The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

[quote name='Spyder187']Is anyone else having issues with Lead and Gold? The game has alot of promise to it, but I am getting to be sorry I picked it up on the cheap here. Between trouble finding a decent match, to lag or just plain random game dropping, it seems that there are a few issues with this game.

Or is it just me?[/QUOTE]

I do notice a LITTLE bit of lag when I played for about 4 hours on Friday morning. Shooting people point blank with the shotgun doesn't register a hit or some people will skip around, but only every once in a while. Also never had any game drops either. The only major problems I have with the game are all gameplay related (you die way too quickly and the Gunslinger's fan ability).
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Probably, seeing as how you legally certified that you had read it, when you created your account.[/QUOTE]

Ages 15 and under can not generally legally certify anything.

Ditto for those "under the influence"...
[quote name='Bullbert']Ages 15 and under can not generally legally certify anything.

Ditto for those "under the influence"...[/QUOTE]

Plus, and I think Coffee should really consider this...

Who the hell cares?
Found something of a deal for the sadly overlooked and underrated Star Trek: D-A-C. As of right now, you can pick up two physical copies (which must be activated/registered on Steam) from J&R for just $10.99 shipped, which is just a dollar more than the price of a single copy on Steam. The deal also continues to get better, the more copies you buy. A single copy is $6.98 shipped, which is a bit less impressive, but still 30% off over Steam. I'm under the impression that this pricing is scheduled to only last for a very short time, as in, today at most (though I've seen this deal extended before, so this might not be the last chance). Since this deal is best with multiple copies, it works out great if you have some friends you could share it with. I myself am grabbing four copies, to get a bunch of friends into the game (I myself have been playing on-and-off since launch, and hope to get back into it, once my friends are in, as well). I must be honest, however, and inform people that the online scene for this game is dead these days, which is why I'll be relying on my friends to play the game with. Just something to keep in mind. If there are ever enough people on, however, the game has support for up to 12 players.

This really is a pretty kickass little multiplayer game, if you're into simple, solid, arcade-style action. It also has Steam achievements, for fans of that sort of thing, and the multiplayer is integrated with Steam friends, so it's easy to join matches with your pals. A demo is available via Steam, so you can try the game out for yourself.

Anyways, here's the link, enjoy:

[quote name='eastx']Plus, and I think Coffee should really consider this...

Who the hell cares?[/QUOTE]
I dunno, I like to think that legally-binding contracts in general, and how they affect me when I agree to one, are an item of some importance. I like to know what I'm getting into, myself, but hey, most people these days are f***ing idiots and don't even read the terms of their credit cards or banking services or mortgages or housing rentals or loans or phone contracts or insurance policies, so, I'm really not particularly surprised to hear something as dumb, childish, and irresponsible as "who the hell cares" in regards to this kind of (fairly serious) matter.

My personal answer to your question is "responsible, intelligent, informed people in control of their own lives," but I'm not foreseeing much agreement to that.
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[quote name='dfg']I'm guessing personal and/or professional interest plays a role there too.[/QUOTE]

It has to be. No normal personal would talk about it like that.
Any good mods out for Alien Swarm yet? My friends and I tried out two survival maps we found last night and they were awful.
[quote name='SEH']Any good mods out for Alien Swarm yet? My friends and I tried out two survival maps we found last night and they were awful.[/QUOTE]

Not from what I've seen, it'll take a good amount of time for modders to make something to turn your head. Until then, survival maps as far as the eye can see.
[quote name='eastx']It has to be. No normal personal would talk about it like that.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps. I readily admit that I am abnormal, in that I am uncommonly intelligent.

Haters gonna hate.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Perhaps. I readily admit that I am abnormal, in that I am uncommonly intelligent.

Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]

And immeasurably modest, to boot. Love it. Keep on playin', player.

