[quote name='lilboo']Sooo.. if I have a few people who are friends with me on Wii, and I have a Parade going on.. my Mii's could end up just walking around their plaza??
And if they are doing a parade, I might go into my Mii Channel and see some people walking around ??
The MINGLE thing.. how do you get it?! I've tried "clicking" it and whatever. I have to be doing something wrong, LOL. I made about 6-7 Miis tonight, and none of them mingle

The Parade and Plaza are two separate place, you can only see your Plaza, but everyone on your friends list can see the Miis you let mingle in the Parade.
The parade is always going on, so any Miis you have set to mingle or any you see there should be there pretty much all the time. As for the Miis in the parade, you can add a copy of any of the Miis there to your plaza to keep and enjoy.
As for not being able to have them mingle, you need to set your internet connection and then you should be able to set the mingle option. It may require you to reset the system, but it should work after that.
Does that make it any clearer? You can check your Wii manual (the English gray one) and it has pics of all of this stuff and should be able to explain anything else.