The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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I played through Papo & Yo tonight.

For $1 on IGS I would highly recommend it.

It's a fairly leisurely/simple puzzle game in the Ico/Brothers vein and doesn't really have a fail-state. The story is at this point pretty well-known. It's an allegorical take on the creative director's experiences as a child living with an abusively alcoholic father. All of that oscillates between moving and heavy-handed, but it feels really personal, which I think is always something games can use more of. Most of the puzzles aren't particularly difficult. I looked up a guide once because I didn't want to experiment a ton on a particular puzzle (you can't die from Monster when he's angry, but getting tossed around by him can be frustrating), and I think a couple of the latter half puzzles are more trial and error than anything, but because the game isn't really that difficult that's pretty forgivable.

It took me 3 hours to play through, and while I don't consider myself a fast player, I did get lucky on a lot of puzzles and feel like I had a relatively short first run. It's definitely no more than 3.5 hours, though, even if you get stuck a bit. 

I would have probably been disappointed with the game at full price, but at $1 (or even several dollars) it's a really lovely, story-driven puzzle game with a lot of heart that makes for an enjoyable (somewhat lengthy) single-sitting experience. 

Also, it does this really interesting thing, in my opinion, of only letting you get the collectibles after you've beaten the game once. As someone who will always go for collectibles, but then never get them all and never go back for the rest later, thus wasting time and breaking the experience getting 2/3 of the collectibles on my first time through anyway, I think that's neat. I'm sure that's an annoying feature for some people, but for me it was nice to know there weren't any collectibles to search for when I was playing, but also nice to know that if I wanted to find some later the option would be available. I suppose it probably wouldn't be smart for a game any longer than this, though.

I played through Papo & Yo tonight.

For $1 on IGS I would highly recommend it.

It's a fairly leisurely/simple puzzle game in the Ico/Brothers vein and doesn't really have a fail-state. The story is at this point pretty well-known. It's an allegorical take on the creative director's experiences as a child living with an abusively alcoholic father. All of that oscillates between moving and heavy-handed, but it feels really personal, which I think is always something games can use more of. Most of the puzzles aren't particularly difficult. I looked up a guide once because I didn't want to experiment a ton on a particular puzzle (you can't die from Monster when he's angry, but getting tossed around by him can be frustrating), and I think a couple of the latter half puzzles are more trial and error than anything, but because the game isn't really that difficult that's pretty forgivable.

It took me 3 hours to play through, and while I don't consider myself a fast player, I did get lucky on a lot of puzzles and feel like I had a relatively short first run. It's definitely no more than 3.5 hours, though, even if you get stuck a bit.

I would have probably been disappointed with the game at full price, but at $1 (or even several dollars) it's a really lovely, story-driven puzzle game with a lot of heart that makes for an enjoyable (somewhat lengthy) single-sitting experience.

Also, it does this really interesting thing, in my opinion, of only letting you get the collectibles after you've beaten the game once. As someone who will always go for collectibles, but then never get them all and never go back for the rest later, thus wasting time and breaking the experience getting 2/3 of the collectibles on my first time through anyway, I think that's neat. I'm sure that's an annoying feature for some people, but for me it was nice to know there weren't any collectibles to search for when I was playing, but also nice to know that if I wanted to find some later the option would be available. I suppose it probably wouldn't be smart for a game any longer than this, though.
I wish more games did things like Papo and yo w/the collectibles. Or at least had an option for it, like turning off non story achievements or something. It'd be nice to just experience a game, as opposed to getting sidetracked w/goals that are pretty pointless

Check it out Video Game soundtrack fans, the new Game Music Bundle 6.

Details in the spoiler

$1 for 5 albums:

  • Dust: An Elysian Tail
  • Braid Original Soundtrack
  • Rogue Legacy Original Soundtrack
  • Electronic Super Joy OST - Part I
  • Famaze
$10 for all 24 albums:

  • Electronic Super Joy OST - Part II
  • Kentucky Route Zero Act I
  • Kentucky Route Zero Act II
  • Guacamelee! Original Soundtrack
  • 7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat
  • Risk of Rain
  • Bientôt l'été
  • Pivvot
  • Shimsham OST
  • Thirty Flights of Loving Original Score
  • Mighty Switch Force 2
  • Tiny Barbarian DX: The Serpent Lord OST
  • Artemis: The Official Soundtrack
  • Super Ubie Land Original Soundtrack
  • Null Divide + : Extended OST
  • Big Steel Wheels
  • Zineth OST
  • Bits of Music from The Stanley Parable
  • Papo & Yo Soundtrack

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$3.39 for Gunpoint.  :whistle2:k  I'm glad I've waited on it, but I'm afraid the next step is bundle territory. Another flash sale temptation. Argh.

Still mad at myself for missing out on the Trails Evolution flash sale.

They should limit these late-hour ones to repeats. That way people who are asleep won't miss anything and people who are awake can get whatever they missed from earlier. And with one time set aside for repeats they can keep the rest of the stuff fresh.