But back to the terms and conditions discussion, people will start paying attention to them when they are actually held to the conditions therein. Until then, they are just an extra step that slows down people from playing their new games.
Good lookin' out. I saw the K&L shit plastered all over the front page but I had no clue there was a demo. Downloading it now.
[quote name='SEH']Good lookin' out. I saw the K&L shit plastered all over the front page but I had no clue there was a demo. Downloading it now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought it was kind of odd that they'd taken out the nearly full-screen promo for the pre-order, and hadn't seen fit to use any of that screen real estate to mention something as important as the demo. I'd been looking out for the demo anyways, as they'd announced it would be out on the 26th last week.
Too bad I could never get the first K&L to run on my machine. Thank goodness it was a copy I borrowed from my brother. Needless to say, the sequel is a skip for me.
[quote name='SEH']Good lookin' out. I saw the K&L shit plastered all over the front page but I had no clue there was a demo. Downloading it now.[/QUOTE]

I'm getting tired of these huge ads, first Mafia 2 and now this. I assume they're getting fat stacks of cash for the space though.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I'm getting tired of these huge ads, first Mafia 2 and now this. I assume they're getting fat stacks of cash for the space though.[/QUOTE]

I guess Gamestop wasn't interested this time. :lol:
The K&L demo BLOWS. The singleplayer portion is insanely short (I know it's a demo, but jeez) and the multiplayer is shoddy. You cant play with friends online, the game constantly gets closed while in the lobby, and they made the dumb choice of running voice chat through Steam, so for most people it's not defaulted to PTT, thus you get lobbies FILLED with people who have live mics which are ridiculously loud.

Oh, and the graphics seem really, really low-res. I'm running at 1920x1200 with the settings maxed and everything is very pixelated and low-res looking.

Great job Square-Enix, you've successfully made me not want to purchase your game, the complete opposite point of a demo.
I tried the K&L demo on the 360. Seriously the first one was ok and all, but this one is pure shit. Sometimes you just have to ask why?
[quote name='SEH']Oh, and the graphics seem really, really low-res. I'm running at 1920x1200 with the settings maxed and everything is very pixelated and low-res looking.[/QUOTE]

It's supposed to look like cell phone cam footage and stuff, so that's on purpose, actually.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It's supposed to look like cell phone cam footage and stuff, so that's on purpose, actually.[/QUOTE]

You mean there's no option to turn that garbage off? I had heard about it in a preview but I figured it was in isolated situations.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']It's supposed to look like cell phone cam footage and stuff, so that's on purpose, actually.[/QUOTE]


That could be one of the dumbest design choices I've ever heard about then. Why would you purposely want your game to look like shit? It doesnt look cool or anything like that, it just looks horrid and is grating on the eyes.
[quote name='Scorch']It's supposed to be a documentary style. I dig it.[/QUOTE]

I don't care what it's supposed to look like. It makes the game look awful and is not pleasing on the eyes in the least.
[quote name='SEH']I don't care what it's supposed to look like. It makes the game look awful and is not pleasing on the eyes in the least.[/QUOTE]

To you, perhaps, but please, speak for yourself.

Before I saw Cloverfield, I never thought I'd like to see a giant monster movie from a handheld camera perspective, and I ended up loving that. I think this sort of experimenting is important for games, because I think that variety is important. Sure, you'll end up with plenty of bad ideas and poor execution, but I'd rather have that sort of variety, with some successes and some failures, than a hundred identical clones of a high-quality "traditional/safe" game.
I think a lot of my hatred for the visuals has to do with the fact that the rest of the game is also a piece of shit. If the game played well and it didn't have the issues it did but looked kind of shitty, I think I could stomach it a lot more.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']To you, perhaps, but please, speak for yourself.

Before I saw Cloverfield, I never thought I'd like to see a giant monster movie from a handheld camera perspective, and I ended up loving that. I think this sort of experimenting is important for games, because I think that variety is important. Sure, you'll end up with plenty of bad ideas and poor execution, but I'd rather have that sort of variety, with some successes and some failures, than a hundred identical clones of a high-quality "traditional/safe" game.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen it at all, but just my 2 cents--given that a "AAA" title usually costs $60, I'd expect it to be visually beautiful too, and leave the experimental stuff to the indie developers who also typically charge a bit less for their games too. That is, unless it looks great in some sort of retro way.
[quote name='VGmnk']I haven't seen it at all, but just my 2 cents--given that a "AAA" title usually costs $60, I'd expect it to be visually beautiful too, and leave the experimental stuff to the indie developers who also typically charge a bit less for their games too. That is, unless it looks great in some sort of retro way.[/QUOTE]

So, big-budget games shouldn't experiment, and should always play it safe. The acceptability for a given game to experiment is a inverse function of it's retail price. And of course, "visually beautiful" is an extremely narrow, specifically-defined range that everyone has agreed upon.

