The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

From latest MNC update:

"• Added Pro Gear system, allowing players to customize the look of their Pro" far will this go?

(For the record, I got MNC before the cross-promotion, but am happy for the items and any new players it brings.)
[quote name='cheapo72']From latest MNC update:

"• Added Pro Gear system, allowing players to customize the look of their Pro" far will this go?

(For the record, I got MNC before the cross-promotion, but am happy for the items and any new players it brings.)[/QUOTE]

I saw this coming a mile away, but if it makes the game more popular and gives me an extra bonus for buying games, it works for me.

In other news, Breach is 20% off @ $12. Makes it somewhat tempting, but I'll hold off.
Played MNC for the first time today in probably a month. Nice to see the servers actually function correctly now. Seems like they nerfed the tanks rail gun though as I now need to be like five feet away from someone to make contact. Slightly annoying.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']So has anybody else noticed the Penny Arcade Adventures Double Pack that was just added to the store? I like how a few weeks ago, and for the past year or so before that, the games were $5 each, but now, they're $8 each, or $12 for both. This is one of the first notable examples of a price increase on Steam, that really stands out to me.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm not too upset anymore about that price increase as the combo pack is $3 for the weekend.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Well I'm not too upset anymore about that price increase as the combo pack is $3 for the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Anyone who has bought that pack within the past week or so (perhaps confusedly thinking it's new) is now double-fucked, haha.
Really, really starting to enjoy MNC. It's League of Legends FPS style. If you get a good team that actually works together and have a guy on support who actually knows what he's doing (healing and hacking sentries) the game is a blast.

Seems like there are a lot of morons who play support though, which is a pain in the ass. I'm sick of having a sliver of health, running back to a support guy, only for him to either stand there and do nothing or run away. It's a lot like TF2 where all the retards somehow end up being Engineers.
Can anyone sell me on the PA game? It looks sort of like a Final Fantasy type RPG. Does the story get resolved? I thought I heard them say they intended more but it didn't sell well.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Can anyone sell me on the PA game? It looks sort of like a Final Fantasy type RPG. Does the story get resolved? I thought I heard them say they intended more but it didn't sell well.[/QUOTE]

Apparently the second episode only sold a third of the copies that Episode 1 sold.

About the game though, it's a pretty simple turn based RPG. Each character has 2 attacks, primary and special (can use after a couple of turns). There are also items to that do your basic buff/debuff/distract/heal/etc. It can get slightly boring, but it's definitely worth the $3 for the both of them.
[quote name='eastx']The story is resolved via textual stories at the Penny Arcade website... Sucks, but better than nothing.[/QUOTE]

Glad to see they didn't hang fans out to dry, but that results in a pass for me. Sounds like the gameplay isn't all that redeeming either.
I don't think the Steam versions of Sega Genesis games have online play. They are extremely low-effort emulations, lacking even Steam Achievements.
[quote name='eastx']I don't think the Steam versions of Sega Genesis games have online play. They are extremely low-effort emulations, lacking even Steam Achievements.[/QUOTE]

While you're probably right, the page does say:




Controller enabled

Though that could all mean local only.
[quote name='eastx']I don't think the Steam versions of Sega Genesis games have online play. They are extremely low-effort emulations, lacking even Steam Achievements.[/QUOTE]

That's was one of the things that a few friends and I were discussing. If some of the games like Golden Axe, Golden Axe II and other co-op allowed for easy online play unlike Netplay with some of the remakes and such...we were going to buy them (yep even me)... alas it was not to be.

Local play is still good for family and when guest come over but sucks for those friends that are on the other side of the world.

Oh well.
It's annoying because the Xbox Live and PS3 versions have online play and Achievements/Trophies. Yet on the PC, the easiest platform to just run an emulator and steal some ROMs, Sega puts no effort into their official Genesis emulation.
[quote name='eastx']It's annoying because the Xbox Live and PS3 versions have online play and Achievements/Trophies. Yet on the PC, the easiest platform to just run an emulator and steal some ROMs, Sega puts no effort into their official Genesis emulation.[/QUOTE]

Sad and true.

