The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='confoosious']If you take away the REASON why people don't like it, it's rather silly all around. Because let's say you have $500 in your debit account. If BB takes out $350 or puts a hold on $350 until launch, what's the difference? You still have $150 in your account.

If you don't have the self control not to spend more than $150, that's on you.

If you need the $350 now to pay for diapers and food and you can't afford to pay for both the wiiU now AND the food... then don't buy the wiiU.

But I guess that's getting into impolite territory.

Anyway, it's not like I'm changing people's spending habits or fiscal responsibility. I'm just tired of hearing the bitching about authorization holds.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']If you take away the REASON why people don't like it, it's rather silly all around. Because let's say you have $500 in your debit account. If BB takes out $350 or puts a hold on $350 until launch, what's the difference? You still have $150 in your account.

If you don't have the self control not to spend more than $150, that's on you.

If you need the $350 now to pay for diapers and food and you can't afford to pay for both the wiiU now AND the food... then don't buy the wiiU.

But I guess that's getting into impolite territory.

Anyway, it's not like I'm changing people's spending habits or fiscal responsibility. I'm just tired of hearing the bitching about authorization holds.[/QUOTE]
I agree, it sucks hearing the same stuff over and over. Ya know it's gonna happen though, especially in a thread like this. Same questions, same answers a hundred times over.
[quote name='confoosious']If you take away the REASON why people don't like it, it's rather silly all around. Because let's say you have $500 in your debit account. If BB takes out $350 or puts a hold on $350 until launch, what's the difference? You still have $150 in your account.

If you don't have the self control not to spend more than $150, that's on you.

If you need the $350 now to pay for diapers and food and you can't afford to pay for both the wiiU now AND the food... then don't buy the wiiU.

But I guess that's getting into impolite territory.

Anyway, it's not like I'm changing people's spending habits or fiscal responsibility. I'm just tired of hearing the bitching about authorization holds.[/QUOTE]

BUT dare you tell people that are in poverty or living paycheck to paycheck that they cant have that new 50000 dollar car, that new HDTV and that new wii u....DA HORRORZ!!!!!! U EVIL RICH BUM U DAMN U JUST DAMN U!!!!

/end internet rage expected response to logical argument.
[quote name='kayne2000']BUT dare you tell people that are in poverty or living paycheck to paycheck that they cant have that new 50000 dollar car, that new HDTV and that new wii u....DA HORRORZ!!!!!! U EVIL RICH BUM U DAMN U JUST DAMN U!!!!

/end internet rage expected response to logical argument.[/QUOTE]
There are plent of people six figure incomes that live pay check to paycheck. Look at all those women on The Real Housewives
[quote name='confoosious']If you take away the REASON why people don't like it, it's rather silly all around. Because let's say you have $500 in your debit account. If BB takes out $350 or puts a hold on $350 until launch, what's the difference? You still have $150 in your account.

If you don't have the self control not to spend more than $150, that's on you.

If you need the $350 now to pay for diapers and food and you can't afford to pay for both the wiiU now AND the food... then don't buy the wiiU.

But I guess that's getting into impolite territory.

Anyway, it's not like I'm changing people's spending habits or fiscal responsibility. I'm just tired of hearing the bitching about authorization holds.[/QUOTE]

This post, but in the words of the infamous Neil Bortz:

"If you don't have the money[on hand], YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT" (while on a rant about how if you can't immediately pay off a credit card/pay for a purchase with cash/check you shouldn't buy it unless you are seeking debt)
[quote name='Linkgx1']There are plent of people six figure incomes that live pay check to paycheck. Look at all those women on The Real Housewives[/QUOTE]

i have no desire to watch reality tv much less that kind of show....that said this still applies to them.....if you are a millionare lets say making 1 million a year if you spend 3 million a year you still cannot afford a wii u because you are still being reckless with your money.

no matter your social status if you are living paycheck to paycheck and buying the wii u or whatever will break you or put you in danger zone dont get it.

my response was aimed more at the likely hood of poverty people getting mad.
[quote name='6er']This post, but in the words of the infamous Neil Bortz:

"If you don't have the money[on hand], YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT" (while on a rant about how if you can't immediately pay off a credit card/pay for a purchase with cash/check you shouldn't buy it unless you are seeking debt)[/QUOTE]

sounds like dave ramsey advice and i would agree he gives some solid advice. ive taken some of it from his book which is a good read....but i cant say ive taken all of his advice(i still post here and i still have a backlog of games from hell and have added to it but ive gotten kind of better its a start)

but he is unpopular with a lot of people since people irrationally hate talk radio even if they have never heard it and people have this concept in their brains of racking up endless credit card debt.
[quote name='io']ENOUGH! Stop with the credit card hold talk and bizarre talk radio screeds.[/QUOTE]

I missed a screed? Shoulda checked back earlier!
[quote name='ps2emotions']Hello Matt,


It is worth noting that to perform a system transfer from a Wii console to a Wii U will require an Internet connection, an SD card for the Wii U console, and you must have both systems in your possession.