If everyone in the industry thought like that, we would never have had Jet Grind Radio or The Wind Waker. I hate your opinions about games and think that you personally have a negative effect on this hobby. Enjoy your homogenized, lowest-common-denominator, wannabe-Hollywood, Call of Duty bullshit.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']So, big-budget games shouldn't experiment, and should always play it safe. The acceptability for a given game to experiment is a inverse function of it's retail price. And of course, "visually beautiful" is an extremely narrow, specifically-defined range that everyone has agreed upon.

If everyone in the industry thought like that, we would never have had Jet Grind Radio or The Wind Waker. I hate your opinions about games and think that you personally have a negative effect on this hobby. Enjoy your homogenized, lowest-common-denominator, wannabe-Hollywood, Call of Duty bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Most of the retail games these days are exactly that. I'm going to try this demo since it seems to have sparked so much controversy and give it a whirl for myself.

Mainstream retail games are usually aimed at the demographic that will most likely buy it without too much resistance. It's actually a shame that in order to get innovated gameplay and visual you have to go into the indie market but I don't see that changing anytime soon.

The casual gamers are not looking for challenge or another point of view.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']So, big-budget games shouldn't experiment, and should always play it safe. The acceptability for a given game to experiment is a inverse function of it's retail price. And of course, "visually beautiful" is an extremely narrow, specifically-defined range that everyone has agreed upon.

If everyone in the industry thought like that, we would never have had Jet Grind Radio or The Wind Waker. I hate your opinions about games and think that you personally have a negative effect on this hobby. Enjoy your homogenized, lowest-common-denominator, wannabe-Hollywood, Call of Duty bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Don't be an ass. VGmnk is entitled to his opinions. Of course, some people reacted like that to Borderlands' unique art style and I've even seen complaints about Scott Pilgrim's beautiful pixel art. But not everyone can 'get' unique visual approaches. Doesn't make them jerks, unless they express it in a rude way.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Perhaps. I readily admit that I am abnormal, in that I am uncommonly intelligent.

Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]

Well if you're so smart, why do you support things that hurt consumers? You are a consumer aren't you? Or, like some have said, you have a self-interest in the matter?
[quote name='mogamer']Well if you're so smart, why do you support things that hurt consumers? You are a consumer aren't you?[/quote]
Uh, I don't recall saying anything about "supporting" anything in particular about any of the terms or agreements (and certainly not anything that would "hurt consumers," in particular). I just said that I read and understand them, before I assert that I have done so and legally bind myself to them.

Also, am I misunderstanding you, or are you, like, implying that all EULAs or terms-of-service agreements are strictly there to be harmful to consumers or something? Because you're going to be pretty damned hard-pressed to find many services that don't, ya know, have service contracts (aka EULA, TOS, Subscriber Agreement, whatever) that you have to agree to to use them.

Or, like some have said, you have a self-interest in the matter?
Huh? Self-interest? Yes, I believe that it's in my interest to understand legal contracts that I enter into (credit cards, phone services, software licenses, et cetera), so that I can make informed, responsible decisions and be fully informed of what those decisions entail, if that's what you mean.