If a 1 man development crew can do it for remakes of their games...surely, a giant software developer can...except in this case.
After talking about how much I'm enjoying MNC, I've started to hate it. The ratio of helpful, good teammates compared to horrible, bad, terrible teammates is horrendous. I tried getting into about six different games this afternoon, each one had just complete shitties.

People block the spawn doors because they're upgrading skills, nobody capitalizes on injured enemies, people who play support NEVER heal you, and if your moneyball is getting destroyed, everyone runs. I'm having serious flashbacks of League of Legends here where 99% of the people that play the game are garbage and are just totally clueless.

Coffee has the inside track on Steam developments because he does something related to legal matters for some developer or company associated with Steam. He keeps it vague, man! But he's usually right. Still holding out for those Final Fantasy games on Steam though.
[quote name='eastx']Coffee has the inside track on Steam developments because he does something related to legal matters for some developer or company associated with Steam. He keeps it vague, man! But he's usually right. Still holding out for those Final Fantasy games on Steam though.[/QUOTE]

hehe that is exactly why i was wondering,i really wanted FF 7 on steam and the resident evil titles.
[quote name='eastx']Coffee has the inside track on Steam developments because he does something related to legal matters for some developer or company associated with Steam. He keeps it vague, man! But he's usually right. Still holding out for those Final Fantasy games on Steam though.[/QUOTE]

Please... PLEASE don't get my hopes up.
[quote name='eastx']It's annoying because the Xbox Live and PS3 versions have online play and Achievements/Trophies. Yet on the PC, the easiest platform to just run an emulator and steal some ROMs, Sega puts no effort into their official Genesis emulation.[/QUOTE]

To play devil's advocate, on the consoles, you have one online infrastructure (per system, that is) that is all standardized. On PC, they'd have to either build their own system, or use something like GameSpy or GFWL or Steamworks. Steamworks would be awesome, but of course, that would limit the games to being on Steam, or whatever. I'd love Steamworks online features for these things.

[quote name='Spartan V07']Hey eastx,just curious on how that coffee edge guy knows these are coming?[/QUOTE]
Why would you ask him, and not me? At any rate, not telling you, heh. And sorry, I really don't know what's up with those Final Fantasy releases. They were supposed to happen, and still might.

On that note, here's some more coming soon games:
  • Scream (no idea what this is)
  • Sanctum
  • Skydrift
  • Agricultural Simulator 2011
  • F.E.A.R. 3
  • Cities in Motion

Oh, also, I think there might be some sort of free multiplayer weekend thing for COD Black Ops in March, or something.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Scream (no idea what this is)[/QUOTE]

I wonder if it's the rumored squeal to "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" PC game. This was awhile back though in PCGamer when they put the original game on their disc as freeware.
[quote name='Spartan V07']What about those dreamcast games coming feb 22. They said it was digital for pc but is that including steam?[/QUOTE]
Can't say for sure on that one, but probably.

[quote name='Megazell']I wonder if it's the rumored squeal to "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" PC game. This was awhile back though in PCGamer when they put the original game on their disc as freeware.[/QUOTE]
Heh, nah, definitely not anything like that, sorry.
Anyone try Magicka? I liked the demo and can get it for around $8 on D2D (activates on Steam). But I'm torn on waiting for an inevitable sale but they're offering the Wizard's Survival Pack DLC if you buy it before Jan 31. Even if it's not great, this weird completist thing in me is trying to get me to get it now.
Magicka is pretty much awesome. It has some significant problems right now, but the developers are busting their ass to fix it. If you can get it for $8, you really can't beat that.
It's fun but overly complicated. There are eight spells (Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F), different keys that combo with them (Shift, Space, Middle Mouse, CTRL), the good spells combine 4-5+ keys, and some of them you're expected to know on the fly. It's definitely chaotic fun with some friends though.
[quote name='SEH']After talking about how much I'm enjoying MNC, I've started to hate it. The ratio of helpful, good teammates compared to horrible, bad, terrible teammates is horrendous. I tried getting into about six different games this afternoon, each one had just complete shitties.

