

Seems like a win?

I played in the beta for ESO. It felt incredibly bland and uninspired. I was bored very easily and couldn't really get into it. I believe I played a total of 10 hours or so solo and another 5 with a friend. He also has the same opinion as me, but is far more negative than I am.

That said, I'm trying EverQuest Next: Landmark and the mining is pretty damn awesome in that game. If they port it straight over to EverQuest Next, that would be amazing. It was extremely satisfying and I haven't seen mining as satisfying as this since early Ultima Online. Minecraft comes in a decent third.

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So let's talk about Elder Scrolls Online and how we're all getting it.

Or maybe it's just me. And the rest of you will wait for F2P. And I'll be in the hole hundreds of bucks.

Seems like a win?

Still haven't seen anything on what endgame PvE is going to look like. The closest thing I've seen is a note that there will be raids, but not really... :error:

The worst thing really would be to get your toon to max level, then have nothing to do (hello SWTOR). Anyone have a link to information on how TESO is going to do this?

After years of WoW, I've not really seen another MMORPG that's come anything close to the content and polish that Blizzard has in its flagship.

TESO has a $60 box price, which is fine since many other subscription based and F2P MMOs have an initial box price.

TESO has a subscription fee, which is fine if it actually means it gets frequent patches and content updates.

But then the TESO Collector's edition has an exclusive race, which might make sense if it was F2P & P2W but it already has a box price and a subscription fee, so charging an extra $20 or so for an exclusive race seems really shady to me.

But then the TESO Collector's edition has an exclusive race, which might make sense if it was F2P & P2W but it already has a box price and a subscription fee, so charging an extra $20 or so for an exclusive race seems really shady to me.
Yeah, same here... I was a bit shocked when i saw it on GMG the other day... (Haven't followed the game really at all.) And, honestly, it seems like its a hell of an important race too.

TESO has a $60 box price, which is fine since many other subscription based and F2P MMOs have an initial box price.

TESO has a subscription fee, which is fine if it actually means it gets frequent patches and content updates.

But then the TESO Collector's edition has an exclusive race, which might make sense if it was F2P & P2W but it already has a box price and a subscription fee, so charging an extra $20 or so for an exclusive race seems really shady to me.
wow, i hadn't heard about that...that really rubs me the wrong way, especially with a universe that has a lore as established as the elder scrolls. to just box of an entire race to those who pay for the imperial edition is pretty crazy.

TESO has a subscription fee, which is fine if it actually means it gets frequent patches and content updates.
I would like to defend Guild Wars 2, as it gets frequent patches and updates. Also EQ2 is not horrid on its F2P with its recent changes, are constantly updating and patchin,and has a huge end game. The one problem with EQ2 is you do have to buy an expansion every year 40.00 USD. There used to be ways to get it cheap, but they nerfed that...

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ESO looks like they just took Skyrim and added mass co-op.  Mechanics of that game just don't work for an MMO.  F2P within a year.

I just don't feel like I'm missing out on anything if I never play TESO.  When I need my Elder Scrolls fix, I'll return to one of the worlds I already own.  Even if it were F2P from the get-go, I wouldn't feel very tempted to dive in at release price.  Having a fee making me feel that I should be playing it and nothing else... I went through that with WoW, and I don't want to go through that again with anything else.

So let's talk about Elder Scrolls Online and how we're all getting it.

Or maybe it's just me. And the rest of you will wait for F2P. And I'll be in the hole hundreds of bucks.

Seems like a win?

Not getting it - at least not anytime soon.

I don't pay full price for "always online DRM-based" games. DRM like this devalues games majorly, IMHO. Especially once the plug gets pulled - i.e. bleh @ Tabula Rasa never getting an offline mode, once its online plug was pulled. I don't like game content going to waste like such just b/c the servers got removed - it should be me and the modders, who worry about trying to run old games on whatever hardware + software we choose, years down the line. I can still years later play games like Thief: TDP, Thief 2, Doom, System Shock 2, Planescape: Torment, and Vampire: Bloodlines - b/c they don't rely on always online servers of some game company who may or may not be around and if they feel like keeping those servers online, years down the road.