Crystal L. Odam
Nintendo of America Inc.[/QUOTE]

I'm still pretty annoyed with this. I did expect it, but considering I can log into my Club Nintendo account and see a list of everything I've purchased through the Wii Shop channel, they could have done this differently. They have the information, they just don't want to go through the trouble of making it convenient for anyone.
Out of the 2 remaining bundles (Wal Mart and TRU), which is the better deal? Is it worth it? I already have a pre-order for Deluxe at GS B&M but wanted to order for back up.
I have two preordered at BB, did it in store a couple weeks ago. I have yet to see the "authorization hold" a lot of you who preordered from there speak of.

Is this just happening for BB preorders done online?
[quote name='quiznut1']I have two preordered at BB, did it in store a couple weeks ago. I have yet to see the "authorization hold" a lot of you who preordered from there speak of.

Is this just happening for BB preorders done online?[/QUOTE]
I ordered online and have no hold at all.
[quote name='io']ENOUGH! Stop with the credit card hold talk and bizarre talk radio screeds.[/QUOTE]

i have to ask whats an screed lol?

in all seriousness the people need to be smarter with their money posts are on the ones in this 93 page thread worthy of deletion???
[quote name='quiznut1']I have two preordered at BB, did it in store a couple weeks ago. I have yet to see the "authorization hold" a lot of you who preordered from there speak of.

Is this just happening for BB preorders done online?[/QUOTE]

in store pre-orders are only $5 so there wouldn't be an authorization hold anyway because you paid for the $5 preorder already.
I really hope they have a seperate line for people who are paid in full at Best Buy. The thought that I might miss out on the console I have already paid for because some punk kid put down a measly $5 and got the last one pisses me off.
[quote name='masked lemon']I really hope they have a seperate line for people who are paid in full at Best Buy. The thought that I might miss out on the console I have already paid for because some punk kid put down a measly $5 and got the last one pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

Like everything else at Best Buy, it'll probably be first come, first served for the in-store people.

Online orders are typically pulled before (or at least they should be, if the warehouse knows whats good for them) opening, so you should be okay.
I haven't gotten a cancelation email from Kmart yet, which is a good thing lol. if they do end up canceling I really hope that it's not like a week before it comes out.
I was at Gamestop today and they had Wii U system boxes they were putting up for promotional materials. Very sleek packaging design. So much better than WII packaging design. The box is very glossy. Guy said they only had about 10 preorders for their entire store. 5 of each color. Pretty slim pickins.
[quote name='therealdanhill']as in only 10 people preordered or they only had 10 allotted to their store?[/QUOTE]

He made it sound like it was 5 allotments of each for their store.
[quote name='henry00x']went to GS today and guy said all people who had preorders were safe for launch, so there is that[/QUOTE]

Lol or so he wants you to think
[quote name='henry00x']went to GS today and guy said all people who had preorders were safe for launch, so there is that[/QUOTE]

Everyone who has a preorder with GS is safe....until launch and thats when the screaming and crying begins. I have no doubt that alot of people with preorders are going to get screwed come launch.
Does anybody know for sure if walmart charges your credit card for the full amount, if you preorder the wii-u bundle with 1 game and pro controller? Thinking about getting the $409 bundle or most expensive one (Deluxe Set). But I cannot afford for them to take all the money out of my credit card now, definitely on the 18th of November though.
[quote name='Wanderlai']Everyone who has a preorder with GS is safe....until launch and thats when the screaming and crying begins. I have no doubt that alot of people with preorders are going to get screwed come launch.[/QUOTE]

Because...? The only time in my 10+ years of preordering games at GS where I've been "screwed" was when the publisher of the first Ar Tonelico (sp?) game didn't send out the promised preoeder OSTs. Every other preorder has been beyond smooth.
[quote name='KanYozakura']Because...? The only time in my 10+ years of preordering games at GS where I've been "screwed" was when the publisher of the first Ar Tonelico (sp?) game didn't send out the promised preoeder OSTs. Every other preorder has been beyond smooth.[/QUOTE]

I have a preorder with GS but I really doubt most GS stores stopped taking PO's based on what they think theyll get. Granted they may get more or less and that depends upon Nintendo. My only hope is that I dont have to line up and it be first come first serve type of deal...but Im afraid thats whatll happen. Id like to show up at midnight and pick up my WiiU. I also have a WiiU PO'd at BB so Ill have to figure out where to go first. Im just basing my thoughts on other posters experiences with GS console launches. Only console I ever got at launch was the N64 and that went fine. I just had to line up.
I have one of each pre-ordered at Gamestop. Pretty sure I'm keeping the deluxe. I'm really not one to try to profit off a system so I'm thinking about cancelling my basic one, but part of me is telling me to hold onto it in case a friend or family member ends up wanting one as launch approaches.
[quote name='Wanderlai']I have a preorder with GS but I really doubt most GS stores stopped taking PO's based on what they think theyll get. Granted they may get more or less and that depends upon Nintendo. My only hope is that I dont have to line up and it be first come first serve type of deal...but Im afraid thats whatll happen. Id like to show up at midnight and pick up my WiiU. I also have a WiiU PO'd at BB so Ill have to figure out where to go first. Im just basing my thoughts on other posters experiences with GS console launches. Only console I ever got at launch was the N64 and that went fine. I just had to line up.[/QUOTE]