People block the spawn doors because they're upgrading skills, nobody capitalizes on injured enemies, people who play support NEVER heal you, and if your moneyball is getting destroyed, everyone runs. I'm having serious flashbacks of League of Legends here where 99% of the people that play the game are garbage and are just totally clueless.


I'm waiting on a decent competitive service like to have semi-competitive matches set up. Until then, I'm just working to unlock my 5 custom classes (4 of which I had in the beta :bomb:) and then I'll probably sit tight, see what's on the horizon for the game.
Magicka--My friends and I bought it on Thursday for its multiplayer aspect. Couldn't get past the tutorial, with disconnect problems, and game glitches (like people disappearing and not coming back). As it was, you have to connect to another person's box to play, and as we all had routers with firewalls, whoever hosted had to hassle with not only allowing the port for the game, but also steam as well...only mention this as we typically haven't ran into this problem with other games. Also, something annoying, while trying to setup the game if someone took a spot, and left, the spot couldn't be refilled and you had to abandon that game and rehost it. We gave it a shot for about 2 hours, and called it. Could not bypass the speech within the game, and it became annoying having to listen to the speech (which as far as I can tell is gibberish/not a real language) over and over, at least in the very beginning, until the host could "Banana" us to a later point. Figured we'd check back later when it was possible to play it multiplayer.

The concept however, is very appealing, and from what I was able to do, combining spells was fun, as you could heal someone with one combination, while killing them with another...there was also a spell incompatibilities that would have negative consequences, and there was a few ways to cast spells, like on yourself, on your sword, project it....I look forward to playing it when its patched to playability.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Any impressions on Magicka? What type of game is it? It looks Diablo like...but I do not see enemies dropping random loot.[/QUOTE]

It's not at all like Diablo. If anything, it's like Gauntlet, with a really clever and cool spell system. It's an action game, not an RPG.
Started playing F.E.A.R and have to say this game is pretty damn amazing. One of the better steam deals iv ever gotten(got it at the Christmas sale). What do the Xpacks add?
[quote name='MSI Magus']Started playing F.E.A.R and have to say this game is pretty damn amazing. One of the better steam deals iv ever gotten(got it at the Christmas sale). What do the Xpacks add?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I remember being super pumped for F.E.A.R. back in Fall of 2005. It didn't disappoint. The X-packs are just mini SP campaigns. I haven't played them, but I remember the reviews saying they weren't anything special.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Started playing F.E.A.R and have to say this game is pretty damn amazing.[/quote]
FEAR 1 still has the best single-player AI in any FPS, ever, if you ask me. Nothing else has even come close (including FEAR2, which dumbed it down quite a bit). The way the enemies navigate the environment, move over obstacles, throw grenades back, and work together, it's just astonishing. Their voicework plays into it really well, the way they have little conversations, and really solidifies the illusion that these guys are actually intelligent, cooperating, and have a plan to kick your ass.

I'm sure that technically, they're probably actually pretty limited, and are really specifically tailored to FEAR's typical narrow corridors and whatnot, but still, the AI is what really made the game a classic, for me. That, and how utterly devastating the carnage is when you use the slow-mo ability. Enemies just get torn apart in a way that few games have depicted so intensely. I dunno what it does, exactly, but something about the physics and ragdolls and the way they react to getting shot and kicked changes when you use slo-mo, and it's absolutely spectacular.