Q: Are people under the impression that, like, if they make themselves ignorant of the terms, that they aren't actually bound by them, or something? Because if simply reading and understanding the agreement apparently carries the connotation that I somehow whole-heartedly "support" everything about the terms to some people, then I don't see that the aforementioned train of thought is all that improbable.
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No, people just don't care. They only affect us if something goes wrong, which is hardly ever. Look, this isn't a legalese forum. Most of us are here to talk about games (Steam games in particular). It's not fun or interesting to go on and on about the terms of a warranty or acceptable use policies. You like them and that's fine, but there is no need to rattle on about it endlessly here. Yes, you're trying to educate, but it's the wrong place and thus no better than Megazell's silly free games quest.
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[quote name='eastx']No, people just don't care. They only affect us if something goes wrong, which is hardly ever.[/quote]
That isn't true. It's a significant potential problem when people are ignorantly putting their accounts at risk (by attempting to sell them, for instance). I only brought it up in direct response to explain to a user why he should reconsider attempting to sell/trade his account, or at least be informed of the risk, and he mentioned that he, lo and behold, wasn't aware that this was a TOS violation, because he never read the TOS. I couldn't ask for a better opportunity to hop on my high-horse.

Most of us are here to talk about games (Steam games in particular).
This thread is for discussion of Steam games and Steam-related issues, which the above certainly falls into.

It's not fun or interesting to go on and on about the terms of a warranty or acceptable user policies.
Then why are you doing it? I'm only responding to replies to things I've said. You're the one continuing the discussion with replies about "yeah no NORMAL HUMAN BEING would ever do something CRAZY like read a user contract" and "yeah Coffee who the hell cares" and shit, as are people asking out-of-the-blue about why I "support" these things, which is an assumption that I cannot imagine the source of.

You like them and that's fine, but there is no need to rattle on about it endlessly here.
Where are people getting this shit about how I "like" them or whatever? Is non-ignorance really synonymous with fandom, adoration, and acceptance now, or something? I'm not rattling. I'm replying and correcting. You make it sound like I'm just sitting here posting "I LOVE EULAS I LOVE TOS AGREEMENTS I WILL SEXUALLY SERVICE EVERY LAWYER WHO WRITES THEM BECAUSE I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH" over and over again, in response to nothing.

I'd made 5 concise posts regarding this subject over the past 3 pages, all in direct response to other posts on the subject, mostly correcting erroneous assumptions. And when someone randomly posted something about "Hey man why do you support these HORRIBLE ANTI-CONSUMER AGREEMENTS," I saw fit to reply and mention that I'd said no such thing.

Yes, you're tryign to educate, but it's the wrong place
Okay, so if you have a better place for me to educate than in direct response to a user whose lack of information was potentially going to put him in a situation where his account could be in danger, please, show me the way.
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[quote name='eastx']Don't be an ass. VGmnk is entitled to his opinions. Of course, some people reacted like that to Borderlands' unique art style and I've even seen complaints about Scott Pilgrim's beautiful pixel art. But not everyone can 'get' unique visual approaches. Doesn't make them jerks, unless they express it in a rude way.[/QUOTE]

I "get" unique visual styles and love them when they work. Most of the games being mentioned here I enjoyed the hell out of (Borderlands, JGR, etc...). However, there is a difference with those games and K&L. One, those games played well. Two, the visual effects and art styles they used didn't make their game look like shit.

Also, please shut the fuck up already about Steams TOS.
[quote name='SEH']Also, please shut the fuck up already about Steams TOS.[/QUOTE]

I agree. No one had any need to say anything after my first reply to JP.

However, I'm not going to refrain from replying to something directed at me, because it inconveniences you or what-fucking-ever. If you all want to stop discussing it, stop discussing it. It really is pretty thoroughly boring (then again, this thread isn't exactly fun-time action central or anything, as it is).
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
Also, am I misunderstanding you, or are you, like, implying that all EULAs or terms-of-service agreements are strictly there to be harmful to consumers or something? Because you're going to be pretty damned hard-pressed to find many services that don't, ya know, have service contracts (aka EULA, TOS, Subscriber Agreement, whatever) that you have to agree to to use them.

Any contract or EULA that can be changed by a company without agreement from both parties is anti-consumer. Sure the consumer can abandon the service or software, but the consumer isn't compensated for it. So the way things stand now, most if not all EULAs are anti-consumer. But like you mentioned, there isn't much consumers can do about it. :cry: And you're right about you not specifically saying you support the Steam EULA. So I was wrong in assuming you supported it.