Then throw the monthly subscription fee on top of ESO - forget it; not too much interested in ESO currently.

Plus, to make matters worse - it's said the game has a SP story that can be finished w/out dealing w/ other players, anyways; which makes me believe that at least that portion should be playable offline or online, at the player's discretion.

Also, I do believe that putting the "MMO" and lots of other players online factor into a Elder Scrolls game will take away what makes a ES game what they are and are so special in the 1st place - basically, old ES games feel like huge offline MMO type of RPG that are very extremely mod-friendly. ES was the SP-style MMO (b/c of the game's HUGE size, game-world & the way quests are built/put together) for those who didn't want to go online and deal w/ other players. I think by putting the MMO into an ES game, it basically could become just another MMO w/ likely no modding really allowed.

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I do get why they would make an ES MMO.  The people who would want it most are those who have already invested thousands of hours in ES lore and would like to play an MMO but without having to deal with an unfamiliar setting.

The thing is, it's going to be a relatively small subset of people who enjoy MMOs that have yearned and held out for an ES one.  I see this as being something they put out to fill that niche before moving on to the next true ES game.  I could see them using the assets created here as the foundation for a later single-player game to tie it all together (while, ideally, covering any developments to lore that go on in the MMO).

I do get why they would make an ES MMO. The people who would want it most are those who have already invested thousands of hours in ES lore and would like to play an MMO but without having to deal with an unfamiliar setting.

The thing is, it's going to be a relatively small subset of people who enjoy MMOs that have yearned and held out for an ES one. I see this as being something they put out to fill that niche before moving on to the next true ES game. I could see them using the assets created here as the foundation for a later single-player game to tie it all together (while, ideally, covering any developments to lore that go on in the MMO).
While playing an epic single player game... I releaized it was missing 1000 d-bags.... and Khajiit females dancing on mailboxes.

I'm holding out for Skyim Motorsports.

I do get why they would make an ES MMO. The people who would want it most are those who have already invested thousands of hours in ES lore and would like to play an MMO but without having to deal with an unfamiliar setting.

The thing is, it's going to be a relatively small subset of people who enjoy MMOs that have yearned and held out for an ES one. I see this as being something they put out to fill that niche before moving on to the next true ES game. I could see them using the assets created here as the foundation for a later single-player game to tie it all together (while, ideally, covering any developments to lore that go on in the MMO).
Oh, I get why, too - look at the ridiculous amounts of money made from WoW.

There's only one big problem - WoW still has a rabid fan-base; WoW still gets expansions released; and people still pay that $15 subscription to let it keep recurring even if they ain't playing it too much. Do most game-players really want to have another MMO that costs $15 per month to keep playing? I think not.

I think that's why Turbine's MMO's once they went F2P w/ micro-transactions + Guild Wars series + TSW once it dropped its sub-fee did so well - b/c gamers could now just buy the game + play whenever they felt like (as long as the company's servers were up), not having to worry about sub-fees. If gamers really dug an MMO and wanted new content, they could just buy the new pieces of content whenever necessary.

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While playing an epic single player game... I releaized it was missing 1000 d-bags.... and Khajiit females dancing on mailboxes.

I'm holding out for Skyim Motorsports.
Siltstrider races, FTW! :D


Siltstrider drifting races and drag races would be...rather interesting!

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Maybe if CAG would allow avatars larger than a Lilliputian postage stamp you wouldn't need to buy new glasses. :whistle2:|
I absolutely refuse to believe you've read Gulliver's Travels.

We need a different font and color specifically for when lines can be taken either seriously or sarcastic. ;)
Or we could get rid of the colored fonts and rely on even the slightest bit of social awareness.

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