What do the Xpacks add?
Fairly bland but tolerable new SP campaigns to slog through. If I'm not mistaken, their stories aren't even considered canon to the series anymore. They were by a different developer. The amazing AI is still there, but the level designs aren't as good. It's not that they're horrible necessarily, they just don't live up to the admittedly very high standard set by the first game.
I just finished playing Windosill. I think it was in the Puzzle Pack from Christmas. Although it only took a little more than half an hour to reach the end, it was definitely one of the best half hours of gaming ever. A really enjoyable experience. If it's sitting on your list of games, you should treat yourself to a play.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I just finished playing Windosill. I think it was in the Puzzle Pack from Christmas. Although it only took a little more than half an hour to reach the end, it was definitely one of the best half hours of gaming ever. A really enjoyable experience. If it's sitting on your list of games, you should treat yourself to a play.[/QUOTE]

Yeah a real fun very casual game...played it a couple times since the sale, for the hell of it, since it takes a few minutes to play through again.

Reminds me a lot of those old "edutainment" PC CD-ROM games that had little quirky things you can click on while "playing" it.
So can I expect Fear 2 to be as awsome as Fear 1? I think I am almost through with the game and going to finish up the two Xpacks. I plan on jumping straight in to the second game, but I am wondering if since the story was spoiled for me and coffee said that the A.I is nowhere near as good, if that means the sequel is going to be weak.
Here we go again, Steam tempting me with Global Agenda. Someone please sway me either way (I've been on the fence every time this game has gone on sale).
[quote name='MSI Magus']So can I expect Fear 2 to be as awsome as Fear 1? I think I am almost through with the game and going to finish up the two Xpacks. I plan on jumping straight in to the second game, but I am wondering if since the story was spoiled for me and coffee said that the A.I is nowhere near as good, if that means the sequel is going to be weak.[/QUOTE]

It's not as awesome as the first. The AI isn't as good. Unlike FEAR 1, which was very much designed and completed as a PC game first and then ported to consoles a year later by a different developer, you can definitely tell that FEAR 2 was designed as a multiplatform game from the start. I try to stay away from PC-vs-console crap, but take that for what you will.

However, it is still a pretty good FPS with some awesome set pieces, great visuals and sound, a good continuation of the story, and solid gameplay and overall feel. It's just not quite the rip-snorting, balls-to-the-wall, kick-ass breath of fresh air that I found the first one to be back in 2005.
[quote name='MSI Magus']So can I expect Fear 2 to be as awsome as Fear 1? I think I am almost through with the game and going to finish up the two Xpacks. I plan on jumping straight in to the second game, but I am wondering if since the story was spoiled for me and coffee said that the A.I is nowhere near as good, if that means the sequel is going to be weak.[/QUOTE]

Yes and no. I think the weapons are still fairly interesting like in the first, the scares are also pretty great (Towards the end at least) but the AI is horrific. There's no sense of stealth (When you eavesdrop on conversations, they detect you either by proximity or when their conversation ends, no sense of hiding in the shadows) not to mention they were practically jumping in to my bullets. The game looks really good visually though and there are some pretty cool action sequences as well as non-office environments (And non-bipedal shooting enemies). The story jumps the shark though, it's pretty weird. Pretty short though, campaign took about 5 hours. Multiplayer's also alright, nothing to hold me more than a couple hours though.

All in all, 6.5-7/10. Definitely worth the 6-7 hours I logged.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Yes and no. I think the weapons are still fairly interesting like in the first, the scares are also pretty great (Towards the end at least) but the AI is horrific. There's no sense of stealth (When you eavesdrop on conversations, they detect you either by proximity or when their conversation ends, no sense of hiding in the shadows) not to mention they were practically jumping in to my bullets. The game looks really good visually though and there are some pretty cool action sequences as well as non-office environments (And non-bipedal shooting enemies). The story jumps the shark though, it's pretty weird. Pretty short though, campaign took about 5 hours. Multiplayer's also alright, nothing to hold me more than a couple hours though.