I'm all for fear-mongering, since I'm hoping to flip one pre-order to pay for the second (yep, I'm a bastard, and I'm fine with it), but this is pretty silly. It's only my guess, but I would imagine their system locked people out of being able to sell once their allotted quantity was gone. Anything else would've just been silly. I would also hope that in the absence of such sanity, they would be able to conjure up a quick database query statement and choose to sort out the first x purchases among the stores that sold those (where x is the number they had allotted across the company), and distribute them using those results. Anything else would be guesswork where they'd have to make an effort to do the wrong thing. Despite that plenty of people don't care for Gamestop, one's chances of being screwed by this situation are pretty remote.
If Best Buy is sold out online, does that mean they're sold out of in-store pre-orders as well? Figured I'd ask before calling every store in a 100-mile radius. :)
[quote name='Wanderlai']I have a preorder with GS but I really doubt most GS stores stopped taking PO's based on what they think theyll get. Granted they may get more or less and that depends upon Nintendo. My only hope is that I dont have to line up and it be first come first serve type of deal...but Im afraid thats whatll happen. Id like to show up at midnight and pick up my WiiU. I also have a WiiU PO'd at BB so Ill have to figure out where to go first. Im just basing my thoughts on other posters experiences with GS console launches. Only console I ever got at launch was the N64 and that went fine. I just had to line up.[/QUOTE]

GS was the retailer that acted most responsible on taking preorders IMO, guy told me they stopped the preorders at that store the 2nd day, meanwhile Bestbuy was allowing people to preorder for a good week for $5, one member on here said a guy ahead of him at store put in SEVEN preorders.

I feel safe with GS, rather than any other retailer on launch like bestbuy who took a ton of preorders blindly , not even limiting 1 preorder per person
i know the guys at my 2 local gamestops pretty well, they stopped second day as well, thinking the are being very cautious this time around.
[quote name='henry00x']GS was the retailer that acted most responsible on taking preorders IMO, guy told me they stopped the preorders at that store the 2nd day, meanwhile Bestbuy was allowing people to preorder for a good week for $5, one member on here said a guy ahead of him at store put in SEVEN preorders.

I feel safe with GS, rather than any other retailer on launch like bestbuy who took a ton of preorders blindly , not even limiting 1 preorder per person[/QUOTE]

Yep 7, I'm kind of worried now if I'll get one from that store now.. I asked the sales rep if there was a limit and he said, " Yes but you could pretty much order as many as you wanted" it's at the discretion of the guy ringing you up. I was there early too. Someone was on a mission to preorder a ton, probably hit up all the local stores in my area.
[quote name='Youngnoble']Yep 7, I'm kind of worried now if I'll get one from that store now.. I asked the sales rep if there was a limit and he said, " Yes but you could pretty much order as many as you wanted" it's at the discretion of the guy ringing you up. I was there early too. Someone was on a mission to preorder a ton, probably hit up all the local stores in my area.[/QUOTE]

really? ok ill have 100 WiiU's at $5 reserve deposit for $500, i hope they have them all ready for me at launch lol
Have a Deluxe model on PO at GS B&M. Called twice to see if I would be guaranteed the system at launch. Both times I was assured I would get it on launch date. Worse comes ro worse, I'll get it on their next shipment.
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[quote name='AgentSquishy']Is Toys R Us still accepting in store preorders?[/QUOTE]

Most aren't, at least the ones in L.A./Orange County. I suggest calling around to see.
AGAIN, sorry if this is allready posted as i searched and didnt find anything about this , so.... i was buying 4 [$27.99]
used Wii games from the gamestop and i said, " Its a shame thers no wiiu preodrders rite now" and the employee told me ,
" Don't Be surprised if they add More stock allasuden like BANG " and he gave me a wink too and held his finger over his lips ,
signifying to be quiet............
[quote name='ClevelandBrowns']So is ZombiU really coming out on the 11/13? That is what Amazon has for the release date. Seems weird to release it before the console.[/QUOTE]

Not really. I remember for the Wii launch few of its games came out before the console actually came out. They were all 3rd party games. I don't know if stores always put them on the shelves before the console came out, but I know for certain the Walmart in my area did.
[quote name='Dr. Dib']Not really. I remember for the Wii launch few of its games came out before the console actually came out. They were all 3rd party games. I don't know if stores always put them on the shelves before the console came out, but I know for certain the Walmart in my area did.[/QUOTE]
Oh okay. I imagine it has something to do with nintendo releasing things on Sundays and most games get released on Tuesdays.
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