Flash Sales: UTC: 10AM 29/11 - 6PM 29/11.

Gunpoint (-66%) $9.99 $3.39

⚠ Currently available for the same prices on the official site (includes Steam key and DRM-free copy.)

⤷ Special Edition Extras (-66%) $10.00 $3.40

⤷ Exclusive Edition Extras (-66%) $10.00 $3.40

+ Special Edition (-66%) $19.99 $6.79

+ Exclusive Edition (-66%) $29.99 $10.19

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (-75%) $19.99 $4.99

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (-75%) $19.99 $4.99

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (-75%) $14.99 $3.74

Command & Conquer: Kane's Wrath (-75%) $19.99 $4.99

Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight (-75%) $19.99 $4.99

Limbo (-75%) $9.99 $2.49

Might and Magic Heroes VI: Complete Edition (-75%) $39.99 $9.99

⚠ There is also a "Gold" pack for $7.49 that doesn't include Shades of Darkness.

Might & Magic: Heroes VI (-75%) $29.99 $7.49

— ⤷ Danse Macabre Adventure Pack (-50%) $9.99 $4.99

— ⤷ Pirates of the Savage Sea Adventure Pack (-75%) $9.99 $2.49

Might and Magic Heroes VI Shades of Darkness (-75%) $19.99 $4.99

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Gunpoint and Rogue Legacy are easily my favorite indie games of this year. $3.39 for Gunpoint is definitely worth it. It's admittedly short, but all 4 or so hours of it are incredible.

Don't buy StarForge. It's got a looooooooooong way to go yet before it approaches something worth spending money on.
I could have told you that if you asked before you bought it, lol. Should have spent the money on Starbound as its beta is releasing next Wednesday on Steam.

Gunpoint and Rogue Legacy are easily my favorite indie games of this year. $3.39 for Gunpoint is definitely worth it. It's admittedly short, but all 4 or so hours of it are incredible.
Mercenary Kings is pretty good for an early access/beta. Will definitely be worth it once it finally hits 1.0. Best played as a co-op experience though.

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Elder Scrolls Anthology is up again as a lightning deal for $24.99.

RETAIL version, but includes (according to Amazon random reviewers) one Steam key that adds Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim to your account along with their respective DLC, making this a stupidly awesome deal for someone who doesn't own these yet.

Currently sitting at 13% claimed, so this should be available for an hour or so.

So a friend just brought this to my attention: Borderlands 2 GOTY for $15 at GameAgent

Among some other deals as well. Apparently they offer Steam keys, but I don't think I've ever heard of this site before and I'm looking for some input. Anyone go through them before? Trustworthy?
GameAgent is a Mac game seller. If you're using a Mac/Apple product, you're fine. If not, make sure you are purchasing STEAMPLAY games which give one key for Mac/Windows versions.

BL2 is Steamplay, so that should be great.

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Elder Scrolls Anthology is up again as a lightning deal for $24.99.

RETAIL version, but includes (according to Amazon random reviewers) one Steam key that adds Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim to your account along with their respective DLC, making this a stupidly awesome deal for someone who doesn't own these yet.

Currently sitting at 13% claimed, so this should be available for an hour or so.


GameAgent is a Mac game seller. If you're using a Mac/Apple product, you're fine. If not, make sure you are purchasing STEAMPLAY games which give one key for Mac/Windows versions.

BL2 is Steamplay, so that should be great.
How legit are they? That's a pretty sweet deal.

If anyone is still looking for a cheap wired controller Amazon is having a lightning deal on the Logitech F310 in the next hour and a half-ish.  The current price is $19.99 so I am guessing it might be $14.99.

So, like another 9 pages went up in 24 hours or so on me...  These sells are going to be killer on me, apparently. 

Speaking of sales...  I haven't got to many new games.  I got Dark Souls from Amazon the other day (which I should have waited for Steam itself to have it as Jake could have gotten it cheaper) and I got Trials: Gold Edition.  (If you play it add me!)

In the physical realms I was tempted by the Elder Scrolls Anthology from Amazon but ended up holding off...  I would likely just backlog it all and its a retail item so I suspect I'll see it on sale soon enough. (likely during Amazon 12 days of Christmas sales.)  I did snag Diablo III (25 bucks plus tax) and Starcraft II (and expansion; 15 each) from Wal-Mart on a whim on the way home from work...  More on the Starcraft as I've never really played them...  I know DIII isn't the greatest (or at least it didn't live up to the hype) but one of my biggest complaints just doesn't seem to bug me anymore...  Always online connection.  Yeah, sucks, wish it wasn't there but I've played far too much Marvel Heroes to hold it against DIII anymore.  (and checking on the blizzard online stores tells me those indeed where the best deals in town for each game.)

Also, I just ordered the HD and Windows 8.1 for my new PC...  I'll have to swap my RAM (8 GB) and video card (5850) but I should have that all up and running here soon rather than later...  I guess the real question is:

How much "street cred" do I lose for running an i7 with an Radeon 5850?