All in all, 6.5-7/10. Definitely worth the 6-7 hours I logged.[/QUOTE]

So I will be happy with it for the like $2-$5 I spent on it, but probably a little let down after the first. So far I am loving FEAR for the game play, I like that I can sneak up on enemies and blast them using my fast reflexes before they ever even detect me. However, I really do not find this scary at all. I think there has only been one or two parts that were even slightly startlingly(and I say startling on purpose because it def did not scare me, just surprise me).

What are the odds that I like Stalker? I also picked up the Stalker games awhile back and have yet to play them.
[quote name='MSI Magus']So I will be happy with it for the like $2-$5 I spent on it, but probably a little let down after the first. So far I am loving FEAR for the game play, I like that I can sneak up on enemies and blast them using my fast reflexes before they ever even detect me. However, I really do not find this scary at all. I think there has only been one or two parts that were even slightly startlingly(and I say startling on purpose because it def did not scare me, just surprise me).

What are the odds that I like Stalker? I also picked up the Stalker games awhile back and have yet to play them.[/QUOTE]

I guess I'm just kind of a baby then, some parts in both FEAR's had my heart rate going up, but nothing that ever made have to pause or quit the game and calm down about (I know Amnesia makes some people feel that way)

They're entirely different games. FEAR is very linear and orchestrated where as STALKER is kind of loosey goosey about how things go down. I would never sway someone away from STALKER though, good games.

However, they both share acronyms for names so there are some similarities.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I guess I'm just kind of a baby then, some parts in both FEAR's had my heart rate going up, but nothing that ever made have to pause or quit the game and calm down about (I know Amnesia makes some people feel that way)

They're entirely different games. FEAR is very linear and orchestrated where as STALKER is kind of loosey goosey about how things go down. I would never sway someone away from STALKER though, good games.

However, they both share acronyms for names so there are some similarities.[/QUOTE]

Amnesia is what I REALLY wanted to play, but the damn thing wont run for me. That and Penny Arcade both just crash before even putting up....again showing why I hate PC gaming.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Amnesia is what I REALLY wanted to play, but the damn thing wont run for me. That and Penny Arcade both just crash before even putting up....again showing why I hate PC gaming.[/QUOTE]

Sorry if I'm asking you/telling you stuff you already know but:

What's your hardware?
Have you updated drivers?
Have you updated directX?
Considering they're both cross-platform, though I don't know if they use it, have you tried updating OpenGL?
[quote name='MSI Magus']Amnesia is what I REALLY wanted to play, but the damn thing wont run for me. That and Penny Arcade both just crash before even putting up....again showing why I hate PC gaming.[/QUOTE]

Than why do you still continue to support something that is not working for you?


On a side note, one of my workers had a problem with that game - Amnesia - (retail
) and he had to uninstall and del the folder or something to that effect to get it to run.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Sorry if I'm asking you/telling you stuff you already know but:

What's your hardware?
Have you updated drivers?
Have you updated directX?
Considering they're both cross-platform, though I don't know if they use it, have you tried updating OpenGL?[/QUOTE]

Drivers would be the best place to start since I have not done that in a few months. Really though what it comes down to is I am a console kid and I have a backlog of dozens upon dozens of games. It is hard to spend an hour or more figuring out what the hell the problem is, whenever I can just install FEAR and play it or play a PS3/PSN game I have not gotten around to yet. I plan on getting a new PC within the next 6 months, so I just went ahead and put it under the list of games id play when I got the new PC.

@Megazell - Two reasons. First for the handful of exclusives like Diablo 3 and Civilization that you can not get on consoles. Second for the prices. If it was not for steam I would have hardly bought any PC games outside Diablo 2 and Civ in the last 10 years. Since Steam I have went from buying a PC game or two a year on the dirt cheap off ebay(or pirating them to be honest)to buying two or three dozen a year easily. When I can get awesome games like Defense Grid and FEAR for $1-$5 its hard not to stay playing PC regardless of what an annoying pain they can be.
bread's done