The Steam EULA has never been challanged in court. So we really don't know if it is legal or not. Remember, if even one part of a contract goes against the law, the whole thing can be considered unenforcable. I'm not a lawyer but, IMO, the part where Valve can lock you out of all your game licenses that had no purchase problems because of a problem payment with only one license is illegal (I would also say unethical, but the law and ethics don't always go hand in hand).
[quote name='mogamer']The Steam EULA has never been challanged in court. So we really don't know if it is legal or not. Remember, if even one part of a contract goes against the law, the whole thing can be considered unenforcable. I'm not a lawyer but, IMO, the part where Valve can lock you out of all your game licenses that had no purchase problems because of a problem payment with only one license is illegal (I would also say unethical, but the law and ethics don't always go hand in hand).[/QUOTE]

That isn't illegal at all. You can sign away practically anything in a private party contract; it's the whole reason they exist. The Steam EULA is court-enforceable, as are most EULAs that the user is made aware of before they make a purchase.

The whole myth of EULAs not being court-enforceable comes from the issue of "shrinkwrap licenses," which is a problem that arises in retail software distribution where the physical printed license agreement is contained inside the sealed product packaging, making it impossible for the user to review and agree to the terms before actually purchasing the product.

Steam doesn't have this problem, as you are clearly presented with, and must assert that you agree to, the subscriber agreement both when you make your Steam account, and every time you make a purchase on the service. So, this avoids the "shrinkwrap license" problem, meaning that you should absolutely assume that the Steam EULA is fully legally-enforceable, and both ways, mind you.
[quote name='eastx']No, people just don't care. They only affect us if something goes wrong, which is hardly ever. Look, this isn't a legalese forum. Most of us are here to talk about games (Steam games in particular). It's not fun or interesting to go on and on about the terms of a warranty or acceptable use policies. You like them and that's fine, but there is no need to rattle on about it endlessly here. Yes, you're tryign to educate, but it's the wrong place and thus no better than Megazell's silly free games quest.[/QUOTE]

I seem to have seeped into someone subconscious!
The Steam Topic! Discussion about all steam games and steam itself!

I dont see where it says discussion of EULA bullshit anywhere in the thread title. This shit is getting old already.

Also, thanks for the Willie Nelson song. Damm good version of that song.
[quote name='eastx']No, people just don't care. They only affect us if something goes wrong, which is hardly ever. Look, this isn't a legalese forum. Most of us are here to talk about games (Steam games in particular). It's not fun or interesting to go on and on about the terms of a warranty or acceptable use policies. You like them and that's fine, but there is no need to rattle on about it endlessly here. Yes, you're tryign to educate, but it's the wrong place and thus no better than Megazell's silly free games quest.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Megazell']

I seem to have seeped into someone subconscious!

I laughed out loud when I read this.

But on the topic of visuals, I didn't realize you were so passionate about the subject coffeeedge, and for the record, I don't require bleeding edge visuals in my games at all, but I figure I have to see the game now that I've thrown my 2 cents in. didn't download the demo, but I did find a decent youtube video:

So, I have to say I'm probably biased after choosing sides earlier on this visual issue, but looking at the video, I'm wondering *why* does it look this way? Is there a third person involved (thus holding the camera/cellphone/whatever)? It looks cool for maybe a minute, but maybe restricting the visual effect for just key plot points/cutscenes or even fading into and out of a mission would have been a good idea. The intro movie doesn't look absolutely horrible with it (from start to about 1:30 in), but the way it becomes pixelated when he is hit, or when explosions go off at 10:50 in the video, it doesn't seem to add anything to realism or enjoyability. I guess its there artistically, but I don't see the reasoning for it. It seems annoying. But who am I kidding? I probably wasn't going to buy this, what with the backlog I have, and the tendency to play multiplayer games that aren't exactly beatable, such as team fortress 2, dawn of war II, killing floor, etc.
Starting at the 10:00 mark of the video is a great example of how terrible that "effect" looks. It makes it look like your video card is taking a shit. Like you said, it may have worked for cutscenes or key points in the game, but to have that happen the ENTIRE time is so, so dumb.