Gunpoint was one of my favorite games this year, along with Swapper, Rogue Legacy, and Call of Juarez Gunpoint.  The smaller games really hit the mark for me this year (I guess Gone Home fits this category too, but I enjoyed the above four much more).  I'd say 3 bucks and change is a great deal for something if you'd play it soon... and I'd highly recommend playing it soon :)

The music and story are surprisingly good, but of course it's the gameplay that really sells this title.  I've never played a game quite like it, nor can I imagine playing a game like this with a controller while not losing any accuracy or efficiency.  You can jump nearly anywhere, and your agility helps you make some really elaborate plans and traps work.  He's actually way more ninja-like than the protagonist of Mark of the Ninja, other than the whole stealth killing with sword thing :)  Speaking of MotN, I usually stink at stealth games, but MotN and Gunpoint give you enough information and control without overwhelming you that I had great fun making my own strategies and finding my own solutions to each stage... something that you can't say about some of Swapper's more diabolical later stages.

Gunpoint and Rogue Legacy are easily my favorite indie games of this year. $3.39 for Gunpoint is definitely worth it. It's admittedly short, but all 4 or so hours of it are incredible.
And here I was sitting, resigned to pass until it hits 75%. Damn these endorsements!

You must have willpower, my son!
Your right.....75% off or bundle or bust.

Just gives me an excuse to go get more from Amazon....Thinking I have 4 or 5 credits for January racked up already. Learned my lesson last year when I ran out of credits so fast.

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Check it out Video Game soundtrack fans, the new Game Music Bundle 6.

Details in the spoiler

$1 for 5 albums:

  • Dust: An Elysian Tail
  • Braid Original Soundtrack
  • Rogue Legacy Original Soundtrack
  • Electronic Super Joy OST - Part I
  • Famaze
$10 for all 24 albums:

  • Electronic Super Joy OST - Part II
  • Kentucky Route Zero Act I
  • Kentucky Route Zero Act II
  • Guacamelee! Original Soundtrack
  • 7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat
  • Risk of Rain
  • Bientôt l'été
  • Pivvot
  • Shimsham OST
  • Thirty Flights of Loving Original Score
  • Mighty Switch Force 2
  • Tiny Barbarian DX: The Serpent Lord OST
  • Artemis: The Official Soundtrack
  • Super Ubie Land Original Soundtrack
  • Null Divide + : Extended OST
  • Big Steel Wheels
  • Zineth OST
  • Bits of Music from The Stanley Parable
  • Papo & Yo Soundtrack
Damn, I wish these guys had a $5 level...

Add my voice to those saying that Gunpoint was worth every GabeNbuck I spent on it during the summer sale.  If you get it, the soundtrack edition is worth it.  If you wait for a bundle, buy whatever bundle it's in because it's easily worth the five bucks for the bundle on its own, especially once they throw in the soundtrack.

Be warned that, while it looks graphically simple, it ran choppily on my laptop.  I managed to finish it with no trouble, but I'll have to replay the levels on my desktop someday if I want to pass the optional time trials.


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If someone is willing to buy me this i can trade most of this games in exchange.

Dead Space Steam Key
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Steam Key
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Steam Key x 2

War of the Roses: Kingmaker Steam Key
Warlock Steam Key
Leviathan: Warships Steam Key
The Showdown Effect Steam Key
Europa Universalis 3 Complete Steam Key

Trine 2: Complete Story Steam Key
Mark of the Ninja Steam Key
Eets Munchies Steam Key
Brütal Legend Steam Key
FTL: Faster Than Light Steam Key
FEZ Steam Key
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Steam Key
A Virus Named TOM Steam Key
LIMBO Steam Key
Bastion Steam Key
Thanks :)

finally won a stupid Grid 2 key on facebook....this whole time im trying to get one im actually trying to get a fast time...finally read a post here and the goal is to suck to get a key...

finally won a stupid Grid 2 key on facebook....this whole time im trying to get one im actually trying to get a fast time...finally read a post here and the goal is to suck to get a key...
I played the demo earlier this week and it's actually pretty easy to suck at GRID 2.

I just got an email about a $1 BF sale at Shinyloot. Might be worth checking out; there's probably at least one game that was in a bundle you missed on sale for a crisp Washington today.

Breaking news: I waffled on another card and that MSI 770 is OOS at Newegg. One day, my friends, I will have the conviction to act on a deal.
Hey Moobs! You can get an ASUS GeForce GTX690 4096MB GDDR5 512bit, Dual GPU, 2xDVI-I,DVI-D,mDisplayPort, Quad SLI Ready Graphics Card Graphics Card for the low low price of $909.99 through an Amazon lightning deal.

Hurry! It's on right now!

oh the game on facebook isnt even a race...its a find a picture in the picture game.
The game seems kind of buggy - I think the video doesn't always stop where it's supposed to because sometimes the right "spots" aren't anywhere near the actual image. And once the three images you're supposed to find didn't even appear.

Dishonored glitch is dead... DAMN was trying to buy a second gift...

EDIT: Think these glitches are intentional "door busters" to keep us noodle heads hammering F5?

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