The Vienna Sausage Appreciation OTT

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[quote name='Temporaryscars']Why? Are you doing tinychat tonight?[/QUOTE]

My parents went camping for vacation and I am home alone with no vehicle and nothing better to do.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Hey Ackbar, I forgot to pick in your pool this week -- do I get defaulted to using my bye?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Holy shit, I've been so busy this weekdn, I forgot about the pool!
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Yes. Holy shit, I've been so busy this weekdn, I forgot about the pool![/QUOTE]

Work has been brutal, so I forgot about doing anything NFL related until kickoff happened.
What a game. I was expecting the Texans to stomp Washington. I'm not sure if that means that Washington is really good, the Texans had a bit of luck last week or if Indianapolis is sort of shitty.
Boardwalk Empire in 1 hour. I can't wait. It's gonna be a new classic to go right up there with The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, and The Wire. I can feel it.
[quote name='Maklershed']Boardwalk Empire in 1 hour. I can't wait. It's gonna be a new classic to go right up there with The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, and The Wire. I can feel it.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the reminder! Gotta set the DVR!:whee:
[quote name='seanr1221']fuck, i can't remember my admin password to log onto my router.

I'm going to have to reset it and set everything up again.


1 - 2 - 3
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Wouldn't it be faster to walk to your nearest Gander Mountain and just buy one?[/QUOTE]

Waiting period vs. Ship time. Close call.

If you overnight it, I could bitchslap myself into next tuesday by tuesday. :cool:
If you can find a gun show, you can buy one and off yourself on the spot!

Well there you go. I know there's no wait in VA, but they run a background check. If you buy one at a gun show they barely check your ID.
Here in NY, there's no wait period for rifles or shotguns, but they do a quick background check at retail AND gun shows, but as long as you aren't a felon, you can take it home that night.

Pistols are another issue. You have to have a permit, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to six months. Then, when you buy a pistol, you can't actually take ownership until you pass a background check, take the receipt (with proof that a trigger lock has been sold with it) to your local sheriff's office, add the gun to your permit, get a ticket that releases the ownership to you, give the ticket to the store where you bought the pistol THEN take ownership of the pistol.

So in other words, buying a pistol at a gun show is the biggest headache you could possibly imagine.
Oh, I'll be trading my shotgun for an M1 Carbine tomorrow.

Morning, OTT.

I hate coming back to work after 3 day weekends...Wish I was close enough to retirement age, but to the contrary to what everyone thinks I am not that old.

Going to be a hot one this week...I feel bad for all those people who took thier air conditioners out, thinking summer was over.
A month ago here at work:

"Hey guys, keep an eye out, a new clocking in system will be implemented soon, we will provide you with a new link"

2 weeks ago:

"Hey guys we're only a couple weeks away"


Me: "WTF I can't clock in...what's going on"

Manager: Check your email, new time system is in place.

email dated TODAY: "Go here to clock in from now on"

No fucking direct link or anything...10min later I"m clocked in. fucking idiots!
One day on, one day off. I've worked the last 5 in a row. Actually worked the whole 40 hours which is very rare at my place of employment.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']die in a fire.[/QUOTE]

3.5 days (25.75hrs) remaining. :whee:

Frosty is probably gonna put that amount in over the next two days. Muhahaha!
955/1000 cheesemints achieved for Reach. The last 45 is multiplayer which I have to grind away at. This makes me realize I can't wait for Black Ops.
[quote name='Maklershed']3.75 work days until the weekend.[/QUOTE]

I am intrigued by your newsletter, and would like to subscribe.
[quote name='tiredfornow']An older woman keeps peeping me from the corner of her eye. I'm gonna give it to her. Give it to her good.[/QUOTE]

Stick it in her pooper.
Holly shit, Boardwalk Empire was good.

BE, Dexter, Venture Bros, Eastbound&Down, football, Sundays are full of shows to watch starting this week.
[quote name='Maklershed']Music - at any point can you earn that helmet that you have as your avatar right now?[/QUOTE]

Get a bulltrue medal and you'll score one.


Did you catch Boardwalk Empire, Mak...the pilot was awesome, I think you would really enjoy it.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']There are still people around with vintage G.I. slings. You should pick one up to complete that baby.[/QUOTE]

Tell me about it. I need one for this and my Garand. I think I'll pass on a Mauser sling though.
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