I'm done talking about K&L now though. I think the demo is atrocious and will not be purchasing the game when it releases. Next topic.
[quote name='VGmnk']So, I have to say I'm probably biased after choosing sides earlier on this visual issue, but looking at the video, I'm wondering *why* does it look this way?[/QUOTE]

If you're looking for a bunch of high-brow raison d'être bullshit, you'll have to ask the developers (or better yet, google around for an interview, they've probably already commented on it; I do believe that the idea is that yes, it's camera footage). I guess it's the same question, however, as "why is Wind Waker cel-shaded?." The developers wanted to do something different, I suppose. They're game developers, artists; they just do this shit.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']If you're looking for a bunch of high-brow raison d'être bullshit, you'll have to ask the developers (or better yet, google around for an interview, they've probably already commented on it; I do believe that the idea is that yes, it's camera footage). I guess it's the same question, however, as "why is Wind Waker cel-shaded?." The developers wanted to do something different, I suppose. They're game developers, artists; they just do this shit.[/QUOTE]

What does that even mean? (and no, I'm not googling it). Anycase, I was just trying to say diplomatically, that it looks like shit. And...I'd say its a bit different than comparison cel-shading and traditional graphics to this artifact/low res crap to current actually looks like, as SEH said, your video card is taking a shit. At this point, I think its best to just agree to disagree.
I saw Steam has given away L4D2 to wrongfully banned users from COD:MW2 on a screwup, or a gift copy if you already have it. If anyone got in on that, and has an extra you can have my D2D Mafia game for it. :p
I had a mild interest in Kane and Lynch 2, but after playing the demo, I'm not looking forward to it at all. The shooting is nothing special and seems very run of the mill. I see the visual gimmick as more of a handicap and it gives me a serious headache when I start sprinting. I like the idea, but they have piss poor execution.
I picked up Alien Swarm, started playing it on the "recommended settings," but the frame rate is turrble. I played it on offline mode, so it shouldn't be a connection problem. Playing on 2.5ghz dual core processor, 4gb ram. I imagine the problem is the video card, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 with 128mb of video memory. If anyone can help me out, please let me know.
[quote name='wune']I picked up Alien Swarm, started playing it on the "recommended settings," but the frame rate is turrble. I played it on offline mode, so it shouldn't be a connection problem. Playing on 2.5ghz dual core processor, 4gb ram. I imagine the problem is the video card, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 with 128mb of video memory. If anyone can help me out, please let me know.[/QUOTE]

Minimum CPU is 3.0 Ghz.

Everyone that I know that is playing the game under 3.0 Ghz is having some sort of problem. Even though they say dual core 2.4 Ghz...

[quote name='Megazell']
Megazell's Top Pick
Alien Swarm
Megazell's Top Pick

Single Player - Yes
Multiplayer - Yes

Alien Swarm is a game and Source SDK release from a group of talented designers at Valve who were hired from the Mod community.

Available free of charge, the game thrusts players into an epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes. Plan your attack using an unlockable arsenal of weapons with countless loadout configurations against a wide variety of aliens. Blaze your way through an overrun, off-world colony, eradicating the alien infestation in environments ranging from the icy planet's surface, to a subterranean lava-flooded mining facility.

Along with the game get the complete code base for Alien Swarm that features updates to the Source engine as well as the SDK. Alien Swarm adds 3rd person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and a wide variety of gameplay additions to the Source engine.

Tactical, 4 player co-op action game with a top-down perspective
Complete game code and mod tools
Unlock persistent items by gaining levels
Over 40 weapons and equipment with countless loadout configurations
4 unique classes and 8 unique characters
Matchmaking, Steam Cloud, Steam Stats
64 achievements
Tile-based map generation tool
Powered by Source and Steam

Megazell's Comment - This game requires you to have a STEAM account. Great game. I already got a few lick in with there some friends and family and it looks like it will be a main stay for some time.

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP SP 3 or higher
CPU: 3.0 Ghz
Memory: 2 Gb
Video: ATI X800 and NVidia 6600 or higher
Hard Drive: 2.5 Gb

Download it here -





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For The Full List Of 'Free And Legal PC Games.'
Correct, that HD 4200 is the culprit. If you upgrade the video card to something decent you'll be fine and even get to play more demanding games.
bread's done